ITT: oh yeah that happened
ITT: oh yeah that happened
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Worst part - her friends LET HIM DO IT
I want to see Ewing make this work
Remender no longer works at Marvel. He can't hurt you anymore.
superior kluh and composite hulk coming through
Remember when these chuckle fucks were to bring about the next great evolution of mankind?
you mean when marvel was convinced this was gonna be their next big spider-man?
Why did the Joker cut off his own face?
Because writers think that Joker has to be as edgy as possible for some reason
everything about this was shit.
Oddly enough though, that sounds awfully like most female relationships. She's dating an extreme pyschopath and no one is will question this since we're not allowed to question who women date in our society. Everyone sitting back and letting her get destroyed sounds about right for human relationships. When humans are having sex, the rest of us just have to applaud to no matter what.
Kluh was acknowledged again?
>Cebulski panders to the Chinese instead of resurrecting this
Some weeb he is.
no one said weebs were intelligent
I thought i'd never met someone who misses the mangaverse.
>"How do we make Wolverine even EDGIER?" this supposed to take place before or after The Killing Joke?
I mean, in the sense that he's on a page with a hulk shark that's just been leaped over, yeah he was acknowledged
Care to explain?
Is this implying to be Jokers parents or something? I need context for what I'm seeing user or at least a source
Is this from Batman Confidential? Also Joker's fucked up face and resigned expression look like a manga protagonist right when they accept that the big bad is their superior and about to beat them into the ground.
>Is this implying to be Jokers parents or something?
It looks like the goblin dwarves from 'The Killing Joke' welcoming him to his fair hideout.
Did Beast suddenly become the Hulk?
It's from Hush Returns.
Much of the event was trying to make the The Killing Joke origin canon (right down to having a dirty cop killing pre-Joker's wife), which climaxed in the Joker getting beat up by Hush and then running back to the TKJ fairgrounds, naked.
It was bad.
No, Beast and Hulk are sitting in front of each other; but not really because that's actually a hologram message they left for Old Steve.
Yeah, that checks out.
I love how they bent over backwards trying to retcon that.
Personally, I'd keep him around just for lols.
pretty tame compared to Martian sex
>The nipples just barely poking out of his cleavage
God bless you, Dick
I.....heh.....I like his nipple piercings.... ha
just miss this stuff probably
>>"How do we make Wolverine even EDGIER?"
>Gotham Knights
Remember that time a porno maker discovered Batman was Bruce by comparing footage of the time he fought Hush out of costume, and Alfred murdered him to keep the secret under wraps?
That was the first Kluh, and Remender appeared to be unaware of this story when he wrote Axis.
BASED Snowflame
Bravo, marvel
remember when Tony played porn to the Avengers and it turned on on the twins so much they had to leave...together?
Based Alfred!
I loved when he had an inner monologue like "Batman doesn't kill, but I'm not Batman" and shotguns someone.
Just can't remember who it was.
What's this from and why does Tony shows everyone a sextape of him with Black Widow (I guess that's her right).
so wait who wrote this?
But that's The Ultimates 3
Thor, Iron Man and Hawkeye were the only ones who actually got to hear Marcus' story. Nobody else had been given any reason to doubt that Carol and Marcus were in love. Holding the entire team to account for something most of them didn't know about wasn't fair.
There's cooler ways of doing the same thing. That aren't also revolting.
>spiky armbands about going overboard.
>martian sex doesn't turn him on
Honestly trying to return Joker to his roots as a really scary and horrifying villain wasn't a bad idea. The only time in the entire 2000's that a Joker appearance had any weight to it at all was when he was Oberon Sexton.
And you know what, Snyder may wank the Joker a lot and be terrible at writing crossover events, but I think this and Death of the Family did work as what they set out to do, that is to make Joker an ominous and mysterious presence again, so that it actually makes sense why Batman considers him his archfoe. They just went too far with it.
What did he say Yea Forums?
they just do that in front of there dog?
"Jason Aaron is a huge faggot."
Death in the Family is a terrible story.
Also it's not a Thanos or Frank situation where it didn't effect her because of not having guilt. She screamed indicating that it did hurt her and she just tanked it. Penance stare killed Starbrand at the start of this run.
Reminder that even Dan Slott hates this character and this story.
Really though, if kitty had no offensive capabilities, which really she shouldn't being intangible or a waif little girl, this kind of thing would be her go to "help" during X-Men battles, just pure distraction and drawing fire away from her teammates
I've never actually read it, HOW the fuck do they justify Joker becoming ambassador of Iran?
you could bullshit some excuse about her ability to absorb energy saving her
Penance Stare has been nerfed into retardation in recent years
The Ultimates is terrible
It hurts to look at him.
Which edgy brit did this? I can never tell Ennis from Ellis.
But Robbie isn't even a real Ghost Rider, right?
Still less weird than the Wasp calling Captain America old fashioned for not endorsing incest.
Ellis. It's a parody of the 'Marvels' series.
Iran made him ambassador because they wanted the Joker to kill everyone at the UN with his laughing gas. That still doesn't justify anything because A) The American government and the UN would have never accepted it no matter how much Iran Contra commentary the story was making, B) Iran didn't actually need the Joker to be the ambassador since they could have sent anyone, and C) Iran would never ever do something this stupid because it would be considered an act of war by literally every country on Earth.
the whole book is like that
Because Iran is EBIL.
As terrible as Khomeini was, I strongly doubt he would've done something as retarded as making The Joker an Ambassador.
