Whats the last season of this show that's still worth watching?

whats the last season of this show that's still worth watching?

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It was never worth watching.


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Season 10


Its all worth watching if you're a fujo

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This, the games are pretty good too

i don't know, there are certain episodes that are just too cruel to my husbando for me to be able to watch without feeling sad
i'm a guy btw

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13 or 14

honestly 22
20 is dogshit and 21 is mediocre but after Tegridy Farms in season 22 the show got better again.
Too bad most of its viewership left after the shitshow during season 20

Kyle is also my husbando and thats exactly why I want to see him humiliated and abused. Seems like everyones husbando is Kyle for some reason.

>t. Kymanfag

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jesus vs frosty


I mean the amount of gay shotas alone is worth it.


This, it's nowhere near perfect, but if your looking for 5-6/10 episodes, the season has a couple, except for the first three.

i cannot stand to see him humiliated and abused
it hurts me
hes such a good person

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He's not a good person

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literally since when lol


nah, season 5-10 are still pretty good. i'd even say 5 is better than 4.

Oh it's this thread again.

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i can't help who i love user
if i could i would

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>all these kylefags
>not going with the superior choice that is Kenny

It’s like you’re proud of having shit taste

hey remember when kyle had canada nuked by proxy because he was judocucked and bullied by cartman then tells himself that he's gonna stop being the victim but takes no responsibility in the end
Cartman however went along in search of ike with no gain to himself but he lost everthing at the end

Dunno, started going to shit with a few gems around '06, but not with the consistency of Simpsons where you straight up should not watch it. The early seasons are the best, but the show changes dramatically.

From the top of my head:
>trying to light the school on fire because he was bullied for like 3 days for being ugly
Cartman is bullied for that everyday
>agreeing with Cartman to kill Butters so he wouldn't get in trouble with his mom
>completely ditching Stan while he was going through a tough time with alcoholism and depression and like 3 other times immediately when Stan wasnt cool anymore
>even though Stan has stuck w him through EVERYTHING and Stan goes so out of his way to help Kyle
The List or Cherokee Hair Tampons for just 2 examples.

He's just such a dick who thinks he's so morally superior. Even Butters stated that in Going Native. He has a super short temper and he seems a little like Cartman in a weird way.

Kenny and Stan are better people, Kyle and Cartman are assholes.

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Why are you analyzing the characters like some shipping wierdo? It's South. Park.

>not Cartman

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Where do you think we are cuntface?
Also, you have a very low bar for what you consider analyzing. I'm just pointing out kyle's dickish tendencies.

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I suppose youre right about lighting the school on fire.

Youre wrong about stan though. Stan never stuck with kyle when he needed him most, like in the metrosexual episode. He literally just walked away and let kyle get his ass kicked because hanging out with him wasn't cool anymore. I dont blame kyle for abandoning stan when stan was being a buzzkilling dick, considering stan abandoned kyle when all kyle did was not buy into the 'cool' fad. Stan even had the gall to completely dismiss kyles concerns when he got called out for abandoning him. Yeah, stan helped kyle out when he was dying of kidney failure, but he refused to help him when it would actually cost him something (social standing/being seen as metrosexual). So fuck stan, he is a cunt.

He IS morally superior about 90% of the time. Butters is more of a dick than kyle has ever been, so he doesn't exactly have the high ground there.

Having a short temper does not make you a bad person.

I did forget about the metrosexual bit, but I don't agree with the rest of what you said and you really focused on one event bc thats all the dirt you got on Stan. Stan usually makes it right with Kyle, like in the guitar hero episode. Stan was willing to give up a kidney and didn't abandon Kyle when he was the unpopular ugly kid. Kyle didn't even want to help Stan in that newish episode Hummels and Heroin. Cartman had to volunteer them!! And how is it justified to drop a friend when he's going through a tough time with his parents divorce and drinking and mental illness lol. They even called him a dick for doing that in the episode. I can't even remember one time Kyle went out of his way and sacrificed something to stand up for Stan, but my memories not the best so maybe you can remind me.

Kyle only looks good because he's always being compared to Cartman. And they all suck compared to Kenny.

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That doesn’t even have PC principal though

Never understood his appeal. He's alright.

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17 was the last decent season imho

I feel like even season 18 had Cock Magic and 19 had Naughty Ninjas (...and Tweek x Craig). That troll gerald and memberberries season was so bad.

Season 20 and beyond were pretty garbage besides some of the Heidi and Cartman shenanigans, especially when she got fat. It's getting rough for Matt and Trey, they're lucky people like me are retarded enough to stick around for the cute boys.

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Who makes the cutest girl

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Reminder that Kahl, Stan, Butters and Tweek are not physically fit for standing up for themselves

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>the only one with max brain and brawns
Lmaoo Kyle always beats his ass

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>Reductio ad absurdum and middle fallacy: the series
>being wrong
Yea, take off you glasses


It's pretty easy to like him since he's more interesting than plenty of other things on right now.

He's like an AI character that discovers the truth behind his existence and then starts to become more human-like

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Is that good, bad, or indifferent?

It's good, he's pure

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i binge watched over the span two weeks up to the end of season 7 and watched the uncut movie.
that's it for me.

>not husbandoing Timmy

>Clyde is the dumbest

Really in the mood to rewatch some episodes. Anyone got a guide to the essential/best ones each season? Recommendations for individual ones is fine too

>that time when he was asked what is 5 x 2 and he said 12

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Season 19 is pretty solid with "the city part of town" and "Tweek x Craig"


The Pixiv ID is 2236220

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thanks doc

In all honesty the last one I really enjoyed was a couple years ago when Kyle's dad took down danish cyber terrorists. The last two seasons have been really underwhelming.

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She was so cute. Kyle will never get laid

He will when fucks Stan

Here you go. All the essentials!!

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