>Peridot says this to Garnet
>Garnet immediately leashes her to a fense
Why is Garnet is so shit?
Peridot says this to Garnet
Other urls found in this thread:
she was being dickhead
All racist homophobes should be leashed to fences
Fusion aren't a race.
And Garnet's fusion is hetero.
Try again tumblrfag
Because the CGs were more harsher back then, like when Pearl punched Peridot and bruised her for calling her a Pearl. Or their feelings on Jasper.
Funny that they ended up not even showing a fraction of these feelings towards the people who set the rules in the first place
Garnet should have pounded her into the ground
To her it was probably like watching someone walking around with a loaded AK-47 with zero trigger discipline
Peridot used to be the second best character in the series (right after Pearl of course), how did Peridot get ruined so badly and how do we fix her while keeping her "reformed"?
got zuke'd and barned with lapis and now she's just a flanderized cackling neon green meme machine
Right. But how do we fix her (while keeping her reformed)?
>Garnet's fusion is hetero.
I can hear the autistic screeching all the way on Pluto
get out discord tranny
Learn to pronounce
combining form
prefix: homo-
Learn to pronounce
combining form
prefix: hetero-
other; different.
seriously, dilate tranny
It was basically like asking people to stop giving each other handjobs in public. Not that unreasonable
Keep her away from Lapis. Look at the barn episodes Peridot and then look at Back to the Kindergarten Peridot, it was an improvement
To be fair its like asking a married couple to get a divorce because you're triggered by their marriage.
>barn episodes Peridot
Zuke's meme goblin.
Kindergarten Peridot
Ian-Jones' meme goblin.
The only proper way of reforming her is to giving her limb enchancers back.
Gems don't even have a gender so why should we describe their relationship by using purely human standards?
If Fusions are a relationship, then it makes sense that fusions of the same gem type would be conisdered homo, and fusions of the different gem types would be considered hetero.
>splitting for a short amount of time is the same as divorce
Codependency is bad people.
user they address each other as "she". Therefore they are lesbians.
A small break every now and then is healthy. It gives you time to realize your mistakes and how to change for the better.
Big Yikes
>All homos should be hanged
Fixed for you sweatie
>And Garnet's fusion is hetero
Cringe and bluepilled
You need to look at your tumblr page and stop reeeeeeeeeeing on yourself
...the Crystal Gems fought Yellow and Blue? And what were you expecting them to do once they got in White’s ship, snipe her gem with a laser?
I dunno, why is peridot so ugly and annoying?
Kindly eat shit
She's beauty
She's grace
She's a dorito from space
The nerve of these SUtards spreading their faggotry
They actually addressed that in show which is why they got married. That way they can be together even if they're apart.
I think Rebecca is a Zim fan. Always find it weird how certain fans think she was this perfect rational and logical character when she screamed at the drop of a hat.
k tranny
Peridot is literally perfect in design.
Hoes mad (x24)
your posts reek "of while liberal teenage/20-something girl desperately over compensating".
>k tranny
Hoes mad (x48)
Every thread until you fucking learn.
yup white female confirmed
these SUtards just don't listen
I think she's better when dressed in shirts.
nice try but that ain't true
You're literally a retard
Sure kiddo. Better luck next thread.
cope harder
Holy shit Peridot was just going fucking ham on talking so much shit about Pearls though that episode, no wonder Pearl fucking smashed her fist against her face.
You're showing me a post with proper punctuation and this is supposed to prove something?
trannies sure are dense
Its time to get off the computer Jane.
I wish they kept her more like a cold autist that doesn't understand anything but chores and commando's, even tho I like this green gremlin made of pureness (or emotionally retardedness)
Pre-development and post-development Peridots are valid. I'm just glad we're past the Appease Lapis arc.
No u
We already know you are. You don't need to remind us so often.
Isn't that just an uglier version of this
Garnet kinda creeps me out. Pearl is obviously crazy and Amethyst is the biggest manchild I've seen in cartoons but I can't help but think of Garnet as a lowkey sociopath who only cares about Ruby/Sapphire/Herself and everyone else is secondary to that. Maybe it's because she's not as out there as the other two so I'm just reading into shit that isn't there. Only on season 1, maybe I'll like her more as I keep watching.