A lot of Jim Starlin's Batman run is REALLY dated.
John Bolton would agree. And we made an insane clown criminal president, so ambassador isn't too far off.
benis :D:D:D:D
Ultimates 3. in Ultimates 2 Black Widow was revealed as a traitor iirc Iron man and her were a couple. somebody leaked a sex tape of them. And Captain America pretended to be Black Panther.
Aaron made him a real ghost rider.
Was this book Marvel's greatest shame? They wanted to bury it even when it was new. Even back then it was unapologetically fanservicey. I miss those days.
Looking back, most of the Ultimate universe was pretty damn stupid.
But enough about Obama!
To be fair, reality was unraveling, so letting her go off with him to Limbo was going to fix the dinosaurs rampaging through central park, it seemd a win/win
Who shit their soul and wrote this? It was either Bendis or Reed
Editorial? What's that?
Earth's Mightiest Hero, everyone! Disney's anointed yass kween!
does anyone at Marvel even remember how the Penance Stare works anymore?
>A lot of Jim Starlin's Batman run is REALLY dated.
What else about it was dated?
I don't know about you but I like it when my dog watches
It's not that they don't remember. It's that they want to show how strong their pet character is by having them overcome a powerful force. It's why characters like Galactus or Martian Manhunter always get their asses handed to them despite their power levels.
If I worked at Marvel, I'd try and create a storyline about how the Penance Stare has been weakened due to devil bullshit, because that's the only explanation for Ghost Rider being so nerfed these days.
But the original Joker was never "mysterious". That stuff came way after
Because both love fish.
I'm not sure how that's supposed to reflect badly on Carol instead of the Avengers.
You know does continuity even matter anymore? Writers seem content to ignore whatever's inconvenient and do their own thing in their runs without building on what others have done.
Here is the actual lowest part of Carol's 616 career
Thanks Johns storytimer.
The new classic.
>Calling Old Man Rogers "son"
the audacity
This was Muslim stuff, right?
>if kitty had no offensive capabilities
Actually she could be extremely lethal if she had the stomach to do it.
>grab random item
>phase it through a person
>let go
She's done this to Sentinels while teaming up with Colossus (street lamp/telephone pole to the chest). She also pulled Emma Frost's heart out of her body once, but I think that was either a What If? or one of those dark future stories.
Extremely anti-semitic muslim stuff.
It's an anti-Christian passage from the Quaran that states that Muslim communities should not tolerate being governed by non-Muslims, Christians specifically.
Other bits of commentary that might not have been intended but people pointed out anyways was a shot of Kitty Pryde directly under a Jewelry sign (with her head slightly blocking the 'l' to make it look like 'Jewery'), and a shot in the mandatory X-Men baseball game where her head is placed in the exact same spot as Nightcrawler swinging his bat, making it look like he's hitting her in the face).
Bear in mind this happened in the X-Men relaunch where editorial promised that they'd stop putting in heavy-handed political content in their stories.
Reminder that this was supposed to be a hereditary group where the members children were supposed to replace them and continue in their place.
A group where half the team was gay and the other half didn't even have any genitals.
A group where two members were also supposed to be Terra 'So evil she made Slade Wilson turn face' Makrov and a South African governor who refused to join because he was literally such a flaming racist that he couldn't tolerate working with non-whites.
Whatever happened to her anyway?
this isn't inherently a bad idea, both characters are off panel for so long that there SHOULD be some background information on them. It's just written very dumb
I think she got her ass kicked by Harley.
my god, how old are you?
to get to the other side
In an attempt to promote some new villain, which everyone has forgotten about.
She banged red hood.
The sex was so good she stopped being a villain and was never seen again.
Is this hentai?
I'm sure someone will do a storytime some day.
I honestly don't hate this design.
I remember seeing this comic st the grocery store, it looked so cool to6 year old me
The problem is they didn't build up to it and it just kinda come out of no where and also this . it Would have made more sense if they asked someone like Namor for help since the Inhuman Royal Family (mostly Triton and Black Bolt) have worked with and talked to that man before.
It's weird that the possibility Kitty could do that pretty much never comes up, even though Alan Moore had the Warpsmiths do it back in the 70s and there is nothing hack comic book writers love more than copying Alan Moore's ideas.
Maybe it is too brutal to have a timid girl like Kitty do it, but you would think they would have had some villains try it over the years.
I think those kinds of things are ok when #1 don't push the relationship to the extreme, and #2 are related. This fucks up on both accounts, Bill and Lockjaw aren't related and I think the closest they have been to each other is both being in thanos imperative. Second they are best willing to die for each other without any previous interaction.
that was a fake cap from a 'what if' book
it's mainly cause Kitty is everyone's waifu at Marvel. They wouldn't ever allow her to be written that brutal
Yes, that is from the same book where the REAL Captain America teams up with the Black Panther Party to overthrow the evil corrupt government and the evil racist impersonator.
Trump was right
This could have worked easily too
>Hey Namor remember your good friend Triton Who you have known for years and actually chose to live with you in Atlantis instead of with his own family.
>he got blown up
Isn't that just Savage Dragon?
So has this happened yet or anything?
no, this will happen in Aaron's final Thor run about King Thor
It isn’t Elliis because the supers are just suffering. If they are all sociopaths or morons it’s Ennis.
The part where Carol had sex with her own son.
Someone post that greentext where that user posted about how satisfying it must have felt for Joker to cut his own face off
That's... hilarious. Why do they always do this? They can't do their homework at all.
