Only extremely hilarious comics allowed
Only extremely hilarious comics allowed
5 cents for sex? fuck yeah!
No...5 cents for being told to get laid. You can get that for free on the internet.
Patrician taste
You can't skip straight to the edits.
In order to appreciatie ironic enjoyment one must first be inured by the awful source material.
Give the readers some threadspace to understand the mindset and themes of boomer comics, then subvert it once they do.
I just thought after HAVE SEX one everything is fair game.
god dammit, it got me again
Is this loss?
WOW kid you just got r/WOOOOOOSHED!!!!
"Wooosh" means you didn't get the joke, as in the sound made when the joke "woooshes" over your head. I bet you're too stupid to get it, IDIOT!!
My joke was so thoughtfully crafted and took me a total of 3 minutes, you SHOULD be laughing. What's that? My joke is bad? I think that's just because you failed. I outsmarted you, nitwit.
In conclusion, I am posting this to the community known as "R/Wooooosh" to claim my internet points in your embarrassment . Imbecile. The Germans refer to this action as "Schadenfreude," which means "harm-joy" . WOW! Another reference I had to explain to you. I am going to cease this conversation for I do not converse with simple minded persons.
No, your joke was just so unfunny I had to fix it.
Let's get it over with
Is this just supposed to be a wholesome subversion or something to do with the water meme editing I’ve seen some references to?
Has anyone drawn Billy in a Tarkus costume yet?
I unironically keked
Cringe and Bluepilled
>meme editing
What are you, some kind of pokemon creature?
no stone yet?
I think you just had to be there.
>With me brothers, advance!
"An infinite acorn"? What the hell is that? Is that a tagline for squirrels?
The joke went to far by adding "In Warhammer 40k", the kid should've stopped here, as if it was obvious who Tarkus was to his mom
this makes me laugh my ass off everytime i see it. stuff like this, where something it unintentionally made funny by a mistake or error is the best to me.
I think that that is the only stonetoss comic that's actually not that bad
This one and the military transvestite unit get me.
Still holds up.
Lewd and cute
>tfw no gf
The thing is these comics would be infinitely funnier if they were being made by someone who doesn't actually just hate non-whites
That would be perfect with a spring sound effect. Something like "SPROING!!" spread between panel three and four.
since that's the whole impetus for making them, they wouldn't get made in the first place if that was the case
As someone who enjoys wine. I get it.
Sometimes it's better to just drown then suffocate.
Why do they all have identical noses? Are they supposed to be brothers?
I don't think it's about black and White.
I think it's about IQ and DNA, DNA that Dictates Violent and dumb habbits.
The artist draws one-shot characters simply.
reedited it
Was this the most cringe thing to ever come out of Yea Forums? Not this comic specifically, the entire idea
Oh yeah, the trans military is also breddy gud
Remember me
>The loss
Welcome to the UK
Jon is the og incel
fuck yeah I love me some water. Water > Pokemon creatures
Wow, look at this dork. I bet he doesn't even fetch a lousy pail of water
I mean I get that you tryna out redditors, but at least I have the decency to not use actual meme that uses reddit as context on Yea Forums(nel)
>An alt universe where Alfred is a woman
People assumed the artist was just retarded, little did they know he was actually transcended
This is oddly wholesome to me.
Man fuck I don’t know
You know too much. Hope you made peace with your loved ones
Vile summerfag
that last panel could use a tf2 edit
jon is soldier, conga writes itself
I don't think he does actually. He seems like an edgy libertarian who doesn't mind having a fascist audience.
There's far more evidence it's a matter of environment and upbringing which a lot of "muh IQ charts" faggots seem to ignore completely. They also ignore Asians tend to score better than whites which is also a case of environment/upbringing.
Someone redraw this but user is holding leggy.
This one is cute, I imagine them spending lots of time to get the perfect cute pic
I admire his commitment to his beliefs.
well actually.
What's this from? The braces girl is cute.
Not one of these has made me LOL. Haven’t any of seen the kids playing that Pokémon Go? There’s something you could make a comic on
Its Preteena, early 00's comic that ended lat 00's you can find it on gocomics.
Not him but I got a chuckle
Why is so funny?
>worried about her flat chest
I wish there was a woman who would become a spree shooter and target men imagine it how amazing it would be
What was he doing looking for Pokemon in the middle of the desert without bringing plenty of water?
Shut the fuck up
I think it's hard to have a good version of this conversation on Yea Forums. Suffice it say that I've given it a lot of thought and research and have come to the conclusion that it's over 50% genetic. Also I'm not that guy.
I liked it
I can appreciate that he went for Mussolini for a change.
Subverted my expectations there.
This is single-handedly the most embarrassing thing posted on Yea Forums.
I enjoyed Johnny's energy.
>Suffice it say that I've given it a lot of thought and research
If by research you mean a bunch of /pol/ infographics then sure. If you take a bunch of random kids and raise them as close to the same way as possible you're going to get some pretty similar results with negligible differences. For fuck's sake, race itself isn't even a scientific concept and almost no one is "purebred" at this point making the entire point moot. Trying to make blanket statements about a group of people regarding something so nebulous is always going to cause problems.
Wow you are right
Now this made me LOL
>we arent pedos
If only this guy knew that Agent Chase was yet to come, he wouldn't have said this.
>We arent prone into making sure our e-penis are huger than anyones else
Man that is the cherry on top.
I do. I do.
This seems like something Seanbaby did.
Harold doesn’t seem to care that much.
This is what happens when you spend all day catching Pokemon creatures.
Good one, Buckley.
Damn my weakness for puns
Answer me this then. What is responsible for the environment? What makes some parents provide an environment conductive to high IQ children and other parents not? I'll give you a hint. The genes of the children are already active in the parents.
The kid is drawn black and with those black people rows for hair.
The woman drawing these comics might be crazy, but at least she cleans up after her mistakes.
>If you take a bunch of random kids and raise them as close to the same way as possible you're going to get some pretty similar results with negligible differences.
