what train of thought led to this ?
I don't understand
Other urls found in this thread:
some casting head got cucked by a redhead. this is their way of getting back.
They're trying to stir up drama to get people to talk about the movie
Nobody gives a shit when a live action little mermaid is announced, but change the main characters race and suddenly everyones on it
Bitch better have a good set of pipes.
She kinda looks like a fish character to be honest.
She's a pop star.
She's reasonably attractive, I'll only riot if she's not wearing a bikini top for half the movie
Why didn't they cast a ginger if they wanted diversity ?
We can turn the whitest, blondest King of Atlantis into an island-mutt unfrozen caveman, but a mermaid who isn't a ginger in the original story gets turned into a negress is going to keep you up at night for months??
Bit of a double standard.
Those things aren't mutually exclusive.
Crap she really does
you know she's not.
Only a Semitic mind could think it up.
Old Walt was absolutely correct about them.
Hello newfriend
Then fuck this movie and everyone involved with it
Her eyes are almost on the sides of her head.
Atlanteans come from the Minoan civilization, who were anything but white
They were related to the Egyptians and Philistines
The one on the left looks more like a fish person than the one on the right. Something about the eyes being so far apart makes her look like a fish.
Atlantis isn't a real place. Do you know that? It's important to me that you know that
You are wrong
What train of thought lead to this
Well good news, Triton comes from the same area, so it's a relief his daughter isn't some mutant ginger freak, innit?
>Getting a break
Greek Triton =/= Danish Triton
Diversity hire to appear woke and push the idea that corporations are cool and friendly when all they want is the shit in your wallet.
You are right, because there isn't a Danish Triton, the entire Disney cartoon has nothing whatsoever to do with the original story whatsoever.
>there isn't a Danish Triton
Yes there is, the one from the disney movie
Seems to work
Sorry, Laqwonda, you weren't Kangz.
We should make something to defend the poor Redheads from being Brownwashed, something like a hashtag.
Same can be said of all the people screaming in joy over women being cast to play formerly male characters
You fucking idiot it's all being done by white people to make themselves feel better.
>(((white))) people
And guess who's eating it up
Yeah guys come on it's right next to mu and lemuria
somewhere in hollywood there's a redhead wishing she could be part of their world
>Go to the trouble of making sure the voice cast for a bunch of lions is as black as possible
>Flake when it's time to cast a red haired, blue eyed white woman
That they make a lot of money by not pissing off China?
This one still pisses me off. The only thing that should matter for voice work is your talent. They cut Scar's song anyways so it was a doomed shitty adaptation from the start.
I hate how every company panders to fucking china now. Do they even have money? I thought they're all sweatshop workers and serfs
She looks like she's cosplaying the Shark Tale girl fish.
Because blacks don't want original characters to be cast as (Disneys Princess and the Frog for example) they want to colorwash as many white characters as they can while chanting it's for equality.
You can land a plane between that.
Did you even read your own Link, you moron? It doesn't conclude shit.
>Because blacks don't
Does this mean whites don't want Asians to play Asian roles so they whitw wash them whenever the chance comes along?
>Implying anons actually read
Black people don't even care. Whenever they hear about stuff like this they give it a shrug or ask why they did it. Black people like representation but they don't like characters getting changed to being black. If anything they know it's going to make them look bad. But you can always find some dumb ass niggas on Twitter that will fit your narrative.
Asians are white
That's annoyin as shit to me, it's all the same shit. There'r times when it works, but you don't just change characters race for shits n giggles, just actually make a new character.
So jews are whitewashing Asian characters? I thought jews hate whites?
maybe she was the most qualified actress with the chemistry they were looking for regardless of race.
Asian Jim appreciates you not being skin deep.
>blacks want
Pretty sure black people aren't the one's making these movies
whoa whoa whoa, they cut 'be prepared' ?
>maybe she was the most qualified actress
She isn't. All the live-action remakes had awful actors.
How can they whitewash them if they are already white ?
I don't think Scarlett Johansson or Matt Damon are Jewish but they both played characters that were originally Asian.
Next thing you'll tell me is that Pajeets are Arabians
Fpbp its the jews user its always the jews.
Matt Damon isn't
asians are part of the white race
Your outrage for free marketing.
>I don't think Scarlett Johansson or Matt Damon are Jewish
just stop seeing new disney movies
theyre not even that good
Well I'll bee, then switch her for Rooney Mara
No they are orientals
We're in this weird phase of corporate society where they want to be woke, but still cling to old hollywood sensibilities.
Basically if the minority group doesn't yell hard enough, they'll get replaced by a more favorable option.
Her eye width does bother me.
Also not jewish, but Hollywood hates asians in general, and particularly attractive asian women.
orientals are white
No Oreintals are Asians
I would like more Asian actors. I think the next MCU guy is Asian
>asian character gets white washed in remake
>decades later 2nd remake and said white character gets turned black
>3rd remake decades later doesn't matter because everything and everyone is computer generated
Nobody cared about the remakes until they cast a black girl to play an Atlantean girl that shouldn't even be considered white to begin with. Everyone just wanting a reason to get mad.
orientals and asians are white
>character is white
>"she shouldn't even be considered white"
>Hollywood hates asians in general, and particularly attractive asian women
ive been wondering about that
like theres this mcdonalds ubereats commercial that comes on a lot recently, and they found the chinkiest looking asian woman to be in it. like they wouldve had to go out of their way to find someone who looks that far from average
>asian character
Nigger what?
>Nobody gives a shit when a live action little mermaid is announced, but change the main characters race and suddenly everyones on it
I don't get why they think this is somehow "free marketing".
Just because people are shitting all over your product left and right doesn't mean that somehow means it's going to sell better., just because "they're talking about it."
Most Asian girls don't look like JAV models
I really don't have an explanation as to why hollyjew hates attractive asians, but it really seems to be the case. Jealousy?
And? People want to see attractive actors. Go watch Chinese or Japanese movies to see how all the girls are cute and all the men handsome or cute.
There are plenty of attractive asian actresses though, and they get passed over for no reason. Probably because they don't suck jew cock enough
>Nobody gives a shit when a live action little mermaid is announced, but change the main characters race and suddenly everyones on it
Do you honestly believe that?
White is a combination of all other colors!
The more black people spend the poorer they are. Let them drop thousands on “rare” sneakers and overpriced t-shirts with red boxes on them. Either way a white guy wins.
It truly is funny how all red heads get race swapped. I say good let the crazy SJW fan girls overreact and we should straight face go what’s the big deal. My friends gf is freaking the fuck out and sounds like a neckbeard it’s glorious
Why do jews hate us redhead so, it's not fair...