>His veins emulate the webs on the Spider-Man suit
Never noticed that before
I think this comes from the era when porn was becoming more of a daily thing in people's lives and they wanted to make Tony seem ever cooler by being porno-sexual as well. In the days of embarrassing dick pics, this doesn't seem cool anymore.
I'm hoping that somebody storytimes that whole fiasco during weekend of pain this month
was raped by, you mean
Kek based Kilgrave
Ur a faget
You could probably reach the thread limit by just posting pics that are bad ideas + sexy Wanda
An editor wrote that story.
Don't forget that the artist was Indonesian, and was making an explicit statement about how an ethnically Chinese (non-Muslim) politician in Indonesia shouldn't be voted for by Muslims.
I mean...this is Dr Nemesis, he sees crazier things on his nights off
It's mostly forgotten, but that wasn't the intent. Carol was supposed to have had consensual sex with her own son, and been retired into literal Limbo forever. Nobody working on the book noticed that one line of Marcus' dialogue meant that he could be interpreted as a rapist, but readers noticed, and Marvel were forced to retcon the story and let the X-Men writer make the Avengers look bad. many gold pages to pull from America's solo. But for some reason her girlfriend being held hostage in a kid leash just really sticks to me
the Avengers already looked bad, they were in the wrong
At most, Thor, Iron Man and Hawkeye were in the wrong for not paying enough attention to Marcus when he was telling them his origin story. How are any of the others in the wrong when they weren't present?
Oh please, when have the Avengers collectively EVER done anything wrong?
...I’m serious, I legit wanna know now. There’s gotta be piles of fuck ups over the years.
I love the edit version better. but yeah, that's pretty crazy
I don’t see how that’s forgotten about if it’s the whole crux of Injustice and all that
Janet, you freak.
Speaking of, remember when Doctor Nemesis betrayed America in favor of the Nazis and committed a ton of atrocities before dying while praising the everlasting glory of Der Führer?
Wolverine got to watch
Thanks user, I really needed to be reminded of how every single character design in this dumpster fire of a comic is an embarrassing eyesore.
Holy fuck
Is her name Lisa because when you see from a far it looks like USA.
God,that's so Dumb
god there's much to hate from that comic
shitting on these comics every month with Yea Forums was always a blast
Are the radical women really into skateboarding and surfing?
Notice how there don't seem to be any classrooms listed.
i think what keeps getting me is that it's the Sotomayor University
that apparently does not teach law because why would you want to do that in a school named after a supreme court justice
He was merely pretending
I wonder if she gets refrenced in the new carnage event...
I mean, Gabby should know what a university is actually supposed to look like. She went to Texas Tech, after all.
She's going to be the new Scream.
>they couldn’t give these groups two separate departments
It's someone painfully out of touch with modern youth would think, yes.
Is that a lost Jojo character?
>Holding the entire team to account for something most of them didn't know about wasn't fair.
That entire thing was just one writer shitting on another writer by using the characters as a proxy
when is the weekend of pain? I've been here for years, but miss it every time
SDCC week.
The entirety of Jeph Loeb's Ultimates was one giant "oh yeah that happened"
Hell just make it to where the stare only works on weakened targets and the reason it fails is most Ghost Riders use it right off the bat
Comics were a mistake huh.
honestly the whole line was like that if you go back and reread it. Only Thor wasn't needlessly edgy. Ultimate 3 was worse, but 1 and 2 were bad too
This is the kind of stupid shit you get when you're blinded by your own political bias. Anyone with half a brain would stop when asked:
>After Joker representing the Iranians kills the U.N. and pisses off the ENTIRE EARTH what do they do next
>What does Iran gain from this
oh, and I probably should have said USM too but I never read it
Can we just take a moment to laugh at the dumb faggot who couldn't swallow his own shit long enough to do his job without filling everything up with his bullshit
Why isn't anyone noticing Lockjaw picking up Storm Breaker unless that hammer follows different rules than Thor's
Lockjaw is worthy. all dogs are worthy be default
I think he has the same rules, I recall him not being worthy when he tried to starve galactus by blowing up planets.
This was the moment Captain America realized he was fighting for the wrong side during WW2
>Oh man those guys that are obsessed with racial purity would never resort to incest to keep the race pure like all the other guys obsessed with keeping their blood pure
Fuck off Shmit and let Crossbones know he's a faggot too
Reminder that this run was so bad that, despite Bendis intentionally trying to make it to influence the upcoming movies, Gunn told the cast to avoid reading it at all costs.
>Storm Breaker unless that hammer follows different rules than Thor's
Pic related. Lockjaw is just worthy I guess, not that I mind because I like the dog but I agree it is weird.
Whatever happened to that fag?
Good idea, mostly horrible execution.
Kinda wish they hadn't ultimatum'd that universe to death
this was weird, but man did they just completely wreck everything on the way out
i think what happened to tigra was particularly mean spirited
The Marvel Mangaverse should have been wierd adaptions of famous manga using Marvel characters and concepts
>Parasyte involving Peter Parker and the symbiotes
>Devilman but with Ghost Rider
>Captain America as a Kamen Rider
Or get actual mangaka to write shot manga about the characters (preferably the real ones and not Japanese expys) like DC did for a pretty good Batman manga
rick hobo piss remender
I can appreciate Thor not wanting to lose to a car.
Lockjaw is the worthiest.
Well, the whole point is that Willy Pete is one of the worst villians in the comic, but intentionally keeps a low profile because all he cares about is fucking and eating superhumans.
This one is a classic.
