Cast the villain for Marvel's SPIDER-MAN 3

Doctor Octopus would be neat, especially if they're building up to the Sinister Six. Since all of Spider-Man's villains in the MCU seem to be connected to Iron Man, they could differentiate him from Vulture and Mysterio by having him actually respect Tony Stark's accomplishments with robotics and aspire to push it even further, leading to his accident.

Bryan Cranston would be a good choice. Great actor, can pull off both Otto's cold superiority and the petty visciousness, and he fits Sony's M.O. of always chasing A-listers for the lead villains (Michael Keaton, Jake Gyllenhaall, Michael Shannon, Matt Damon, etc.)

Only thing he doesn't have is Otto's physique, but then again, ultimate Doc Ock had a pretty average dadbod.

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it's gonna be the guy who played The Governor from The Walking Dead as Osborn.

probably the little weiner guy from Iron Man 1/Far From Home is doc ock

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>implying he won't be Tinkerer

my bad I forgot we already got him in Homecoming

or he could introduce the Spider Slayers.

Osborn is (allegedly) Phase 4's Thanos.

His name is Tom, not Otto.

I just want Michael C Hall for a villain.

His face fits most of them, and he’s a good actor.

I can see him pulling off Doc Ock, Norman Osborn, curt Conners, electro

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>Only thing he doesn't have is Otto's physique
Neither did Molina

He does look green goblinish

He wasn't the absolute unit Otto is sometimes presented as in the comics, but he was pretty thick.

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Did you fellas forget Scorpion is already a thing?

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For my own selection for Spidey-3, I'm gonna advise a combo:
JJJ returning as Jonah to bankroll Scorpion to prove Peter was behind the London attack, and bring him to Justice.

Meanwhile, Chameleon works to Peter for his own crimes, eventually taking Jonah's place in order to drive Scorpion to kill Peter completely.

I'd cast Doug Jones for Chameleon, and reuse Scorpion from Homecoming, and have a cameo of Keaton as the post credits hook.

If you're going to do Otto, I'd save it for the Sinister Six debut, merely being referred to as The Master Planner before that.

I'd cast Jonah Hill.

What villains do you want to see in the future?

Heisenberg with super human strength.

We got Dmitri in Far From Home. Who not Sergei in the next one?

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Jason Alexander for Doc Ock

>every single Spider-Man villain will be connected to Stark
>”Spider-Man” will forever be Iron Lad

>Jason Alexander

Apparently Mark Hamill's open to playing Doc Ock, and quite honestly I can see him pulling it off.

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He's too old.

Not Spider-Man related but this would be kino.

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Why bother doing fan-casting for a sequel to a series with a notoriously awful cast?
You could pick the best fit for the role anyone could imagine, but they still have to stand alongside the Breakfast Mutts.

Harry Osborn

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Here's your Huntress bro

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In a straight villain role or as a "hero" of a Secret Invasion type event, leading to Dark Avengers in phase 5?

No, cast him as someone cosmic or mystical an let him go full wacky with it. He would be an excellent High Evolutionary.

Someone cast Bruce Campbell.


Jim Carrey.

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Arcade is too much of a pussy to be played by Campbell.

If they're open to bringing back people from the Raimi films, I'd be 100% on board with Thomas Haden-Church returning as Sandman.

Wow thats a good choice.

This is the guy who played Borat user, if you are gonna cast him then cast him as someone wacky and bizarre.