Over-used tropes you hate

>the only minority character is also the only smart character

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Other urls found in this thread:


>the three minority farmer characters are also the only relatable characters

>The crush always becomes the love interest no matter what.

Main cast is
>dumb boring white main character
>smart black best friend
>nagging female friend

What is Danny Phantom for 200?

Hartman turned this into a trope before it was even a trope.

You mean Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide

I find this doesn't happen more often than it does
Remind me of some times it does?

Not sure if this is overused but
>Movie is called "The adventures of X"
>It's literally 1 (one) adventure through the whole thing

>minority character

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You mean Clockstoppers

You mean Scrubs

You mean the Matrix

Turk wasn't the smart one, though.

>Over-used tropes you hate
Someone starting a thread about tropes

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It's a fact Indians and Asian are smarter than whites

>loser character who's the butt of every joke gets popularity/power/money/whatever
>immediately turns into an asshole
>goes back to being a loser and bullied by all the other characters
>this is portrayed as a good thing

>In universe tv shows are overly retarded.

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It seems over retarded but then you watch prime time shows and suddenly it's not hard to believe.

>the only minority character is black

>the only minority character is also the only smart character
stardew valley

Mosely wasn’t a nag

>user complaining about trope threads
every episode

Like every Spiderman movie.
Twilight and Harry Potter.
DC with Superman and Lois.

SU, but they actually bother to develop both characters instead of just doing it at the last second. I think Kim Possible might be another but that happened around the 2nd movie so I'm not sure if that is as well done.

>Character uses scientific jargon that's a bit muddled but ultimately discernable to anyone who isn't a moron
>"In english please"

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....A-Are you throwing shade at Hey Arnold?

> Indians and Asian
> Indians
> and
> Asian
> and

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>Character gets a major new opportunity like the chance to become rich or go to a dream college
>Other character will be sad
>Character decides to abandon that and acts like it doesn't bother him and this is presented as a good thing

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>rural store owners are unnecessarily rude to city-slickers

>money instantly makes even the nicest person an intolerable ass hole

>>the only minority character is also the only smart character

Not animation or comics, but Jianyu in "The Good Place" was like, my favorite goddamned character because he was such a dumbass.

Need more characters like this that aren't perfect and have fun flaws.

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Flipsode of this trope:
>Character becomes rich
>It doesn't go to their head
>Character remains rich after splurging a bit

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But this happens in real life


>Fat, retard dad and the nagging wife who's too good for him, yet loves him no matter what.
I swear, the only time this has ever been enjoyable was in Clarence.

I want there to be a ditzy wife and a no-nonsense husband for once

>Single parent of MC's friend is the complete opposite of them.

I'd agree with this, until an old friend from college married a girl way out of his league. Turns out she really does just want someone who makes get laugh

the cruch only wins in movies, in show the winner is the friend that has a cruch on the mc

>It’s a Boys VS Girls episode.
>Characterization is thrown out the window so the girls could win.
>Presented as “all genders are equal” despite the fact woman are portrayed as better in the episode.

>The main cast fight and break up.
>They get back together 5 minutes later and nothing consequential happened during it.


>Technology VS Nature
>Nature always wins without the idea of possibly using Technology to help preserve nature.

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>there’s always shitty comedy
>none of the main characters die
>there’s never true consequences
>they never age
I hate that so fucking much

>Show that is silly and light-hearted at least 90% of the time
>Can't ever have a serious moment without forced jokes just so that the kiddes don't get traumatized
This is why I love it when even the comic relief drops his funny guy act when things actually get serious. Not only does this make the characters more human but it also makes the tone less jarring and inappropriate.

So you don't like Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension or Regular Show?

That movie is weird for me; the first and third act are great, but the second act gets demolished by Phineas being a complete bitch towards Perry every second he gets. Considering how he had a secret identity in The Beak you would think he would be a bit more understanding to the idea of having a secret identity.

>It’s a Boys VS Girls episode.
>Characterization is thrown out the window so the girls could win.
Has this ever been done properly in any form of media? The only time I've seen it done even somewhat decently was in a Brady Bunch episode from the 70s with the same premise, except the antagonist characters acted more nuanced than "girls suck". But even then, it suffers the same problem where the guys become uncharacteristically sexist. Even though outside of light banter and jokes, the guys were never outright sexist.

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close enough

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American Dad

You know damn well indians don't count
thats like saying russians are asian.

>Minority character is smart
I don't mind this

>Minority character is the only smart one
This reeks of something. Either an agenda or a grasp for progressive points.

>Minority character isn't the only smart character in the room but is more advanced in thought than the rest

No words for this shit.

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Isn't that why the Asian side of Russia is called Siberia?

A lot of people like that one KND episode where the villain tries to turn all boys into girls.

I don't watch Phineas and Ferb so I can't comment but as for Regular Show, I don't remember it being much of a problem. Seeing Muscle Man ask if he was ripped after he was flayed alive by a wizard was actually a pretty clever joke and it didn't really ruin the tension of the scene. The joke about Mordecai and Rigby wanting to be reincarnated into cool animals during Pop's sacrifice came off as not only in-character but it was portrayed in a way that showed that they were trying to make light of the tragedy so that they wouldn't be so heartbroken. One of the best scenes in the show was Rigby comforting Mordecai on the roof after Margaret moved away and what made that scene so good was that it had no comedy in it.