Based Tony and Clint letting Whore Danvers get raped for being such a slut. Serves that Thot right.
bomb queen is a pretty bad comic
that point in time where tony was replaced with a teen version of himself
But, you know, getting herself pregnant with obama's baby as a plot to kill all the super heroes in the US is a pretty bold plan. Dumb and edgy as hell, but bold
And in the end she was actually pregnant with George Bush's kid and he becomes the anti-christ.
>when have the Avengers collectively EVER done anything wrong?
When Doc Oc was using Peter's body and they didn't notice.
Took me a second to realize that Nick Fury does not, in fact, have alien horn monster tits
What the fuck is this
>the real Tony Stark has been dead for years
How did the story derail so hard
The main concept was pretty decent, they managed to write Shaggy as kind of a hipster, but not insufferable and actually empathetic by making him care about science experiment Scooby.
Then it all fucked up.
It's been storytimed every weekend of pain.
Say what you will about the mangaverse, but "Hank Pym is a teenager that controls ants by playing the guitar." was an inspired choice.
Do men in Iran even wear keffiyehs?
WHAT? I need to read this, which book was this in?
wtf I love Dr. Nemesis now
Ruins, where all the heroes and villains are horrible disasters.
but user, he's also racist
dem cute Asian eyes are just made for dick
You could honestly post every single comic between 1939 and 1970 as "oh yeah that happened"
Gold/silver age superheroes did not give a single fuck
There was Attack on Titan + Marvel, which shown how weak the Titans are against supers.
Iron Man by himself would decimate them if he knew their weakness.
Didn't her powers fry electronics she phased through?
The current Tony Stark is three different Tony Starks from alternate universes/timelines merged together, that at one point completely wiped their collective brain and restored it from AI recordings.
Adaptions using Marvel characters not cross overs, think Adam Warren's Dirty Pair
Jesus, post-Morrison DP was unreadable
Reminds me of Aquaman's long lost son, Koryak who was randomly murdered by The Spectre on Infinite Crisis and has never been referenced again
80s comics, Iran Bad Joker Bad, look kids comics!!
It that Floronic Man, aka Jason ''Eats Swampy's Cummies'' Woodrue in the back?
How the fuck do people still give Mark Millar money?
2000 was 19 years ago...
earth is populated with idiots
Now image that with Paul Rudd and Brie
Yes, he was trying to go straight after being a Swamp Thing baddie. DC has never known what to do with thim, he started as a regular mad scientist in The Atom called Plant MAster then mutated into Flornic Man (s that even a real world) and fought Hal Jordan in Flash back up stories, then he became Swamp Thing nemesis, tried becoming a hero by the name "Floro"; went to fight Ryan Choi and re-invented himelf as The Seeder during Snyder's Swamp Thing run
Made me chuckle (formerly sneedle)
Wasn't The Seeder a full nu52 reboot?
... yeah?
Doesn't Kitty have high-level ninja abilities from being possessed by that ninja enemy of Wolverine's that one time? Plus she's been training in the Danger Room since she was fifteen. I mean, she's not a pushover in any case.
I remember that period where it was like fucking Beetlejuice and anytime you mentioned this comic it was storytimed along with the guy who posts that one edit.
honestly the initial set of comics for Mangaverse(except the Punisher one and maybe the Sons of Satan one too) was actually pretty decent for what it was
shame that they just completely ruined it in the end(they basically did Ultimatum to it several years before they did it to the Ultimate Universe, notably they heavily implied during Mangaverse Spider-Man's appearances in Spider-Verse that part of the universe had gotten retconned away)
despite having a very similar style that wasn't part of Mangaverse
>If I worked at Marvel, I'd try and create a storyline about how the Penance Stare has been weakened due to devil bullshit, because that's the only explanation for Ghost Rider being so nerfed these days.
personally I'd do the opposite and have the run start with all the people who tanked it before get stared again and this time actually succumb to it(obviously they wouldn't stay dead, but it'd be cathartic to have that past problem rectified)
Emperor Joker was fun though
Actual answer
"Gorr was right"
Basically it amounted to that the gods weren't able to help enough people to justify their power. It references Jason Aaron's Thor run, which was actually pretty good
That filename got me
Do people even remember this episode?
I thought Jason killed her
Closed in one year because nobody who 'graduated' from it can get a job.
It's art
legit look like jojos
I remember they made a big deal about it, and it was so forgettable
That's Bendis making fun of the storyline. He likes to bring up awful shit like that as in place of a joke. A lot.
Nice, well defined brapper
How does your fertility doctor misgender you? Honestly struggling to see how this works
Never seen an Inuit hero before.
Are there any popular Inuit heroes at all?
damn, I thought she was too obscure to get a fucking tie-in mini.
actually its from a Webcomic and its pretty good
I love this because I like Spider-Man and I LOVE Spiders but writers simply do not make the Spider-Man more like a Spider, which has a lot more creative potential then "swings around on literal thin air with nothing about him man"...
What am I looking at here?
Reminder that Orlando rebooted Extrano and he was a based latino daddy instead of an embarrassment
Bendis has come
What happened?
I love that that shit got forgotten before it even really appeared.
That's incredbily petty.
You're fucking kidding me, why are they renumbering again?
To be honest he just got cocky. He'd actually done this exact shit multiple times before, even back at DC, and he'd just been slightly more subtle and gone unnoticed
Remember when Bendis introduced Ultimate Deadpool and he was just some guy with a weird glass face?
