How would their interaction go?

How would their interaction go?

Attached: rick n doof.png (355x335, 253K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Doofenschmirtz doesn't get why Rick is so incredibly depressed and tries to relate to him with an anecdote of his hilariously tragic childhood

Doof would lick Rick's testicles.

>doesn't exist on AO3 yet
dammit I'll do it myself

Rick berates Doof on his failures and claims that he could beat Parry with both hands tied behind his back
They then argue until they decide to swap places for the day
Hilarity ensues.

How depressed will Rick be when he realizes how much better Doof is at inventing than he is without Heinz even realizing it or caring?

Doof kills cringe master rick.

How long does it take Perry to beat Rick?

This, also, Rick would be annoyed about doofenshmirtz don't understanding how utterly ridiculous advanced is his own technology.
>Jesus christ. you are telling me that YOU created a machine that can *burp* reconfigurate DNA at long range
>reconfigurate dna? You are just throwing fancy words. The baby-inator just turn people into babies. Its in the name.
>You-you *burp* basically created a machine that can hypothetically make you immortal and and your arch nemesis is a, what, a *burp* duck?

2 min. Perry gives Doof the decency to finish his song number before Doof's machine fails

He also invented a time machine because he wanted to drink a soda that was discontinued decades ago.

Like any person, Doof would see Rick as an insufferable asshole and not want to associate with him.

Doofenschmirtz invented actual time travel, which Rick consistently insists isn't possible. So rick would probably have some questions and/or steal his shit

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S1-2 Rick would probably have something resembling a friendly altercation with him from his toxicating positivity and optimism in life and come off ((maybe)) having improved slightly as a person.

S3 Rick is a toxic asshole, so I doubt that'd be much fun to watch.

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Doof lets Rick borrow his Portalinator.

BEHOLD, my newest invention, the wubba lubba dub dub-inator!!

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>left: soulless
>right: soul

prove me wrong co

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An argument between these two would be EPIC!

the stench of reddit is heavy on this post

>Rick insists that it's not time travel, because Doof's machine just recreates the universe so it LOOKS like you've gone back in time

>Doof proceeds to go back in time and purposefully fucks something up to prove it's actual time travel
>Rick still holds his stance since Rick from the previous present becomes a new rick, who already knows something got fucked up.

It's called irony you nigger

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>umm... hello?
>*baaarp* I'm going to fuck you wife now *burp*
>but I don't have a wife
>*Bur-rp* What about that platypus over there?
>that's my namesi-
>*urp* yeah that's cool Morty, platypussy will do fine
>who is Morty?

Attached: outer rick and worlds.jpg (740x429, 118K)

Doof's past wasn't so bad.

His father made him stand as a lawn gnome in the rain

Yeah, how would you feel if your parents weren't there the day you were born?

Maybe I should watch this show, then. I love it when people with OP minds/powers use it for menial/petty shit

You should. He was going to move Big Ben to in front of his building because his watch broke and he considered getting a new watch too much work

Well alright then, sounds pretty ridiculous.

>"Better keep an eye on that daughter of yours. Trust me, you think she's all independent and *URP* unflappable, then the right guy comes along and BAM, you're a grandpa"
>"I've seen this weird low-crotched kid hanging around her, but I feel like he's harmless for at least 9-10 more years."

P+F is a masterpiece of ridiculousness. It's basically what happens when some writers on classic 90s cartoons have this idea they've been pushing around to networks for ages, that only finally gets picked up... but by 2000s Disney.
so now they finally get to do it, but they have to work a LOT harder to hide the innuendo, and every so often they take time out to rip apart vapid teen culture, the corporate popular music machine, and a bunch of other stuff that Disney butters its bread with.

Doof: “Are you me from another dimension again? Cause, yeah, we already did that.”
Rick: “Yeah? (Burp) Well I won’t be doing it any more. I can tell you that much, Chief.

>Wants to rotate the Moon because he thinks the dark side is actually dark and it'd cause permanent New Moons.
>Finds out it's actually reflecting light.
>>I should have rotated the Sun!
>Even funnier when you realize he could actually do it

Attached: Doof Side of the Moon.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

5 minutes tops

user, his parents didn't even show up for the day he was born.

Then Rick does one thing to one of his inators and he takes over the tristate area.

Let's not kid ourselves, Doof can do much more impressive stuff and it will infuriate Rick that he can be out done by someone who is a total moron.

Guys, I was already sold on it.

