Earth-7642 thread

Stuff we talked about
>Mogo earning his ring by standing up against Galactus
>Hulk being friends with Dex-Starr
>Ben Grimm hosting Darkseid in Final Crisis

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also from last thread
>Orion likes Ben. A lot
>Sees him like an older bro/dad figure
>He has regularly crashes at the Baxter building when he comes to Earth for whatever reason
>The fact Ben beat and mollified Darkseid only makes it better
>Ben taught him to box and helps him understand Earth cultures as best he can, suggests he get hands on experience
>Ben shoots past the moon on the space scooter
>"ORION! How do I stop this crazy thing?!"

>Gyrich is a Mole for Waller
>No one is surprised when this is discovered

>Clayface gave Sandman acting lessons
>For April Fool's they switched places

>Age of Ultron ending with Ultron destroying Coast City
>Parallax being a major reason for the Accords, should another Avenger ever go rogue
>Captain Atom being an attempt to recreate the Gamma Bomb explosion that created the Hulk would be pretty dope
>I think it'd be the other way around. I'd have it be
>Atom is a WW2 and Korean vet
>Fought in the Army Air Force and in Air Force post split
>Fought alongside Cap as his pilot for a transport plane, moved to fighter jets post war, he loves the F-86
>Got court martialed as canon
>Gets 'Volunteered' to take part in the bomb test, disappears as canon
>Shows up decades later
>His appearance renews interest and so the Gamma Project begins and Bruce is turned into Hulk
>Shit, imagine an Immortal Hulk version of Captain Atom

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Fuuuuck, Orion and Ben so make a pretty good pair and now I want to see them be bros in a comic.

>Ben Grimm hosting Darkseid in Final Crisis
>"Don't ya know Rockhead? I'm too stupid to know when ta quit! Everyday I look in the mirror and see this ugly mug, and think of' when I was flesh an blood. But when ever I get turned back to human I go straight back to this again. Wonder why?! Because my family and the world needs more than Ben Grimm, it needs The Thing! IT'S CLOBBERIN TIME!!!"

>Injustice Game
>Special dialogue between Ben and Darkseid
>Darkseid: "They call you The Thing, even your family. Fitting for such a lowly being."
>Ben: "Ever heard of the Pot and the Kettle?"
>Darkseid: "Hmmph!"

>I remind you all, that Hal takes Ben Grimm and a few mineral-type muties to a trip on a planet, where the women are smoking hot regular alien babes and the men are rock-like, so the women there fawn over Ben and co.
>The question is: Is Ben married/dating at the time?
>Hal originally wanted to take the guys/gals to the rock people planet to help out their self esteem, build relations and all
>He didn't imagine this to happen, as Hal is too do
>One of the girls goes through this

>After Steve and Diana's wedding
>Fury: "Letter for you guys."
>Diana: "From who?"
>Fury: "The Skull. And before you worry, we tested everything, and I mean *Everything* to determine it wasn't trapped for the last few hours, make sure to read the P.S. that rat bastard."
>Steve: "Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, or is it Prince or some combination? It doesn't matter. Congratulations are in order for this joyous occasion, a wedding generations In the making fulfilled. When I kill you both I promise to keep your embalmed bodies together so you will never be separated.

>Johann Schmidt, the Red Skull

>P.S. Don't worry about this letter being trapped, I enjoy knowing SHIELD has squandered millions to make sure it wasn't.
>P.S.2. Looking forward to the Aryan Uberchild you'll create.
>Okay, no, this was a brilliant idea I just had, we're expanding on this more. Johann loves the idea of their child. When their son is born (fuck you, Diana can have a son) he sends gift baskets. Tiny, baby-sized SS-uniforms. He even sends them certificates that he already registered the baby to HYDRA and looks forward to eventually persuading it to join.
>Steve's FW
Diana probably had a firepit with friends with all of Skull's "Gifts" as fuel
>Evil!Ares: "Fuck you Skull! Only I'm allowed to interfere with their child's upbringing! They shall be the greatest warrior to ever exist with my tutelage"
>Ares and Johann fighting over who raises the kid is awesome.