Burnside-era Batgirl had many, many problems and was a giant mass of shit. The costume, and the abomination that was her bathroom were merely the least of them.
I remember how they it was animated worse than even nusimpsons episodes. Was really weird to see simpson animated like family guy.
Yeah, but they make her "tough", ninja training and such, but she never uses her power effectively, she just threatens to put her hand inside you and solidify.
I'm reminded of the Scooby-Doo movie.
I fail to see the issue
I remember when he got a cliffhanger for that plot and forgot about it, and then it happened like 10 times more during USM
Why does Marvel always suck the dick of incumbent presidents?
The best part of this was that the glass face thing was some kind of holographic inducer and when he first removed his mask he was pretending to be Xavier.
USM had it's good points, but there was quite a bit of pointlessly edgy stuff like the symbiotes in there.
That time ultimate Wolverine left Cyclops for dead in the jungle to fuck Jean back home, and she went along with it.
10 Nights of The Beast immediately springs to mind. The worst the Soviets have to offer is literally the worst fucking assassin of all time. There is no way in hell the KGB would've had a dumb fuck like KGBeast on their payroll.
It doesn't help matters that he had an IRANIAN flunky that ALLAHU AKBARS himself.
Don't get me wrong, I love how fucking ridiculous the whole arc is, but someone thought that shit was deadly serious and relevant political commentary.
Oh no. Fuck that shit. Extrano was unironically the only good member of the New Guardians. Getting rid of his fabulous faggotry is a crime against his character.
based as fuck
Wasn't there also this weird bullshit that the reason Batman wanted to leave KGBeast to die (before a recton said that Batman went back to save him later) was because for some reason the American government would have let a well-known Soviet assassin go or something?
Sauce please OwO
I don't remember...but it sounds like they would just trade him for someone the soviets had.
Honk honk
>he just wanted to eat pizza and become someone in life after he went back to school in naples
>C) Iran would never ever do something this stupid because it would be considered an act of war by literally every country on Earth.
Ah, but The entirety of Iran would have become a Batman villain, by association. That means they're allowed to kill as many people as they want, and Batman will do everything in his power to ensure non of them are killed so he can send them to Arkham.
Because Who had the BIGGEST IDEA of giving to a guy who's still on a full PTSD crisis after his son died tragically with the same company giving zero fucks to him?
So how DID they forever kill off Kluh?
What. No. Nooooo noooooooo-
Oh, thats the other Gabby Rivera. Fuck off user, I have enough shame from going to that school don't pile it on.
They thought that differentiating the Ultimate universe from 616 was the way to go, and that they'd achieve that by even edgier characters and killing tons of people to show that they could die unlike in the main universe.
The issue is that most people followed Ultimate for the whole "updated marvel" concept, not for a random AU. So when they attempted to take Ultimate in that direction they pretty much killed the line.
Nope, it was far dumber than that. A CIA guy told Batman that the KGBeast was part of the personnel of the Soviet Embassy, which in Jim Starlin's mind apparently means that he has diplomatic immunity and the American government would have no choice but to just send him home.
Oh yeah....but I mean, despite not everyone working there being granted, it's pretty much a given that the soviets have the KGBeast on the list. There's like a passport, and he has his mask on in the picture, his last name is East, all fully documented.
Is this a bar with washing machines, or a laundromat with an open bar?
You think he’ll be in Immortal Hulk?
Bar with washing machines.
Ambassadors and their families have full diplomatic immunity, but embassy staff only have functional immunity, which only accounts for crimes committed during their work as diplomats. It would not cover crimes you commit as a masked super-villain assassin murdering American government officials who TRIED TO MURDER RONALD REAGAN, especially since there is no way the Soviet Union would ever admit to having ordered the KGBeast to do anything.
God i hope not.
But, user, they lose plausible deniability the moment people hear the dude's name.
Now it's hard to argue that they would let a guy go after trying to kill the president.
Nah thats unrelated. She was a character from a previous run
It's Blade user.
You just know at least one of them is all "Thank God that's over" every time she leaves the team.
Be fair, nobody noticed, no matter how obvious Otto made it. Even X-Men telepaths with a long history of reading people's minds without permission never noticed that Spider-Man's body had Doctor Octopus' mind.
>Carol: "Kamala, now that your a real hero and Ms Marvel, I'll give you the same words that Mar-Vel gave me.
>Mar-Vel: "Carol, you're as dumb as Judas Traveller and twice as irrelevant. If your half-alien son tries to rape you, I say let him!"
>Carol: "Lousy traumatic backstories..."
Yeah. The Soviets would disavow him and have him assassinated before he could spill his guts, which would've actually been a much better ending for the arc. Batman manages to conquer the Beast only to have him killed immediately after.
I disagree, comrade. They have all the deniability in the world. Who in their right mind would have the title of their organization be part of their retard assassin's name? Not the KGB, that's for sure.
Because. You are. A VICTIM.
What about the plausible part, user?
Mangaverse Phoenix
That time we learned that Claremont rubbed off on Louise Simonson
Tone down the onions intake
Marvel's first stories to feature Bush were Ennis' Punisher, where Frank breaks into the White House to threaten him, and Millar's Ultimate X-Men, where Magneto humiliates him. Then 9/11 happened, and he had some appearances like this in Avengers and Captain America, then they went back to negative portrayals of him but the Iraq war actually gave them an excuse by then.
>One Piece character.png
>were Ennis' Punisher, where Frank breaks into the White House to threaten him
But why though?
