I think Mitch Gerads is the best artist in comics today
I think Mitch Gerads is the best artist in comics today
user..... No one cares about the politics of the artist
>children in cages: bad
>children blown to bits by drone strikes: good
What? He's obviously teasing him drawing a Captain America book
>confirmed Chinese spy
i can't trust you user
Okay, what the fuck are you actually supposed to do with children who were brought by their parents on an extremely dangerous illegal border crossing?
Probably treat them decently, they're only kids. Or just keep families together if you're deporting them.
Motherfucker is too stupid to understand what illegals are really trying to do
Most of drug dealing money comes from USA, narcos ALWAYS use kids to sell the drugs or get the drugs, they cross the border to fucking sell drugs, bring weapons and other fucked up shit, if you don’t put that kid in a cage he will grow up to shoot people and rape women
You fuckers should thank trump and kiss his foot, he is saving you from the disgusting shithole known as Mexico
It's called not being a garbage human being, user
>treating this like a false dilemma
Neither are good.
just drone strike them, apparently
Not separate them from their parents? Asking for asylum is not illegal, and illegally crossing the border is a misdemeanor. The 'border crisis' was intentionally created.
Process them without making them wait for a judge to clear them, just make them go to hearings while in America
Despite the bullshit people will spout, most of those parents aren't faking it, those really are their children.
wasnt the children in cages thing a hoax and a pic taken from from performance art protest thing?
not a burger
I don't know why you're keep pretending this is an either or situation.
k now they are together in cage, Also separating them for interrogation is a must as child trafficking is a common occurrence in the border.
He's got a point. The problem isn't people who love America. The problem is people who say they love America, but really they love Russia.
Not put them in cages? Maybe give them basic medical care so they don't die under your care? You know, sensible stuff.
dump em in the ocean
Why don't they accept the asylum granted to them in mexico?
Lets start with the fact that they're NOT being held in cages. Can retards on the left do their own research instead of parroting whatever headline they see on NYT
I don't know, maybe not separate them in first place? Some have died, others have been put in foster homes with people who aren't their own families, and many of them are at risk of sexual abuse and violence.
It's ridiculous to pretend the current situation is "better" than what they had simply because they risked the crossing to seek asylum.
Then have all our immigrants
Just don’t start protesting when they start killing your kids for fun
Why put them in cages and deny them basic sanitation?
With what money? keep in mind democrats have blocked every single request for funding border agents asked.
because the eight years under obama showed that killing kids with drones is morally acceptable. None of the people crying about cages ever went after him for his drones.
Trump easily resolve this non-issue by following in the steps of Obama
>third world SA doesn't know anything about the rule of law
See amigo, in america the police isn't paid off by gangs.
You are not answering the question but will answer your. Because there's not enough money to grant them stay In 5 start hotels with body guards outside to make sure they don't escape.
Exaggerations aside this is the issue, not enough money.
Congrats, you kept a child with the person who kidnapped him from mexico and now the kid is being sexually abused
>keep in mind democrats have blocked every single request for funding border agents asked.
Something tells me that you're lying.
Mexico has offered these migrant trains the right to apply for refugee status in Mexico and go through the process there, anyone who didn't accept the offer to apply isn't a real refugee just an economic Migrant.
>None of the people crying about cages ever went after him for his drones.
Yeah they did.
From the military.
Why believe lies that the media has fed to you? You fucking brainlet
seeing as we invented the concept of money and there are enough resources on the planet for all, your answer is pretty much shit.
Why the fuck is this thread still up? Mods do your job and make this shit hole usable again.
nah, they didn't
Who gives a crap. kids crossing the border with dollar signs in their eyes from listening to "oh little josé and bashar we will be having the good life in amerika!" are basically Rodents.
You can't just divert money from one place to another
Posting gun pics dont make you cool
Posting pics of Hitomi Tanaka porn will tho
>country has trillions in military funding
>"can't afford" to build basic shelters, amenities, have on site doctors/carers/teachers and hire security
Pull the other one.
>these things are bad and I believe they are bad
>so we should keep doing them
is you believe they were bad under Obama then why do you support them now
>because the eight years under obama showed that killing kids with drones is morally acceptable.
Not really? What level of moral relativism is this? Pretty sure the Manning/Snowden leaks served precisely to cast a light into the horror of drone strikes and was one of the most criticized policies during the Obama administration.
Is this some kinda /pol/ tier nonsense you're trying to use against me?
mods only 'see' threads that get reported
people on Yea Forums want to talk politics so these kinds of threads don't get reported
If want to have an actual discussion don't act like a retard.
I don't see you giving away all your money because it sin't real.
Christ, you're retarded
Opinion discarded
do they have doctors and teachers on staff while they're dragging their toddlers thousands of miles? if not, why would they expect them in america?
no u
Again the one who blocked funding where the democrats. and a judge said trump can't use the money from the military on the border.
"Muh wall" is not funding and every time they have gotten for more funding they have used that money to build more death camps and ignored the conditions within the camps they already have.
