The following content may or may not be disclosed during D23 Expo Consider the following content as rumor:
• Hugh Jackman and Matt Smith are competing for Nightmare's role in the Doctor Strange sequel. Nightmare is expected to be the great antagonist.
• The official film and cast of The Eternals will be announced on D23, along with the Black Widow movie. Black Widow may debut in the middle of 2020. The Eternals could debut in late 2020 or early 2022.
• Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Salma Hayek and Charlie Hunnan can join The Eternals cast.
• Marvel is preparing Namor's entry to MCU, and the biggest reference to the character will be in The Eternals.
• Black Knight will be the villain of the Black Panther sequel. Jonathas Rhys Meyes may be in talks to live the villain.
• Storm can make his first MCU appearance on Black Panther 2. Aja Naomi King, DeWanda Wise and Nicole Beharie are among the favorites for the role. Aja seems to be the studio's favorite choice.
• Shailene Woodley can enter the universe as Jessica Drew, known as Spider-Woman. Shailene may appear in Tom Holland's third Spiderman movie.
• Adam Warlock will be the great antagonist of GotG Vol. 3. James Gunn keeps his eyes on Zac Efron and Garett Hedlund to interpret him.
• According to easter egg in Spiderman Far From Home, Fantastic Four's movie will starts development in the studio soon. More information should be revealed at D23 Expo.
Dylan Carter
Why do you push this obviously stupid bullshit
Brody Taylor
>Keanu Reeves oh boy here we go again
Tyler Brown
>Hugh Jackman and Matt Smith are competing for Nightmare's role in the Doctor Strange sequel. Nightmare is expected to be the great antagonist >Jackman not playing Wolverine Come on, if you are going to cast Jackman then cast him as Wolverine, just pay him shitloads of money. I mean you brought back J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson.
desu I'd prefer it if he wasn't Wolverine since his Logan send off was perfect.
Oliver Russell
Wait wasn't Reeves going to play Adam Warlock in GotG 3?
Charles Sanders
>Matt Smith The Doctor? >The Eternals could debut in late 2020 or early 2022. Uh, what happened to 2021? >Black Knight will be the villain of the Black Panther sequel. wat. >• Shailene Woodley can enter the universe as Jessica Drew, known as Spider-Woman. Chubby face, but seems all right.
Carson Barnes
I know but it would be weird seeing Jackman playing another character that is not Logan on a capeshit film.
Grayson Johnson
This is just Yea Forums being Yea Forums They do this shit daily
Adam Brown
False and homosexual
Jose Wilson
>fanfic thread mostly OK, but why not say Jess is Carol's love interest Instead of obvious bs of her popping up with a character she has nothing to do with
You'd be surprised at the magic of makeup and hair. Besides, they already did that once with the Human Torch despite that Johnny being less notable than Logan.
heard last year they was looking for a british actress to play jessica drew aka spider woman
Andrew Rodriguez
remember when Black Knight was supposed to show up in Endgame
Jordan Bennett
This is fucking bullshit from the moment he says D23.
Let's reiterate: THE PHASE FOUR ANNOUNCEMENTS AND EXPOSITION WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE SAN DIEGO COMIC CON IN A COUPLE WEEKS, HALL H. The stuff in the D23 will likely be a couple clips but no actual announcements because they have to share a bill with the other Disney properties.
Holy shit whenever there's fanfics, no one even bothers to take a look at the scoops from the media that are well confirmed by now.
Charles Miller
>• Black Knight will be the villain of the Black Panther sequel. Why
Jeremiah Mitchell
>Black Knight will be the villain of the Black Panther sequel Biggest bullshit I've ever heard. Why would they use a medieval Marvel hero or an Iron Man villain with zero connections to BP mythos or Wakanda as a BP villain? Just because he has "Black" in his name? Stop pulling shit from your ass, OP, it's disgusting
Jeremiah Ross
>Black Knight will be the villain of the Black Panther sequel. Wtf does Black Knight have to do with Black Panther and why a villain?
Also Black Knight was initially rumored for a Captain Britain movie and not as an antagonist (the fuck?), because a script was in the works just in case. This was back when it was rumored he might be introduced in the Quantum Realm city, something that eventually didn't happen but was acknowledged by the director as a clue for something future.
Jeremiah Anderson
pshhh what the fuck he was never gonna be in endgame fool
fuck that quantum realm city sick of people talking about that shit
Isaiah Roberts
Sorry but it's a dangling plot they haven't addressed even though it would explain how the fuck Janet survived decades down there. It will be brought up for as long as possible.
Austin Martinez
idc fuck all that bullshit
Jack Brooks
>• Black Knight will be the villain of the Black Panther sequel. Jonathas Rhys Meyes may be in talks to live the villain.
Well that's...adequate? I don't really see anyone get hyped up over the fucking Black Knight.
Theres a fantastic four easter egg in spiderman? Where is it?
Chase Gomez
Thing is, Marvel does make dumb decisions nwo and again.
Luke Cooper
Your English is fucking awful you retarded pajeet.
Andrew Evans
>• Storm can make his first MCU appearance on Black Panther 2. Damn. Disney is going fully Sony with this PC bullshit. Isn't having a strong black woman enough? Now they gonna jump on the trans bandwagon?
Jaxon Cruz
He's white and from Olden times.
Christian Perez
carol fags are so annoying, your character is only here because of a soulless company mandate for a wonder woman type character
Christian Thomas
>Namur coming in hot and fast from the Eternals >Storm’s debut in BP2
Probably the most likely ones.
William Rodriguez
>Black Knight will be the villain of the Black Panther sequel. Jonathas Rhys Meyes may be in talks to live the villain.
Man, read the news you stupid bitch. Kevin already said, just a week ago, that Coogler isn't even finished with the outline for the sequel.
Wish people would make these leaks at least a bit more believable.
>No kang and no maestro Bad fanfic If you want real shit next spiderman movie is called gone rogue. Sony wants to bring back past spidermans in one big movie. The next big villain is super skrull and he is from a different dimension. Young avengers movie will come out in 2021 and kang is the villain along with maestro teased. Young avengers will have hulk as the advisor to the new avengers. There will be a solo hulk movie with timetravel and maestro is the villain. Secret wars will happen in 2025 with super skrull opening a multiverse portal and it gets destroyed and the blast from it creates mutants.
Dominic Stewart
>I’ll take “Trying Too Hard” for 500
Nathan Butler
OP skimmed wikipedia and saw the part where Black Panther had the ebony blade for five minutes.
Noah Johnson
>Storm can make his first MCU appearance on Black Panther 2. Aja Naomi King, DeWanda Wise and Nicole Beharie
Jackman is getting old and he was tired of the exercise routines. Besides, he’s now focusing on Broadway and musicals which he loves and requires less attention
Henry Wilson
>using Nathan Garrett for BP2 instead of an Ant-Man sequel