>yeah, just hit the reset button in the humon body
>Transsexual Leonard Nimoy
>it happened like 10 times more during USM
>Ultimate Beetle
>Kitty becoming an edgy Magneto esque villain
>Kitty having the opposite of her original powers, being able to become hyper dense and super strong/resilient (pretty much Luke Cage) out of nowhere
>Everything pertaining to Ult Venom
>Mary Jane still having a Sasquatch transformation
>Ultimate Scorpion's fate (the Peter clone not the crime boss)
That's just off the top of my head, any I miss? Speaking of Ultimate Spiderman
>That time Jean swapped Peter and Logan's souls and Logan immediately tried to fuck MJ, and Pete laid down the absolutely most savage take down of the X-men in any universe since the time 616 Spidey soloed one of the best X-men teams in history
Please apply.
Based Peter
>Or get actual mangaka to write shot manga about the characters
Shit I forgot they actually did try the manga route once with a shojou X-men harem staring Kitty Pride
You could argue they went easy on Obama since butthurt faggots keep posting the Spiderman cover but conveniently forget that Obama gave Norman Osborne the keys to the castle and signed off on the invasion of Asgard
It was an early 2000's comic written by an opinionated and somewhat liberal European, they LOVED to shit on Bush rightfully so
Why the hell didn't that take off?
Look at Spider-man and the X-men and see how distrustful of Spider-man they are if anything they'd just think that's how he always was and he finally stopped pretending
It came out when manga and anime was that weird kid in the class with the head band and cat ears hobby. Nowadays theres enough normalfag ironic weebs that it might just get "popular"
Kind of necessary given how long these characters have been around.
>Kitty having the opposite of her original powers, being able to become hyper dense and super strong/resilient (pretty much Luke Cage)
Was this Bendis combining the two characters he most wants to fuck
Yes because she ends up with Kong the giant bald motherfucker who looks a lot like a certain comic book writer
This. The only continuity that sticks is the stuff the current writer remembers.
No no no... he finds out the Penance Stare got nerfed, fixes it, THEN he gives Frank the ol' P.S. and walks off as Frank writhes in agony
Hell here's him taking down venom with hellfire easily.
What the fuck is she wearing?
Was this in reference to anything Hal specifically did?
A menstruation pad and a boomerang.
Practically nothing damn...what movie/tv is that line from, I think a Star Trek episode
In the first arc of the New 52 Justice League, Batman dramatically unmasks to Hal and tells him that he's Bruce Wayne, only for Hal to respond "Who the hell's Bruce Wayne?".
From the first arc of the nu52 Justice League, Batman tells Hal that he is Bruce Wayne. That was Hal's response.
I think that Jim Starlin used DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY CAN'T TOUCH THIS like 3 times as plot point during his run. It's like he thought that Lethal Weapon 2 was a documentary.
>That guy that Jason Todd pushed off a roof
You're right. That last one was also pretty stupid, because that guy wouldn't have been allowed to remain in the States, he would have been sent back to his home country. Diplomatic immunity does let you get away with crimes, but that doesn't mean you still get to stay in the guest country afterwards, writers keep forgetting that.
Eat dicks.
>Everyone sitting back and letting her get destroyed sounds about right for human relationships. When humans are having sex, the rest of us just have to applaud to no matter what.
Excuse moi what? Have you ever had a female friend? Most girls I'm friends with love to talk about relationships, the good and the bad. I've definitely seen breakups happen because friends convinced the girl that the guy was no good for them.
We don't "just have to applaud", when it comes to real friends it's okay to be critical. Real friends are the ones who are willing to call eachother out when they're making a mistake.
Fuck, man. A lot of people here struggle with the concept of having a girlfriend, and they get lambasted for it often enough. But I've never seen somebody so confused as to what friendship itself is.
she got frozen in ice and got chopped into pieces by a hand member.
can't find the whole thing like i used to.
in the same scene, doctor strange got fried into dust with no struggle.
Ok but what was in the in-story reasons for Frank to break into the white house and treating the president?
I liked it for what it was trying to be. It lost its way after the first year or so, but the idea of a permadeath, no-status-quo continuity was really solid.
Oh god we will be here forever:
>Not getting Hank mental help when he was acting crazy, and just ignoring it at first, and later court marshaling him.
>ignoring multiple instances when characters were going through nasty divorces and it clearly affecting their work.
>Repeatedly abandoning team members.
>Ignoring obviously evil people, etc, etc.
Has it gotten any better? I dropped Babs as soon as that stupid fucking outfit change happened and outside of the occasional cringe thread I don't hear much about it.
What's wrong here?
Promethea teaming up with The Justice League
Take away his feet!
fuck Orlando, trying anything to save his failed book and THIS is what he thinks will save it?
Nothing, just a cool moment.
Tom Strong showed up right around the same time in The Terrifics, so I wonder if it wasn't editorial's idea to use Alan Moore characters to get headlines. " Ohohoho grumpy old man is sure gonna be angry about this" and then he never said anything
Somebody took this one off super-villian from a F-listers comic who was actually powered by Cocaine and seemed to consider it's spread an actual religious calling (to be fair, it actually seems to be good for him). Somebody actually did a full exploration of that in a webcomic. It's been pretty kino.
I remember raging when I heard Rocket say "BLAM, MURDERED YA!" in Marvel Infinite.