>Appease Lapis arc.
Huh.. That is quite possibly the best word in the english language to describe Lapis' arcs and her whole situation.
Failed attempt at a comeback
>that one episode where Garnet is the gentle experienced older partner and Peridot almost fucks her before deciding to wait
Good shit. I wanna see them fuse.
>Only on season 1
If you're expecting much development for Garnet beyond fusion related stuff you're going to be extremely disappointed.
Peridot was being a jerk and the gems still weren't 100% about her so of course Garnet was going to get pissed. And I say this as a total Peridotfag.
>failed attempt
You responded so that makes it a success.
The real problem with Lapis is that she is such a shit character she makes everything around her shittier by association.
They basically confirm this in Raising the Barn and Lapis realizes she fucked up in Can't Go Back. Then in Reunited she turns up at the last second and slams the fucking barn over Blue Diamond's head. What a great episode.
Speaking of, tomorrow is its one year anniversary IIRC.
>saving thumbnails
More proof of your retardation
God Season 6 better have some Peridot fusions. Also I hope she gets a lot stronger between seasons. I want her to go Magneto on someone.
idk she's kinda the embodiment of a 4canner.
I saved from it from Yea Forums but OK
>Lapis is the embodiment of a Yea Forums poster
How does that dispute user's point?
lets agree to disagree. I like my women midgetsized and green
Return to reddit
>>>reddit.com is this way
Peridot went from a cold-hearted killergem to this
And Woody and Buzz are referred to as "He's" but I doubt they were manufactured with a built-in cock.
>non-combat focused gem
disappointing, see me after class.
>Cold-hearted killergem
What? You mean in this one single frame? She was a loud yappy dog from the moment Steven started talking to her. The first major time she opposed the gems it was her yelling at them that she'll be reporting it to her boss.
Peridot was being CIS scum here. She should have been executed on the spot.
>They actually addressed that in show which is why they got married. That way they can be together even if they're apart.
I'm pretty sure that was the intention, but the execution just made them both look like they couldn't be apart from each other for more than a few days without having a breakdown.
I think that was part of why they were allowed on in the first place. I seem to recall Rebecca saying they had to be this perfect lovey dovey couple that you'd just want to hug and feed chips (heavily paraphrasing on that last part) so CN would OK it. But it's going forward in a good direction and the wedding was well done and well recieved, and Garnet even had a great solo episode in S5. Can't really complain.
Hey now, plague got dem dreams, dreams of green midgets with abs, cant say no to that
You know, that is true. She became a gnarly gnoblin real fast. I guess she is an unworthly autist
She's OUR autist. That's why we love her.
>Peridot is supposed to be asexual
>gets consistently shamed by a character who is perpetually having sex
What did Rebecca Sugar mean by this?
>They actually addressed that in show which is why they got married. That way they can be together even if they're apart.
And you know what would have helped reinforce that point? If they had been willing to un-fuse for the dance without Steven having to talk them into it. It would have been a good opportunity to show that they were more comfortable with defusing.
>Peridot is supposed to be asexual
No evidence
What dance are we talking about here? I was mostly referring to Reunited
I can sail that boat
The one like five episodes after Reunited.
Denial is not evidence
Oh Together Alone? They decided that on their own and Steven was upset about it. Here's the transcript.
Watch the episode. They were uncomfortable with it and only did it to support Steven
Your denial is not proof against evidence
Garnet's first reaction was to refuse to come because she couldn't come fused, until Steven started pleading with her.
I did user, and they're not uncomfortable with it. They might be annoyed to have to follow Homeworld's customs but they were perfectly fine until Yellow threatened Stevonnie. That's like lightyears ahead of Hit the Diamond back in S3.
Blue Diamond was telling her not to exist and that she couldn't stand with the "real" Garnets. That's not the same thing Ruby and Sapphire wanting to stay fused.
