ITT: Yea Forums in 1963

ITT: Yea Forums in 1963

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Boy, that Reverse Flash sure is something

The Jetsons is the best cartoon airing.

Where will comics be after the bombs fall, Yea Forums?
You DID preserve your collection downstairs in the shelter, didn't you?

When are we ever going to be rid of that damn UPA Animation style?
Every fucking cartoon looks the same!
If the commies don't take over the industry, I'm damn sure this will!

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This is the worst decade for cartoons ever. We've hit rock bottom.

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Oh golly, what I would give for a broad like Judy Jetson

Color was a mistake.

This character is so lame. He won't last very long.

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Holy cow, that's just Vincent Price!

I'm so sick of all these commies coming over and taking what I love! They took my movies and TV! It's only a matter of time before they take my comics!

You think a bunch of terrible communistic ideals would worm their way into American comics?
user, you're crazy, we'd never let that happen!

Can’t help but snicker at you dweebs with your cartoons and funny books. I’m out and about, making out at the drive-in, boogying to these new cats The Beatles, and beating up communists.

I don't understand who reads this Marvel trash. The "House of Ideas" will be out of business before the decade ends, mark my words.

Some of you guys are alright
Don’t go to Dallas tomorrow

Hey have you heard of this show called Astro Boy? It's pretty good for a Jap show, much better than Yogi Bear that's for sure.

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Why don't head East if you like slant-eyes so much!

Wait that’s from Japan? I showed my kids that!

Well shucks user, it's not like I wanna consort with them, I'm just enjoying the quality of their animation. I'm still a fan of good ol USA! Johnny Quest comes out next year and I hear that show will be swell!

Psst! Hey, buddy.
Wanna overthrow the boidgewuhzee?

Careful they'll grow up brainwashed and devote themselves to Jap animation well into their adult years. Better straighten them out now.

Easily Disney worst film to date. I think it’s safe to say they’re on their way out.

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I want to fuck that squirell

What do you guys think of Marvel's new character? I personally think it's going to flop and make the company bankrupt.

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Man imagine how much better animation is gonna get 50 years from now guys

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This guy? He’s just a ripoff of the Captain Marvel villain

Why on earth would anyone want to read a story about a teenager dealing with personal teenage drama as a hero? Boys like him are made to be sidekicks not main heroes.

What did you think of this book?

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Yeah, stick the kid to some billionaire, maybe Iron Man

>They’re people on this board RIGHT NOW who waifu Wilma over Betty

Imagine having shit taste

>Iron Man
Speaking of bad ideas why on Earth would those loons over at Marvel make comic about a rich jagoff who makes weapons for the military going to war and then turn that into a hero? People get tired of hearing about war in everything else there's no way people will end up liking such a rich wacko.

He makes a valid point with Batman, but the rest is bullshit.
Him and Robin both need to get laid. Alfred too while they're at it.

great! the comics are pandering to the civil rights movement. I'm boycotting until they stop with this pinko shit.

>What is Jonny Quest

You sure that's the 70s-80s?

This Marvel comics thing is just a fad. They can never cut it against the iconic DC comics trinity of Superman, Batman, and Robin. I give it 10 years before Marvel folds and is absorbed by DC.

listen you dense motherfucker who is apparently too stupid to understand a very simple concept which is the point of this thread this thread takes place in 1963 OK so that person is saying that the current decade is the worst it’s ever been, he’s making fun of the fact that people are always saying that their current era is the worst era for whatever . Can’t be talking about the 70s and he can’t be talking about the 80s because it’s 1963 in this thread you dumb dumb dumb bitch

If you like little girls, sure. Wilma is a real woman, user.

Is it normal for grown women to like young boys? Asking for my wife.

That may be but we still kicked their asses in WW2

At least the Japs can provide good entertainment. The British are making horror shows out of fucking saltshakers.

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The series is pretty good though, it's a shame that william hartnell is so old. He'll probably leave and the show and it will get canned soon. I hope we at least get to find out his real name.