>we need another black princess because the one we already got isn't in a popular movie that we're going to remake
They fair better than Native Americans. Those niggas seemed to be wiped from media itself.
Ummm... wh*toids by definition are NOT diverse. Brown is beautiful.
They blacked my childhood
It's not like there are a whole lot of native actors. Too busy drinking firewater and beating their spouses
Boycott!!!1 Get the flamethrowers. If we can't have gingers anymore then we give them fire.
Seriously: Don't spend money on this. Buy comics from Indiegogo or crack if you prefer that, but don't support that shit.
Because they make up the smallest racial population in the west. There is such a small audience for them compared to other races like Blacks, Latinos, and Arabs. To put it simple, giving them a starring role is a risk because there aren't a lot of them and other races may not watch because they aren't as numerous.
They played themselves
>SHIT we have this character but it's an asian stereotype we can't cast an asian people will call us racist
>SHIT we cast a white person as a character who's asian in the source material they're calling us racist
That's the most retarded reasoning I've ever heard
There is nothing retarded about it. If Hollywood sees there is no audience, they won't do it.
Maid Marian will never have this problem.
Nobody cares what race the leading actor of an original movie is. It's only when they try this shit that people talk about it.
>Complaining that a mythical creature isn't white.
Seriously? I mean, I'd understand the complaints if it was, like, any human Disney princess. But she's not human! Why the fuck would she conform to European forms of skin colour?
>Awful actor
Eat shit
It probably did exist, although the logical explanation is that it was one of the larger cities that existed in Meditaranian basin before it flooded. Stories passed down through generations are bound to change, then, when the Greeks finally mention it, the story has changed to be it being a magical place that sank into the ocean.
What if she's voiced by a black woman?
remember when sjws went ape because people kept drawing her with a different skin color ?
why are they so silent now ?
>it's only okay when we do it
Because it's European story. Most fairy tales have magical humanoid creatures, just because they're not human doesn't mean you can steal them and turn them into American propaganda.
Yeah, how could I forget the lost European country of ATLANTIS. I bet you think Pocahontas was an of age woman that consented and lived a long and healthy life.
Just because it's a European story doesn't mean it has to have a European cast or that it has any ownership to Europeans.
>make another shitty remake
>cast black actor in formerly white (often redhead) role
>post images of obligatory internet assholes being racist
>when movie under-performs blame internet racism and Russian bots
How much do you bet they casted a black actress because they want to set the action of the movie in the Caribbean Sea just to have an excuse to make a Little mermaid x Pirate of the Caribbean crossover and start the Disney cinematic universe.
>white fragility
>avoid pissing off China by mentioning a Tibetan character
>avoid pissing off American liberals and American Asians by whitewashing an Asian character
It's not the jews fault women find you repulsive
They say they are doing it in the name of diversity, but it’s a lie. They are basically banking off the fact that because of America’s fucked up racial problems, that by continuing to put black people into movie, especially in the context of replacing a white character, they are going to rally up the tiny minority of retarded dickheads that will bounce off another group of retarded dickheads and their constant autistic screeching is going to gather the attention of normal people who will feel obligated to pick a side.
And then the news people can see a story and they will join in and flame both sides to create a bigger narrative so they can get their money. If any of the fuck sticks actually fucking cared about “racial diversity” they wouldn’t just recast white people as blacks, but of people of all races. When was the last time Disney had an east asian lead? Or a latino lead? Coco and Mulan? And before that you had? Meanwhile you have a shitton of black lead films produced by Disney in that same time period.
In a vacuum removed of politics I don't hate the idea of re-imagining the story in a different aquatic locale, seems kind of contrived to do in the first live action iteration though, would be more appropriate for an animated spin off or the second live action version. Unfortunately we don't live in a political vacuum.
>arguing with holes
They had Polynesians.
Don't act like ((())) is any more high minded.
China does not like Tibetans
chinese people actually love looking at white people
it's why they are such a huge market for american movies
I didn't really put much stock into redhead erasure theory before but I see it now. No one loves the gingers...
Maybe she has really cute feet.
Those aren’t east asian, those are Polynesians, a subset of Oceania.
>Original character is tan
>Because of the Chinese market they became ghostly pale
They were brown, some of them like Ramesses II were ginger or some others like the ones from the Nubian bloodline were pitch black (who actually were kangz)
Atlantis is simply the name of the civilization that crumbled in the cataclysm 12,800 years ago.
>>avoid pissing off American liberals and American Asians
Neither of these groups give a shit by and large. Twitter outrage culture is an aberration that media companies give undue credence, at least when it comes to stupid bullshit like Tifa's bust size or a white person play a Tibetan.
They aren't black.
>all our other soulless rights renewal remakes are under performing
>I know, lets manufacture some controversy
Then why is the opposite not okay?
Beauty and the beast did great.
Aladdin nearly made 900 million, which is 400 million more than then nearest non-Disney American film this year.
That's because Hollywood doesn't get anime. Anime is Japanese BUT the characters often aren't. This is something Hollywood doesn't get. Either they make Japanese anime characters white, or they make characters who shouldn't be Japanese Japanese.
Turning redheads into black people must be a fetish in Hollywood.
can’t wait for Yea Forums to REEEEEE when they find out who was cast as Eric.
(He’s white)
I just have to assume you are going by the covers where the lighting is shit or she's in shadow, because she is never "tan".
Okay? What’s the point here? That they have some representation that isn’t black?
>why do they only use black people for diversity?
>well here's a case of them using a non black person for diversity
Oh. You can’t read. Let me reiterate the point then.
>They overcast black people because it stirs a shitstorm pot for free advertisement.
No one wants to be president, no one wants to watch tlm
>Because blacks don't want original characters
nigger what?
Blacks circlejerking a white character being raceshifted is far more than for any new black character.
You're wrong, and I can't tell if you're just purposely trolling or if you actually, stupidly believe this. Either way, it's a big croc of shit.
Man, I was kind of excited to see this movie for the half naked 16 year old girl, but now my interest is gone.
how do you like it?
It's gonna tank...like the Black version of Annie.
>Original character is tan
There are tanned characters in Battle Angel, but Alita isn't one of them.
Do you EVER trigger anyone with this pic?
Because I've never seen it.
Good luck.
spotted the chinese chestlet
Basically, it's to raise outrage. They know that racists will whine about it and then anti-racists will support it.
The only way to win here is not to pay attention to it, not to watch it. In fact there's no point in watching any of these shitty remakes in the first place.
They aren't being created for the Yea Forums audience.
So I guess feel free not to watch them?
>They know that racists will whine about it and then anti-racists will support it
But that's wrong you retard. They know that blacks will jerk off about it and then look for the one dissenting voice to fuel their fire.
mostly whites who call this racist.
