It's gonna happen someday.
It'll take maybe a decade and Feige rolling a truck of money up to Andrew Garfield's house but it'll happen
It's gonna happen someday.
It'll take maybe a decade and Feige rolling a truck of money up to Andrew Garfield's house but it'll happen
>Thinking it'll take a rolling truck of money for Garfield to accept
He'd jump at the chance in a second
I'm wondering what stops Marvel from doing this? Every Spider Man actor will jump on this opportunity. Sony will make a lot of money and will open a window to include their movies with MCU. Marvel will make a lot of money also.
Why won't they do this damnit
Spider-verse will be the equivalent of like Avengers 1 for Spidey so if anything it would require buildup
Feige is a purist probably and doesn't want other universe's to become canon with his, then again, he's saying he's okay with Venom appearing so who knows
He was only okay with venom after it was a hit. His mouselords probably reigned him and reminded him was really in charge of the MCU.
I thought it was Tom Holland cameo'ing in a Venom movie, not the other way around.
Similar to how the young X-men had that cameo in DP2, where it confirmed they existed in that universe but weren't crucial to DP2's plot.
>he's saying he's okay with Venom appearing
That's not what he said. He just said he would be okay with a crossover
Because it would probably be a bad movie.
But why?
Animated SV is good because it really has just one Parker, the other spider guys are completely different
the 3 movie versions of Peter are too damn close to eache other, it would be redundant and boring without more pintoresque members (Ham, SpDr, Noir, Gwen, hell even Miles)
I'd believe you if Mysterio's multiverse shtick was actually real, although the multiverse was confirmed in Doctor Strange
But it'd be neat if every single universe had their JJJ and in every single one he's JK Simmons
After the JK Simmons thing, I fully expect the MCU to go through EVERY fan wish.
Andrew wouldn't do it, hes too much a hipster & would rather work on whatever "art piece" mel gibon directs next
Tobey would probably do it though, hes probably still a bit upset about no Spidey 4
>Andrew wouldn't do it, hes too much a hipster & would rather work on whatever "art piece" mel gibon directs next
Hence the need for a truck full of money
I dunno if we need andrew anyway, his universe was left a bit unfinished while tobey could really fit the role of peter b parker in spiderverse really well, i mean he probably wouldn't get back with mj & harry is dead, hes likely gonna turn into a depressed bum
>So... Uncle Ben wasn't your motivation to be a hero?
>Who's Uncle Ben? is he related to Mr Stark?
>hes too much a hipster & would rather work on whatever "art piece" mel gibon directs next
what kind of burn is that
it was literally just 1 movie
Hacksaw Ridge wasn't even an art film, it was a war biopic. Silence was the art film.
He waits to see results and then makes the planning for the buildup.
I mean, he probably took it into consideration after Spider-verse sucess
This is a good point, how would you guys differentiate the Peters?
>Macguire is the oldest. Has a wife and kids, is basically a pseudo-boomer.
>Is physically the strongest, organic webbing skeeves the other Peters out big time
>Is just a tiny annoyed at how Holland had everything handed to him while meanwhile he had to deliver fucking pizzas well into his late 20s while protecting his identity the whole time
>Garfield is the one with an attitude, thinks Macguire is corny
>treats Holland like a kid brother
>fast and acrobatic, even for a Spider-Man
>gear and costume isn't as clean/dynamic as Raimi Pete and not as high-end and advanced as Holland Pete; webshooters are made of wristwatches, costume is hand sewn, etc.
>Holland has the least experience but the most resources
>he and Macguire bond over Jonah making their lives difficult
>he's impressed that Garfield knows how to ride a skateboard
>fighting style is based more around tech and gadgets than his powers
>If Macguire is Leonardo and Garfield is Raphael, Holland is Donatello and Mike rolled into one
Feige couldn't jump fast enough at the chance to distance Venom for the MCU prior to its release. It's only because the movie did really well financially and gave Sony ideas that he's now saying he'd be open to a crossover.
>A decade
If people's reaction to the Jameson cameo is positive, which will be most likely, it will take only like 5 years top.
