Bad dads

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where's the next image?

this is why the other boards make fun of Yea Forums

and why should anyone care?

You shouldn’t, but also you shouldn’t act like Yea Forums is “the best board.”

I don't see why people should care about that.

Na they make fun of us for having so many sjws

I don't think it's the "best board" but it's certainly not that bad, especially compared to some other boards.

For thinking raping your daughter makes you a bad dad?

oppacifica is probably more of a redemption in the other boards eyes
Yea Forums is mocked for its high ratio of sjws, pcs and "progressives", which is also why it scores low on humor

Because Yea Forums is never chaging for to be always the same this cursed board is.

I like how everyone's yelling about 'muh evil SJWs' when I'm pretty sure the decline in Yea Forums came from shitty franchise reboots, ponies and /pol/ deciding to settle down here to shit out their retarded memes.

see. Yea Forums is so wholesome that it brings all the other boards together just to hate it. never stop being wholesome Yea Forumsmrades!

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>/pol/ deciding to settle down here to shit out their retarded memes.
Is the KKK.

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>shitty franchise reboots
every media board has these, Yea Forums just uniquely tries to defend them most of the time to piss off /pol/, making themselves look like the infamous Yea Forumsmblr they are known for, while other boards just make shitposts about them. But at some point this turned genuine and the board majority is now genuine tumblrtier

peter griffin

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kinda disappointed he never got any form of comeuppance, poor doof can blame almost all his problems to him.

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>this is why the other boards make fun of x

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>Oh no our waifu posting is different from everyone else's waifu posting
Almost every board has at least 3 "Muh waifus with cheesecake and porn" threads. Yes even that one

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Yes. Because Yea Forums is a hivemind.

There's way worse shit than this on this site, especially Yea Forums.

I will probably never admit that I go on this board

What other boards? /fit/? please. Yea Forums? They brought nuclear death to us all.

Yea Forums here
Wed never make fun of Yea Forums for posting tits, if anything you need more tits and less gayshit


Just post the source already

Nobody's gonna post him, huh?

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Nah, we make fun of you because of all the faggots here. Yea Forums may have been love at one point, but it was your undoing.

We make fun of you because you must be the leftist board on this site even more than /lgbt/
Get your shit together Yea Forums and top tolerating women and other fags

>Top tolerating women and other fags
Are you saying that Yea Forums is the most bisexual board?

>Are you saying that Yea Forums is the most bisexual board?
No, he said Yea Forums is full of fags and women.

we used to have a lot more. a usual edit thread. a usual cheesecake thread. several waifuthreads. then shit started being move to /aco/ and some autist keeps complaining about waifus in every thread.

All the obvious women posting drew away all the men to /aco/
I just happened to be here by chance and saw the tits on OP otherwise I wouldnt have posted

Your board is barafag central

Maybe when you post in it, I havent seen barashit in a while.

>2 people
People like you are why we get called the worst board.

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Tits that big are kind of atrocious. At that point its basically just an inflation fetish.

Didn’t even know he had children

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Redemption? With the most normiefag possible fetish of bug titted blondes? Gwen and other Yea Forums lolis were the closest Yea Forums ever got to being redeemed. As is, Yea Forums is ever more normiefag and sjws central.

If Yea Forums had more stuff like this it wouldn't be made fun of as much.

>All the obvious women posting
idk. hard to say. i'm sure they make the ship threads. but anons do stick around for discussions. surprisingly, femanons often are the ones who post tit and fetish threads.

he's right. bara threads happen fairly often on Yea Forums.

>Yes even that one

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>He doesn't fantasize about fucking a beautifully restored 1960 Ford Galaxie

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>this is what Yea Forumsmblr actually believes

I'll take a Ford Pinto, thank you very much. I prefer a girl that explodes when you hit her from behind.

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>wants a boomermobile instead of a clapped out shitbox

/o/ please leave

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you sick fuck

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ok ben shapiro

whats the latest comic of clarissa

>being leftist is bad

why should I? look at what I caused with a single post

Can some explain who this is and what the joke is?

>tolerating women and fags
>interacting with women is gay
>talking exclusively to manly gym guys and futas is straight

>I'm not going to pretend that daddy didn't fuck me

>He doesn't know


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I don't know what's going on in this thread, but I gotcha OP

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Short handful of comics about a girl named Clarissa whos father regularly rapes her and the rest of her family, all pretending to be the prefect white WASP family, all pretends it doesn't happen. The comic has her doing coping mechanisms like scrubbing in a bath with IIRC a brillow scower pad and even subtly hinting to her teacher that she is being raped through art. The teacher just thinks she is creative though.

>He doesn't know

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>getting more and more attracted to father/daughter smut as a fetish, especially when mom’s playing with her obscene body at the same time
I’m going to go to hell.

>>getting more and more attracted to father/daughter smut as a fetish, especially when mom’s playing with her obscene body at the same time
My melanin enriched brethren.

Thanks for explaining. Was this a print comic or a webcomic?

It’s actually entertaining to watch the women who come here abandon their morals and go native. The Voltron threads were full of tumblr refugees who turned into complete degenerates that ranted about SJWs and moralfags.

Web sold on print, just google Clarissa comic, it's the first link.

>people are still pretending that Yea Forums (nay, ALL of Yea Forums) doesn't adore and worship this guy

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give some recommendations

Other boards like who?
Yea Forums or Yea Forums?

are you serious user?

severe lack of big ass titties ITT, I'm very dissapointed.

Well this thread is in severe danger of being pruned.

Have this. I personally hate it.

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Dunno when I developed a thing for blonde chicks, but Pacifica probably helped me get there.

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It's synonymous with being evil, yea.

She got me into rich sassy girls, her and Karen

His mom was arguably worse since she apparently convinced Heinz that their version of Santa Claus was a horrifying monster that would abduct him for pretty much any minor infraction.

Only one I can think of, but doesn't match the rich sassy tag, is pic related and I crushed on her fucking hard as a kid, still do

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Damn it, I meant Karin from SF

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wait, people talk about this board?

Bitch this thing hit right in my childhood traumas.

Life's tough, innit?

I knew this guy HAD to show up.

Loyal and brave. She was the best.

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Based retard. Nobody fucking talks about this place, ever.

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>everything that isnt above loli is normie
if you want to define board quality like that, there are a bunch of infamous fetishproducts that originated from Yea Forums users like the pigfag, or that shit with the trees.

>no rich bratty teen girl to humiliate and rape into a good girl who loves her daddy

every board makes fun of every board

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Yea Forums is not wholesome at all. It's a shit board.

This pic would be hotter if she was on model more and had age appropriate breasts.

Neck yourself

Expected and wasn’t disappointed

Trips of truth. I'm sick of seeing endless posts claim Yea Forums was great before /insertboardhere/

>He gives a shit what other people think.
>He gives a shit what people on Yea Forums think.
>He gives a shit.
Look at this faggot.