Why do you care enough to provide that dissenting voice?
There was nothing about this movie on any news or social media until then. So, yes.
because diversity only belongs to black people, every time they cast a poc character its always a black person why not hire asians or other races out there.
Black people are almost as privileged as white people but no since blacks used to be slaves(and somehow became the icon for anyone who were once slaves) everyone felt responsible to give something back for them.
Of course they aren't. But they know that those people will be loud. They will come up with racist comments, then people think "oh, seems like racists don't like this movie. So if you don't like this movie, you are a racist."
It's basically trolls trolling trolls. That's how Ghosbusters was a thing. You have black actress, anyone who criticizes the movie is just racist. It's a really good marketing strategy and it has been around for a while now.
>Why does anyone disagree with creative decisions
You're smarter than this.
>That's how Ghostbusters was a thing
>It's a really good marketing strategy
Didn't work for Ghostbusters though did it.
annnd you're making up shit, blacks don't give that much of a shit, they just want superheroes it groups like BLM that start that shit.
i miss static shock
Well no, but if they didn't do that with Ghostbusters then it wouldn't got even that much of attention.
The movie was bad. The writing was bad, the CG was bad. But because of that choice there was a lot of people who also defended the existence of that B class action movie.
>blacks don't give that much of a shit
Your retardation is funny to me. Check any social media, being black is all a lot of these people have.
Because of White privilege.
>every black people think the same
Just because you're talking about fictional stories doesn't mean you can use fictional concepts when you're relating to the real world.
I could get behind your outrage if they were digitally re-coloring the original animated movie.
But this is just some live-action movie-play of the original show. Mythical undersea people being this color or that isn't part of your friggin' CULTURAL HERITAGE or anything.
I say this as someone who hasn't seen any of the live action remakes, except for 10 minutes of BeautyB while stopping by a friend's house.
yet you didn't post that to him >They know that blacks will jerk off about it and then look for the one dissenting voice to fuel their fire.
>Mythical undersea people being this color or that isn't part of your friggin' CULTURAL HERITAGE or anything.
>A European novel set in Europe being raceshifted isn't erasing cultural heritage
wrong guy
And because it's just another remake that would be forgotten otherwise, they have to do this to get attention.
I don't personally find it a problem. I just find it sad that Disney has been in a creative bankrupt for a long while anyway. There's no longer good and inspiring movies because marketing is all that matters.
Every black person doesn't care is implying all black people don't care. Saying that blacks will jerk off about it means that some blacks will jerk off about it.
The former makes an assumption about everyone in the demographic the latter doesn't.
Yepp, it's all just manufactured outrage for the sake of marketing. The point is to always make people talk about that shit.
American style outrage marketing is so tedious and boring.
She's a cyborg, she can change the pigment of her skin to suit her mood.
asians are basically seen as white people with a yellow tint because of their average status towards the top of the economic ladder. that's why it's ok to be casually racist against asians by anyone
all these whining whiteys itt
east asians associate brown with SEA peasantry, it's highly unappealing to them
The Danish will not forget
Seethe harder.
yet OP is spamming this for week now
>a bigass company makes a movie
>recast characters as minorities
>create fake outrage that shortly becomes real
>now all the "woke" people who supposedly are against capitalism go see your mediocre film to show that racists are wrong
>capitalism wins again
Disney is kino
>Can't cast white characters as white characters
>Gets upset if we don't force other characters to be minorities for the sake of forced diversity
> POC fragility
The American people are tired of white actors in a country where whites are the minority
>everythings jews fault
So it was whites that enslaved the Jews and started slavery as a practice. . . Makes sense
It is Harry Styles. Screencap this.
>he dosn't know
Guess that's why the Jews hate white people so much.
Atlantis come from the Greeks and it's supposed to be in the Mediterrean
fuck off chink
but why though? just because they are doing the best they can to actually lift themselves up instead of bitching about media representation?
From One Direction?
It's all coming together
good one dude
She's not bad looking by any means, but her hair is disgusting.
because the ones who have more financial security are seen as being able to 'take a hit' for the sake of the rest of the collective. there's more leeway to use them as a punching bag or the butt of jokes, because they see them as having their material riches to turn to for comfort
colleges had to actively knock the asians down a peg with anti-affirmative-action because of their disproportionately high grades/qualifications relative to population percentage
Last Samurai?
>I don't understand
You faggots bitched about Starfire not being orange enough and activated the goddamned monkey's paw, is what happened.
Not blacks that's for sure.
Hollywood hates redheads
we get it, you like redhaeds
She'd fit perfectly in the Live Action Rango movie.
Going to be great when they make the Black Ariel unable to read like in the original movie. Unless...
>what train of thought led to this ?
You cannot racist to white people.
>Blacks circlejerking a white character being raceshifted
But all i see are whites doing that and blacks not caring.
>Twitter outrage culture is an aberration that media companies give undue credence
It honestly boggles my braincells that anyone can be this stupid in CurrentYear.
You'd think they'd pay attention to the recent past rather than keep repeating the same mistakes over and over on a larger scale, and that's even before you factor in bots/fake accounts/brigading intended to stir up drama ( like the way Captain Marvel was massively downvoted on RT a week before it opened and then went on to break 1B dolleridoos ).
Check reddit.
>They know that blacks will jerk off about it and then look for the one dissenting voice to fuel their fire
There is hardly any blacks who defending this though.
>Check any social media, being black is all a lot of these people have
I have and all i see is whites who are defending this and blacks either don't care or are saying that Ariel should have stayed as white.
Whole lot of posts ignoring reality by this guy.
You're on the internet man, just open another tab.
But i am on twitter right now and most of i see of black that are defending are "woke" blacks which most of other blacks hate too.
>all black people think alike
dafuq people really thinks that?
Everything America touches turns to shit. in this case literally
70% this 20% this 10% this
What is currently pass as "leftism" is a disparate set of beliefs united in a single principle - entitlement comes from need. Lots of people who were born into wealth (And thus will go on to work cushy jobs like CEOs, HR and various networking-heavy rather than merit-heavy activities) will have this mindset as they are used to have their needs fulfilled unconditionally.
In this way they find a lazy, entitled welfare-addled minority, thugs, feminist grifters, sexual deviants who feel entitled to make people play along with them a kindred spirit, while those who believe that working hard or having a talent is something that should be rewarded instead are seen as enemies trying to deny them what is rightfully theirs.
Unironically yes.
>(((Hollywood))) hates asians
Really? When they are trying so hard to please them in order to tap into that china-communist audience market for more $hekels and to secure the subconscious narrative control of their masses later down the line.
The more rare and valuable your genetic traits are, the more they want to "kalergi" you and your people.