>All the Spideys are shooting the shit and comparing their lives
>Talking villains, we get some additional lore
>"Oh you fought Mysterio too? I took him down years ago, back before I got married. Turned out he was this older dude with a HUGE chin."
>Eventually the topic turns to family, they all praise their respective Aunt Mays
>"So wait, if we all have an Aunt May, then..."
>Macguire and Garfield talk about their Uncle Bens, share the variations of "great power/great responsibility"
>They turn to Holland
>"What about you, kid?"
>Holland looks down, gets a little misty-eyed
>we assume he's going to talk about Iron Man
>when actually this is our introduction to Uncle Ben in the MCU, shown via flashback
>"I mean, Mr Stark... Tony... he taught me how to be the Amazing Spider-Man... but Uncle Ben... he's the one who taught me how to be Peter Parker."
If I had to guess,
>1: they aren't ready to do that movie yet
>2: having Tobey and Andrew there would mean Disney would forever have to divvy up money with Sony forever. This can lead to what happened with the Marvel/DC crossovers where they're way out of print and can't be reprinted yet.
Niggas with vision
Reminder that Sony wanted a Spider-Man vs. The Amazing Spider-Man movie.
there's no reason to rush into it, they have tons of untapped Spider-Man stories to hit first
>I'm wondering what stops Marvel from doing this?
He's not essential to this. His Spider run had a ok movie and a really shitty one. It's Tobey and Holland crossing over that would sell tickets.
Because that would mean marvel and disney acknowledging that there are other spiderman movies that exist. Reminder they sabotaged xmen and F4 for fox once MCU kicked off. If spiderman wasn't so popular, they would have done the same.
But Andrew has always been a fan of spiderman.....
This would make the movie worth it. Never mind if it's a bit of a retcon.
>Reminder they sabotaged xmen and F4 for fox
No, it couldn't possibly be that Fox is just fucking retarded. It was a genius idea to have the person who wrote Last Stand to write and direct another Phoenx story despite never directing jack shit in his life
What if TASM2 never happened, at least some parts of it? That way Raimi Peter is with MJ, TASM Peter with Gwen, MCU Peter with Michelle. Also the more awful villain designs can be retconned out, even the Lizard can look different if he relapses but he could be an ally.
Or invoke split timelines/universes with the TASMs being separate, and with the future Raimi verse as depicted and the original planned Spider-Man 4 being separate as well.
How does Nicholas Hammond fit into this?
>70s TV Spider-Man shows up
>dresses, speaks, and acts like it's the 70s
>callback to the Spider-Man 3 James Brown dance, only he's doing it unironically
*angry feige noises*
Because it's a gimmicky idea and Garfield isn't even considered a good Spider-Man.
Just say it takes place between TASM 1 & 2 and the result of the Multiverse fuckery also causes timeline fuckery which makes EmmaStoneGwen not die in the future of GarfieldMan's universe and his other future events not suck.
What would aged up Raimi spidey and Webb spidey wear for costumes to distinguish them from MCU spidey (and eachother)?
>Raimi Spidey is virtually unchanged, since he's taller and buffer than Holland to the point their silhouettes are distinct, maybe Peter has facial hair or he's starting to go grey
>Holland has whatever his recent suit is, maybe something inspired by Ben Reilly
>Garfield shows up wearing the symbiote
It'd be cool if it looked like their own individual Spider-Man stories kept going on in their own universes
>Toby has fought Mysterio, Vulture, the Sinister Six and others since 2006, has a wife and kid, is nearing middle age
>Garfield's adventures are beginning to reflect the comic storylines of the 80s and 90s post The Night Gwen Stacy Died
>Is physically the strongest, organic webbing skeeves the other Peters out big time
Would organic webbing really be that bad?
I mean its not like its shit or piss, it would be like the equivalent to hair or sweat at worse
>They all discuss their love interests
>"Yeah, she kinda figured out I was Spider-Man and now we're dating. Her name is MJ."
>Macguire perks up
>"MJ? As in Mary Jane?"
>"Nah, it stands for Michelle."
>"Oh. I was gonna say, my wife's name is MJ. And considering how many similarities there are between us... we've each got an Aunt May, we each had an Uncle Ben..."