When I made my post, the examples that I had on my mind were the stupid and boring hot tub scenes in Adventure Time's "Finn the Human" and "Jake the Dog" two parter along with Amethyst's inappropriate jokes at the Centipeetle's expense in Steven Universe's "Monster Reunion".

>Character is revealed to have been originally on the villains side. At the same time it's revealed the character has already betrayed the bad guys.
>"You asshole, you betrayed us!"

I don't know that it happens enough for it to be a trope, I just remember hating this from something.

Amethyst's jokes were treated as offensive in-universe though? I can't speak for AT but it's not like Amy came in during the middle of that one scene where Steven and Centi were drawing or anything.

Green Acres.

>The crush is also worst girl

user, nu/co/ doesn't read comics, they're not gonna know who Hate Monger is.

>the dumb character of the group still doesn’t get the simpler explanation
>Uses literal toddler speak to explain
>long pause
>”Ooooohhhhh, I get it.”
>they don’t actually get it

>The girl is better physically at everything than all the guys

I'm ok with this if the girl is shown prior to being a very sporty female. Now if it's like, the class nerd, just ducking hoops out of nowhere, that's either a problem or probably played for laughs.

Yeah The adventures of Pete and Pete was this

>hooded justice
Do you think he and metropolis fucked because they shared a hatred of coloreds?

>Girl was presented as a physically incompetent nerd character in Season 1.
>Becomes the strong character in Season 2.
Zack the football player should've been the physically strong one.

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What i mean is that normally in a show where there's just a single token girl character, she tends to be better at everything than the boys (See for example the IT Tv series where Beverly marsh is a better shot with a slingshot than the boys and tougher than them too, or red vs. Blue where Tex is constantly portrayed against the guys incompetence)

I'm fine with Tex since she has the excuse of actually being a professional soldier taking things seriously, while everyone else is comic relief.

Why can't you people ever be useful and try to think of ways to avoid these tropes, or at least think of ways to make them better?
These threads are all the same, with same batch of tropes people bitch and moan at

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No one asked for that

>New character comes in
>One person sees them being an asshole
>Knows his friends are infatuated with new character so he decides to try and get proof while playing along
>One of his friends notices the new character is an asshole as well but does the same thing
>The rest of the group comes to the same conclusion
>It ends with the asshole character setting off all the friends traps at once and them all rushing in to show the evidence, only to discover that everyone else thought the same thing
How about that?


It's a start of something, so that's good

>what are subcontinents?

Bob is too good for Linda.

But make more than one minority character and everyone starts to REEEE.

>main character looks bad do to a misunderstanding
>no one believes main character and everyone turns on him

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This user's asking the right questions. Anyway, here's my attempt at fixing the ever hated "one character is constantly shat on by the cast in excessively cruel and contrived ways" trope. I would simply make it so that the main cast, especially if they are supposed to be a group of friends, ribs each other equally and in a way that's playful. This would accomplish three things.

One, the show would be a nice balance between all of these non-offensive and bland PC shows, and the downright unwatchable shows with unlikeable casts that constantly get away with being terrible people. Two, there will be more opportunities for witty back-and-forth banter between the characters rather than the same old predictable and contrived misery that's reserved solely for one guy. And three, this dynamic makes the characters more human since it's normal for friends to tease each other rather than gang up to shit on one guy. It also nice to watch becomes it makes the moments where the characters show their respect and affection for one another all the more heartwarming.

I'd like to see typical cliché jokes played a bit differently.

>*Close up of character's face* There's nothing, not one thing, that will get me to take part in this!
>*Zooms out of character's face showing that they remained true to their word* I don't know what you were expecting, I'm still not doing it!

>Apex Legends
>wtf TWO black girls?!??

Subversions are fun sometimes.

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>not getting out of my chair

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>Character gets the hiccups episode

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I had an idea:

>boy vs girl competition
>every boy but one vastly underestimates the girls, and they come close to winning
>boy team begs their last member, their ace in the hole, to help them
>he agrees but only if they do something humiliating to make up for being pompous and underestimating the girls
>sole boy comes in and soundly defeats every single girl, citing that they became overconfident and fell to the exact same sin that his team suffered from
>in the end they all learn a lesson

What? They’re both good, but maybe together idk?

They had 3 good kids, so...they could have ended up like Charles Manson but didnt

Show me one shallow anime parody gag ub a cartoon that doesn't make me want to punch the screen, please

I'm writing something involving the girl still being really competent, but it's because her dad is really competent as well.

>character gets framed for some heinous act
>tries to explain but gets interrupted
>never makes another attempt to explain
>later saves the day
>everyone still thinks he did that awful thing before
>love interest later asks when they're alone why he did that thing
>main character says "You wouldn't understand."
What the fuck, just tell them what happened you cuck.

Hey Arnold mixes it up somewhat. Gerald was smart but he wasn't a nerd, Arnold wasn't dumb, he was idealistic and whimsical, not just naive.

That boy sounds like a faggot white knight
What’s his motivation?

All In The Family too


How about you start by contributing a bright idea instead of bitching at others to be "useful"?

>This... is... AWESOME!

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>Best... [event]... EVER!

>Harry Potter

>> Villain is hyped up to be "major" threat
>> goes down 3 minutes before credits roll.
>> villain declares return
>> series end without villain ever returning

No, if you want a good boy vs girl episode, just have the boys actually be competent for once and soundly trounce the girls in pretty much everything physical.

There is no clear winner. That trope is a black hole

I liked how they did it in Duckman

>robots "eat" oil

>He didn't see Zatoichi