If you like brown so much, then why don't you fuck off to some brown filled place, plenty in this forsaken earth? Leave the not browns alone.
But you won't do that, would you? Browns are psychotic enough to delude themselves in their own hype while simultaneously feeling the need to be around non-browns, bothering and pestering them like no one's business.
I'd say brown is the color of decay, rusted people who point to the shiny people and scream " I want you, you racist!". Completely crazy.
Well they hadn't even begun filming because they're still in the process of hiring the actors so no shit there's not a lot of news about it out there, you absolute moron. You idiot. You dunce.
Skin color depends on the environnement, the melanin hue of your epidermea id the result of physical adaptation from the climate
That's why they are black in subsaharan africa but fair skinned in scandinavia, which, by the way, IS WHERE THE LITTLE MERMAID IS SET
At least Zendaya was pretty. I think this girl is pretty for normal people but on screen people are supposed to be stunning. And why not use her for the role of Tiana??
Because they see gingers are subhuman
They won't make money. People like seeing their own kind.
The French champagne has always been celebratedforitsexcellence.
The one girl all the millennials like from Mean Girls is pissed because she thinks the mermaid should be a redhead. She attacked Zendaya over it.
The minorities were complaining that Jasmine is too white in Aladdin. They actually picked a beautiful woman.
Which they are as seen by Irish.
Because Ariel is a pop icon from childhood. We want to see a stunning redheaded teenager.
I think Zendaya's as MJ in MCU spider-man is more acceptable. First, her name is Michelle Jones who is MCU's original character, not Mary Jane. The producer exactly knows the controversy if she shares Mary Jane's name. Also Mary Jane has been played by Kirsten Dunst in Raimi's spider-man and MCU needs some new bloods in Peter's romance. MCU is just one of the multi-verse in the concept of Marvel's franchise that Mary Jane does not necessarily exist in every universe.
It also depends on the diet, through generations of regional exclusive diet, different races have different levels of minerals and other stuff engraved in their genetic code.
A reason as to why food allergies or body intolerance towards certain foods are a thing, or why some will get sick and easily fat from consuming "out of genetic region" foods for some extended period of time.
The differences between races goes far beyond just the skin colour. Mentality, culturally and physically are so different from each other, don't let (((them))) tell you different when they themselves, under certain circumstances/situations (when their gloating or using it for their own hypocritical defense) will admit it.
>now all the "woke" people who supposedly are against capitalism
user, the woke haven't been against capitalism since the failure of Occupy Wall Street. We live in the era of Prada-Meinhof for fuck's sake.
Because Hawaiian/Polynesians are basically Atlanteans as far as history is concerned. Chances are historical records of the "Sea People" were Polynesians.
Today I shall remind them.
>Chances are historical records of the "Sea People" were Polynesians.
The Sea Peoples.
Who attacked Egypt and the Hittite Empire
From the Mediterranean
Were Polynesian?
I don't have a wat.jpg large enough for this so I'm not even going to bother.
>We want to see a stunning redheaded teenager
I don't want to see any kinda live action though. But i guess these movies make money for some reason.
That looks so cool. Who is this character?
Gingers and blacks are largely interchangeable in American society. Many of the first interracial marriages in the US were between the Irish and Blacks. They both lived in the same neighbourhoods due to their status in American society. If anything swapping redheads for blacks just goes to further cement and celebrate this historic union of the two groups.
Random trivia, it's also why there are so many black families with Irish surnames.
this is all made up, user is a jew.
Your fanfiction is simply terrible
>Many of the first interracial marriages in the US were between the Irish and Blacks.
so that's why they don't have souls.
Not-Orlando Bloom was too manlet to be Gaston though.
Found the Asian or weaboo.
White people love Chinese movies made by Chinese. Not replacing white girls with Chinese in our own movies.
White hate.
Not really. It should have been huge.
Static should be played by a ginger
Name one historian who claims this.
Taiwan makes the good movies, not mainland China.
wait she can't read in the OG movie? I didn't remember that part
>Dyke haircut
No thanks
Sexier than the original by a mile
>Choosing not to market to everyone
America is white and black people. Stop pushing third world onto us.
98% of blacks voted against Roy Moore. 98%.
Blacks get plenty of representation. Why are they changing white characters to black? They did it to my favorite book when they took a white character with glasses and curly brown hair and made her black.
Blacks hate pedos, yeah
I honestly think hardly any of these young bitch actresses can sing even a bit.
they sure as fuck vote like an insectoid hivemind.
Most Asians are lactose intolerant and many African tribes find cheese to be disgusting.
There are plenty of young people in the world who can sing.
Do you just have low expectations of recruiters or what?
Blacks have English surnames like Jackson.
This. The original instigating tweet was a fake using other peoples images. Its all a work.
Yes they also have English surnames sometimes.
The right grifts off the outrage so the left can too, welcome to outrage culture. Its reactionary all the way down, all for profits.
98% stupid enough to fall for Hollywhores/Media slander.
This. They used to have standards. That's why Ariel has such a beautiful voice in the original animation.
shoo shoo dumb commie
98% voted against Roy Moore. Name any other group like that. Even Jews vote 85% Democrat.
I just wish they'd invent new characters for black people to play. This shit never sticks and they will ALWAYS be in the shadow of the original unless you strike gold and get a Nick Fury deal going. Does anyone remember black Johnny Storm? I'm sure all those hyped up little black kids were just thrilled to pick up a comic featuring their favorite superhero to discover he was just a white guy all along. Black Ariel will not endure in the public concious. Just like black Annie, L, Kingpin, Two-face or even ""MJ"".
Falcon is another one that bothers me. The guy couldn't stand on his own two feet? Falcon wasn't good enough? He has to ride Steves coatails now? We need more Luke Cages, Storms, Panthers, Spawns, Blades. Hell even losers like Bishop or Vixen could do with a push. Stop giving black people table scraps. It's lazy and I can't believe people are so happy to gobble it up without feeling insulted and talked down to.
Pretty much all the time due to taking the names of slaveowners.
Doesn't apply in this case.
Next for the role of Tiana
People clearly remember those characters due to the sheer amount of time retards like you keep bringing them up. And wanna know how I can tell you're just here to spread your agenda for your shitty little movement? Falcon was Captain America for a time in the comics already.
>Chances are historical records of the "Sea People" were Polynesians.
Ha ha ha, oh wow. Yeah real Polynesian-looking.
This is horrible.
Yeah and it stank and went away like a raspy fart. Representation only matters if the character succeeds by their own legacy. It hardly counts if people only bring up those immediately disposable, cynical grabs as examples of what not to do. I want more non white characters, but that wont happen if all we ever get are white people changed for brief periods.
They done got Wally and Mary Jane.
