Will he stop ruining relationships and let Lois and Clark, Wally and Linda and others be happy?
Didio is getting married
The fuck?
too old to change
It’s a fake out story arc for him. They’ll just divorce a few months later. Written by Snyder.
is the blonde Jim Lee's wife? he did well for himself
Nice work Jim Lee.
It is his wife and they have 10 fucking kids together. Jim Lee is a megachad
Holy shit. I'd say that's fucking completely unsustainable but he probably makes pretty good money, and I can't blame him for want to raw dog that all the time.
Some of his kids used to steam on his twitch channel
On first glance I thought it was Diane Nelson.
>6'0 - 5'9 - 5'11
Hopefully with the marriage he can finally leave editorial and back to being a writer. His comic is actually pretty darn decent.
>Not written by King, drawn by Janin with the final issue having Didio hang himself out of depression
Power of the seed of the manlet
Poor woman
But Bendis is DC Go-to guy for handling interracial relationships.
someone should erase his marriage
They weren't all his. Some were his wife's kids that he formally adopted.
Didio's smile while never not be creepy.
2 of those kids aren't hers either and they're from a previous marriage of his.
>Didio is not an angry incel anymore
But how can he relate to DC's core fanbase anymore???
We have to destroy his marriage and make him understand
>someone put up with this bald fuck enough to marry him
Doesn't change much, still deserves to be out of his job.
Hes still a gamer
>relate to DC's core fanbase
do you even DC
The man is close to 60. He needs to fucking retire.
How did Jim Lee manage to become such a gig-Chad?
Enormous Korean cock
Do you think Jim Lee pays didios wife to have lesbian sex with his own wife while he masturbates to it
No, Didio pays Jim Lee to fuck his wife, while Lee's wife pegs him.
Not every interracial relationships mind you. The guy’s a coal burner.
If she’s not black, it doesn’t count.
You know I want some interracial couples we’re both parties are non-white. Like black woman getting with Native American man. It’s way more diverse.
>oh yeah daddy dan I'm gonna fuck you like you fucked DC
It's called "being rich" and it is the #1 attractor to many women.
>you will never be this much of a DChad
WAY too kinky.
He's more into it when it's black guys.
he has over a hundred million
>which comic book creator has to hottest wife?
Morrison and his wife
Niel Gaiman
Alan Moore and his lovely other half
its more of a brady bunch sort of thing
he had kids, she had kids
they had two kids together
not sure if any of them are adopted
i'm sure he wants to keep his personal life private
she sounds like a breader though
apparently the team who did powergirl were swingers
but i think that was just a Yea Forums meme like stan lee fucking jack kirby's wife
they certainly have that vibe though. they look like they go to nude beachs a lot
he and his first wife had a mutural lover (another woman)
but they both dumped his ass for each other
He adopted at least two more teenage ones since that infofact was written
Why do Asian men who get Stacy force her to have a literal hapa army for him?
Neil Gaiman is fucking disgusting and not talented either