Yes you can. That's how nasa lost all its funding and now we cant even launch our own vehicles without help from external companies or ROCOSMOS.
He gave you two sources you fucking neanderthal
The law says you can't put a child in the same detainment as their parents. Technically the children are free to go to any relatives they have in the US. Assuming anyone can prove who they are. That's the problem of our retarded labyrinth of "think of the children" laws. Imagine if it was like the case of Elian Gonzales and people "back home" actually wanted the kids back.
Otherwise the only solution is to just let people pour into the US and disappear because anything else is seen as the worst thing ever. Which is exactly what they (the caravan organizers) are expecting to accomplish by coming in in such large groups.
And OP most artists are like this. It's nearly impossible at this point to follow artists and dodge politics.
Nice to see you are blind, I also put the hill on there. just to make sure you can get "both" views.
Eat a dick, the facts are the same regardless of what opinions are put in the article.
for the same reason people didn't care about these detention when obama was in charge, but now they're the number one issue
As long as nobody acts like an asshat, we can have fairly reasonable conversations.
It's as simply as decreasing the budget in one sector and increasing it in another, as they've always done. No one's saying you have to "pull resources" from one to the other, it's that you simply have to stop giving the military so much money to perfect their already perfect weaponry.
that is because I do not hang out with assholes like yourself.
We know how to make very nice and safe cars. We could only make those, yet we still make shitboxes. Ever ask yourself why?
If money is the problem, and it is simply a concept we came up with to fuel class structures. you are kinda a dick for putting so much importance on it.
Where was Mitch's bleeding heart during the Obama administration? I wanna know.
Hey remember when Trump tried to divert money from the military and some fag judge said he couldn't?
They do get all that though. The kids are sitting around in portables or military tents eating food and getting medical care, it's basically a boring summer camp. Just because the media fills the news with pictures of sad people doesn't make it some crime against mankind.
> why don't they build better detention facilities?
What do you actually want beside seeing the world burn.
>death camps
hey man, people travel thousands of miles for the chance to get to one of those death camps
No one is making them come here, they're doing it on their own volition
>for the same reason people didn't care about these detention when obama was in charge
They did though. You probably didn't know anything about that because your media kept saying how no one can criticize obama because he's black.
>already perfect weaponry
You fucking what now
Reminder that any Mexican who is crossing the border is directly paying human traffickers and bringing their child on an extremely dangerous and illegal journey. Daily reminder that you have to separate children from their parents for processing. Daily reminder they all receive food and medical treatment when they are at the detention centers
>getting medical care
Drugging them up so the guards can rape them is not medical care.
>it's basically a boring summer camp
Yeah, it's so chill these kids are just dying of boredom over there.
Every conservative in the country should have their throats slit like the fat fucking hogs they are
Except that said reason was very stupid and had equally stupid reasons backing it. A wall won't fix the problem, because the simplest way to illegally immigrate to the good old US of A is to legally enter and then you just overstay your stay.
But i digress. If he had said that the money would also have gone to keep the children safe and alive, you could bet that the judge would have given him the money.
Why even have them in detention camps?
You can drone bomb a country from the comfort of a bunker in Arizona, how is that not perfect?
Yeah man, fucking unicorn clouds and pink rain is really putting a strain on the vegetable animals.
The photo was taken during Obama's reign. The shitstorm coincidentally stopped after that was discovered. I wonder why.
what's the alternative. hotels?
Again trump tried to do that but was blocked by a judge.
Dems don't let us deport them on the spot
you should not need a reminder that borders are invisible lines drawn by dead rich men a long time ago, and that we are all humans entitled to the whole planet.
Remember when Steve Scalise got merked? That fucking ruled but next time the guy should try a little harder! :)
>The shitstorm coincidentally stopped
But it hasn't, because Trump has perpetuated it.
Because he wanted it for the wall, not to actually process these refugees seeking asylum and proper care. Not the same thing.
>death camps that houses clothes feeds and medically treats criminals before sending them back where they came from
Because we can't put them in hotels mate. We need to make a place for them where they can be processed and taken care of. We can't process them in hotels, the drug and child trafficker would just pas trough with no issue.
>A wall won't fix the problem, because the simplest way to illegally immigrate to the good old US of A is to legally enter and then you just overstay your stay.
>he says as hundreds of thousands of migrants attempt to illegally cross the southern border every week
Is it hard being a fucking retard?
>well we can't just NOT have concentration camps!
get rid of money and borders. Problem solved, you shouting shithead.
>Daily reminder that you have to separate children from their parents for processing.
Is it normal to lose thousands of children too?
well its literally only a misdemeanor to illegally enter the country, and its not a crime at all to enter and apply for asylum. so probably literally anything else.
You moron the "wall" ins not really a wall but a fence and more money located to border agents. You know the ones who can make facilities better?
>was one of the most criticized policies during the Obama administration.
Oh no how could Obama ever recover?! Oh yeah. They gave him a Nobel Prize. Which he still has.
reminder that this means that people are entitled to living at your mommy and daddy's house
this is your brain on Liberalism. there are clearly defined limits to your rhetoric, and beyond that you can use no reasoning whatsoever.