She is cute and has a great singing voice. I don’t get the hate
Yes, like how Aladdin underperform. The remakes are a solid cashgrab and they will do more.
I liked beauty and the beast. But yeah the other ones were bad
They thought they needed a girl with a fish face?
Create a ruckus = more free advertising and exposition. Media lives from conflict and polemics.
asians love ice cream and drink milk cartons in school
Imagine drinking dairy milk lmao
>what train of thought led to this ?
The same one that led to all of these.
have soi
>imagining drinking disgusting onions milk
>imagine not drinking delicious rice milk
Because white people had their turn and there's no other races. No other races at all.
Everyone is missing the obvious problem if
>black people
"We must force diversity." Think about it, they're sort of erasing history. The 1989 version will be buried, so that if you were to show today's kids the original film 10 years from
You like Auto Tune?
This is where I'm at. Revisit the classics, they do hold up. Hoping we get a Black Cauldron blu-ray.
Nostalgia is a fucking disease. Grow the fuck up, your childhood ended years ago yet you cling to all your little comforting memories like a baby.
She can't swim
Images with a large number of faces actually cause a subtle optical illusion due to how the brain processes human faces. Your eyes scan the crowd while retaining the faces scanned in short-term visual memory. As they are processed, the features begin to overlap, causing slight distortions in the most recently scanned face, compounding as you scan more faces. This leads you too believe the sample is uglier than the average of its parts. If you isolate all the faces, and view them without interference from other faces, most of them aren't half bad looking.
>Tfw you remember they want to set the live action Your Name film in Chicago
That’s kinda hot.
>live action anime
>without the beautiful animation you'll be forced to pay attention to the writing
>everything is lost in translation
God, that's bad.
The same thing that created Yo Yogi !, a middle-aged marketing team trying to connect with the youth
>we had cringe hip hop from the 80's
>then EXTREME !!! teens in the 90s,
>random LOL XD internet shit from the early 2000's,
now it's social justice, everyone who's cool is a political activist, even mega corporations who do sneakers in Asian Sweatshop
>live action anime
>without the beautiful animation you'll be forced to pay attention to the writing
That's good, at least weebs will finally see what piece of garbage Your Name actually is.
Disney needs a new strategy in order to get people to see their shitty remakes so may as well use the race card.
Replaced by a black labrador.
you can tell all the white people complaining about this on Yea Forums haven’t actually interacted with black people in their lives.
people forget that anime is just a stylized cartoon with cartoon characters with cartoon physics with cartoon story all in a cartoon world, when you bring this to IRL, it gets pretty ridiculous
The ones currently working.
There's always more talented people out there, but its about selling the person too. No one thinks Beyonce is allowed to make so much money because she is actually the best singer alive. At least i hope not.
If it's a redhead they'll get replaced, period. The only one that hasn't been recently that comes to my mind is Archie from Riverdale.
Racism correlates with diversity. The idea that racism comes from ignorance is easily disprovable. It comes from knowledge.
Reminder to any and all that raceswapping is retarded even if it's whitewashing.
I remember seeing one of the writers who worked on Dr. Strange claim that the decision had nothing to do with Chinese audiences, which was laughable.
I see the train of thought that Disney had in theory, but honestly the retarded general audience bugmen in China would have never had a clue he was Tibetan if they decided to just cast an Asian man and never mention it in the script.
Did you forget wigs exist user?
they wish
China bucks
In the diversity scale, Asians come last. Liberals hate them
I had a black girlfriend and my coworker is black. He grew up in chicago and is a cop so he hates nogs more than I do
And that is a sexy fish no less
Nobody gave a shit when Macarthy was announced as Ursula, they pretended to give a shit and then it was forgotten within the very same day, it was only till the Ariel announcement that people started making noise.
racism is caused by forcing people of different races together
If you're talking about "flashed face distortion effect", are you sure it affects crowd photos too? I thought it occurs only under very specific conditions (align a bunch of photos of faces at their eyes, flash through them rapidly in an animation, look at them with your peripheral vision). I've never before heard anyone claiming that it affects still photographs, and I haven't spotted that kind of ugly distortion effect in group photos.
Minoans and philistine were genetically European , and there are evidences they may have been indo european too
The “not for u, white boi” card?
Do you want to see a photorealistic CGI crab moving its mandibles to sing Under the Sea?
>chinese like black leads
News to me.
>He thinks he represents all or even a majoirty of white boys
You're a fucking pariah m8, there's a reason you get triggered when someone says "Have sex".
No, actually I don't know how whites can see themselves in so ridiculous live action movies, when I see the ones that are like me surviving 10 meter falls or jumping like frogs I just want to laugh.
To watch for predators.
Compared to Beauty and The Beast, Alice, and Jungle book, it did.
You sound angry.
The Sea People were probably an alliance of sorts between different groups people from around the Mediterranean, mostly European groups in all likelihood, principally ancient Sicilians among others. The Philistines were probably one of the groups of people who comprised the Sea People, and they were probably European or Indo-European Hellenes (or Greek-related).
TLDR you're full of shit.
Atlantis is supposed to be beyond the Pillars of Hercules
How is the original movie danish they have tropical fish that would never live in waters near denmark
>oh fuck, uhhh if I link a random article that doesnt say anything I asserted maybe they will fuck off
I would be a lot more fine with our perpetual black minority if they weren’t bringing every goddamn shit tier people from the third world here to fuel their ever growing gdp. At least the descendants of slaves have history here despite being mostly knuckle draggers.
The Little Mermaid is a white character from white folklore. Don’t care how cute your sheboon is.
/Pol/cels SEETHING
I hope that they include the deleted scenes and a short documentary about what an ordeal production was.
>white folklore
It is a fairy tale by danish author called H.C Andersen
What? You think you have right to his work just because you are white too? What have you do with danish people? What have you do with Andersen are you related to him?
fuck off uncle tom
why are you trying to appropriate danish culture bro
They have tropical fish in the Mediterranean which would fit with Triton being a Greek god. The Calypso music would still be out of place though.
No I just think it's funny when american mutts screech about "white folklore" they have nothing to do with
Ariel gave me my fetishes for dorky girls, redheads and belly
I hate this much more than I should
>Malcolm X
Don't get why anyone respects him. He converted to a wacky offshoot of a religion that was originally founded by a guy that hated Africans.
>be white
>white folklore
I wonder what the connection is
>american mutts thinking there exist some sort of world wide white culture
I know it must be hard living without cultural roots but stop taking our shit as your own
The original Ursula's physical appearance was based on the trans actress Divine. If they really wanted to be politically correct, they should have found another trans actress.
western culture is a thing bro
every race on the planet knows this
Germans have german culture, danish have danish culture, british have british culture, russians have russian culture, americans have gastric bypasses, deal with it
What country, mutt? What country do you originate from? You're not a native American, so your so-called whiteness isn't from America, so where is it from? Name a specific country.