No, in fact Gabby broke them up for the most retarded reason ever: America was moving and they decided long distance woulnd't work. Never mind the fact that Chavez both flies super fast and is a teleporter, somehow distance was going to be a problem. The real reason of course, is cause Gabby didn't like her dating a white blonde so she had to introduce other, "better" love interests, like this fugly here
Williams got pissed though, and it ensure that he'll never work with them again
How the fuck can you write that page and not be fired for it
Be a dyke trans latino or whatever the hell it was.
that's really tame for Plastic Man
Wait, I thought Robbie had actual demonic powers given to him by the damned soul of his devil-worshipping uncle, when did he get actual Spirit of Vengeance powers like the Penance Stare?
Somewhat better. People keep on saying they're changing the outfit again- though I don't think they will, not unless they want to risk her sales again so soon after Burnside flopped.
Kid's got taste.
Reminder that this was censored due to SJW outcry
When Aaron decided he would to fit into his cavengers narrative. So he just became a regular rider out of nowhere and all we got was robbie saying that Eli just suddenly stopped talking to him one day and then he got penance stare. I bet you sooner or later Aaron is going to have the helmet get damaged or broken so that robbie just has a flaming skull like the others.
There was at least one black kree
That dialogue...Jesus Christ.
There was that Avengers K thing where some Koreans took comic storylines and adapted them into manhwa. I've only seen the Disassembled book at a second hand bookstore but it looks like they combine stuff from the MCU and contemporary comics into these adaptations.
There was also a Wolverine story by the guy who did BLAME!
Now I'm not a Carol fan (I have no problem with the character tho) but I got to call some bullshit on this.
>There are Black Kree
>There are White Kree
What's next Asian Kree?
I want to FUCK Plastic man
K-Killer Queen?
Who says Hala doesn't have an Asia?
90 > today's garbage and you can't fucking prove me wrong
>Thor talking like a Hulk
>Ms. Marvel suddenly is a cosmic being
hard fucking pass
>we made an insane clown criminal president
what kind of fucking retard are you holy fuck, Trump is not worse than motherfucker since sr Bush
and then for the sequel they turned him into vegeta (and human torch suddenly is a girl that looks like asuka, and black cat is rei and Spider-Man is shinji)
That's just badly written as apposed to implausible. Carol has had her mind and memories erased more than once in her career so I guess it would be hard to feel guilty for a lot of stuff that she doesn't necessarily have any emotional connection too.
But writing something like, when your mind has been messed with as often as mine it's hard to feel guilty about stuff your told you did.
Nope, better to push some badly written agenda nonsense, screw the storytelling.
>I'm sick and tired of being punished for existing
I think I know who wrote this...
Source on that? Believable, but funny if true.
WW's most iconic moment. holding a giant jar filled with supermans sperm
>posting this on Yea Forumsmblr when faggots, landwhales with dyed hair and other rejects of common sense congregate. Nah son.
Gunn told the cast to not read ANYTHING regardless of run because he never had any intention of adhering to the source, only after he found out some people were reading shit behind his back that he said they could look at DnA for a rough idea.
but it's funny and cute amd kinda clever
What would be more super, that clark has tons of stamina or that was all one shot?
Mephitso turned into a woman and tried to seduce Gorgon and Karnak
post the bulge
And RHCP probably
>lightsaber claws
lmao I totally forgot about that
Bush was portrayed as being secretly corrupt and easily blackmailed, and was the reason why the villain of the arc was able to operate on US soil. Frank even walks in on Bush getting drunk, which just felt incredibly petty.
Ennis's Thor story also portrayed Bush as an idiot who doesn't know what nukes actually do.
>Kree Kleaner
Just when you thought CM books couldn't be worse...
You just sorta can tell he's been waiting to flex his super kegels for like, ten years before he made that supply.
That one was actually pretty good.
Marvel NOW! was such a shit show
Remember when it was revealed Doom was actually T'challa sister?
And people thought Shuri was a sue.
T'channa killed Doom, took his mantle - although Doom Bringer is a sweet name for a sword.
Why is Marvel so focused on making Carol the absolute fucking worst...she used to be a great character.
Like holy shit i've never seen a character pushed so hard....and so poorly
The media pushing trans shit on audiences when they're less than .01% of the population is so fucking baffling.
Still can’t believe this wasn’t posted yet.
That's awesome though? She just no-sold a fucking penance stare.
For all this shit this scene gets, Spider-Man: Reign is a fantastic mini-series.
Also its clear he meant that just being around him physically is what made her sick
That's not cool, it's fucking retarded. It's like saying she no-sold having a stroke.
So did The Punisher, and as stupid as that was it was done better than this shitty writing.
Its like Disney told Marvel Comics that "Captain Marvel is not allowed to fail, she has to be popular". I have to believe the only reason the movie was a success was that it was marketed so you had to see if to know what was going on in Endgame (even though that was bullshit)
Except it wasn't marketed like that at all. Keep seething.
>Captain Marvel is not allowed to fail
ya, sure, that's why CWII happened
>This isn't an edit
Post the Pony-fied Plastic Man
Where's the lie?
Man. That wasn't even him at his edgiest. That was him nerfed after going full edge.
Ah yes, the time Blackfire was impregnated by a tentacle monster.
There's Pieface, I guess...
Worst, it's Ultimate Blade
what am i even looking at
That time Spider-Man got in Ock's way when he was trying to cure AIDS
At least we got Ellis' Moon Knight out of it.
>every fluid
>touching me
Yeah, okay, buddy.
What the fuck?
I used to buy Webspinners every month and remember this story clearly. I remember thinking it was pretty good. Not huge on Phillips' art, though.
If you post it Yea Forumstumbler will defend it and attack you, then whine and cry and run to the mods to the delete the thread.