Here's a shovel brother. Start digging.

Nonsense. UPA is freeing us from the blight that is cartoon animals doing silly things. Every studio releases wave after wave of silly animals. At least with UPA you never know what you're going to get.

>horror about saltshakers
The hate vacuums aren't the monsters. The elder gods that decided time needed to be linear and anchored to certain fixed points, certain laws of reality needed to be removed and anomalies needed to be deleted, and the whole of existence should follow in their image are. Even now there's one rogue asshole that's recklessly crashing throughout time randomly changing events as he sees fit.

Fucking psychotic timelords.

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Check out this totally original Brit comic.

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I want to fuck both


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>originally Amazing Adventures
>then it was Amazing Adult Fantasy
>Now Amazing Fantasy

MC's editors needs to get fired. They can't even get their titles straight, MC.

I bet Hoover is laughing his ass right now.

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Can you guys image a world where we can't say nigger? What a crazy world that would be.



There, I said it.

Donald > Duck

There, I said it.



There, I said it.

no fuck you

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^hits the coke*
so guys...i got idea for a cartoon. 4 teenagers going around america in a van solving mysteries with a talking dog

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that's really not that strange of an idea

You're just tripping

Getta loada this square, real folks dig Jane

Golly, these Daffyfags sure are the least hip people on the planet

Gee fellas, Bob Kane signed my latest copy of Detective Comics!

He also tried to sell me some paintings of a dog, but other than that he’s a real swell guy!

Kennedy is an utter failure. Looking forward to President Goldwater in January '65.

Whatever, I’ll be happy just as long as that cueball Nixon never wins the presidency

Guys , check it, I just discovered this new comic from France

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I'm so glad blacks will never ruin comics forever

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Kennedy was a faggot and I'm glad he's dead. Fite me.

Remember when Elvis actually scared adults and wasn't peddling bad movies? Yeah.

Incel detected

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cant wait to get that car and take me, my wife, and the kids for a road trip in that beauty

Fuck off my uncle died in Pareto harbor so I don’t need your jap crap here only western cartoons

I love being able to afford a home with a factory job and sure hope nothing happens to cheapen the value of labor.

Fuck of, CFR shill.

Sex is a sin

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>DC now introducing multiverse garbage
Did they really run out of ideas so quickly? Like come on, I can't see theme being successful if they keep doing shit like this, like imagine woah look superman from universe 134243 comic 999999 but he has a different hair color!!
Goddamn it, are they going to introduce stupid time travel shit now?
Why can't we keep comics simple?

Whee, boobs and butts. So thrilling. Call me back in ten years.

InnaNam right now, what should i write on my helmet?

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Fellas, the negros have gotten real uppity lately. You think they’re gonna be in comics soon?

In 1963 there's just military advisors there, proper US involvement isn't for a year or more yet.

I doubt it, speaking about negros though, that Rockwell guy has some good ideas.

The Jews control comics, so probably. But I don't think that'll last too long. How long can they keep milking that Holocaust thing for victim points anyway?

Well, they're already in comics. If you mean one of them black folks having their own comic, then maybe? The women folk got uppity and now they have wonder woman.


The fuck are you talking about? I'm a guard here, thought i'd write something on my helmet to pass the time. Fucking reefer addicts i swear.

Go back to 2019, user. Only 1963 people are in this thread.


great song. love The Who's cover as well

I'm so fucking sick of this mediocre as fuck animation used over at Hannah-Barbera. Why did the Tom and Jerry guys have to ruin everything? They literally reuse backgrounds and all their characters are blatant ripoffs of TV sitcom characters. Why can't we get good cartoons with high production value and the quality of writing similar to older Looney Tunes shorts? Even Chuck Jones just recently left Warner Bros so now they're doomed. Even Fleicher cartoons are dead now. The only company that's still putting out quality animation is Disney but they'd rather focus more on their live action movies now. Their recent animated movie, One Hundred and One Dalmatians was kinda bland but the new Sword in the Stone looks like it could be good. They haven't made a masterpiece since Peter Pan though so you know even they're dying too. It's all downhill from here.