There have been actual studies done on the subject. With twins that were raised apart. Short version: You're wrong.
Long version: Nobody doubts that say height or aptitude at sports, lung volume or ability to see underwater are caused by genetics. Why should differences in IQ be the one trait that is environmental?
This aged like milk
Reads like a ONE joke tqbh.
Schadenfreude is not an action, it is an emotional response to the misfortune of others.
Schadenfreude is when you see your siblings get yelled at for something and feel better about yourself as a result.
Posting your siblings getting yelled at on Reddit is what the Germans refer to as "reiner Krebs". That means pure cancer.
No Calvin and Hobbes? I am disappoint.
>not leading off with a Sunday comic
this kinda scares me for some reason
like jons having a mental break down or something
It's so much better than the original.
It's fucking money you retard. Poor households are far less conductive to being stable learning environments compared to more well-to-do ones. I know what you're going to say "some races are disproportionately poorer because of their genetics" and I say that's complete and utter hogwash. Something as complex as socioeconimic factors aren't explained by a single source so maybe genetics do play a part but it's a small, negligible factor at best.
Because IQ is far more esoteric in nature than pure physical ability. It's a gross stereotype to judge intelligence purely on a simple test. Do genetics play a role? Sure. But /pol/ fags are quick to use "muh genetics" to justify their racism and make sweeping generalizations about groups of people.
because it is i believe
Damn I've been looking for this for years
You fools, he was searching for a pail of water and found it in the cactus
Every fucking time
people don't actually like the news?
That's a Big Mouth Billy Bass, not a fishing trophy
Cracks me up every time.
Ooh my damn!
>doesn't belong on Yea Forums
The only thing right in this picture.
Vintage meme.
The big think joke is that his mom is dead, so this situation is impossible. That's where the real humor lies.
Somebody went out of their way to make this woman a sexplosive.
I thought the joke was that the writer misspelled fatman?
I like it better with the original wordless 2nd to last panel. Even if it's funny to imagine Jon saying that
This is a bit too Yea Forums in content.
good post though
This is the biggest pedo board on the site though
based bluto
I don't think you've been to any other boards, Yea Forums still exists.
Yea Forums only lusts after white children, though.
Well done i say
this reminds me of when The Far Side had its caption accidentally swapped with Family Circus
found it on google:
Wow, there are multiple?
I have a Loss T-shirt that my sister recently recognized, I do t know how to handle it.
It means you're a normalfag.
Big Mouth Billy Bass is meant to resemble a fishing trophy. Mounting fish is an actual thing that is done, although it is difficult due to the nature of most fish's physiology.
You race realists are retards that cherrypick flimsy evidence to support your preconceived notions of racial superiority.
Actually, pretty much every white "race realist" knows that whites aren't the superior group when it comes to IQ.
You're just being intentionally dense.
That just makes them even more retarded.
Pretty gud
This post is the only cringey thing I see.
That's probably because you've tricked yourself into thinking "race realism is just a way to make people feel good about themselves", when it isnt.
But that's what it is, it's just a way for /pol/acks to pat themselves on the back for being smarter than niggers.
Sadist Pooh is even better than Soviet Pooh.
If that were the case, they wouldn't be ranking themselves below Jews, now would they?
Because that's what it's about.
Not your dumb SJW "all groups are magically equal", nor "THIS IS WHY NAZIS ARE THE SMARTEST" shit either.
That one got me. Fuck.
That's a lot of cum Harry Potter.
I like how the bottom one that got mixed up had to do with food
Apparently its cause the final joke is ruined
by the date, but to be honest i've stared at this image for at least 2 minutes and didn't even smile once, guess comedy is just subjective
hah, been looking for this comic for a while now. those two last panels of dobby dancing are what really makes it for me.
It saddens me that this is an edit. It should have been what herc was really thinking.
>this comic triggered a lot of (((people))) for some reason
fuck y'all pessimistic retards, I liked it.
Davis identifies the incel menace as early as '99
I don't even know what it's trying to convey.
>name of the strip is BEFORE christ
I'm really gonna miss Alex...
This always makes me chuckle, what herbs are the wiki how artists on?
Ideal relationship
Yeah how exactly does one taxidermy fish
Then why does most of this "evidence" come from questionable sources and ignore everything else that says otherwise? Most studies generally agree that income has far more to do with general population than genetics. Race realists want to say blacks and latinos are poor because they're genetically predisposed to having low IQ rather than the actual case of low IQ being caused by their lack of income.
literally not one single qc edit has ever been even mildly funny ever. I'm convinced it's the same autist who makes them all and replies to himself in the threads. Probably a self-loathing trans.
Why do you spend so much effort making terrible shit garbage even more terrible in such an awkward and autistic way?
I don't think you've ever actually read any sort of work on race realism in your life.
Why put Jesus in the caveman comic?
Ha ha Wouldn't it be funny if your cousin did this? ha ha
>tfw some fat turbo autist probably has some screenshots of my cringy underageb& posts from the mid 2000s saved on his hard drive
A very odd and abstract sort of feel.
I saved this right before he deleted it
>british """humor"""
>should be on the nose as much as possible with fucking seas of text and as many extraneous panels to crawl towards the punchline as slowly as imaginable
>also the art's shit
why haven't you retards killed yourselves yet
Funny, not existential horror user
>big tits on gwen
>also body acne
i think they are supposed to be freckles
because she's a redhead
literally no difference
Not all blemishes are the same
Not saying its like the holocaust but those places where they detain mexican children are definitely concentration camps
Keep these boomer comics coming. Im making a folder.
Not really
That's Dennis The Menace
They're literally concentration camps, you need a better argument than "no" to suggest that the areas in which they illegally (yes, illegally, judges have ordered for the stop of family separation at least a year ago) detain massive amounts of a certain kind of person isn't a concentration camp.
American news stations have a tendency to report in such a way that it's stressful to watch. It's by design, they want you to be scared to miss what they're going to say next so you keep tuning in.