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>Parallax dying in Endgame a la Final Night

>With Luthor's Presidency he ushers in Civil War and Dark Reign
>Batman is pro-registration with Iron Man and he unmasks himself to gain support for pro-registration
>Superman and the other heavy hitters are off Earth dealing with Annihilation
>Norman Osborne was a lackey of Luthor's so he appoints him to SHIELD/HAMMER
>Luthor thinks he can still control Osborne but he's underestimasted how unstable Norman can be
>the fall out of both events Kingpin decides to expand into Gotham creating a massive crossover with street level heroes called Gang War
>Gang War ends with the death of Alfred Pennyworth
>In desperation to save his father figure, Bruce gives his up Dick Grayson to Mephisto to save Alfred and his secret identity
>The new timeline Batman has never had a robin, Dick is a renown acrobat, Jason is an enforcer of Penguin, Tim is a normie and Damian is with the League of Assassins. Bruce never adopting Dick also resulted in the Titans never forming,

>Luthor is impeached and thrown out of office by both Reps and Dems in a show of unity before and after the OMD retcon
>The OMD retcon is initiated bt an alliance by Mephisto and Trigon, they started the chain of events to kick off CW and DR
>This was all because Dick ruined Trigon's plans for Raven so it was all due to a beef he had for Dick


So not only does this have Marvel and DC, but also Wildstorm (Deathblow, WildCATS, Team 7, Gen 13), Top Cow (Witchblade, Darkness, Cyberforce) Extreme/Maximum/etc (Youngblood, Supreme), Shi, Painkiller Jane, Archie, and Transformers.

I think we're only going for DC/Marvel right now.

>annual brotherly feud bullshit with Namor, Orm and Arthur
>tidal waves are hitting all the major cities and sharknados are forming
>Stark catches a glimpse of Mera and falls instantly in love
>as he stands there staring he gets swept away by a wave and Mera saves him
>he literally sits there and rewatches the footage until a shark falls on top of him and he gets going again
>gets obsessed and spends time stalking her through the net
>he starts trying to win her over through a bunch of gifts, “unexpected fancy-meeting-you-here” team-ups and the like
>she thinks it’s cute in a schoolyard crush sort of way
>Arthur gets more and more irritated until he gives him an underwater beat down akin to the one Thor gave him back in CW
>Stark then backs Namor’s and Orm’s claims simply out of spite and jealousy
>is secretly hoping they’ll gut him so that he can get Mera all for himself

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Not you again

>Tim losing his V-Card to Jubilee is what causes the Nu 52 to happen

>Black Manta has a beef with T'Challa because the latter teamed up with Aquaman to stop his sea based black ethno state he set up to fuck with Arthur

>reeeeee people are writing stuff I don’t like
For fuck’s sake, all these threads are the same 10 greentexts. Jesus, don’t like it, ignore it.

Who did we agree on for the Dark Justice League team?

I can't seem to find the thread. Can anyone help a brother out?

Dunno here's my two cents
>Batman-Deathstroke,Bane or ,Kraven
>Green Arrow-Bullseye or Deadshot
>Wonder Woman- Circe or Titania
>Martian Manhunter-Super Skrull
>Green Lantern-Carol or Sinestro

Other than that I love all of them

Did you mean Cyborg Superman? Hank Henshaw?


Ah thanks for that. How do they keep him from killing everyone else?

Maxima would be a good choice for WW

That reminds me
>Maxima captures Superman during that adventure in space
>Carol goes looking for him
>Maxima insults her and says she'll be taking Superman
>Cosmic catfight

I imagine Lex/Norman are doing some machine fuckery to keep Hank in check Alternatively Norman promises Hank that he's going to get the chance to wreck the Future Foundation.

Speaking of which, really love the idea one user suggested about him being on the Fantastic Four’s space trip and having a 5 as his symbol as the forgotten member

Probably both. The fuckery likely powers him down just to be sure they can handle him if need be.