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>Ugh, I hate me from another dimension
>Right? You think he's going to be your best friend, you do a big song and dance number-
>WHO TOLD Y-urp-.. w-w-w-we had that erased!! from EVERY TIMELINE! I had to build an entire-
>Oh yeah, I built something like that once. Long story. Toilet. skates. I THINK it worked, but it erased something else instead. I forget what.

>They did give me that free coupon. But other than that I killed those good for nothing jerks.

Rick: Hey it's me the funny scientist guy (burp) hahaaaa want to go kill (burp) someone morty

Doofenshmirtz: That's not my name and I don't believe you think that's my name either. You are simply being a wise quacker and it's deplorable.

Doofenschmirtz’s failures are canonically because P&F have the opposite power that Milo has in his show.
Ungodly luck that is basically reality warping.

Would Perry be able to foil Rick?

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He once made a mountain out of a molehill literally because he’s been told it a bunch of times

I’m not sure how much hot gay oil sex this board can take in one day

same principle as Morty waves

In any dimension or timeline where Doof succeeds, he actually instates a horrible dictatorship that would continue to endure if it weren't stopped by the two child geniuses with basically the same super power Doof has.

Every time you start to feel sorry for Doof or think it wouldn't be so bad to let him win, remind yourself they did episodes where he won and it always the worst possible thing to happen to the world - because he starts with the Tri-State area, then the world.

actually it was his clock
someone pointed out he could just get a watch and his excuse was it was too much work and it'd be too small

He once made a ray that turned raisins into dinosaurs and, as a side-effect, could also turn skeletons into living dinos again. Doof conquered death by accident out of his autistic hatred of raisins.

*Raisins into grapes

No because Doof's evil genius plans were always half-baked, but Rick's plans are focused and spiteful. Where Doof came to see Perry as his only friend... enemy. Frenemy. Rick would probably shoot Perry immediately after Perry got trapped and would suck all the fun out of it.

Then Doof would probably do one of his things where he's the good guy for once and stop Rick, save Perry, and reset everything to how it should be.

There’s actually a theory that Phineas is Doof’s illegitimate son since he dated his mom as a teenager, both have triangle heads and both are simultaneously genius and retarded

That’s where Rick comes in.
Rick takes over the world and allows Doof to stay in the tristate area

Wait seriously? Source??

What would Rick think of Roger?

Doof's a victim of his own insecurities. He's got issues. But he's not really evil, he just latched onto evil as a way of life, some way to be a bigshot.

The Phineas and Ferb effect.

Rick would kill Perry, and Doof would say thats going too far.

I liked your first version better.

Okay, Joe Swanson

>Rick's plans are focused and spiteful.
Once in a while. For the most part, Rick wouldn't get involved in nominally evil science in the first place, and would never get assigned a nemesis.. if he did, he'd just laugh and ditch the guy.
Doof's not a bad dad though, he's no deadbeat.. if that's true, it's due to a failed inator that spread his seed out at random, and he never knew about it.

A cross-over episode between Phineas and Ferb and Milo Murphy showed how P & B have the exact opposite luck-powers as Milo

>Rick would kill Perry
That's beneath him. He's like five pounds. He's got an expected lifespan of seventeen years. He's TEAL for god's sake. Teal and orange, what is this, every movie and game's art direction in 2007?

Could be he was never told about the pregnancy/she never knew it was him

In a way Phineas is basically what Doof would have been if his childhood was happy

>tfw P&F are just 40k Orks

Then Doof brings Perry back to life with his undeathinator, that he built back when he was doing gardening and all plants kept dying on him because is difficult and tedious and then to get rid of Rick he uses his outofsighinator 2.0, because out of sight out of mind and because 1.0 only made things invisible which was ok at first until he used on a half eaten chicken sandwich and couldn't find where the stench was coming from, 2.0 turns out it works exactly like Rick's portal gun and get sent to some random dimension

I think I just said that

>That's beneath him.
It really isn't.

No, like, they banged but she never spoke to him about it because they’d broken up

it all depends on if rick could tell the difference between perry and agent p
like, how funny do you want it to be vs how edgy do you want it to be

Rick has his entire nihilistic philosophy challenged by meeting someone objectively smarter than him who doesn’t act like an edgy, depressed teenager because he thinks he’s too smart to care about things

I don't think Rick would do that.
He probably wouldn't care one way or the other if Doof was successful or not.
But he would care about Doof getting his ass beat by a platypus.

