Is it wrong to ship characters if one is of legal age and the other one isn't?

Is it wrong to ship characters if one is of legal age and the other one isn't?
What do you think?

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Depends the age gap.
Now take this gay shit back to Twitter, faggot

Go back

It's wrong to care that much about fictional characters regardless of age. That person is trying to take the highroad when they're all mentally ill.

If you're screenshotting from Tumblr, it's recommended you go back to it.

they talking shit about my boy Hal again?

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You can ship whatever you want. Just keep it to yourself. All shipping is a disease and you're helping everyone by not spreading it.

PLEEEAASE don't bring this here bitch.

Jaime and Bart is a shit pairing but why is it pedophilic? WTF is this bitch on about?

This is a tumblr thing of the past few years--any ship with someone who might possibly be under 16 is now 'pedophilia'. It's a way to attack people who like something that you don't on moral grounds.

Bart is 15 and Jaime is 18. Greg doesn't like the pairing because of the age difference and gave Bart a lover that is only one year older than him. Tumblr is now going crazy over this.

To be fair
18 year olds can serve in the army and drink
15 year olds can't even drive

oops I meant smoke, but still smoking is probably worse for you

>policing people's hobbies and fun.
>making everything about politics.

These people need to get drunk.

This shit is fucking nuts. A top Smash Bros player was just outed for dating another player who was 16 at the time, which is 100% legal where they live, and the entire community is currently out for his blood calling him a pedophile. I don't understand how the law can unambiguously state that a 16 year old is mature enough to make decisions and consent to sex with another adult person, but when they exercise that right, the adult they had sex with is then branded with the same label as someone who raped a 10-year-old.
Do I consider the guy creepy? Sure. Is he a predator? Maybe, I don't know. It's entirely possible. But this massive community witch hunt shit is just unsettling to me. You can't fucking have tens of thousands of people symbolically lynching one guy for being in a consensual relationship where nobody broke the law. Either change the law or shut the fuck up and mind your own business.

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>dragging literal who outrage drama in here
Well now I know to label the report trolling

>announcing reports

>it's legal so it's okay
I guess, but it's still gross
the dude is 28, right?
Maybe I'm reading the story wrong, but that sounds so much like grooming

have you met a 16 year old before? They're still children

>An 18 year old with a 15 year old is a pedophile
When did people lose all common sense?

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Holy shit, your pairing is canon, let others ship what they want for fun.

I mean, I wouldn’t go that low if I was 18
Of course >implying there’s a grill that would have me at that or any age

Frankly SJWs and the entire LGBT community dug their own grave about this sort of thing. Everyone knew damn well the filthy, disgraceful pedos would try to hop on this bandwagon of acceptance.

>Fujo shits
Christ this place sucks.
Any good places to talk about comics?

Reading these kind of responses on Yea Forums... seems off somehow

Pedophilia is part of LGBT. don't hate on your brothers

Nigga it's a 3 year age gap. This person thinks that one difference is okay but add 2 years and it is immoral.

I'd be more into it if I was still underage, but I've been here too long to pretend that I'd be okay with a grown man taking my 16 year old daughter out on a date
I'm pretty sure it was a homosexual relationship, but still, same goes for my son and any adult

Oh that? Yeah that's kind of weird. I was just trying to make a point. Sorry if it seemed a bit off topic. Any rate, shipperfags are always a few cans short of a six pack so it's not surprising

legally speaking depending on where you live, an 18 year old dating a 17 year old is a pedophile

Go back and then have sex

>Depends the age gap
literal drawings

you can't use those two in the same sentence without some sort of word to state or imply a negation
as in
comics are not good
there are no good places to talk about comics

There's no crime since these are drawings. Gay community should have every kind of representation, not just positive ones. Ships aren't serious business.


around the same time we gained the common sense to hang pedos like you or at least have the decency to drag you out into the street in the middle of the night and tie you to a tire and set it on fire for all the neighborhood to watch. You people are always as bad as footfags

I'm not saying it's not gross and I'm not saying it's okay. I'm saying that having a lynch mob mentality about shit like this is going to make the problem worse. The community should be aware of his actions, but calling him a pedophile is just absurd. If the law says that a 16 year old can consent to sex, then a 16 year old is not a child. You can't have it both ways. If you don't think they're an adult either, that's fine, but you have to come up with some other definition, or raise the age of consent.

a three year age gap on a fictional couple is LITERALLY pedophilia, you monster

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Not aesthetically pleasing, dickshit.
I don't want to see an 90 years old looking man banging young pussy, for example.

Is the Bart lover a dude or a grill?
I don’t have the DC App

It's Spike from Cowboy Bebop.


>I don't want to see an 90 years old looking man banging young pussy, for example.

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>I'm saying that having a lynch mob mentality about shit like this is going to make the problem worse
Not always, but I do understand that mobs can be scary

> If the law says that a 16 year old can consent to sex, then a 16 year old is not a child
That's not what the law says
a 16 year old can consent, but being able to consent doesn't make you an adult
16 year olds are still minors and, depending on where you live, it is illegal
So people having this opinion isn't new and it's not like the only people who would be upset about it would be SJWs and the like
But at it's whole, ability consent does not an adult make

Yeah, Hugh Hefner is gross and I'm pretty sure nobody liked the idea of Playboy because they loved watching Hugh's hips crack every time a bunny twerked on him

It's fucking fiction, for god's sake. It ain't real people and trying to equate fictional beings as real flesh and blood people is a surefire way of announcing to others that you're mentally ill.

I don't like cape comics, do I scream at people who like them? No.

I don't like fujos, but would I go over and scream at them to stop? No.

I may not like what others like but I'll let them enjoy it.

I've met 30 year olds that are still children.

Fiction shapes thoughts and thus it's real. Or something.

think about how many people get upset about white characters being replaced by black actors in adaptations
people have been doing this on Yea Forums since 2006

I understand what you're saying but something about it still feels wrong to me. Why do we need there to be a law that says a minor can consent to sex? We already have laws to protect minors from being charged as sex offenders. I feel as though the word "consent" needs to be made totally unambiguous. Age of consent, to me, implies an age where the person is fully capable of self-determination. 16? Probably not. But if that's what the law says then imo the law needs to be changed. I don't like seeing people get crucified for following the law of the land.

Yeah, it annoys me too because why adapt something if you're not going to do it right? Same reason why I think Keanu Reeves made a shit Constantine.

Fujos have known about this cancer for years.

It's clearly not just Yea Forums, so I don't see how you feel the need to namedrop the board like it's a board-specific phenomenon.

aren't we on Yea Forums right now?
isn't that the main reason as to why to specifically name Yea Forums?
it'd be weird if any other board was mentioned, but hey, point to you I guess

I think you copied the one post on Tumblr that said something like this and should do the world a favor and kill yourself.

>capable of siring/bearing children
>somehow still a child

But they should be able to vote!