They weren't at first. Those are definitely concentration camps now.
Actually, Initially when the natzi party gained power they started doing this, and the plan when rounding them up was to expulse them somewhere not to kill them until they realized the logistics of moving them.
Oh yes, I recall when Jews tried fleeing into Germany to get jobs picking fruit.
Could we just fucking not today Yea Forums? I just want to crack a chuckle at some comics, not read what CNN told you.
Damn I like this quote.
>Had a friendship that lasted more than a few years, let alone almost 30
I wish that where me.
>Oh yes, I recall when Jews tried fleeing into Germany to get jobs picking fruit.
You are, a literal retard.
I wasn't aware Trump was gassing 6 million Mexicans with Zyklon B.
>Put criminals in the same place
>Prisons are now concentration camps
you know damn well batman would love to be the dude to fix his mom's garbage disposal if he could, too
>there are no concentration camps because they can all be compared to prisons
Seriously where is your actual argument though? All you did is try to distract with a nonsense statement.
Concentration camps aren't the same thing as death camps, user. Is English your first language?
I'm saying that concentration camps can be a good thing, if the definition is so loose that you can lump prisons into them.
off yourself
>imgur link on fucking Yea Forums
They literally use prisoners for state sponsored labor (aka legal slavery)
Illegals that traveled literally thousands of miles through several countries, bleed your heart out into a gutter
That’s just lack of effort. The soviets carted off SEVERAL ethnic groups to somewhere else
You're retarded.
You're saying that like it's something that prisons normally do, and not just in 3rd world counties like the US.
Time to cut the jugular mods, cancer has fully set in now
We're talking about America specifically, stupid idiot moron retard
From the Merriam-Webster dictionary,
Concentration camp; a place where large numbers of people, especially political prisoners or members of persecuted minorities, are deliberately imprisoned in a relatively small area with inadequate facilities, sometimes to provide forced labor or to await mass execution.
I guess the border camp technically meets the definition because most of the detainees are Mexican. It does bring an interesting question though, what divides a concentration camp from a regular internment camp or prison?
If detaining minorities in cramped inhumane conditions makes a place a concentration camp you could make the argument that Guantanamo Bay is a concentration camp. You could also argue that a large number of jails containing African American inmates are concentration camps.
No, you're talking about America.
I'm talking about the loose definition of "concentration camps" being used in this narrative.
Would it help your argument that America has the worlds largest concentration ca-, I mean prisons in the world?
So he fucks the pig and the sheep?
Sick fuck
>judges have ordered for the stop of family separation at least a year ago
Which I wouldn't have a problem with if the same courts also didn't tie ICE's hands when it comes to confirming whether minors detained with a group claiming to be a family unit are actually related.
Stop the fucking presses user gave it some thought. The man did some research.
>uhhh the definition is too loose if i act disingeuous about it!!!
You still have not properly argued what makes it not a concentration camp, or really why it should be tolerated at all outside of racist meme-think. Even the idea that it's a "deterrence" would only mean that it deters legal immigration while encouraging illegal immigration, because by and large you've punished people who did nothing illegal whatsoever.
Please, you're making me grimace. You don't even know what judges' remit is? Judges ARE the law.
>confirming whether minors detained with a group claiming to be a family unit are actually related
As opposed to? What, you think they're all terrorist sleeper cells? Russian deep cover agents? Extraterrestrial infiltrators? It's just a bunch of mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters trying to reach a better life. Fuck off.
Isn't he saying that the judges ordered this shit to stop, hence why it's illegal?
>shows her empty chair
For what purpose
>You still have not properly argued what makes it not a concentration camp
I don't care wether or not you can call them concentration camps or not.
But if you can then you can also call prisons concentration camps.
And since prisons, at least the idea, if not the execution is a good thing, then concentration camps are sometimes good.
Either they're not concentration camps, or they are, and concentration camps aren't necessarily a bad thing.
Why the FUCK does every comic thread devolve into American immigration discussion by people who are PROBABLY Australians? American politics a big fucking deal in Melbourne?
>No Piglet
Please tell me that's real.
The /pol/ answer is that Australians want to watch the world burn. There's an infographic about the eucalyptus situation in California that may give you some insight.
becky a qt
first kek of the thread
In the thread I saw hat posted in earlier the guy said that one was missing a panel but was the only one edited of the bunch
Citation not provided
Roasted. Toasted. Burnt to a crisp.
Will Ethan and Danny EVER fuck?
>inb4 children are such a huge threat they need to be housed in concentration camps
That’s some profound white logic right there
THIS IS THE FUTURE SJW LIBERALS WANT. I agree with them 100% on this.
Maybe I just like imprisoning fucking losers, you fucking loser
Google Image Searching, I found this
I hope you realize what a nutcase it makes you look like when you spam "CONCENTRATION CAMPS" over and over again.
Everyone knows skullfuckingly well that you're blatantly trying to draw parallels to the holocaust. That is what what everyone thinks of when they hear the word "CONCENTRATION CAMP", and is why you're obsessed with using that, instead of, say, "detention center", "processing facility", etc.
You know what you're doing.
We know what you're doing
It's transparently retarded.
Imprison yourself then you loser
>m-m-m-m-maybe i just think kids are losers so i will destroy their entire lives
Jesus christ you're pathetic.
>getting trolled on Yea Forums in 2019
Holy fuck it's a joke not a dick - stop riding it so hard, queefburglers
Yes, illegal children should be detained along with their trafficker until they are all processed.
>I hope you realize what a nutcase it makes you look like when you spam "CONCENTRATION CAMPS" over and over again.
He doesn't look like a nutcase at all, everyone who knows even a little bit about concentration camps agrees they're concentration camps, from the layman to the scholar. You're just a racist who is heartless enough to demonize, dismiss, and destroy children. It's that simple, no matter how much you try to distract it by arguing against statements no one is making. People more often compare the situation with the concentration camps full of American-Japanese citizens during WWII, and the comparisons with the Holocaust are along the lines of, "This is how people behaved" - in reference to people like you, who could do something about it, but don't. And you don't even have the excuse of severe post-war economic scarcity to explain why you're like this. You're just a brainless, heartless, soulless by-product of a racist culture.