Are you seriously too fucking stupid to understand that an idea discussed is going to be spread around and create awareness a hell of a lot more than something nobody even mentions? People will see something out of curiosity if enough people simply talk about something because they want to know what's going on. And not to mention "controversy" has always sold, much like racy, dirty titillating content.
Also, you're a straight up fucking mongoloid if you think there's that many people shitting on this for it to matter in any respect.
and they're all a part of western culture
except the russians
it's from america, a country isn't just a piece of land. It's laws land and culture
What if they did it purely to own the cons?
Well done sir
>Stole the name of the continent and claims to be a real country
divine based HIS appearance on a fat gross white trash woman though, so checkmate. If you want to be politically correct, go into politics. I want to be historically correct. Historically speaking, many politicians are executed.
And thread should've ended there.
Black men who have broken free from the social conditioning are incredibly based and hold those still under the sway of that program woth contempt.
damn I guess america isn't a real country
someone should tell the rest of the world that we aren't actually a country
Me too
Lmao, seething jannies removing posts.
Press D do dab on them.
And all of those cultures share large swaths of similarities owing to the people have a lot of ancestral similarity, and common influences running between them. The Greco-Roman legacy of ancient philosophy, and civic development along with apostolic Christianity’s common moral/theological influence lead to a collection of civilizations with much shared between them.
>america isn't a real country
We kind of aren't, we're a federation of tinier countries.
Like the English “Britons” stoke Britain from the Brythonic peoples?
Well Democrats are trying to remove the electoral college so that might not be true
A Trainwreck.
Alright, you say all this, yet I guarantee you will violently reject Arabs despite the fact that they are white, that they are part of your shared ancestry, and that they are the only reasons you know anything about your Greco-Roman legacy in the first place since they were the ones who preserved their writing.
Just fucking start that Civil War 2.0 and get balkanized.
The electoral college is not the only thing that makes the US a federation of tinier countries, user, why did you even bring it up? Were you just steamed up about Democrats and looking for a random opportunity to bitch? Fucking shill.
Arabs are most certainly not white, they are Semitic.
>and that they are the only reasons you know anything about your Greco-Roman legacy in the first place since they were the ones who preserved their writing.
And this is just FanFiction.Net, but could be 100% true and still not be relevant because the Arab cultural sphere isn’t at all a development of the classical Roman or Greek, and you conveniently ignored the staggering influence of Christianity over the west.
She looks like a fish
>all members of human race share behavioural similarities
No shit. Every culture has some similarities because everyone eats, shits, gets and prepares food, and creates family structures, but you can tell them apart quite easily if you know them in any capacity and they're very distinct. A singe country with less area than a single state in America can have multiple distinct cultures. If you think European cultures can be put together in any way other than for general convenience when speaking of current political entities you're an uneducated twat who never left your ghetto.
>Arabs are most certainly not white, they are Semitic.
Semitism is an ethnicity, not a race. They are white Semitics. Why do Americans always mix ethnicity and race? You're fucking hopeless.
White isn't a race either. For that matter neither is black. Cretin.
Exactly. In fact the post he made is fucking stupid because his barrier (country borders) is as arbitrary as the one he's trying to disprove. As if the Cornish, Glaswegians and Londoners share near identical cultures.
It's the black and white dichotomy fallacy. There aren't really strict borders that define your people, it's generally a scale. You benefit more from siding with those who are closest to you culturally, and the people you side against in one situation could be the people you side with in another. Even on a microcosm this is true, self/family/friends, neighbours, countymen, countrymen and so on and so on. Not really a strict rule but as a pattern. An Englishman might benefit more from fighting against the Germans in one situation, yet might benefit more from siding with the Germans against the Chinese in some hypothetical future where shit goes tits up.
If you’re really going to act like there isn’t a large amount of commonality between Europeans who developed together in relative geographic isolation you’re an idiot. The differences between Denmark and France are far smaller than the difference between the european cultural sphere and the Bantu.
Most people don’t even realize that contemporaries referred to Atlantis as a fictional location. It’s like if people in the future started thinking gotham was a real place.
Okay they are from the MENA biogeographic population cluster, and not the European one, and are not ancestrally European which is what white is and always has been.
>not ancestrally European which is what white is and always has been.
But it won't be for long. ;^)
>there's less differences between cats and lions than there is between cats and dogs therefore lions are cats
You know what? you should go pet a lion, preferably a hungry wild one. At least you'll contribute something to the world.
Lions are considered cats user...
Someone shoop the American Spurdo saying this
Lmao bruh
Black Panther did real good in China even though 4channel said it would bomb
user I...
But that guy is European according to the post chain
They're in the same family as cats, anyone non retarded knows that cat in this context means a house cats and lions sure as hell are not that.
Yes smartness, a big cat is not the same thing as a cat.
>a big cat isn’t a cat
Well I think I can just stop arguing now
Never let the truth get in the way of a good meme
Fucking kek
If big cats are the same as cats then America is the same thing as England. Just because both contain the word cat doesn't mean they're the same thing. But seeing the reactions it got it seems like current education isn't even capable of explaining that simple difference.
>Yes smartness, a big cat is not the same thing as a cat.
I'm gonna fucking choke
Denmark please stop posting
Whatever you say, white african American. You're far similar taxonomically behaviourally and genetically to every single member of human race than large cats are to house cats after all so why can't you call yourself white Asian or white native American I wonder?
Tell that to flemish or catalonian.
So why was this Deleted? Doesn't Yea Forums want a diverse set of answers?
>Are you seriously too fucking stupid to understand that an idea discussed is going to be spread around and create awareness a hell of a lot more than something nobody even mentions?
If your product sucks, all that's being discussed is how much your product fucking sucks.
If people are complaining left and right about how children are choking to death on the toy you're marketing, you don't go "GEE WILLIKERS, LOOK AT ALL THIS FREE ADVERTISING WE'RE GETTING FROM EVERYONE COMPLAINING ABOUT OUR SHIT PRODUCT! BUSINESS WILL BE BOOMING!"
fucking retard
>The term "Big cat" is typically used to refer to any of the five living members of the genus Panthera
It's almost like it's not a scientific term that classifies big cats as house cats or something. Or did you post that to prove that they're not the same?
I would absolutely tell them that.
Because white is a colloquialism for referencing Europeans specifically.
>watch some Black Ariel Fanart
>read the comments
>"She looks like Princess Tiara"
She looks like she has some weird down syndromeish disease.
Good luck with that, you will need it.
