Here are the three most overrated MCU movies. One from each phase. I hate how popular these movies are...

Here are the three most overrated MCU movies. One from each phase. I hate how popular these movies are. I get tired of it all the goddamn time. They're overrated. Pretend they don't exist.

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What a nerd

Only the OG avengers is overrated. The other two are top tier. Especially Guardians

Guardians is good, but vol 2 was better.
Youre right about A1 and T:R of course

>I hate things because they’re popular

Valid complaint

The ragnarok plot is infinitely worse than the planet hulk subplot

>vol 2 was better

anyone who uses the term overrated in any capacity should be shot

The true holy trinity is Iron Man 1, GOTG2, and Black Panther.

Only Thor Ragnarok is overrated.

If people's reactions influences your opinions on movies, maybe cut yourself off from society and it'll improve everyone's life.

Top tier is overrated
I don't give a shit about vol 2
It's just a word

Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Ragnorak were the worst. I didn't even bother to see endgame

Avengers is overrated because its the first team up, in hindsight it was kind of ridiculous having loki be the big villain even with a stone. His first appearance was as a silver tongue trickster and they try and doll him up some sort of big threat. Also has some really dumb scenes like tony some how being immune to the scepter for some reason? Its a infinity stone for fucks sake, a stone isn't going to care about a reactor.

Guardians is overrated but out of your three its by and far the best. It was the move to prove that any comic book property can be made into a movie with enough work. Its biggest weakness was that looking back on it feels weird as hell. Knowing what we know of nebula now her role in one is just sad. The saving of xandar is kinda ruined too after big dick thanos just kinda takes the stone back anyways.

Thor Ragnarok is overrated by being the best thor film but that doesn't matter because literally everything is made pointless by the next movie. Almost everything is undone, lessons learned get unlearned or tossed away, hulk gets defeated in literally seconds with one of the most low energy hulk fights Ive seen.

I'd rather pretend you and your dumb fucking opinion and your idiotic sense of entitlement didn't exist

I genuinely enjoy GOG, Avengers was fun for the time, but didn't age great, but Ragnarok was shit-tier.

GoG movies are the ones I enjoyed the most.

Look lindsey essey on it.
Its one of the best family themed movies

What a shit fucking opinion you have
First avengers was great, but I'll admit my bias being younger and loving the mcu already
Gotg is pure fucking gold and volume 2 sucked ass.
Ragnarok is a great movie, but some of the seriousness is too big a difference from how downright funny the movie is. However, I love it to bits. It hits my humor
OP is pleb

Why do you watch them and talk about them all the time?

You know OP?

GotG 2 was better, but only the second half.
I don't acknowledge the first half.

I cant even remember the second half. The movie was so fucking forgettable except The Chain playing.
I guess ill watch it again, but never will i concede its even remotely close to gotg 1

Based OP for putting Shitonarock were it deserves. Disagree on the rest though

Fuck you ragnarok is top tier marvel.
Thor had nothing going for him and he was made beloved.
Form your own opinions drone

>Calls me drone
>Likes le epic quiplord Thor

Get a brain, drone

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Ego's reveal and "He may be your father but he ain't your daddy" is fucking kino.

>Fuck you ragnarok is top tier marvel
Not him but everything away from Asgard is great. Hela is fucking awful and so is Valkyrie though.


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>I hate how popular these movies are.
But ofc you are, DCfag.


>thinking ragnarok is quips
C'mon bro leave the hive mind

>I hate how popular these movies are
K. Have you got any legitimate criticisms of the movies, or are you just farting onto your keyboard?

I disagree, i related to valk.
Why did you not like hela? She was basic as fuck, I'll give you that

I'll have to watch it again. Thanks for reminding me of the father daddy line. Was solid shit

They try and play Hela off as a big intimidating threat but have completely the wrong actress. It's like a young girl trying to play with her much older brother which would be great if the film didn't still treat her like the biggest threat ever.

Mark Strong in Shazam! gave the performance Cate Blanchett needed to give. Harsh and intimidating to contrast with the camp bounce of the rest of the film.

I can see that, although i havent seen shazam
The actress was okay but her character came across as lazy to me. Not lazy written, but th3 character herself. If she can smash mjolnir then maybe she gets complacent, but shes been imprisoned forever and doesnt just methodically take asgard? She just charges into this giant fire monster probably knowing the prophecy?
I agree her character is meh, now that you mention it, but shes a small part of the movie and isnt mentioned again.
However, she is the fucking cause of ragnarok so maybe she shoulda been a bit more of something

Blancett is the best actress they could have chosen for Hela, you just have a shit taste.

GOTG is cool fick off.

How about you leave yours

guardians is the only mcu that matters.

Take the music and some of the nostalgia, and the movie only has a one dimensional plot with the Star Wars formula.

>volume 2 sucked ass.

Not enough quips or crappy music?