I sincerely hope this is bait, but I can never tell with Yea Forumsmblr.
user,... I....
>Tells a nerd that says he likes imprisoning losers to imprison himself
>StOP beING so TrIGGered
literally German for drunks
>i--i-i-i-i-it's bait
No, it's not. It's the truth, and you're a coward.
I missed when this was not cringe inducing and applicable to Yea Forums
>It's a "/pol/ crams their cringy shit in a thread designated for hilarious comic" episode
You have to go back.
>support open borders or I'll call you a racist!
I hope you realize shit like this is why Trump is getting reelected.
Unfortunately, your post is pretty cringe.
Is mental retardation a prerequisite for being a conservative?
Hey did you know the nazis burnt books about things like the promotion of transgenderism?
I sure wish that was possible in europe
>Advancement of research on human psychology and sexuality
>Arghhhhhh Burn it! BURN IT!
to be fair I would also run people over if they tried damaging my car
Go for it.
I'm sure the judge will go easy on vehicular homicide with such a justification.
constitutionally, why should american taxpayers be responsible for foreign citizens
answer in 25 words or less
>Isn't he saying that the judges ordered this shit to stop, hence why it's illegal?
What? no, the judges have ruled that those camps are constitutional since we're detaining illegal immigrants, not human being.
>when you get BTFO in an argument.
>reddit capitalization
Go back, it is the ugliest meme to ever come from normalfagland and you and that meme need to go back.
You literally proved his point right you utter brainlet.
Because the money of american taxpayers already had been going to destabilize entire regions of the world.
I hope that war with Iran takes place, actually, so burgers like you will get to go and die for piss-ra-hell.
apparently, liberals and leftism in general is a certified mental retardation since they unironically believe in 200 genders now.
i said constitutionally
>still obsessed about muh Russyau
>Years go by and conservatists still only have a single joke to tell
> we're finally getting a book this year
god bless
>we were halfway to the bump limit before people replied to the shitposters
Will you fucking retards just go somewhere else? God damn, post wholesome comics. Who gives a rat's ass about politics?
>open thread
>retarded comics that aren't even pretending to be actual jokes
You people should be turned into animal feed so you actually contribute something to society.
haha I like that comic you posted. :^]
based and blutopilled
This happens every single one of these threads without fail.
Better to not post anything than to post shit.
natural selection
its simple incel
also rules in germany are fucking lax when it comes to prison
Your post is shit, you’re posting shit right now you hairpin
What are you doing then? The point of this thread is to post funny comics, posting text doesn't interfere with that while posting garbage images does.
>Holocaust remembrance wall
It's like white nationalists never moved an inch from the post designated by Wyatt Mann
>If you ignore them, they'll go away!
How many layers of centrism are you on?
You realize not everyone shares you garbage sense of humor, right?
You're also free to post whatever you find funny, instead of whining like a little bitch.
>be murderer
>repent at the last minute
>free heaven
Lmao impenetrable defenses.
Post wholesome comics.
Trannies are the Romani of "sexual" minorities.
>why are you using the term that accurately describes those facilities instead of these different terms that nobody gives a shit about
>everyone knows skullfuckingly well what you're doing when you use the words "ethnic cleansing" instead of, say, "population redistribution" or "community ofsetting"
>everyone knows skullfuckingly well what you're doing when you use the word "rape" instead of, say, "non-conformist coitus" or "alternative intimate contact"
>everyone knows skullfuckingly well what you're doing when you use the word "murder" instead of, say, "consciousness discontinuation event"
Jesus Christ what an asshole.
Essentially Jack Chick tracts message:
>Be a murderer, gun for hire
>Salvation awaits you, because you felt sorry in a church you have entered to kill the preacher
>Meanwhile the sherrif who caught you is going to burn for eternity, because... reasons.
Freckles are the worst.
repentance is not that easy in catholicism. You have to genuinely regret what you've done, and not only for the consequences. You can't just go "I would have rather not done that" and get a free ticket.
>THE term
No, you're using A term, with the most emotional baggage as possible in order to equate immigration enforcement with literal genocide, when far more neutral terms exist that dont misrepresent the issue.
Like I said, you're not fooling anyone here with that shit.
Concentration camps are a prerequisite for a genocide, but they are not necessarily death camps.
Concentration camp IS the neutral term for what is happening, you're just desperate to put it in rose-colored glasses. In short you want us to collectively lie about it. What is your motivation? Honestly. Do you just love Trump unconditionally? You know it's wrong, that's why you're lying to yourself, so explain yourself.
lmao fuck off, it's having an effect when you're bitching about it
and the people crying about "white genocide" for the last ten years talking about using neutral terms is a joke
You know, the Devil is a cool dude.
I can fuck hookers and do crack and he won't judge me.
>tarkus is good
Do I really need to run down the list for you brainlets?
>not political prisoners
>not persecuted minorities
>do not provide forced labor
>are not awaiting execution
>associated with death camps
Literally the only semi-accurate part of your loaded term is "the facilities are inadequate", and that has nothing to do with the design, but entirely due to the fact that they're overcrowded due to the fact that the entire southern continent is bum rushing our borders causing overcrowding in these centers.
It is the least accurate term to describe the issue.
But you already knew that, didn't you?
it's cool how your reading comprehension is so bad that you don't understand your own wiki dictionary quote blows your "arguments" apart
>You have to genuinely regret what you've done, and not only for the consequences.
So that would mean that there are probably a fuck ton of Catholics that are going to hell.
>It will only be fair to call them "concentration camps" if we end up mirroring the nazis!
At that point it will be too late for anything.