>Where Reed, Sue, Ben and Johnny are based on Water, Air, Earth and Fire, Hank is Ether to round out the classic elements
.Hank was reborn as an electrical/energy being that granted him psychic/technopathy leading to his Cyborg Superman persona
>He was powerful enough to fight Doom, the Four and Superman at once over Latveria

Not exactly in line with the thread, but DCAU Maxima has her best costume/color pallet. Much better than that green and yellow abomination she's always worn

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Based Grimm, I liked the suggestion where he had been temporarily empowered by the Speed Force and boxes Doom

>>Batman-Deathstroke,Bane or ,Kraven
Huh those are all solid choices for Batman

I think Slade is the best choice. He can actually act and look the part.

Kraven is too much into the hunt

Bane is too big

Semi related, I love how many F4 expies there are in DC. Besides the Terrifics, you have that team from that Batman Beyond episode, you have the 'This Man, This Monster' issue of Morrison's Doom Patrol, and finally, The Four from Planetary if you wanna count that.

Why does she look like she's wearing Saiyan Armor?

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I can see some resemblance, mostly in the shoulders. But I don't think Tim/Dini were that knowledgeable of anime back then. Probably a coincidence unless someone has the STAS director notes

>Superman-Nuclear Man
>Wonder Woman-Circie
>Aquaman-Ocean Master

With Circe I think we can go a bit more out there with who's who. She can shapeshift others so as long as they can act the part it should be all good

>Bane is too big
Nothing wrong with a swole Batman

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So New 52 happens, what's the shake up with our Marvel Heroes?

We still haven't done more on other stuff. but:
>Spider-Man is older when he gets bitten, less impulsive and makes better choices. Ben lives at first but dies in the crossfire of a battle. Pete's real 'Power and Responsibility' moment comes when he has to make the choice in saving Ben or a family

Can't believe I never thought of this sooner
.Etrigan/Jason Blood save Illanya during Inferno during one of their jaunts through hell
>They help train and raise her during that time
>Illanya gets a crush on them both
>She comes out of it all far better adjusted
>She takes after his rhyming during spellcasting/battling

Per Degaton And Kang are friends.

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>Doom getting a Green Lantern Ring
>Doom still getting messages from Guy in the Earth GL Groupchst

>Doom is brought to Oa as is customary for new Lanterns
>The Guardians meet him
>Ganthet: "*Sigh* This is going to be a long cycle isn't it?

>Avengers and the JSA team up to counter the time traveling conquerors

>The FF meet the New Gods of New Genesis
>Johnny Storm hits on Volcana and Fire
>Everyone, Peter included think Guy, Ice and Fire are in a three way relationship
>Livewire loves to tease Electro
>Clayface and Sandman switched places fro April Fool's
>Shining Knight is part of Excalibur
>Hydroman once fought Mera, it went as well as you would expect

>Mogo being one of the few beings Doom actually respects

>Doom: "Your very first act of sapience was fending off one of the most feared being in the universe. You should be proud of yourself Mogo."

>What Marvel hero/villain is pathetic enough to be part of Section 8?
>Tommy Monagan tries to use X-Ray vision on Emma/Jean. He reads their mind only to realize they can read his, and are FAR more powerful than him.

>Conan and Vandal broing it up before Vandal inevitably betrays Conan, who is so attuned to him he already has been prepared for such a thing
>Vandal reveals he searched for Conan after he disappeared for about 50 years and never found him, implying Conan must stay in the future or else disrupt the timeline

>Peter: So how do you do it?
>Guy: What? Be awesome?
>Peter: If that's what you want to call it. Seriously, how do deal with Fire AND Ice?
>Guy: For the--Not you too, amigo. Look, for the record, if I was with both of them, I'd be grinning everyday. Who the hell started that rumor?
>Peter: I've heard Wolverine.
>Guy: Goddamn canukucklehead. Remind to embarrass him at their crummy school.

