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I like it

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Ariel looks too happy about it, is she a cuckquean?

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I could see it.


Mermaids love tragedy.

Or so my japanese animes lead me to believe, and they never lied to me before.

>has an 11/10 redhead wife
>any chance in hell to be interested in a negress
And here I thought Mermaids were already unrealistic.

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>>>r/gentlemen or whatever subwebsite you rp ing assholes come from

>cartoons are real

I don't think anyone's gonna watch it.

so does this piss off white red heads or do they not give a shit?

Who cares? It's a live-action Disney remake, it was going to suck anyway.

>superior ass
>probably speaks creole french
>not lazy
>likes jazz

>smells of fish
>literally a spoiled princess
>doesn't know how to do shit. it's cute for a week, then irritating forever more
>unimpressive body
>speaks glub-glub... fucking great.

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Does this mean the Rock can be Triton? With his own song?

Man, I knew Yea Forums was full of negresses but Jesus.

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The Rock ain’t black.

How don’t you believe Eric will also be casted by a black in its live action?

He's black enough

Because then we can have an interacial couple for double points.

Dwayne is half black, half somoan

>cartoons are real

The state of Stormfags

Marrying Ariel means whatever country you rule now wins all naval engagements and has the monopoly on fishing.

>thinking logically
Pick one ol’chap.

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Isn't Prince whatever Spanish in the little mermaid?

Fuck off Mero, you're worst girl.

He’s Danish. Where does Spain fit? They’re still white in any case so I don’t get the point.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a......

I don't know what the bond poster meant.

The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice.

I know this is more of a Yea Forums thing, but I wonder how many people saying that Ariel is white are also the same people would say Marina can't be black because she's a squid person.

Did anyone complain about Aquaman turning from an Aryan into a Polynesian?

Wait what? There were people who genuinely discussed the possibility of a black squidgirl in a game where you fight hyper-evolved squid people with paint?

Heh, yes, Just check out almost every black/brown girl thread and the response whenever people her up. Some even argue that she's Okinawan as if Okinawan even get that dark.


You have got to be fucking kidding me.

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This may be a dumb question but fuck it I'm curious. Does Denmark have nice beaches and hot summers? The movie makes the setting look so vacation-y.

Probably came to a realization they fapped to a black character, so they'll cope by saying that they're just a really dark skinned Asian.

>those GIF reaction faces

Back to your facebook groups, uncle Doug

I just love some of the responses to the whole mermaid situation I've been seeing around:
>#NotMyAriel, Why they'd make her black?! etc. etc.
>Nobody is upset at black Ariel, this is fabricated outrage made to make people look racist

Same thing happened with Tifa's tits. Schrödinger's outrage.

I don't think anybody noticed

Doubt anyone cared, women were too busy bashing their gash, and the non-Aquafags never gave enough of a shit about him beforehand to being racebent.

Anonymous twitter posts are not news, like how they're not power. If they were news, or power, anyone with multiple accounts could generated their own popularity, power and money through shitposting.

>Anonymous twitter posts are not news
When did I say they were?

The greatest thing about black Ariel is that they don't have to bother casting for King Triton.

You'd better have plenty of redhead children to repopulate

no. not cool.

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Valid argument

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Yes. Then the movie came out, turned out to be pretty good so people forgot.

Being upset about this does not make you a racist.

Well done.

Someone claimed Max from Batman Beyond (an obvious black chick) looked Asian. It’s weird.

I don't mind a character's race being changed but at least try to make the character look slightly alike.

To be fair, you westerners think almost any dark skin character is immediately black. Like Akio in Utena.

I want to fuck a thicc octopus.

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it does make you a loser though

>>probably speaks creole french

That's the French equivalent of having a thick Southern accent or sounding retarded


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>Yea Forums screaming about race changing
>tumblr screaming about colour descriptors

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Obviously right wingers are upset with the casting, but I wonder how all of the white girls who are obsessed with the Little Mermaid are taking it.

No that's Québec accent. Créole is charming.