>Holland thinks on this for a bit, suddenly realizes the implication, looks like he's about to shit himself
>Toby grins and winks
>"What about you?"
>Garfield tells them about Gwen and how he's been moving on since her loss, they comfort him
>movie happens, they save the day, everyone goes back to their home dimensions
>Garfield is walking around New York with his hands in his pockets
>waiting at a crosswalk with a few other people
>signal changes, they step into the intersection
>Spidey Sense goes off
>he grabs a young lady in front of him and yanks her out of the way of as taxi that blew through the crosswalk
>she spins around, it's an attractive redhead
>"Holy shit! Wow, you just totally saved my life."
>"Oh you know, it was nothing. The way cabbies drive in this city, you get used to it."
>"Say, I was just on my way to lunch... let me buy you a cup of coffee? It's the least I could do."
>"Well I don't know if I... you know what, sure. I'm Peter by the way."
>"Mary Jane Watson. But my friends call me MJ for short."
>Garfield is dumbstruck, then smiles
>sticky white goo propelled out of a wrist slit
It's kinda ewwy, user.
Not Spider-Verse
Clone Saga
Try and make the Clone Saga palatable.
They'd probably call it "Spider-Men" or something
>Spider-Clones were hidden at different facilities all over the world
>they're all slightly unique
>one is in the UK, played by Holland using his natural accent
>one is from the West Coast, has bleach blonde hair
>one is from Texas, is very traditionally masculine and chivalrous
>one is a girl
>one has more spider DNA and thus has 8 limbs and retractable fangs
>plot keeps all the "wow fuck my whole life is just being a copy of this guy" drama while losing the retarded convoluted stuff
>humor comes from Holland interacting with himself and playing different takes on the same character
>main villain is Miles Warren, played by Toby Macguire
>finale is when he tries to give himself spider powers and transforms into Doppelganger
>unleashes various clones of himself he's tried splicing with animal DNA
>team of spiders vs team of jackal beast men led by a Cronenberg spider monster man
>all the surviving spiders go their separate ways and either retire or become a kind of Spider-Man International
>montage during the credits of Spider-Man getting into adventures all around the world
>Ben Reilly is the LA Spider-Man, quick scene of him meeting Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock
>Kaine goes back to Texas, competes in a rodeo as a special guest until The Enforcers crash the event
>Jessica Drew becomes an Agent of SHIELD
>Spider UK appears on Graham Norton, who asks him why the webbing doesn't come out his bum
you have to obtain the rights
go through all the bullshit to make this happen and even then its a gamble.
>but marvel!
lmao Fox is just shit. marvel had fuck all to do with the dumpster fire that has been the x men movies like Apoc and DP.
>A Spider-verse with three similar Peter Parker
There are really people who want something so boring?
When there are Supaidaman, Spider Punk, Lady Spider and so on?
Even if you absolutely want a bucnh of Peter, characters like Assassin Spider-Man, Spiders-Man or Spider-Kid are at least different enough from the original.
>No Mile Morales
wouldnt watch
I love TASM Lizard's design, except one thing. He must be dressed as human scientist. Ditko's humanoid lizard face is KINO.
>older Spidey vet Toney
>top of his game Garfield
>up and coming Holland
Might actually be cool.
>Macguire and Garfield get amazed of how big Holland's universe is compared to theirs
>team spider men
Fucking never
Pete works better alone or with some bimbo in latex suit
Too good to ever happen
The only characters in SV were Peter B and Miles, and Miles' personality is just "average high schooler" but without Peter's humor. Gwen did nothing and the other spiders were background characters that were never explored.
Honestly I don't get the hype behind SV. It seemed shockingly generic to me
Spoiler should have been Gwen Stacy
I would weirdly like to see Garfield try again now that he's done some more roles. I liked him in Under The Silver Lake.
Remove Garfield. Replace him with the cast of Spider-Verse, Who Framed Roger Rabbit style.
Andrew Garfield played the role relatively early in his acting career and after it he's been in a lot more serious movies. I could see him feeling as if going back to Spider-Man is beneath him now.