>You know who else had immigration laws?
just read this
>not political prisoners
>not persecuted minorites
>do not provide forced labor
>are not awaiting execution
>are not associated with death camps
and they're still concentration camps
>they're not a persecuted minority they just all happen to be brown people who are separated, locked up, and not given essentials to stay healthy despite not doing anything illegal whatsoever
nice denial
Thanks doc
>that thick red bush
It is legal in my state to run over a protester blocking the street as long as you practice due diligence and tell them to get the fuck out of the way first.
You're just a puppet of the (((Jews))) but also an anti-Semite.
It sounds like that has absolutely nothing to do with our detention centers for illegal immigrants.
They're being detained either because they're awaiting a decision on allowed to be legally let into the country, or because they're awaiting deportation.
Why is this a problem?
What is your counter proposal, other than "open borders"?
How does it feel to have the worst taste possible in a thread full of /pol/faggotry?
You know there are a shit ton of different nationalities, religious groups, and races being held at the border right genius? They're all from all parts of central and South America. Stop being a butthurt faggot and stop pretending that foreign criminals should get a free pass to break the law.
>When you hate jews, but still try to paint others as antisemites
>It sounds like that has absolutely nothing to do with our detention centers for illegal immigrants.
it sounds like your reading comprehension is shit
>a place where large numbers of people are delibaretely imprisoned in a relatively small area with unadequate facilities
that's the definiton you quoted, and that's exactly what those places are - concentration camps
words like "especially" and "sometimes" aren't necessary conditions, for example if I say "I like sex, especially doggystyle" it doesn't mean I only like doggystyle
You stated it was THE most accurate term for them.
I explained why it wasn't, and also gave you far more accurate terms to use.
But we both already know you're being a disingenuous shithead.
Before there was an American constitution people fought for the ideals of America. Now those ideals are boring because they don't make enough money.
they hated jesus cause he said the truth
>You stated it was THE most accurate term for them.
no I didn't, I stated it was "the accurate term" to use and it is
the other terms aren't accurate enough because they don't convey the conditions of the facilities properly, they're neutral and lifeless and designed to sound normal to voters who hear them (which is why you like them, which is also why the nazis called their camps "concentration camps" and not "death camps" or "jew prisons" or whatever harsh term there could've been)
I would say go back to /pol/ but I think it's more fitting to say
go back to r/
Is it me or there are way more Drumpfags on Yea Forums after their subreddit got gassed?
Do you suffer from mental retardation user? Can you literally read and make any sort of distinction in your life. Who am I kidding this is Yea Forumsmblr, the actual retard capital of Yea Forums.
>after their subreddit got gassed
Wasn't The_Donald merely quarantined? That only requires them to make an additional click to view their sub.
not him but you're just too retarded to the core. In no way does your definition or the definition that he has given apply to the camp set up at the southern border. Just because you're triggered by camps doesn't mean you can label everything related to it as concentration camp. For fuck sake you can't even satisfy each one of your point that make it a concentration camp.
He's a popular president and his beliefs are popular even with those that don't like him despite what you may think or have been told by your biased friends.
>When you get BTFO again in an argument
>hurr durr if I appeal to your religious nature that means my side wins!
What happened to the secular nature of the US?
This is pretty cool unironically
>For fuck sake you can't even satisfy each one of your point that make it a concentration camp.
>a place where large numbers of people are delibaretely imprisoned in a relatively small area with unadequate facilities
they're deliberately imprisoned, it's a relatively small area, the facilities are inadequate, all of these are true
look at all those arguments
Well, people casting away disabled and deformed people due superstitious reasons is probably that big of a problem in africa.
>they're deliberately imprisoned, it's a relatively small area, the facilities are inadequate, all of these are true
Shit man, prison confirmed for concentration camp! Yes this is how retarded liberal and in extension you, sound
>"CONCENTRATION CAMP" is THE term to use not because its the most accurate, because it isn't neutral, but instead emotionally charged because all I care about is winning votes
holy fuck, you are literally retarded. Im serious, please get help.
whos the author?
Always did enjoy calvin
>A country with a law so retarded that anyone who came to apply for citizenship can be tossed into a cage for an indefinite amount of time after a brief mock trial
Clappistan at its finest.
look at all those argument
so every country in the world is retarded then?
shit man, you're confirmed for being a moron! I'm not the one who came in with a screenshot of a definition, I'm following his play. not my fault if the play is retarded.
the fuck are you talking about retard, how else do you change things if not by winning votes in a supposed democracy? debate? with people like you, who parse words while people are stuffed like sardines in a can, drinking from toilet bowls? yeah that's gonna work swell.
fuck you and fuck your fake outrage about "emotionally charged terms" which you use at the drop of a hat when someone spills your order at starbucks but when it's actual people being treated like animals and you're losing the conversation suddenly you're mr. reasonable.
you're the one who's transparent, "buddy", go fuck yourself.
You came from reddit right?
Also, I think no one can beat you at """arguments""" because you have 0 reading comprehension
I'm guessing you will post this later on /r with the tittle "look how I baited those Yea Forumsmblr libtards"
Death row inmates receive better treatment than migrant children.
Nancy redrawn by a professional manga artist when
Pooh is such an asshole
>Who cares if I can't get an update?
so user, leggy and uuuh raven?
We seem to be arguing on two different levels here.
I'm interrested in accuracy, because i believe being as accurate as possible is the best way to come up with the best solution to issues. Thats why I find the terms like "migrant detention center" to be the most accurate, without including any unnecessary emotional baggage or implications.
You just seem to be interested in muddying the issue for political points.
If I were to do what you're doing, I wouldn't go with terms like "migrant detention center", I would call them "Dreamer Resort Daycare and Spa".
I think this would have worked better if Johnny's forearm launched Kuzco back to earth instead of him using jets.
>Burger thinks that each and every country vilifies outsiders to the point where shoving them into an overcrowded cage is considered 'normal'
These threads devolve into useless political fights. Every fucking time. Why.
>0 reading comprehension
and this coming from a tard and a lib who can't differentiate between a prison and a concentration camp.