I think Rick would be slightly bitter that Doofenschmirtz is smarter than him AND the fact he wastes his intellect on such trivial things.

>they banged
user if you think Doof would have ever gotten a single piece of Linda...
If the little shit bit him or crapped on his floor, no. But as part of some bullshit organized nemesising?

Fuck you, Linda should consider herself lucky Doof even considered dating her. He’s a casual reality warper with tech alone, what’s she ever done?

She was a pop star in the 80s.

Well consider that even the alt universe Doof from the movie saw through the disguise logically Rick would be able to even by the P&F standard of writing. But it'd be funnier if he couldn't. Bonus points if Morty (assuming he's there) can see through it.

Character A: invents time travel in under a day
Character B: is female Gotye

Neither of those things were true at the time. He was a gawky, pilmple-faced teenager who ruined their date with his extreme cheapness, and she was bubbly, optimistic, supportive, fiery-haired sex on two legs.

Bonus points if he has an angry rant at morty for saying Agent P is Perry

it's not that Rick wouldn't recognize the agent when he takes off the hat, it's that he wouldn't recognize the agent when he -puts it on-
to him it's still an animal, just an animal that's learned how to wear clothes. and just, like, one clothes.
>I've seen bears in state parks more dressed than this little fuck. D-did you know they only have one urogenital opening? That's what monotreme means. A-ask mom and dad about THAT one, kids.

Not just Time Travel, he also created Time Loops, the Do-Over-Inator basically causes a ground-hog day like situation. If rick can't escape within a day (and Doof can probably lower the time period) then he's basically fucked.

Morty spends the entire episode trying to convince him. "Look Rick! It's the same guy, he's just like, playing possum.." and finally it turns out Rick wasn't disbelieving that, he was just disregarding it, and denying OWCA as a valid agency

Hmmm reading up on that -inator he almost destroyed the space time continum so not exactly a perfect -inator.

>But you said you thought they weren’t real people Rick!
>I still don’t Morty! They’re a mockery of the FBI, I don’t respect them, they-they aren’t real to me Morty!

That's kind of the primary difference between them, the way they're nearly opposites.
Doof can do anything but largely by accident, and rarely succeeds at anything deliberate due to general incompetence, immaturity, and a kind of.. distinct lack of several broad swaths of intelligence despite brilliance in the technical field. He's like a savant.
Rick could do anything, including interact normally socially with people, but mostly doesn't bother, because in real life general brilliance tends to lead to boredom and irritation with everything. He's as overprepared and lazy as Doof is foolhardy and entrepreneurial.

That should be the plot point. Also jealousy at the fact that Doof is not a suicidal depressed wreck

What's up with all these Phineas and Ferbfags lately? Fuck off zoomers.

god, the trainwreck basically writes itself. he'd be INCENSED by how this goofy, inept idiot literally fails at everything he tries and succeeds at everything else... and what's with that lab coat and that vague, inconsistent eastern european accent? that tired mad scientist stereotype went out with jacob's ladders
>Hey Rick I like Jacob's ladders
OF COURSE, everyone loves them. Th-th-they're fun to look at, you think I don't wanna go to Spencer's Gifts and clean them out? But a scientist's gotta have pride!

His Father's Dog was named ONLY SON

>"You have EVERY reason to hate yourself, but you still get up every morning and-and do all this bullshit you KNOW is going to fail.. and you're still fucking in love with yourself! What's to love? That posture? Those eye bags?"
>"Hey I wouldn't talk, mister. You know where I came from they made people like you wear barrels around their necks. Hey I've got a craaazy invention for you, it's called a handkerchief. You've had that mysterious green ooze running down your chin since you got here. I may keep the same hole-riddled undies for years, but at least I manage basic hygiene. And I spent my formative years without running water."

He might have an adverse reaction.
Look what happened with the guy and his Teenyverse

Doof is Jerry if Jerry were better than Rick at science. His very existence would frustrate the ever-loving hell out of Rick.

>"Y-Y-You don't make sense! Your divorced, your only daughter wants nothing to do with you, and you spend every day losing to some damn Beaver duck!"
>"His Name is Perry the Platypus."

Oh my god, if Doof met Jerry and watched him and Rick interact...
>"I get it now.. I think I understand. Richard my friend, let me tell you about my brother Roger..."
~Six Drinks Later~
>"And he UR-rr-rrestored your painting?"
>"Yeah, RIGHT before the ink and coffee and crud ruined it. So -I- look like the jerk."