Let me tell you how it works
>character is casted as another race
>outrage machine start about nigger this or whitewashing that
>controversary end quickly because the kind of people getting outraged on internet have the attention spam of a kid with ADHD on coke and they quickly find another thing to be outraged about
>movie is also quickly forgotten because it was a soulless cashgrab

Labeling the people who oppose the casting to be right wingers or racists is pretty dumb and pointless. It's all about the consistency and loyalty to the classic image of the famous characters. I'm just disgusted how the hypocrites feel okay with blackwashing the characters while they're in passion of anti-whitewashing.

>To be fair, you westerners think almost any dark skin character is immediately black

What does that have to do with Marina specifically. You'd argue she's Indian or something else?

The movie's sole purpose is to distract from higher-ups in the company caught, tried, and found guilty for fucking children.

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Wait who did what

Never said they were wrong or racist, but it is very apparent that right wingers are upset by it. Try not being so defensive. I don't like raceswapping myself (of any character, the Ancient One being an example of one of the more retarded ones), I'm just not in an uproar about it because it's obvious at this point that it's for free buzz in the first place which I'm not willing to give them. The retarded little live action Disney remake meme has always been pointless so I'm not gonna just star caring now.

Yeah, Tiana and Mulan are pretty up their in terms of Disney waifus just by having the drive to get shit done. Ariel is cute, but her only really interesting personality trait is that she's a hoarder, which isn't something you'd really want to deal with.

Polynesian has very strong relationship to the ocean so people can be fine with it.
Aquaman is not as famous as other superheros like Superman/Batman/Captain America/Spider-man before the movie was released. The public do not memorize its classic images so much.
Multi-verse concept always exists in superhero comics. The same-named character could have more than one images.

Triton is a Greek god. In Greek mythology, many of the gods and descendants of the gods are said to have red hair and blue eyes like Ariel does. This is probably why Hercules was also depicted as having red hair and blue eyes.

Since they're using this actress for the live action version, they could change her father into an African ocean god and bring in elements of African mythology. There's an African god named Olokun who could work.

Instead of just doing a shot for shot remake of the animated movie, they could add something new and interesting that a lot of people might not have seen before.

I don’t know why but this black woman and white man pairing makes me so happy

Idk why anyone would choose any Disney Princess that isn’t Tiana, Mulan or Belle. Everyone else is useless, sucks or are possibly lesbians (looking at you Elsa).

That’d be cool, problem is this isn’t a Ponyo type adaptation of the original story, it’s just straight up Disney nostalgia cash grab, with shoehorned in pandering


8/10 Needs more guillotine

At least it's a BLEACHED movie and not a BLACKED movie. I really don't care about them changing characters like Ariel to black girls.

>actual tiddies
>looks incredibly sexy when exhausted

I don't really give a shit about Disney's live action cash grabs, but it would've been nice if they did an original production (preferably animated) about Yemanya, an African ocean/moon goddess. She got some pretty-ass star motifs.

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Rapunzel is the one who is the most multi-talented and polymath.

you're gonna have to expand on that bro



Mermaids can be realistic yet retain fairytale looks, just look at Skepticowl on Deviantart

I just have jungle fever, user.

They're the ones throwing the biggest tantrums.

user, Yea Forums has plenty of people with jungle fever.

those underwater boob physics

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Yep. Any details?

This, perhaps?

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>monopoly on fishing
>implying Ariel wouldn't whine about you hunting her friends until fishing is banned in the country

What, merpeople don't eat other fish?


>Rape a kid
>Get seven years
>Will be four years or less with good behavior
This country really needs to start throwing the book at these bastards

We don't really see her eating in the movies, and Sebastian reacts like he's watching a horror flick in the scene with the cook preparing dinner, so probably not. They probably eat kelp or some vegan underwater shit.

Fine, you get to win every naval engagement in exchange for replacing fish with kelp in your diet.

*out in four years or less

>7 years for child rape
some e-celeb got 10 years for asking 15 yo girl to send him a twerking video. where is the justice?

At this point I want to watch Disney burn, It's a creepy shell of anything charming that it used to be.

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That sort of shit in common among rich and/or powerful people everywhere. When you have that much influence you can get a way with a lot of fucked up stuff. Disney is just one (very prominent) example of that.

Believable, honestly. Any quality screencaps?