I think Lois should become a super-heroine
She already has the military combat experience, the wits, the boldness, the inner society knowledge
All she needs is a mask, a new name and she's good to go
I think Lois should become a super-heroine
She already has the military combat experience, the wits, the boldness, the inner society knowledge
All she needs is a mask, a new name and she's good to go
DC seems to have a very strict rule saying Lois is never allowed to be a superhero. Whenever she does, it always ends badly for her.
>All she needs is a mask, a new name and she's good to go
By day she's THE BEST REPORTER EVER Louis Lane, but lo at night she's dons the mask and becomes FUCKING LAME[/SPOILER]
Dumbasses like you should stop talking. This "heroes can only date other heroes" nonsense needs to stop. Lois Lane kicks ass the way she is (well not currently written but you get my meaning).
I want more Clay Mann Lois.
She's been a superhero on multiple occasions.
I get tired of hero x hero couples all the time
I love it when they give Lois purple eyes.
It's something altogether unique and striking for Lois.
All reporters are subhuman scum so I doubt Lois is any better. Journalism is the career of parasites.
fuck off /pol/
Whats her super hero name should be.
>hating journalism is /pol/
do you think everything is /pol/?
/pol/ actively derides proper journalism while promoting YouTube garbage.
>proper journalism
you kidding right?
On a related note, does anyone else get tired of every single normal non powered side character turning into a superhero or at least a super genius expert in the their profession over time?
It seems to be a side effect of the general tendency of big IP's turning into pop culture cliffnotes and gravitating towards memberberries.
She needs to become a better character. She's the og "YASS QUEEN GRRL POWER" Character.
You want to know how I know you don't read comics?
Go to bed, Kim.
Lois never served in the military
Because comics are propaganda.
>he doesn't even try to deny it
God no. I fucking hate when people make civvies into capes and they're gonna be an off shoot brand of the hero in the book they were in, the only I liked was Carol as Star Sapphire.
Yeah, Carol goes out of her way to not be a superhero when she can help it.
not every supporting character in comics needs to become a superhero to be important
The only way I'd think it's acceptable is if it was in some Elseworlds type thing where Lois Lane was the last daughter of a dying Earth and got sent in a rocket to Krypton where she becomes a superhero and has a day job in an office with Kal-El.
I think Lois Lane should become real and kiss me.
Fucker could you at least try to read something besides the past 5 years? Lois is a great character
Go back to buzzfeed you hacks
Ah, yes. The bastions of profesional integrity that are... Gawker and Vox...
I always said wanted this to happen.
t. mary whore