I don't know. Jerry is kind of a spineless wimp. Remember when he willingly gave his paycheck to a wolf because he was scared of it? If that was doof, he wouldn't take that lying down. He'd probably invent a mail-inator to teleport mail directly to his house so he doesn't have to walk to the mailbox, which in itself is a luxury because back in his youth his parents couldn't afford a mailbox, so they made Doof stand still and wait for the mail every morning inbetween his job as a lawn gnome.

Perry dies tragically.

Rick got his heart broken. If he has a heart he has a soul

hence the 'if Jerry were better than Rick at science'
but he's not. So his life sucks. He'd take advantage of whatever abilities or gifts he had, if he had any.
Jerry's an average guy in a universe that grades on a curve.

How did this affect Roger?
His fter seemed to actually love him.

>Muh cartoon I don't like is popular and talked about on the board for cartoons. Stop talking about the cartoon I don't like.
Christ i'm in my late 40s and I don't act half as bratty as you, and you're maybe early 30's late 20's. Don't like something then piss off.

Might have been before Roger was born, I know his parents expected a girl

His daughter loves him, is just that doesn't like that he's "evil"

going by Doof's age in the flashback about when his brother was born (remember? they wanted a girl, and a bunch of dresses were made, but then Doof had to wear them when Roger was born), basically all the traumatic flashbacks were around the time when Roger either hadn't been born yet, or was too young to be offended by that.
As for what Roger thought of said dog once he was old enough to think about the ramifications of the name, er... maybe he didn't live that long. Or maybe the mom made the dad change the dog's name.

Roger was the younger brother, he probably came after the dog. They treated him amazingly

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rick would tolerate doofen until he got a few drinks in him and then he would convince doofen to kill himself

I seem to remember it all working okay in the pretty loose canon the show had...
basically doof's failures, along with the mysterious force hiding all the boys' actions, are an interconnected web of doof's inators, the boys' inventions, OWCA's acts, and... yeah, both doof's bad luck and the boys' good luck energy. Finding out that Perry's locket has been scanning every invention was fucking inspired, and didn't they also scan and recreate every inator?

>And he took my alimony check, Perry the Platypus and ate it.
>Can you believe it? HE ATE IT!
>But, he's like a wolf and you can't really blame an animal for doing something stup- sorry, sorry. forgot who I was talking to. Anyway, I invented a Wolf-Away-Inator. It teleports every wolf in the entire world away from wherever I am at a given moment. See, it's portable!
>No, I don't know where they go and I don't care. Just along as it isn't near me.

>And what are you going to do with fifteen hundred sheep costumes? My mother-
>Oh, come on, there's no monetary value in actual wolves in sheep's clothing!

Except it goes directly against what has happened in Phineas and Ferb. (Especially the Phineas and Ferb Effect, just watch Summer Belongs to You)

I'd rather have Milo Murphy's Law as an alternate universe from Phineas and Ferb.

Also she doesn't think he's cool
I get the impression that Beth always loved her daddy and thought he was awesome and always wanted to be around him, even in her teen years
though I also get the strong impression that, in her universe, he left during her teens.. I can't imagine Jerry would have impregnated her on his watch, and we know he disappeared at some point... most likely meaning that Rick died, and this one swooped in.

... or rather, the one from the cronenberg episode did that, for this beth..

pff hehe

The Father's Day episode had their dad mention Roger giving him an espresso machine and he didn't seemed too impressed by it.

I think their mother doted on Roger while their dad's favorite remained Only Son on account of Roger being a Momma's Boy and Heinz a schnitzel.

The only inconsistency I saw was character heights

No he doesnt, perrys the gremlin from that bugs bunny toon that fucks up rick because karma finally gets him and doesnt even care

>Literally gave an example only to be ignored

Attached: giphy.gif (400x300, 592K)

an example of an episode, not an example of an inconsistent plot point or piece of canon

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Doof has an ex-wife, though.

What even is the Tri-state area? I'm American and I've never heard of it.

>Summer Belongs to You
>Things go wrong for Phineas and Ferb

>The Phineas and Ferb Effect
>"Things always go right for Phineas and Ferb"

Attached: sbty.jpg (480x269, 14K)

bollocks. randomness is absurdism. dada humor has been around for decades. legitimate irony is making a resurgence as a method of sarcasm.
but shitposting dumb annoying shit just to annoy people? that's basically people being assholes. It has nothing to do with any of it.