The Nobel Prize came before the fucking scandal. Why are you so obliviously obtuse?
No children were lost, jesus christ you just eat up every fucking thing the media tells you
>Because we can't put them in hotels
So put them in overcrowded cells and deny them basic sanitation?
Yeah find a way to do that in less than a year fuck in less than 4 years. WE need solution now you sociopath, CHILDREN ARE DYING!!
It's easy, disincentivize illegal crossing, Criminalize the NGO's that ship people cross country, tell Mexico to either deal with the cartels in the next few months or send the US military in, and establish a standard of deporting anyone that enters illegally from a non-standard port of entry (You don't get to stay in the US if you cross in the middle of the desert and only claim Asylum after you get discovered three weeks later).
>death camps that do none of those things and keep mysteriously """"""losing""""""" thousands of children
You can't claim asylum by trekking across 5 countries that would have given you asylum
>dude treat illegals humanely lmao
Dude just legally become a US citizen lmao.
Or did you fucking faggots forget that we have laws?
the children at the border are not americans and are not my problem
it would be preferable if more of them died
the inspector general literally disproved you
>You know the ones who can make facilities better?
You mean the ones who molest kids?
>reminder that this means that people are entitled to living at your mommy and daddy's house
That's not what it means you reactionary retard, but it's funny you jump at that because it fuels the migrant panic.
Also I don't do this often but
>this reddit spacing
r/t_d is leaking.
They're overcrowded because they keep coming faster than we can process them you fucking idiot
America should absolutely send the US military into Mexico because that would kick off a World War that wreck the US
Can you at least establish some consistent facts instead of just filling a post with stupid hyperbole that you don't even believe.
>So put them in overcrowded cells and deny them basic sanitation?
No? which is why dems blocking funding to make better facilities is a problem?
Also i ratter my children be in a detention center than being sold off to be traffickers.
>No children were lost
Says who?
>Dude just legally become a US citizen lmao.
Dude just spend 5-10 years trying to become a citizen lmao that's so easy!
>They're overcrowded because they keep coming faster than we can process them you fucking idiot
That's not true though.
Except that trump several times has said that it was a real concrete, berlin styled wall.
We aren't talking in about UN forces here it's Americans running the facilities.
children die... some die due to the poor choices of their guardians every day. This is a fact of existence. How many beaner kids will die hundreds of miles from the border today? Is that number very far off from the ones dying within feet of it?
Yelling asshole.
That's rick and morty tier retardation, nations are extremely important entities that give people rights and are necessary for all the social institutions that we have. Unless you're personally going to build an entirely new bureaucratic system for the entire world that processes qll of our information, gives us entirely new rights and benefits as new citizens of a global state that is astronomically larger than any state that has ever existed, rebuild a global economy and currency, rebuild a system of social benefits that can somehow pay for the massive influx of people into the system, rebuild the global military and police structures and handle every single other problem that will come with dissolving national borders
reminder that california use to be the most flourishing state in the union before dems and minorities took over
now it has the lowest standard of living in the country, as well as the highest rates of poverty, homelessness and the greatest wealth divide before rich and poor
Dems see this as 'progress'
applying for asylum is not illegal, moreover i would say, though i aint judge ofc, that considering illegal crossings are a misdemeanor this would be cruel and unusual
>5-10 years
Only if you're a bumbling retard with a single-digit IQ. Which, odds are if illegally entering a country is high on your priority list, is highly likely.
Please provide sources. Also does not change the fact it's the border agents which can allocate fund to improve facilities.
why not. they're Rodents
i've posted here for a while
Fuck that shit. The only benefit to open borders is for billionaires to exploit cheap labor and create more division among the populace.
The facts are that a not ingsignificant amount of guards have sexually abused those kids.
Oh please nobody would come to the defense of Mexico and troops would be doing actual work to defend the US if they were dismantling criminal organizations that engage in mass human trafficking and drug production instead of shooting up middle easterners. The Mexican government and Liberals would Hem and Haw for a while but that's just because they hate law and order.
Oh wait, are you telling me it's less than 5 years? Wow that must be so comforting!
immigration rates have been declining, this admin (continuing from last admin) is just seeking them out in greater numbers
lmao cant wait until we get to bleed you cleetuses out
who would go to war on mexicos behalf?
starving Venezuelans?
Literally the consequence of their parents bringing them on their human trafficking journey
Again, provide source for you claims.
As opposed to billionaire profiting of the cruel and inhumane detention of children?
dude my uncle (britbong) took 23 years to become legal. TWENTY THREE.
>immigration rates have been declining, this admin (continuing from last admin) is just seeking them out in greater numbers
but I thought Obama was soft on the borders
Says every fucking major news outlet you fuck
you are a retard. Borders do not exist, and money is made up bullshit too. It is a stupid system you were born into. Makes no sense unless you are defending wealth you never earned or actually fought for.