ITT: Oh yeah that happened
ITT: Oh yeah that happened
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If this is Yea Forums then that means Kapa Mikey is Yea Forums
did anybody actually unironically watch this?
if anyone's first thought upon seeing this wasn't "everything about this looks like shit and not in a funny way regardless of jaden smith, aka who gives a fuck" i honestly dont know what to say
It isn’t?
It was not very good
It's pretty fuckin funny, you should watch it.
>did anybody actually unironically watch this?
Yes and I genuinely enjoyed it. It's stupid fun like an Adult Swim show. Neo Yokio could easily be a show that comes on between The Boondocks and The Jellies.
Neo Yokio is actually great, I really hope we get a second season.
I had hopes for this. I found that every episode had one skit that I enjoyed but was overall forgettable, which is a shame since I love Brad Neely's other stuff.
I miss this show soo much
I dont understand how he went from the web toons to this. Every step he's taken away from his youtube channel has been significantly worse.
watched it twice from beginnig to end. The parody of the rich decadent lifestyle mixed with anime tropes is just so unique.
It feels like an adult swim show from the 00's and I enjoyed it.
nah,too dumb for my taste. buch a bunch of youtubers did, all of them saying "you just dont get it"
Idk try posting a thread about there and see the response
Bumping for things that happened.
I watched it ironically, but ended up really liking it. It's charming and funny.
I stated watching it ironically, but by episode 6 I was watching unironically.
This is the show that for some reason all of Yea Forums was too retarded to realize it was an anime parody
The entire threads were like "HA Jaden Smith is so BAD at making ANIME"
>all of Yea Forums
Go back to day one.
Since the day it dropped there have been people saying it's good.
What happened to this, anyway? I remember it being surprisingly boring considering it's concept.
The christmas special was amazing. Arcangelo is a S-tier animated character
This show has one of the weirdest blends of irony and complete sincerity that's kind of endearing by the end
That show is fucking hilarious, though. Especially the Christmas special. It's exactly my sense of humor.
I watched it unironicly and liked it
So much so that i watched it a second and third time with friends
This was a great cartoon and probably the best one of the decade. No relationship drama,likable characters and the status quo changed every episode.
Was this shit litterally just for meme status?
not any more than the average mid 00s adult swim cartoon
Fuck you I liked it
I watched it because I had to see it firsthand. About 10% of the show was legitimately funny. The other 90% was actual hardcore cringe that made you question how it could be possibly worth it. Still, I can't deny that 10% had some fucking good lines though.
>What do they grow here?
Legitimately one of the few cartoons I couldn't watch past a couple of episodes.
I liked this show. Sucks it only got 6 episodes. Then Comedy Central got the syndication rights and that's where comedy goes to die.
I agree on both points. HNSP was such a let down after China, IL.
Genuinely enjoyed it. The subtle humor was well done, the overt humors was fun, Jaden Smith was the best casting for a character in a modern cartoon show.
The animation was kinda jerky and showed sign of being made on a budget. They got what they could out of it, and it feels like some of it was done on purpose to be reminiscent of low-budget anime. Still, weakest part of the show IMO.
Neely works so well in a format where he can rely on some recurring characters. Don't understand why he opted for a skit-show.
Total shit except for a few smiles.
>That one series about the anime girl was taken off for some reason
No reason to even watch this already dead channel anymore
I enjoyed Krogzilla tho.
The saddest part of this show is how there probably won't be any more Arcangelo...
You should watch rick and morty, it'd fit your taste nicely
When it was announced people started shitting on it, when it was released most of Yea Forums liked it
>its a "out of touch Jewish-American producers try to parody a medium they dont participate in, never participated in and don't understand on any level" rerun
Shame the animation sucks...
it's not really an anime parody at all, even if the characters look like they were taken from a badly made "how to draw manga" book. The love for anime from the creator is completely sincere, and the actual things the characters deal with have a lot more to do with the lackadaisical lifestyle and ennui of new/old money, placed in absurd situations due to the setting having magic as well.
A good story can defend itself.
I'll give it a chance and watch it someday.
Actually I did watch the whole series....apart from some parts of season one.
I collected them but when they started rehashing tribes I gave up. My autism could not accept there can be different number of models in each tribe.
>all this hate for Neo Yokio
You know what, Yea Forums?
You don't deserve this big Toblerone.
>it's a user didn't read the thread episode
Krogzilla was too good for that channel.
I really can't feel the sincerity, there are things like the Monaco GP episode being entirely taken on a fantasy the director had as a child when his parents took him to Monaco that if a Russian driver ever won they'd have to play a communist national anthem. Or the giant Toblerone thing, it's just things the director liked and thought looked or sounded cool.
I just wanted to fuck the aunt.
Harg nallin is honestly the least funniest thing to air on tv.
random jap words sprinkled in the vocab of the characters and the fact he'd know what they mean is classic "I watched enough subbed anime to pick up on these words"
iirc Ezra also talked about being a fan of Mad Bull 34 and some of the setting is inspired by it. Mad Bull depicted a NYC interpreted by japs who had never been to the real NYC, which in a weird circular way ends up being interpreted again by an American.