Refer to this post
Why are your arbitrary groups suddenly set in stone while other arbitrary groups are worthy of (attempted) derision? You sarcastically claim that "SAYING THAT MEANS ENGLAND IS THE SAME AS AMERICA DURR" but you're pretty much claiming any British county is the same as any other British county I would say have sex but we don't want to risk you breeding.
And a big cat is a colloquialism referring to large species that are related to house cats, but that does not make them the same species. It's really not a difficult concept to grasp, it's fucking basic biology. Being related does not make a group the same or interchangeable, and when you have only a single group eg. you analyse all the species of cats you point out differences that separate them even if they're smaller than for example between cats and dogs.
Nobody called Europeans interchangeable so you can back to making retarded “cats r not cats” shitposts
No I really wont
I have no idea who you're trying to argue with or what you're trying to prove. Of course it's a scale. A tiger can breed with a lion. One type of a tiger can easily breed with another one. But they're still distinct enough to be considered different species and I don't see anyone arguing that as long as we have one species of tigers or elephants we don't have to worry about them being extinct because after all it's a scale and there's overlap so they're all the same. Just because there is no clear border doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just because there is no point at which red becomes blue doesn't mean they're the same colour.
>you said big cats aren't house cats that means cats aren't cats ur dum
And blue is a range of shades just like Danes are one shade of Europeans and Germans are another with clear differences but large degrees of similarity in contrast to other groups of people. Now you’re getting it user. (:
No user, you're not getting it. Just because there's overlap doesn't mean two things are the same. Just because you never experienced anything other than ghetto culture and cannot comprehend how different cultures coexist and interact doesn't mean you know how they work, quite the opposite in fact.
Dude if they're examples of how whiteness is a meme that two are the more blatant (with the basque).
Nobody ever claimed they were the same so you’re pretty fucking retarded. No wonder you have to fall back on muh ghetto
Except they aren’t in any capacity
Ah so there is no European biogeographic population because Catalans have issues with Castillians. Guess there’s no German ethnicity because Bavarians and Prussians have had conflict before.
You know why
They are. Just like the byzantines some of them prefer muslim rule over the actual status quo.
Nationality replaced it.
Putting all "western" cultures together sure sounds like it. Tell me user, where do Italian and Spanish cultures belong? Or are Mexicans part of that "western" culture? Are Finns who have a completely separate language closer to Asian roots than European ones? Are Russians and other Slavs the same if they weren't directly affected by the Romans? Are Greeks who are basically just Turks now also part of that "western" culture that is being so talked about? Are Turks? They all are part of European history and culture after all and all except for Turkey are Christian.
Except they aren’t because white is biological and grievances between white groups doesn’t negate that just like the 30 Year War didn’t make Bavarians cease to be German
>saying that nationality is a thing is like saying Bavarians and Prussians are identical. When does it end? Are atheists German? Pagans? Who is more German the Protestants or Catholics? The Rheinish or Pomeranians?
>Just because there is no clear border doesn't mean it doesn't exis
Okay but VALIDATE your chosen borders. You can't just state "Yes there are borders but mine are YES while yours are NO" without backing that shit up you mongoloid.
>doesn't have an argument so starts just spewing random words
You didn't answer if those cultures are part of that magical white people culture that is constantly being referred to.
Putting all siblings together into families is kind of stupid. Humans are atomized individuals, not clans or groups with shared genetic origins and othersimilarities.
Just because there is no clear border doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just because there is no point at which red becomes blue doesn't mean they're the same colour.
Cultures are not biological
Race is, and “white” is a race. But yeah cultural inheritance is biological.
Just because there is no clear border doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just because there is no point at which red becomes blue doesn't mean they're the same colour. These are your words no?
Are Bavarians part of that magical German people culture?
The borders are called different cultures. They are recognised by anyone with even basic education.
Every single country has multiple ethnic groups in it and somehow they even manage to be more or less localised so clearly borders can be established even if they're not clear. Fucking retard.
Why are you lumping Bavarians in with Rhinelanders as if they’re identical? Or Sorbians with Kashubians? Why are you placing Gotlanders with Smalanders?
And there are geographic barriers between Europe and the world that led to enough genetic similarity that we can cluster Europeans together as a race. These people also share large amounts of historical commonalities because of this geographic and genetic proximity which the majority of human beings are able to recognize as “western culture”. Literary styles, architecture, philosophical ideas, religious traditions, and so on which have enough broad similarities district from other geographically isolated populations to merit recognition.
>Galicians and Portuguese are the same color
Funny how your borders are the be all end all with shit like that.
>trying to prove a point about different levels of detail when I posted two, one general one on a map and a more detailed one in link while arguing that lumping all of those together by Americans is a sign of education
Yes because lumping all European cultures together because "they're all western and I'm too dumb to know that there are more differences than just language" is the same as getting into various levels of simplification. The argument wasn't if Europe has similarities, it was about lumping all those cultures together for the sake of claiming it's ok to change the myths coming from one of them because there are many more white people and all white cultures are just western ones.
Europe isn't clustered together due to genetics it's due to culture.
It’s due to both moron. Europeans literally cluster together genetically and are the most genetically homogenous continental population on the planet.
Lumping all regional cultures in Vermany together because durr they speak same language is pretty damn stupid.
Does anyone here even give two shits about whatever live action trash in the long line of line action trash Disney is doing, or are you guys just looking for an excuse to be upset.
Why is it ok for Bavarians to feel a sense of connection to non-Bavarian German history and it’s not ok for Europeans to feel a sense of connection to other European cultures they aren’t specifically part of?
You know what they say, no such thing as bad publicity.
"Help me Yea Forums helpppp I'm white, I don't want to be black, help please help!"
It's all just obvious manufactured outrage marketing tactics. So yawn-worthy.
The people who say that quickly find themselves fired from marketing when their product flops.
If everyone thinks your product looks terrible, and your PR response is "SEE IT TO OWN THE NAZIS" or whatever, all you've done is call everyone a nazi, making them even less likely to buy your product.
This isn't even controversial.
It just looks like shit.
Hopefully Kanye West will be Prince Eric then
Did you know that there is going to be a live action remake of Lady and the Tramp this November? I didn't until today. That's because no one gives a shit about these unless there's some kind of controversy going on.
Need the outrage white and black people to come watch another Disney live action failure.
Marketing won't ever do that. But what they will do is falseflag as some outraged loser who pretend-hates the changes in an attempt to focus everyone's attention to it and thus generate discussion.
I personally would simply suggest to report every thread that obviously uses outrage tactic 101 as being advertisement.
But then again, I'm not even interested enough in this movie to bother doing that, as long as the number of shitty shilling threads doesn't surpass a critical amount.
I don't think shitposting about it on Yea Forums is somehow going to make it a box office hit.
