What was her problem?

What was her problem?

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She is a redhead in a world where the media is trying to erase them from history.

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She’s a ginger come they’re all soulless monsters, what did you expect?

What did gingers even do to hollywood for them to hate them like this ?

She’s a fucking hoale, that’s her problem.

look at a picture of her mother
then compare it with how Myrtle ill look in the future

Mytle knows and she is PISSED

Arent they making a live action version of Lilo and Stich?
They probably wont make the bully anything but white.

Pol/ get out

Jews fear the Potato.

They're the true Aryans

Her dad left i think

Gingers are a plague, they try to make our Aryan blonde haired blue eyed goddesses look like shit compared to the erotic ginger female, their ginger men makes our strong aryans look like weak emasculated little wimpies.
Gingers are plotting to destroy the aryan race and replacing it with stronger ginger people

Dad's white, maried hawaiian, she shares her father's disdain for the natives. You see this everywhere caucasians colonize.

Her dad left her

Her father abandoned her,her mom probably doesn't care about her and if she hasn't "friends" she would be a generic whore

She needs a good Stitching like Lilo gets every night.

She's fair-skinned and living in the tropics. You'd be grumpy, too.

Dad's gone.

Lilo comes in late, she says Lilo is late, then Lilo fucking bites her. She did nothing wrong.

you'd be pissy too if you were a ginger who lived in hawaii


She's a ginger in sunny Hawaii, she's in a state if perpetual sunburn, that whould make anyone a insufferable cunt.

young girls are just cunts. look how women try to one up themselves when there is a group of them. it starts young.

Yea Forumsmblr kys

She's sick of them not knowing their place

Jews can't be beautiful redheads

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She's a cunt.

Tumblr get out