>People in the 60's didn't know about the Jewish problem
The JBS actually barred members from talking about (((them))).

Is it good?

Yeah, people in the sixities didn't pretend that the Jews controlled everything. Because they weren't sore about things, when they didn't go their own way, and didn't have to come up with an excuse. tattoos, no piercings, no crazy colored hair, no crazy hairstyles. Just good ol 'classical beauty to behold. Miss March of 1964 is gorgeous, check it out.

What the fuck are you talking about? What are these "piercings" you're talking about?

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Good chap, I come from the future, and now I am here to stay, as their is no future in the future. Now be a good sport and go cut my grass. Here is 25 cents.

Did Astro boy actually air during this time? I thought anime was basically consumed by fringe groups importing cassettes from Japan and translating it for their buddies.

The show was syndicated starting in September of 1963.

The 'Stones added a new boy doll to compliment the girl doll.

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Yeah well it ain't no Bullwinkle Show, that's for sure.

That’s bullshit. People always blamed others for their shortcomings instead of accepting responsibility since the dawn of time.

i miss clutch cargo.

>talking about cartons and comic books
you know you have to be over 18 to use this website, right?

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Got a rumour from my buddy visiting from Los Angeles, he's been hanging around them actor and producer types, and he says they're thinking up a new live action Batman and Robin show on the tube!

I hope they don't cast some queers to play Bruce and Dick, since Robert Lowery and Johnny Duncan already played em best!

What do you guys think ?

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>Not Sabrina

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satanic propganda

You know this communism thing doesnt sound so bad

prepare your asshole for huac

>implying they can touch me
Jokes on them Im living in a little known paradise called Pripyat
Im practically invincible here

Yea Forums
Yea Forums
Adapt comic books to a cinema and make a whole audiovisual universe.

Now that's the most autistic idea I've ever heard! It will never catch on.

>people in the sixities didn't pretend that the Jews controlled everything

They already did that with Superman and the Mole Men and it sucked. Nobody's ever going to be able to capture the charm of comic books on a vulgar medium like film. Film is for crazy antics like Looney Tunes.

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>he thinks his funny books are any more artistically valuable than children's cartoons

The '48 serials with Kyrk Alyn were far out though! I loved them. If they did that more for the cinema now that'd be great!

Looney Tunes is a children's cartoon? Last I've heard of it, it was considered a pastime for adults as well. Has Hanna-Barbera really tainted the art of cartoons?

If only there were some way to watch films without having to go to the cinema

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Comic books are terrible these days, its all capes this or supervillian that, stupid crossover events or goddamned Gorillas
what happened to the lone stranger with the gun? our investigative heroes who would tackle problems with wit andd firepower, the good ol' days of Dick Tracy and The Shadow used to be better

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user Wonder Woman was created by a man

Two women and a man. But I never said it wasn't. Just that the women folk got uppity and then they got their own comic.

On the subject of Dick Tracy, I don't see why chinks are so up in arms over this guy. It's good ol' fashioned playful stereotyping; it ain't hurting no one.

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Ain't hurting no one?!
A good, honest, white American man getting sidelined - in HIS OWN cartoon show, no less! - in favour of this Jap (who oughtta be a BAD GUY like they were 20 years ago) and it 'ain't hurting no one'?!

That's what comes of pandering to 'diversity' and 'representation', you'll get all kinds of minorities appearing as role-models and kids thinking different folks can all get along.


Look at this shit. Magneto? Looks like a dumb DC henchmen. This book will tank...

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X-MEN? Pfft no one will take this seriously. Cancelled in a year mark my words.

Agreed but I think the premise has potential, maybe a relaunch with some more colorful characters could work

a show that won't come out for like a year and a half.

Shut the fuck up Martin.

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im usually a fan of Kirby's line of work but im not really feeling it with the X-men, no interesting team dynamic and off pace
i dont see this book going very far

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