Is there any character that can even come close to the perfection that is Gwen?
Is there any character that can even come close to the perfection that is Gwen?
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at least post an on-model pic of her
All other Yea Forums characters
Not really. She's fucking fun to draw lewds of.
but there's like 5 different on-model Gwens.
Before Gwen was there ever a character so hot the creators had to make her ugly so fans would be less turned on by her?
>2015 was 4 years ago
Janine from the Ghostbusters cartoon.
Not redesigned, but Erin Esurance officially got shelved once the animators found the porn online.
Gwen was never good.
Shut up Boco
Gwen was great until they gave her fish mouth
>pedo fanfiction general
Bravo comblr
why are there so many fucking pedos here?
Because little girls are sexy.
Gwen, but as a Rath
>How is this character so perfect after being edited to fit my fetish.
Could've posted one of the actual aged up Gwens.
>no one posting Gwen lewds
Welp this thread crashed and burned. Later nerds.
Who? also What?
I miss when Latin CN did cool crossover bumpers.
do you have the beach ones with Miss Bellum running in a swimsuit and the one Ben is drooling over Daphne, or that Velma twerking one
Redheads are always best girl.
Sure Raven
God. Either of those future designs would have been amazing.
Alien Force Gwen is 100x more attractive and only pedos disagree
both her design and personality went to shit
see for a better version of grown up gwen
Ok pedo
>calls Gwen perfect
>posts off-model fanart
>for a drawing
No wonder a retard with shit taste like you is also into trannies.
Wasn't that a rumor? I read that they shelved her because she was unpopular and nobody bothered. All the horny virgins in the world can't make people buy insurance.
Gwen with tits? Gross.
It's funny how moralfags try teen versions of "underage" girls to feel less guilty about liking lolis.
>Gwen thread
I'm surprised incestfags and shippers haven't ruined this one tbqh
I'm sure it won't last sadly, but it's nice having people talking only about Gwen in here, it's been a while.
Erin was reaching the end of her useful life as a mascot (i.e they were having trouble comic up with fresh uses for her). She also tested extremely well with young men (as intended) but did increasingly poorly with other demographics (who they also wanted to sell insurance to).
The internet porn may have accelerated her getting shelved, but she was on the way out anyway.
I read an article about this a while ago, can't be arsed to dig it up right now.
honestly with each version all the characters get worse...
Jee I cant wait for the next reboot to make her black, as is tradition to replace gingers with niggers
who draws the best Gwen?
Flat chested fat ass Gwen is best Gwen
however saying Incog is either wrong or just lying
Why no one is posting Lucky Girl?
When will she be purged as well? #Gingerpurge #Gingercide #Comicsgate
It's a matter of time before it happens, those fuckers are a blight.
Why they would give a little girl such a suggestive outfit?
Gives some femdom vibes.
The final redpill
Rent free
Just like black folks like it. ;^)
no idea what that even means.
>tfw never any love for omniverse gwen
Have sex
After you sweaty :)
The OS artstyle got uglier and uglier until somebody realized that a reboot was in order to keep her cute.
Mmm you bet!
Then why are all of them being replaced with blacks?
>shitted meme
No wonder you like xeno crap too.
Thats cute.
And kinda hot.
Challenge accepted. Meet the real woman, pedo.
Oh, so it's another Gwen thread instead of another waifu thread. Sorry, pedo-user.
Have fun, user.
Where is this from
>That original adult gwen
Oh what could've been for alien force. Fuck that series.
Old CN commercial bumper.
I am only one that likes AF Gwen?
its true that they made Gween not so atractive on later seasons to avoid lewd fan arts?
It's only in Yea Forums's headcanon.
This board is cringe.
Bro, you just posted cringe.
It's more like arabian Gwen.
Busty Gwen is Best Gwen
That's a universal truth.
>he's not a friend of justice
>tits on lolis
what a faggot
LMFAO she doesn't even hold a candle to the superior cartoon redhead (who also happens to be the greatest female cartoon character of all time). Sorry for ruining your nostalgia Americans
It's not that suggestive.
This edit, on the other hand...
Will was fine, but she paled in comparision with Cornelia in season 1 and Hay Lin in season 2.
Wrong, flat is better
LMFAO, no. All the girls are incredible of course, but Will is a step above the others in both looks and personality. (And she has the best voice of them all by a country mile to boot)
Fat Gwen is Best Gwen
Sorry that just isn't true friend. I will admit that I chuckled at your hair is best female cartoon character though
>lets turn gwen into generic Jaina Proudmoore
Agreed. Big booty Gwen or go home.
posting a non-flat gwen should be punishible by death
Reminder that Gwen is forever a chestlet.
Drawing some porn of tittyGwen, any requests?
yes, but maybe Im just old fashioned
Coming up of the pool, please.
>wearing a bikini next to a metal fence
>bikini top is chained to fence by a lock
>off screen guy is holding a key up out of reach
You got me curious enough to draw that.
I agree. Nice to see people who like bottom-heavy Gwen.
The only truth greater than big tits Gwen is big booty Gwen.
These 2 would make a cute couple
we will never have a Gwen show.
I'm noticing some kind of rivality between the two in the bumper-verse.
>dat episode where Gwens omnitrix backfires and locks her into one of her alien forms
>she goes into heat
>she bangs everything
jesus.. how did they ever get that episode past the censors
I wonder why most of the Gwen porn is with four arms. What is so sexy about him?
Girls like to be IMAGINED too I guess.
Double the arms. Double the dicks.
quadruple semen amount
I thought it might be because guys like to see girls getting dominated, pushed to their limits, and get super Ahegao face.
Please leave and never come back
>she endlessly rapes ben over and over
rape is fine when it's male
>any requests?
Yes, draw yourself some better taste.
dark meat
Nothing really, artists just lack creativity.
>endlessly rapes Ben
oooh.. someone didn't see part 2 of that storyline..
TL;DR: Gwen got out of hand, omnitrix glitched out and allowed her to make multiple clones.
She fucked everything and everyone
>not wanting a fiery redhead to dominate you instead
Gwen was made to be in control, ALWAYS
and now youll get this thread nuked
This. She needs them big enough to give a titjob to two alien dicks at the same time.
You think they'd be into it, bi fun or cross-dressing?
I still prefer when Ben keeps his short hair tho
>inb4 deviantart
>he doesn't want to be groped and manhandled by four arms simultaneously
what are you gay
Doesn't that kill Heatblast
gross, go and make a gay thread for fourarms instead
You seem very upset about fourarms. Did a Red alien steal your redhead girlfriend with his two massive alien cocks?
He's not a charmander, so no. Heatblast's power source looks like it comes from within, like magma.
kek projecting this much now?
you seem to love talking about alien dicks too much
To be fair, he's quite flat when it comes to his crotch, so you'd think they don't have dicks at all or reproduce in a different way than humans.