Holy shit this was so good, the way bluehilda just transforms in the middle of speaking is great

holy shit this was so good, the way bluehilda just transforms in the middle of speaking is great

Attached: k3psqIrOdRH32Q7MHRv4VaRt8by.jpg (500x750, 69K)

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It’s a nice change of pace that’s for sure. Shame it stands no chance on becoming a series as it would take way too long to animate.

We have White Hilda and Blue Hilda
Red Hilda when

Yeah. Its better off as a once per 4 months animated short, anyway, as long as it gains enough traction. If it were to become a TV series it would likely lose a lot of ths slapstick and fluid animation that makes it unique.


It's Hit Or Miss For Me Man...

Attached: DiT1ySiW0AEMSS_.jpg (1200x1200, 108K)

> Calarts

Hard pass

Just say you just don’t like the Artstyle. Don’t know what’s calarts about it

>not liking the artstyle
this makes me question what artstyle you do like

The way she looks and how overanimated it is. Also the main character is too obnoxious and hyperactive.

how the fuck can you over animate something?
that doesn't make any sense

>The way she looks
That is way too vague

Overanimation is a meme like C*larts is. They're trying to say that it's really really detailed and very high paced for the speed of the animation and more than it needs to be. People complained with underanimated, and people now complain for having "too much".

Attached: 1561336182787.webm (720x480, 239K)

> Head shape
> Bean mouth
> Noodle arms

That would be an issue if it was a story driven series, but it's clearly meant to be slapstick with a focus on silly animations, so why shouldn't they "overanimate" it is the question these nerds should be asking themselves.

this, it's really weird for someone to complain about someone putting a lot of work into an animation

Now you're just shouting buzzword. Be stupid elsewhere.

she sees your benis

Attached: 1562134707.jpg (515x396, 94K)

How the FUCK did Jim voice Bluehilda?!

Attached: 02CE4C08-B776-49E5-A11A-FBE2A0B8F565.jpg (853x480, 41K)

Like your precious 80s shows were any better.

Bad jokes. Bad voice acting. Poor use of cartoony animation. No thanks.

Hi John.

>If someone doesn't like the thing I like, they must be John.

That's an unhealthy way to deal with someone who doesn't agree with you.

>I have to assume that someone likes a thing so I have to get defensive about it.

Summer is gonna take a while.

Why bother responding to me unless it was out of defense. Otherwise, what motivation do you have besides trying to make a really bad joke?

>Summer is gonna take a while.
Sure fucking is, underage.

Why bother getting upset with a simple joke if you're going to it upset with it? If you were like everyone else, people would have shrugged it off. Clearly, your autism is showing.

Congrats, you know how to use buzzwords. It's time for you to go back.

Sure is a lot of, "N-no! YOU!" in this post. Who knew my 12-worded post would trigger you so much.

So I won the argument? You could have just said it. Glad to know that Yea Forums has dropped in quality.

>So I won the argument?
Holy fucking yikes, I was kidding about the underage thing, but Jesus Christ. This is some YouTube comment levels of cringe.

Attached: 1527182922119.png (488x329, 276K)

>it's shit
not surprising.

If you wanted a (You), you should have just asked. Definitely glad to know that I won the argument and I was wasting my time with someone still in grade school.

Attached: source.gif (245x320, 1.55M)

Hey, user, guess what.

Bluehilda has bad jokes. Bad voice acting. And poor use of cartoony animation.

Enjoy getting triggered I insulted your low-tier waifu, sweetheart.

Attached: 1527468914894.png (378x220, 210K)

>this thread

The Visual Pun Style reminds me of the Beetlejuice cartoon