That's not canon
>inb4 jasper rape fuses with peridot.
I'm literally about to prove Peridot's not asexual
The book was made by Rebecca Sugar to show what fusion means to each gem. Fusion is a stand in for relationships and sexuality. Writing Peridot to be averse to fusion makes her asexual.
By posting ooc fan art. Yeah go ahead, retard.
Honestly I'm kinda shocked anyone working on Steven Universe designed a character so we'll. I could literally write a 1000 word essay on why her design is amazing.
Asexuals can still be in relationships. Smokey Quartz, Sunstone, RQ2 and Obsidian are platonic relationships and Steven/Peridot will be too.
Big steel mommy
oh so you do user.
Class, I expect a 1000 word essay on why Peridot's design is good, by tomorrow.
No, by letting her love my dick
I'm the one who drew this version, I probably could have done a better job at it but I was tying my best to make it match the art style of the original image. Making it was another user's idea but I'm the one who came up with the captions
This is my first time seeing this version, it's nice but imo the joke is lost a little bit because it doesn't match the aesthetic of what it's referencing
The ugly one came first, the other is like a redux version by a different artist.
I think pretty much every gem on SU is cool in their own way in terms of design. I even like those Jades we saw at the ball for like 5 seconds
people go on Yea Forums even though the people here can be just as insufferable. Comparing her to 4c since even though you hate lapis you'll still watch the show. And if you want an actual point since you're dumb enough not to notice a shitpost; if you hate a character because they're insufferable then it's still a decent character. Not every character has to be likable, and if she does make everything around her shittier then she does her job as a character. It established a mood or aura around her character, kind of like if a buzzkill is in the group is generally lowers the overall vibe of the group. Now if you could extend on why you think she's a shit character then that'll be more useful then a broad "shit".
t. 2016
A Stevidotfag already asked her if a Stevidot fusion would ever happen and Rebecca shot down the possibility by saying that Peridot is not ready to fuse then placing further importance on her potentially never being ready.
Maybe she just doesn't want to fuse with those specific clods. Who can blame her
Garnet knows damn well that fusion isn't considered appropriate on homeworld. Wouldn't it have been a much better character moment if Garnet had defused when Blue Diamond told her to? Then afterward hear Ruby and Sapphire explaining their actions to Steven? Like, they're not happy about it, but understand that Steven's thing is more important right now and reaffirming that they're always Garnet, even when apart.
Big Zach wants there to be Stevidot, so by God there will be Stevidot
Garnet hates Blue Diamond and they already did that plot during The Question. You're seeing the results of that, the explanation isn't really needed.
Because she's two lesbian midgets standing in too of eachother.
Rebecca didn't invite Zach to the sdcc panel because she's pissed at him for disrespecting Peridot's asexuality and getting Stevidotfag hopes up.
Didn't one country's airing call Ruby a man?
All the Question showed was that they just wanted to fuse again when they were separated for two days. I think a follow-up scene like that would show that Ruby and Sapphire had become more comfortable being apart after the wedding. A scene like that was needed to put an endcap on Garnet's character arc, but we never got one.
No it's because they don't allow dogs at Comic-Con
They were always going to fuse again, it's the personification of their relationship. The fact they easily did it during the ball and didn't raise a fuss is proof that they've learned from past mistakes and grown.
>people still talking about this garbage show
Just because rubies are stocky and like being fucked in the ass doesn't mean they're men
They raised more of a fun for the ball than the baseball episode.
The plan fell apart because they couldn't focus in Hit the Diamond. Together Alone shows them completely in control up until fusion is actually needed to stand up to an enemy.
Yes: RUSSIA. The country that despises gayness so much it took away a gold medal from an Olympian after she came out as lesbian.
A bit more than that, user. Cough cough death squads.
>Writing Peridot to be averse to fusion makes her asexual.
It literally does not. It just makes her averse to fusion, which is entirely understandable given that every fusion we've ever seen in the show is horribly fucked up mentally, physically, or both.
To this day I'm still shocked they never bothered to explore that angle more. It's so goddamn obvious.
hand holding. every time garnet splits apart ruby and sapphire hold hands.