>implying fascism is bad

It normally refers to places where three states meet. You can imagine things like that matter because if there were different taxes or whatnot in those states, people in the interstate area would be sorta making quick trips around.. they end up having kinda interstate unity.
In this case it's a way to define a fictional part of the country that isnt anywhere in particular.

So the ONE TIME things go a little wrong for them TEMPORARILY disproves the fact that they have tremendously great luck?
they got back home in a GIANT PAPER AIRPLANE, user
I will grant you though, throughout that movie, their plane seemed to have pretty shitty luck. maybe a murphy built it.
but that's basically what 'the phineas and ferb effect' is about, their good luck can counteract bad luck. In the end, the two don't stalemate, the good outdoes the bad.

They would team up to kill Roger

You know what epitomes are right? Do I have to make an exhaustive list of the times things go wrong for Phineas and Ferb?

And with your argument, you might as well say that Milo has good luck because everything ends up well in his episodes.

Didn't the zombie apocalypse episode had a bad ending too?

>uses all-caps in selected words, untypical of your average 4channer

Josh is that you

The point of Milo is he prepares, via natural means, against supernatural bad luck.
phineas and ferb have supernatural good luck that protects against natural real-life problems and drudgery.

I'd use bold if that was a thing on here
I used to use _this kind of emphasis_ but that was super oldskool, and it doesn't always read well.
that was the joke. it's not canon so let's have a hilarious bad ending. Plus their powers have limits. they did manage to save the walled city of Danville.

>You know what epitomes are right?
I feel like you don't? or you think you made a point that you didn't, and maybe that point has merit.

Doof can create an inator to change his luck, as he did in a PnF episode.

SBTY is the perfect example of things going wrong for Phineas and Ferb. If one wants to ask for evidence, I can just say "Summer Belongs to You".

So it's just a matter of perspective, in a "half-empty half-full" sense. Whatever, your opinion man.

>it's not canon
Except Dan confirmed it as canon.

what bad ending?

>Dan confirmed it as canon.
Then Dan is a fucking troll. which we knew.

Also "phineas and ferb have supernatural good luck that protects against natural real-life problems and drudgery" sounds like retconning nonsense. I feel like spewing autism about PnF episodes but it basically boils down to this: the only point one would see that their luck is "supernatural" is because of the status quo preventing them from getting busted, and they working up against "natural real-life problems" is because of their problem solving, not luck.

See, this is why we shouldn't take PnF seriously.

determination and pluck count.
yeah. though I mean that user is welcome to think that there was a mistake made in the writing, it just sure didn't bother me. if anything it was a huge and great revelation
It's kinda like justice league's episode Epilogue, some people think it ruined Terry, I think it fixed him.

>It's kinda like justice league's episode Epilogue, some people think it ruined Terry, I think it fixed him.
Of course. Art is subjective, after all.

this actually sounds really great. it's like pinky in the brain but not rats and if pinky was an accidental genius.

Understatement of the year

speaking of canonicity, how did you react when P+F did a star wars crossover that was somehow better than all the previous ones, despite that being a pretty retread thing to do at the time, and it felt like it could have easily fit into star wars canon and/or just made it better?

>mass replying
Shut the fuck up swine

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and yet your single reply justifies him and ensures he'll continue in the future, now that he got attention. especially since you came in here just to reply to it.

Tri-state area is only specified because Danville is a New York analog. Certain places like New York City are big enough, and the states small enough, that the metropolis overlaps with a couple different states.

ends in gay sex

Attached: vanessa-star-wars-7.gif (300x300, 964K)

I find that mass reply posters get much less (you)s on average than most baits, so if you actually want attention you would omit the quotes

>That waist to hip ratio

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I think he simply confirmed that the whole thing happened and that it wasn't just a movie Stacy was watching like some people thought.

But Rick is the devil and a freaking god. A gremlin doesn’t stand a chance. He beat worldender.

would morty and vanessa fugg?

Only if his grandpa helps out with a potion or something.

This picture really shows how unappealing R&M's art style is.

Dan said that Disney gave them the option of continuing Phineas and Ferb as a series of specials but they opted to switch completely over to MML instead. I hope the film leads to that actually happening if only to get more Star Wars and holiday specials; particularly the Halloween ones since the show did a good job of making them funny and creepy at the same time.

And Disney must've "forced" them to make more Phineas and Ferb stuff by adding Doof to Milo Murphy's Law, and then pointed out how they get more revenue when there's something Phineas and Ferb-related.

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