This is one of the first comics I ever bought. I actually really like that story, even if it's a bit skiffy. I also really dug this sick ad for Sonic Adventure on the back cover.
Chameleon immediately fumbles trying to explain that he doesn't mean romantic love, then he and Peter just crack up at the absurdity of the situation, then Chameleon throws himself off the bridge to his apparent death.
Oh yeah, right before this page, Chameleon is holding Mary Jane hostage, but then reveals it's just a hologram projection from his mask. Did he ever do that before this issue, or has he done it since? I haven't read much in the way of Chameleon stories. Obviously he can project a hologram over his own head but that's the only time I can recall him using it to actually project something outwith his own person.
>A lot of Jim Starlin's Batman run is REALLY dated.
But it was true to his era. KGBeast is a great example of how paranoid was the 80´s world polotics. I preffer 80´s batman to 90´s emo-goth batman or 2000 everything-needs-to-be-an-event morrison batman.
Acquire intercourse.
Megaman pls
Speaking of gay Spiderman villians, I remember a comic were Electro asks a shapeshifting prostitute to turn in to Spiderman.
This is spot on reality though
Not gonna lie the consent form booth surrounded by hugging people is kinda cute.
The point of satire is to show something OTHER than reality
>that Mike Tyson haircut
And by golly he did...
Wasn't that a Moon Knight character already?
Ultimately, she was. This shit did NOT sell well.
Diversity hire. And by "hire" I mean, "internship that pays you for one Starbucks coffee a month."
Snowguard from The champions and Snowbird from Alpha Flight
fucking wow
>can teleport across interstellar distances
>girlfriend doesn't want to move to a new city
It seems like this is a problem that solves itself, but I'm not a writer for Marvel. I think we can all agree that breaking up with the girlfriend, making yourself homeless and living out of a van is the better option. After all, what does she expect? For you to use your teleportation powers to go to university and still live with her? Pffff, that's not her doing what you want, so time to throw shit at her and storm out of the apartment!
>Nehi will never do a Venom book
That man perfect to write/draw a Venom book
God I miss this.
The ultimate answer is Gabby Rivera was not a good writer at all.
Also she was sometimes a Jew.
What the fuck is with her face?
>That centre-bottom 'fan'mail
Ha, good times. I almost miss the racist little spicwhale.
This was our shining moment to be sure.
Just who is this, "C.O." guy?
No one knows why, just that the board is full of shills or trolls pushing her as the greatest thing since sliced bread to the point where posts likeare impossible to discern to be sarcastic or genuine. The best course of action would be to just flat out ban Carol and Captain Marvel like we did pastel horses
80s were underrated actually. I too like Bronze Age Batman and many others.
>The ultimate answer is Gabby Rivera was not a good writer at all.
Yes, but she was magnificent in how terrible she was. I don't think there was a single page across her entire run that didn't have something wrong with it in some way. True, some of that was the art, but most of it was the writing. It was just such a glorious mess.
I miss this Carol
Were it not for Gabby, we wouldn't have the Great Indie Rush we're currently going through.
Had she not been such a shite writer, Koffboi wouldn't have gotten nearly as much attention as he did, even with ReeRee.
>What the holy menstruation
Who speaks like this? What kind of women does Gabby hangs out with?
I didn't have any problem with the Terrifics or Promethe appearing on those books, but not asking Williams was a dick move.
Secret Wars retconned her into coming from literal Feminist Utopia... and then Gabby took it a whole lot further and we wound up with this wonderful, wonderful line.
Ice Maiden, from JLI
gonna need sauce on that
>What the fuck is with her face?
It's traced from a Superman thing
It was an user in one of the threads, he posted a wip of that letter and some of us said the Room reference was too heavy handed and would give it away.
We were wrong, they're just that dumb.
She also gave us meme bugs.
I mean, I was going for the "Who is this 'Yea Forums' guy?" meme, but ta for the explanation.
No I hate it when writers retcon bad mistakes of previous writers.
It almost always works out very awkward and dumb.
Just ignore them.
The What If? Enemy of The State actually ends with Kitty killing a brainwashed Wolverine by phasing one of his hands into his head
But... wouldn't he just regenerate from that?
i mean it was a what if
You are alright sometimes Yea Forums.
>Blood Ravens
>Over Tanith First & Only
That's some heresy right there
is this science dog ?
Sure, and we had airports in 1776.
To show batman he's not wearing a mask, that he's still smiling underneath. And that he and batman are the same and not wearing masks
Ewing could make it cool
Why was this an hour long but the Futurama crossover wasn't?
All I remember is that they shat on Bob's Burger even though it's by far the funniest show of the three.
the best part is how she clearly was tied or some shit but the editor or writer probably told the artist that it was too triggering
> the furies writer is next to write Batgirl.
I swear the Batgirl comic since the New 52 has been cursed since they prematurely canceled Vol. 3.
So Jason Todd absorbed the powers of a tentacle monster and eats the other brother.
seriously that whole event was weird, by the end of it there was like only 4 or 5 named characters left alive in the setting, it makes Ultimatum look like a kiddie show in comparison
Mangaverse Human Torch was always a girl
Reign was overall pretty good, but it definitely had issues, for one thing it was just a couple shades darker than it really needed to be(had a lot more dying children in it than any comic should ever have for one thing), and they never really bothered explaining anything about how Reign's future came to be(or what happened to all the non-Spider-Man characters)
What the hell did they censor?
latest cover shows babs getting femraped, so let's see