>"look how I baited those Yea Forumsmblr libtards"
you seem to be booty flustered user, care to sit down and talk about all those abuse from your mom and dad?
because /pol/
lol no, you don't give a shit about "accuracy", you give a shit about winning
and "concentration camp" is something that you can't publicly support and look like a likeable person that someone would listen, so they have to me "detention centers" and "processing facilities"
to quote you: I can see what you're doing
and no you wouldn't call them resorts or daycares or spas becaus ethose are obviously untrue and would make your image worse, they'd make you look like a heartless shit who's making fun of suffering people, children included (which is what you are). "detention center" is cold and sterile, just like "concentration camp" was back in the day. that's why you want to use it.
you're doing the same thing as the people who call them concentration camps except in reverse. they want to spread the fire you're trying to put it out.
those outsiders go through great pains to be in those cages
No one's forcing them to come here, they're coming here on their own will because they like being in cages
forced memes are the worse
>so they have to me "detention centers" and "processing facilities"
Because that's what they are.
To state one of the the issues in the most accurate way possible: "Our migrant detention centers are experiencing massive overcrowding, leading to worsening conditions of migrant detainees."
Was that really so hard?
In the future, do you think you could try doing that, instead of sperging out like a deranged lunatic? You're actively lowering the level of intelligent public discourse.
Because /pol/, even when it already had infested Yea Forums and other boards, still tries to spread its filth everywhere else.
this man is no kin of mine, i can barely call him a man even.
Johnny Hart was a madman.
>Because that's what they are.
they're also concentration camps
> "Our migrant detention centers are experiencing massive overcrowding, leading to worsening conditions of migrant detainees."
sterile newsspeak whose function is to deaden the mind of the person that reads/hears it and create apathy for the issue thereby prolonging it
the "worsening conditions" will continue and that is your goal and the goal of those who cry about the term concentration camp because you and they want these people to drink from the toilet bowl, just like the guards and agents that work there
>In the future, do you think you could try doing that, instead of sperging out like a deranged lunatic? You're actively lowering the level of intelligent public discourse
the level of intelligent public discourse is lowered by hiding behind tepid phrases and wordgames, you're doing lobotomy on the shared consciousness and bragging about it
>No one's forcing them to come here
>Have CIA stage a coup in a SA country the instant it begins leaning socialist
>New government cares more about getting the most out of its newfound position; solidifying full control comes first before the well-being of citizens
>Country goes to shit, refugees go to the first country that isn't in decline
>Just so happens that this country is the home of services which staged coup in the homelands of said refugees
>OMG Why are all these brown people flocking here???
So, to reiterate, you're entire problem with stating things accurately is that its not overly emotional enough for you.
>being this much of a conspiracy tard
literally alex jones levels of paranoia
Why must you be so hurtful
I only speak the truth
as I've said numerous times, you're not looking for "accuracy", you're looking to deflect the loaded term and replace ti with something more unfeeling, more sterile
your bullshit about "neutral terms" would be absolutely right in a vacuum but we don't live in a vacuum, we live in the public discourse, which is important because it moves people to act, and right now the CC talk is moving people to think about doing something to change the way thos epeople are being treated. which you don't want because you want them to suffer.
right now you want to deaden the public feeling, some other time you'll want to inflame it, depending on what is most useful to you. and you want the other side to not do that because you want the other side to lose and your side to win. that's all this is. you're not some cold rational man dealing sensibly with complex issues, you're just a troll playing wordgames.
>America committing war crimes around the globe is a 'conspiracy theory' according to a mindless conservatist NPC drone
>America staging coups on a neighbouring continent is a 'conspiracy theory' according to a mindless conservatist NPC drone
This year alone amerimutts backed (an ultimately failed) coup in Venezuela. It's not like I'm talking about times of wild west.
Taxidermy requires skill otherwise you get this.
Kinda looks like a Catalan equivalent to Santa Claus.
That's not even remotely an answer to what I asked.
they made their bitches in the UK literally steal an iranian tanker the other day
the only people who want them to suffer are the dems, though.
Trump has tried time and again to get more funding for the border control agencies, but has been blocked every time.
The 'suffering' of these illegals has been great publicity for the democrats.
lol, liberals love american war crimes and coups, though.
Just look at the presidencies of Obama and Clinton. Obama was the one who started actions against Venezuela way back in 2013
you didn't ask anything, you made a statement
No one actually believes that those detention centers are concentration camps right?
One thing I like about this comic is that the characters are kinda funny like that. Also that it had an actual conclusion, and isn’t zombie-ing on because syndication.
Oh no, tons of libs totally do.
I wish this bitching was all just ironic.
>which you don't want because you want them to suffer.
Why would I want them to suffer at detention facilities?
They're expensive to maintain, and the majority don't even have a legal case for asylum to begin with, which means that they're pointlessly draining our money.
If anything, I would prefer that they joyously wait on the other side of the wall while their case is being processed, in peace and harmony.
That way, the facilities we do have can be comfortably used for the few extreme cases of legitimate persecution.
>the only people who want them to suffer are the dems, though.
>Trump has tried time and again to get more funding for the border control agencies, but has been blocked every time.
>The 'suffering' of these illegals has been great publicity for the democrats.
"funding for border control agencies" =/= "funding for better and more equipped facilities"
you live in a country where sheriffs take the funding they get for buying food for prisoners and use it to repaint their house and build another extension or some shit, what do you think that money is gonna be spent on? more agents and guards or better pay for them or some dumb shit like a pool table in the locker rooms.
>Just look at the presidencies of Obama and Clinton.
Most American progressives and socialists recognize that the very system behind America itself produces war crimes and injustice, thus Clinton and Obama can be properly described as war criminals themselves. What does that mean? That entire system of American society needs to be dismantled, restructured and reprogrammed.
because you're a shit
oh no those poor murders and drug peddlers won't get their milk at lunch
I'm doubled over in agony right now :(
Good times
Fuck off faggot
Do you even have a point to make?