>Guy gives an atomic wedgie to Logan from across the campus for the rumor
>Or he flies up while leaving and snags the undies for THE wedgie to end wedgies

>As Guy flies away & Logan is hanging from a flag pole.
>Cyclops: I would ask why, but It's much funnier this way.

>Despite all this, Guy and Logan still drink together every Sunday night

>Tony gets retconned into being in Afghanistan or Iraq like the movie
>Hawkeye becomes his edgey Ultimate counterpart
>Peter gets the Batman/GL treatment where everything's pretty much canon but he's only been Spider-Man for about five years.

Based. What about Thor?

>Guy: "Do you even sleep? Like, how much stuff do you deal with each day?"

Ultimate Thor, but more like his mini where he's reincarnated
>Thor is reborn as Donald Blake
>Born In Australia, raised right, falls in love with Jane, joins army, becomes a Vet/Doctor
>Starts getting his powers again
>This alerts Loki, who decides to end his brother while he's weak
>Uses the Destroyer to do so for deniability
>Donald has to fend it off without Mjolnir, destroys his hometown, causes mass destruction to the countryside with an inland hurricane
>Is ostracized, Jane divorces after waking from her coma, he is distraught and travels the world looking for answers/guidance
>Brought to Asgard, tells off Odin, he compares it to a father not keeping his guns properly locked up and wonders why such an accident happened
>Donald and Thor are fully fused, Donald is the prime instead of Thor
>Stuff happens, he finds balance in himself and can finally lift Mjolnir
>He an Jane make up and remarry, he helps rebuild his hometown
>The prophecies are change severely, it say Donald/Thor will kill Loki fro some reason
>Joins Avengers/League to help others and hunt down his fugitive Brother

>Logan: Get it out of yer system?
>Guy: Hey, don't start rumors.
>Logan: Hey, I ain't start it.
>Guy: Then who, shorty?
>Logan: Well, let's bust it down, Green Bean. I've heard it from an Avenger.
>Guy: Oh wow, doesn't that include me?
>Logan: Ya dope, who's the gossip queens?
>Guy: Wasp & She-Hulk!
>Logan: Yeah, but Jen LIKES ya and Wasp talks more about Jordan, so use some actual Police skill fer once, Moe.
>Guy: One, screw you, Short Round & Two, who else would start up a rumor that I WANT to be reality?
>Logan: Who hates yer guts? No, wait, who REALLY hates yer guts on the Avengers?
>Guy:................Crap, too many ta name. Listen, I'm just gonna blame Deadpool, because screw him. Also, I'm gonna screw with Deadpool, You game?
>Logan: Let get a six pack & some chips.

Sounds right
Based Guy/Logan BrOTP

No mention of how the Marvel version of Abattoir wrecked shop and successfully fought off Batman, Dark Claw, and Owlman?

That was a huge point last thread.

It was? I don't remember that at all.

Maybe it was two threads ago, but yeah.
It was how we decided that there were Marvel/DC doppelgängers and the Amalgam universe would be used sparingly through Access.

Or am I wrong? I remember it pretty vividly.

I'm trying to remember but nothing is coming to me. Maybe it's you.

I know we had it as Access uses this Earth/Universe as a home base of sorts. He is amazed it's held up this long and not imploded by now.
>He's well known here and is actually respected for his duties across the multiverse

I mean I’m pretty sure at least something to that effect was said before.

Just had a thought:
>Wildstorm merges with Malibu Comic's Ultraverse
>Marvel Magnaverse merges with DC Ami-Comi

Green Lanterns really have a good time here.

Ben too.
>Gotten a Lantern Ring
>Speed Force, beat Speed Doom with it
>Talked down and beat Darkseid out of his body
>Bro/Dad figure to Orion
>Friends with a slew of Heroes
>Taught boxing by the retired Wildcat

Did we discuss how we’d bring in Hawkmans rogues?

I don’t remember any of that

You might have missed it then.