Did being fat affect Thor’s strength at all?

Did being fat affect Thor’s strength at all?

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It felt like it did. But that's probably just because they buffed stoneless Thanos to compensate for him being dogpiled.

It made him slightly more comfortable in the Norse winters? He's a viking god. What's wrong with a little bit of meat?

>that hair
>that burly frame
>that look of pure focus
>that particular blue in the eyes
Perfect. I really, really love that MCU Thor is becoming more and more like actual mythology Thor with every appearance.

Yes it did. IW Thor was stronger

I kinda like fat lightning wizard Thor. I wonder if he'll stick around for GotG3

I actually really like this Thor, reminds me of Odin a lot

Fit Thor almost killed Thanos even with the complete Infinity Gauntlet and Fat Thor got his ass kicked by younger no-stones Thanos, so yes.

He's just cultivating mass.

he was massively weaker
IW thor nearly beat thanos with all the stones
Fat thor got ragdolled by a thanos with no stones
of course the real reason was because feige wants carol to be da strongust

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More mass = More power

>IW thor nearly beat thanos with all the stones
>nearly beat
Got basically one hit in, sure.

Fit Thor would've got his ass beat by Endgame Thanos as well

He's just doing a five year bulk.

Honestly, I hope they keep him fat; Starlord can get fit again for eye candy.

Blu ray when?


learn to use google.

Fuck you

Love you

Totally, he could one shot Thanos with his new hammer before. While fat he needed to 3v1 to take him on and Thanos was winning that fight.

but user, it's TOOOOOOO HARD to switch over from whatever phone app hes using to his built in search engine! just tell him what he wants!

Yes, he were weaker, though his depression didn't made him any less worthy.

He ain't becoming a redhead anytime soon though.

Fat Thor was so worth it for Norse Lighting God Thor

>nearly beat thanos
Ehhhh, it's more like he took him by surprise. It's not like he kicked his ass in direct combat

It’d be interesting to see him do some shit myth Thor did.

>So this one time a guy was wearing pants that were way too tight since it was a fashion trend, and the guy was acting like a douche and everyone could see his bulge clearly and was grossed out by it, so Thor killed him right then and there and the party went on around the guy’s corpse.
>Thor’s brother in-law is an Elf, so to do some male bonding they went out and spent the night stealing pretty much everything in the Realms not nailed down, and it was fucking awesome.
>So there is this story where a guy was an asshole and decided to kill his wife, so he made all his men row on a dangerous trip to an ice chunk in the middle of the ocean to strand her there, but as they were rowing away she held up his sword and told him he could have it if they swapped places, so he was left stranded to die on the ice with his sword and she was left as a warrior leader of her people. This is Thor’s favorite story, and he loves telling it. All the fucking time.
>Thor, Loki, and Thialfi decided to visit some Giants. Their king pulled a “wax on, wax off” trick on them to teach them to never stop getting better before telling them to fuck off forever for being so good at stuff it was scary.
>Thor likes crossdressing. Loki likes ACTUALLY being a woman, which Thor thinks is creepy. Thor is okay with his wife fucking her own brother since he figures it doesn’t count, which Loki finds creepy.

>spent 5 years drinking shitty earth bear and playing

Thor was definitely hindered in Endgame

Am I the only one who got some All-Father vibes when Thor got ready for the final battle?

He threw his axe hard enough to power through a beam from the gauntlet, which is a pretty nuts feat

this is all very good

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I feel like a big part of fat Thor not being able to beat Thanos was him being slower and thanos actually trying to avoid being hit by the blade, not even trying to tank or block it like he would for most stuff. If Thor was able to land a proper hit he probably would have been able to kill him.

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You're shit posting about a shit post and so am I. Fuck you.

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thought that was a burger at first

Would a few dozen extra pounds really affect him if he's already strong enough to lift hundreds of tons?

I don't think him being fat made him weaker, he was mentally much weaker & had almost given up, while IW Thor was determined to get revenge

Considering he's a god I feel like he must have ate a literal shit ton if he gained any weight at all. The story (from myth) where he was able to drink so much of the ocean that he caused the rising and falling of the tides.

I'm really just talking out of my ass now though.