Or are you moving the goalposts so often that the point had become irrelevant to you?
when the climate change droughts start hitting south america and the big refugee crises start america will go fascist, that's a certainty
>Most American progressives and socialists
lol no they don't.
They spent eight years bitching about Bush and his wars, then next eight years sucking Obama's dick as he rolled out more war, more regime change, more bombings, etc.
Its like how liberals in the US claim at the same time that the support a living wage, while saying we need to important workers who will work for less than the minimum wage to protect corporate profits.
Its no surprise that the most left-leaning democrat stronghold, California, has the highest rates of poverty, lowest standard of living and greatest wealth divide.
>They spent eight years bitching about Bush and his wars, then next eight years sucking Obama's dick
that's liberals you dumb cunt
Looks like we should do more to disencourage people from trying to illegally migrate here.
I'd be talking about milquetoast liberals and centrists, if that were to be true.
Geez, maybe try reading these posts rather than regurgirating /pol/ nonsense after a single glance.
When I was like 12-13, I had a crush on the main character, Teena, from this comic. Some of my earliest faps were of her.
I, for one, will embrace the Liberator.
>m-muh no true leftist
let me guess, you have a poster of stalin on your wall and claim that true communism hasn't been tried
Not that user but you really want to back the socialists and progressives after they litteraly dive bombed Venezuela's Economy and made their once prosperous nation destitute?
the fact that liberals and socialists aren't the same is some basic shit in politics
One single poster starts spamming shitty alt-right webcomics for reactions and everyone takes the bait.
>muh venezuela
>once prosperous
do you just copy paste these talking points from a shared document?
venezuela was shit before chavez, that's why he came into power. breadlines, hunger, illiteracy, poverty etc. under glorious capitalism. chavez got rid of that. thenhe died. maduro isn't good, but an american puppet (which is the only alternative right now) would be worse. maybe if america didn't keep fucking with it from day one things wouldn't collapse into the shit they're in right now.
>Socialist policies make life easier in Europe
>I sleep
>Socialist country experiences ruin after USA imposes sanctions on it
>See, librul? Want to have something like this here?
no satan, it was obviously america who did that
because people on this board want these threads to end up this way.
you could never get something like this to happen on a board like Yea Forums because they have self standards
the left can't meme
do you even know what socialism is? Pro-tip, government spending and taxes are not socialism
hey retard, then venezuela isn't socialist either
>Muh America caused Venezuela's Economy to fail conspiracy
No the price of oil dropping caused Venezuela's Economy to collapse. That's what happens when you create a socialist dictatorship that backs all of its policies on the success of a single resource.
>venezuela was shit before chavez
Do you actually know your history? It used to be one of the better South American countries before Chavez fucked up.
> maduro isn't good, but an american puppet (which is the only alternative right now) would be worse
Yeah man fuck americans i don't know why all these migrants want to come here when its clear we're the worst, they should fuck off to Venezuela instead. Said no one ever
Oil Sanctions didn't hit Venezuela until this year. Not that matters because Chavez and Maduro fucked up his own oil economy by nepotism and corruption.
>Partido Socialista Unido de Venezuela, PSUV
>United Socialist Party of Venezuela
Nigga are you retarded
Oy, can you guys take it to /pol/ please? Thought this was supposed to be a funny comic thread.
All comics are political.
How is "Globalism" a leftist ideology ?
if it was just oil they'd recover, the problem is they're also being squeezed by america's sanctions and behind the scenes scheming (for instance, they can't use the gold they deposited in the UK because the bank refuses to let them cause they don't recognize maduro as the president or some shit like that)
>Do you actually know your history? It used to be one of the better South American countries before Chavez fucked up.
the fuck are you talking about, is this some prager u "history"
>Yeah man fuck americans i don't know why all these migrants want to come here when its clear we're the worst, they should fuck off to Venezuela instead. Said no one ever
this has nothing to do with what's being talked about you monumental moron
if I burn down your house it doesn't matter whether I have a villa with a pool where everyone want to party and swim, I still burned down your fucking house and that's wrong
>People's Democratic Republic of Korea
Nigga you ARE retarded
socialism isn't a label you slap on yourself and say "I'm socialism" like ralph from the simpsons, it's a set of policies
>workers of the world, unite!
I have no idea.
Yes but that doesn't make globalism inherently leftists with global free markets and whatnot.
it's almost like workers of the world uniting is a different thing from capitalist globalism
like fucking your girlfriend and fucking your dog are both sex but still very very different
Ben Garrison has some great art.
hehe dont get your panties in a twist tranny
I don't know what prager u is but its common fucking knowledge that Venezula used to be one of the richer economies in the 1980's
>this has nothing to do with what's being talked about you monumental moron
>Venezula so good
>Why don't they move there then
>REEEEEEE thats not the point
Thats exactly the point
>socialism isn't a label you slap on yourself and say "I'm socialism" like ralph from the simpsons, it's a set of policies
Of which Venezula follows very closely.
But not all comics are funny, and these even less so, so buzz off.
Stuff like the last panel is always why Calvin's mother has seemed super hot to me.
>People's Democratic Republic of Korea
AKKKKschualy it means Korea government of the people's republic
So no democratic is what westerners gave it.
funny is subjective
Politics is never funny, now fuck off.
>Thats exactly the point
except noone said that venezuela was "so good", you moron
you can't even make a point without lying through your teeth
>its common fucking knowledge that Venezula used to be one of the richer economies in the 1980's
what does this even mean
for fuck's sake, it doesn't matter if a country is "rich", the question is how are the people doing, and they were generally poor, uneducated and living shit lives
chavez' electoral victory happened in 1998:
>Voter turnout was 63%, and Chávez won the election with 56% of the vote.[159][160] Academic analysis of the election showed that Chávez's support had come primarily from the country's poor and "disenchanted middle class", whose standard of living had decreased rapidly over the previous decade,[161] while much of the middle and upper class vote went to Römer.
the rapid decrase in the standard of living happened before chavez you utter moron
>Of which Venezula follows very closely.
except it doesn't, what the fuck are you talking about
the point is still valid
it doesn't matter what they call themselves, their economy is still capitalist
>what is with this political garbage in Marvel comics
Deal with it.