No. Russia never called Ruby a man. They just banned every episode she appears in after Jailbreak so they never had to address it.
>never watched this show
>keep jerking off to the characters for some reason
they're not even hot
to be fair and all they are fucking rocks without sexual organs.
but they are gay as fuck, user
same with certain games for me ngl. Sometimes things appeal to your reptile brain
Really? Sources, if you please...
user...learn what shitposting is. Zach's taking time away to rest up because he's gone through some shit recently. That's most likely why he's not at the panel.
>they're not even hot
I find this debatable
Can Gems have babies?
Un censored version:
Short answer: Yes
That is really disgusting
found the incel
>off-model fanart
it is disgusting though
I know a guy who's into preggo shit and he likes videos of babies kicking. Really freaky
>le off-model argument
this is every cartoon ever newfag, at least this looks like the character in question
Well that's my weird tank filled for the week. Month. Year.
>implying hot on-model porn doesn't exist
Pregnancy is really one of those fetishes that should have been evolved away. If you can only get fully hard to a big belly you're never gonna make a belly big yourself
It's close enough.
No, Steven Universe is worse than most cartoons for going off-model
Retard, they weren't married yet! Pssh, so stupid.
Not really a criticism if that's the way the show is boarded in the first place. It's like saying Star VS's art was bad because it was consistent in every scene.
No it's saying that the boards are bad
There are certainly worse boards than others from time to time. That's the flipside of the freedom that comes with such a production method.
>series full of female characters with good designs
>almost all of them suck
How? We've hit a pretty big bump in the road on minute one here.
She was at her best when calling the crystal gems out on their bullshit. She was the first person on the show to call Rose out on her shit. Give her a “I told you so” moment. Also keep Lapis far away from her.
Peridot was always a screaming Zim expy. This is from the same episode and it's telling that people who think she was Spock during that time always post her looking calm and collected when she was anything but.
Perfect, and this is before she moved into the barn too. If anything S5 Peri is way less manic but maybe more cynical.
I miss Eddie Guerrero
Well that clearly didn't work too well because even White Diamond called them co-dependent in CYM. So whatever farce they were trying to pull it was so ineffective even she took notice. When even THE SHOW ITSELF is saying you're wrong, you have no argument to stand on.
And every time they fuse they're on the verge of making out.
user, White Diamond is the "bad guy". Did you notice the things she called the CG's were flaws they had at the beginning of the show? She's picking at Steven to wear him down and to try and draw Pink out.
But that doesn't make her wrong you moron. The only reason the speech was even effective because she was telling the truth, she was only pointing out shit she experienced when they got there. Steven even admitted that she was right, but it didn't matter and they were "perfectly fine" despite their crippling flaws.
She's wrong because those flaws don't exist anymore. Pearl isn't obsessed with Rose anymore, Amethyst got over her image issues and yes, despite your weird nitpicky insistence that there absolutely needs to be a scene where R+S turn to the camera and monologue for a bit (because subtext, what's that?) they're no longer dependant. Don't expect another reply, you've nothing left to say and I'm not going in circles because you're too stubborn to admit you're wrong.
>She's wrong because those flaws don't exist anymore.
Not that user, but if they didn't exist anymore then why was she still able to pick up on them? She literally did not know they even existed until Steven revealed who he is to her.
>Pearl isn't obsessed with Rose anymore,
And now you're just objectively wrong. She literally cannot get over Rose because she was her Dismond, she never stopped following her orders long after her death, and if Mystery Girl is any indication she's just going to latch on to anything that reminds her of Rose.
>Amethyst got over her image issues
Fucking when?
>and yes, despite your weird nitpicky insistence that there absolutely needs to be a scene where R+S turn to the camera and monologue for a bit (because subtext, what's that?) they're no longer dependant
Again, you're absolutely wrong. You're deluding yourself into seeing development that isn't even there, that the show even admits isn't there.
>but if they didn't exist anymore then why was she still able to pick up on them?
Bad writing.