I like my racist memes, thank you very much.
Its really a tactic of the mouse to get more views. It's all according to that rat tha ran out of ideas.
Dumbo. They don't want another movie to underperform because everything it has is a ugly CGI creature.
But that fish is specifically designed to have Will Smith's face. Of course she's going to look like she has a human face.
I don't know but I kind of like it. Her voice was really soothing and comforting to listen to. I mean, no one complains about Nick Fury and Heimdall (I'm confused about him, was he always white or does he swap designs in various comics?) because their casting choice was so good.
Most Asian girls aren't actors either.
She got screwed over.
I'm black
Disney doesn't make apologies, they make movies. Now pay attention to this purposely manufactured outrage while higher-ups in our company have/are being arrested for fucking/pimping out children!
Niggers will see this movie just because it has black people
Yeah, I'm sure this is going to be the next Black Panther.
I mean she kinda looks like a fish so?
Tons of free marketing via everyone bitching about their ugly miscast nigger.
Hollywoods run by the Jews, Jews hate white Europeans, I cant stress how obvs this is at this point
>what train of thought led to this
fuck whitey lol
Sorry Kang, that all your folkflore is made up by a few Jewish men
Also Sassy female Scuttle
I assume that's what the train of thought was.
Also this since they're churning out basic bitch rehashes they figure they can race bait for easy outrage and money
Egyptians after a period had a strong Greek Lineage in them, which is true
I honestly thought someone was shooping her pics to be mean.
One more post to kill this thread faster.
So says the tainted Star Wars brand and its Ghost Town of a park.
Dump Iger and beg Lasseter to come be their new head. Only way to survive.
Left is cute though
indeed Beans is charming in her instability
I implore you to study some history.
It worked for Kuerig and Nike.
This is the new advertising. You can mute ads on TV, and people are even watching TV less. You can block ads on your PC.
But how do you block a million people all talking about a controversy? You don't.
If you want proof that this is effective, consider this:
How many people do you think heard about this remake solely because of this controversy? I can personally say if not for people talking and complaining about it and posting these tweets up and down Yea Forums, I would have never even known it existed. From the perspective of getting people aware of their product, which is the goal of advertising.
People posting opinions that it sucks or it's shit aren't going to convince everyone that sees that opinion to agree with it. If someone is going to have an opinion on it, seeing someone complain about one aspect or another isn't going to change their mind.
What's going to happen is they'll see your post/tweet/whatever else and either they'll either think you're wrong, or they'll agree. If they agree, they weren't going to see your movie even if they had found out about it through conventional advertisement. They haven't lost a sale because of your trash talk. Conversely, if they disagree with it entirely and they like it, they're now going to see the movie entirely because they weren't aware of it before, but now they are.
>How many people do you think heard about this remake solely because of this controversy?
There isn't any controversy.
It just looks like shit.
>There isn't any controversy.
The controversy is, "they made ariel black in the new Disney(TM) presents The Little Mermaid live action remake!"
Whether you agree with this, are indifferent, or dislike the change, people are aware that it exists because of people talking about it. It's trending on major social media platforms. You and I are talking about it.
They're reaching people who were otherwise unaware of it for free.
But it's still your fault that knowledge about this shit has been spread, and that some people will now watch it to see if it's really shit or not.
You, and only you, because you complained and thus talked about it and make knowledge of this shit available.
>ust because people are shitting all over your product left and right
You think? The way I see it the /pol/tards will explode over the newest "white-genocide conspiracy" and flood the net with shitposts.
This in turn will coerce the braindead libcucks to accept this corporate pandering blindly and the instigator of the shitstorm will have gotten him a ton of positive publicity for an apple and an egg.
And don't tell me this wouldnt happen because it already has, multiple times.
>You, and only you
Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. He's helping for sure. And so are millions of other twitter users tweeting about it and helping it to trend. He's not alone and it's not just him.
The best part is these faggots are too busy reeeeeeing to realize this simple fact
>white people
>exist in sub Saharan heat
O I am laffin
I don't think you're really getting it.
>"they made ariel black in the new Disney(TM) presents The Little Mermaid live action remake!"
And it looks like shit. End of story.
It's not
There isn't any controversy here.
So I know that it exists because of Yea Forums shitposting.
I'm not going to see it, and it's never going to come up in any sort of conversation anywhere else. And considering it's a Disney movie, they're already going to spend a few trillion dollars advertising it when it comes close to coming out anyway, so everyone will already know it exists regardless of this complete non-controversy.
>it's never going to come up in any sort of conversation anywhere else
Except for the social media platforms where people are talking about it.
>they're already going to spend a few trillion dollars advertising it
They don't have to. Not when people participate and willingly volunteer to do it for free.
I don't like blacks being clearly shoehorned into everything either, but Disney can get fucked as well considering they changed the ending for the film too.
>They don't have to.
Yeah, they do, and they're going to.
Making some sockpuppet account to feign outrage and another sockpuppet account to feign support does not for a marketing tactic make.
You forget that when it comes to this shit, people don't even remember it more than 24 hours after it happens, even if that long... and this isn't even a controversy in the first place.
#notmyariel Is trending on twitter right now.
Doesn't hurt that your usual clickbait garbage holes are publishing stories about it.
I mean, this isn't a new tactic. It's not even new to Disney.
But in total and absolute fairness to your side:
It failed when they tried this with Beauty and the Beast. And I think they tried it with Aladdin too.
Okay, but how many more hours is it going to be until everyone forgets everything about it and moves on to the next retarded thing, like #savetransgenderedwhales or some shit?
It's Twitter.
I'm surprised anyone who uses it even has the attention span to finish a 140 character shitpost.
>Okay, but how many more hours is it going to be until everyone forgets everything about it and moves on to the next retarded thing, like #savetransgenderedwhales or some shit?
Probably the day before this movie hits theaters.
Maybe sooner. Who knows. You're not wrong. Trending twitter tags are forgotten in a hurry. People love burning through these fads. Of course it's possible to take advantage of these fads at their peak, but that time is short lived, so it can be difficult to time.
Based on that, I can't say this will work out well for disney, but it's interesting to see them try.
>Probably the day before this movie hits theaters.
It would make a lot more sense if it was like, a week or two right before it came out. That would give people time to go "Hey, I'm going to put this in my calendar to see this" before forgetting about it five seconds later. But isn't this coming out like, sometime next year?
>It would make a lot more sense if it was like, a week or two right before it came out.
It would, wouldn't it?
>But isn't this coming out like, sometime next year?
Is it? in that case yeah, disney is botching this for sure. They're going to need a new controversy to sell it or else people will have forgotten about whatserface playing Ariel. Arial. Whichever. Fishtits McRedhead.