Yet here you are defending Venezuela from big bad America, I guarantee ten years ago you were talking about how Venezuela was a model socialist country and how America should be more like it till they went down the shitter.
>what does this even mean
Is English too much for you? Do you not understand how words work?
> generally poor, uneducated and living shit lives
chavez' electoral victory happened in 1998:
And you accuse me of lying through my teeth? It was fucking miles better than either Chave or Maduro.
>whose standard of living had decreased rapidly over the previous decade
Yeah isn't funny how there lives became even more shit under Chavez and Maduro.
>the rapid decrase in the standard of living happened before chavez you utter moron
There's a rapid decrease happening now, but it doesnt stop you from sucking communist cock now does it?
>except it doesn't, what the fuck are you talking about
They're practicing socialism and its led their country to shit.
>their economy is still capitalist
>Command Economy capitalist
No thats not how that works
there's no point in talking to you
venezuela doesn't have a command economy, 70% of it is in private hands
actualy laughed
>guy just legitimately and unironically wanta an N-gage because he thinks it will be fun
>instead of just giving him the thing hw wants to buy with his own money or notifying him of potential drawbacks the customer might not be aware of, the clerk physically assaults him and leaves his unconscious body on the floor so that when he wakes up he'll still have no idea what happened
Gamers in a nutshell
Who the fuck are you even quoting? Are you schizophrenic?
Implying popular=good. You are the furries of politics, obnoxious and shitting up every thread with your retarded "beliefs".
One of my favorite C&H strips, thanks
>Implying popular=good
Hillary was more popular she won the popular vote
Probably. Reconciliation isn't 'fake it till you make it', your regret must be genuine and while it is not required that you succeed in your efforts to overcome and atone for your sins, the efforts themselves must be sincere.
1) That's not how applying for legal residence works, let alone applying for citizenship. If you want to apply for legal immigration - fine, go nuts. If you want to come to a legal port of entry and apply for asylum - knock yourself out. But crossing the border outside of a legal port of entry is a crime and sneaking in and only claiming asylum if you get caught is certainly not acting in good faith.
2) They were caught in the act of committing a crime and are a blatant flight risk. In any other criminal case a judge would be well within their rights to remand such a suspect into custody until their trial.
Good for her. That's not how our electoral process has worked for the last 240 years.
>produce shittiest comics
>produce shittiest cartoons
>produce shittiest politics
Can we rangeban Americans already?
You got a license for that post, user?
I guess posting memes and copypasted talking points is easier than actually thinking about things for a minute or two
Bad idea.
Rangeban them from existence itself.
I think it has less to do about "not thinking about it", and more that the "MUH NOT REAL SOCIALISM" excuse is so stereotypically overused that theres already hundreds of premade memes about it long before this thread was even made.
Like China, and like the Soviet Union, and like, well every communist/socialist state Venezuela's economy and government became dominated by a handful of powerful commercial and government oligarchs. The question you have to ask yourself is if this keeps fucking happening every time a socialist party seizes the means of production, is the problem that they're "not real socialists" or is it that this is an inherent consequence of trying to impose socialism?
If every house an architect designs collapses after a few years, at a certain point you have to stop blaming the houses.
>muh not real socialism
I dislike that shit as well but in venezuela's case it absolutely applies, 70% of the economy is/was in private hands, that's more than some scandinavian countries for fuck's sake
the problem here is that the architect is surrounded by other, a lot more powerful architects that keep sabotaging his every project, plus he's got people in his own office that are trying to make him fail
he himself isn't perfect but you can't just say it's all his fault
some guy posted a comparison with colombia and it's indicative
and I mean this is why I keep saying the same thing:
>every time a socialist party seizes the means of production
this didn't happen in venezuela
do I have to post that riker meme where he goes "not true" "never happened" 20 times so you get this into your head
Oh fuck off with that "it's everyone else's fault" nonsense. How many fucking times do you have to watch communist countries crash and fucking burn before you accept that maybe the problem is communism, not "everyone and everything else"?
>Oh fuck off with that "it's everyone else's fault" nonsense
again just lying for no reason
that's not what I'm saying but I guess the dialogue tree you're going through in your head doesn't allow for reality
Venezula is a command economy it gets the final say on if they can continue to exist or not. The problem Chavez discovered is that the sectors he runs are operating at a loss compared to everyone else and if he continued on his path he'll destroy Venezuela.
Not him but
>the problem here is that the architect is surrounded by other, a lot more powerful architects that keep sabotaging his every project,
That sounds like "it's everyone else's fault"
it's not a command economy, you're a moron
yes, it sounds like that when you ignore the following sentence:
>he himself isn't perfect but you can't just say it's all his fault
which clearly implies that the fault is in the architect as well
>I thirst
Wow, never knew all those virgins on twitter are quoting Jesus at their crushes.
>venezuela doesn't have a command economy, 70% of it is in private hands
Every time this is posted, it was by some retarded dumbfuck who can't interpret statistic. nationalizing the oil industry is a monumental fuck up and everybody knows it.
Considering Zeus raped many women, herc would actually be pretty gentlemanly
I get. The terrorist is next to the American because of lack border security and accepting worthless refugees.
It is a command economy, you're a dumbass
>I agree with literal nazis
>Advancement of research on human psychology and sexuality
Every college freshman who takes an intro to political science class taught by some Bernie Sanders-looking socialist motherfucker thinks they're the first person in the history of the world to "like, get it, man" and spends a few years ranting about muh proletariat and muh seizing the means of production and muh opiate of the masses and muh free healthcare and education. Most people grow out of it and become moderates when they realize all the strings that come attached with socialism, but others become lifers.