Static Shock movie with Virgil played by a white guy or a latino

Static Shock movie with Virgil played by a white guy or a latino

Yes or no?

Attached: Static.jpg (630x457, 50K)

Yeah, then we can have Micheal B Jordan as batman/Bruce Wayne. So Deal

he sucked in black panther thou

But he's supposed to be black? What would you accomplish by making him white or latino? If I saw a white or Latino Static I'd wonder if the black actors are on strike or something and this was the only guy they could get.

He was great in Creed tho.

He should be played by a gay white man with a lisp. It's well past time. I mean it's 2019.

Whichever one could portray his character faithfully.
It's not like there's a lack of inner city latino or white kids stuck in shitty situations trying to survive after all.

First off, they need to just call it "Static". Second, hell no. He's a black superhero. That's his thing. That was was why Milestone was created: too many white if neanderthal dna gave superpowers or something. Put a white guy in the lead and it becomes just another white kid saving people. Put a black guy in the proper role and FINALLY we'll hopefully have something better than that boring-ass Black Panther movie. Something they can gush about, and we won't be rolling our eyes because everything it did, tons of other non-black movies did it better, and with an actually entertaining story.

>What would you accomplish by making him white or latino?

>white guy or a latino
rather Asian or arab.

Imagine playboy billionaire Batman making references to slavery

Uh, yikes? He'd be played a lot better as a white man, get over it and stop being racist.

A Latino, but in blackface.

>He'd be played a lot better as a white man
>stop being racist

as long as it was a black latino, sure, why not?

>we need another Miles

In this case it wouldn't be a new character, just a new actor
calm down user, no need to go full autist on me

jo onions Statico ese

We don't consider blacks latinos

wait, we cant say S. O. Y. anymore? the fuck?

just go back

Who is we? Black Hispanic is an option on the US Census

>Black Hispanic is an option on the US
That doesn't make sense. Americans are weird.

was that always a thing?

>insult my nationality
>didn't even answer my question

It's been a thing since at least a few years ago
onions is an insult people use to mean unmasculine

spanish speaking anons were heartbroken

>teehee what if we acted like sjws
>all this concern trolling

Don't drag Static into your faggotry.

I think it was Hiroshimoot's first act as ruler, but I don't have a good sense of time since the days blur together when you do the same thing everyday. At least a year or two.

What the deal with this character?
It's seems people like him but I never see DC releasing anything worth with him.

make him filipino and we have a deal

diversity, you racist bigot piece of shit!

god damn, when did Yea Forums become so racist?

they really didn't consider other languages when they came up with that word ban did they?

Just because we hate blackwashing doesnt mean we should be OK with explicit whitewashing. Ignore the SJW's and just be OK with characters being consistent as who they are

but i thought this place was Yea Forumsmblr? which is it? i so confused.

if i recall correctly it's because the copyright and licencing issues are seriously Fucked when it comes to Static and the other (what was it) Millhouse characters.
like it was an independent company, but they licensed through DC to actually do the printing, but when the company collapsed, they still had all the rights to the characters, but DC was who they were known for (especially static) so the fans thought DC could keep printing and using them, but legally they can't because it was a lot like those crossover events between DC and Marvel. But in terms of the original company who has rights to what was kinda unclear, and now the company is gone but may still be holding the rights to a degree, so no one can really use anything.
or i'm remembering shit wrong.

Diversity for its own sake is useless though. White/Latino Static wouldn't make people want to go see the movie, it would just make them think the guy in charge of casting was drunk or high. There are already white characters in Static Shock, both good and evil. Static is not meant to be one of them. It's be one thing if every character in Static was black and they had to add a token white guy so white people have somebody to relate better with (although that's really insulting to your audiences' emotional intelligence if you think they can't empathize/sympathize with someone of a different race), but since there are already white characters in Static, you don't need to add new ones or change existing ones in the name of tokenism. Diversity requires context. Static is diverse enough already, muddling things more for no reason accomplishes nothing.

Tokenism itself is retarded anyway, you really treat your audience like morons when you do it. I believe most people are smart and emotionally mature enough to be able to relate to people outside their race.

didnt blue beetle came first?

see, you're trying to approach the issue logically. which is pointless in and of itself. Look at every "diversified" character in media at this point. Hell, look at the latest example The Little Mermaid. nothing about making ariel black is going to make people want to see it. nothing about making starfire black made people want to see teen titans. nothing from a thousand examples has EVER made anyone want to see ANYTHING that was ever made more diverse. And yet, these things were done, and anyone who complained, no matter how logical or righteous the "complaints" was listed as a hateful bigot.
Why should static be played by a white guy? for the same reason Ariel, Achilles, Starfire, Heimdall, or any number of historical, mythological, or fictional people or characters have been. Because if it is indeed good, than it is good it be done to everyone and everything. What is sauce for the goose should also be sauce for the gander.

request considered.

He should be Asian.

Only fair that some black characters turn white.

He should be played by a white ginger guy!

he should be red hea-- I mean a black woman

Attached: 2547668 - DC DCAU Sharon_Hawkins Static_Shock pencilnomad.jpg (1000x773, 89K)

Yea Forums was a refuge for bullshit on Yea Forums
sure we were into little girls and we said the n wordbut nobody was overtly mad about black people existing and we loved delicious brown
it's only recently that we've been infected with extreme anti-sjw sentiments, due to stuff like gamergate and reddit's slow removal of non PC stuff

yep, 2010 was prime Yea Forums

But making all those other guys black was stupid too. If you need more black characters, why not just add new ones? You don't need to change existing ones. Like, as cool as Idris Elba is, he doesn't look like Heimdall. So your options are either
1. Keep Idris Elba but cover Heimdall's entire body in armor so you don't know what race he is (but then why hire Idris Elba if you aren't using his face? Then you could just hire a big ugly guy with a cool voice?)
2. Have somebody else paly Heimdall, downplay Heimdall;s importance, and have Idris Elba play a new character that is a black Asgardian who is somehow important to the plot.

It's not that hard. Changing established characters race just for diversity is more of an excuse for lazy writing and lazy casting decisions, and they pass it off on clueless people who can't tell the difference between actual diversity and blind tokenism for its own sake. It's not being bigoted, it's criticizing bad lazy movie making, lazy writing, lazy decisions trying to do the least effort possible. It's a little insulting sometimes.

Ambiguous brown ≠ black

to which i will simply give you the answer that has been given repeatedly and almost violently
Or to put it more simply

who would play Hotstreak?

No one's ever said anything like that to me until you just now.

>It's not that hard. Changing established characters race just for diversity is more of an excuse for lazy writing and lazy casting decisions, and they pass it off on clueless people who can't tell the difference between actual diversity and blind tokenism for its own sake.
>they pass it off to clueless people
avoiding the rabbit hole that is "iq and race" the simplest psychological answer is this.
"Minorities" are attached to pre-existing characters like Spiderman, Batman, Superman, etc. They have (like most of us) emotional, sometimes deeply emotional, attachments to those characters. So you could make an original character with say all of spiderman's abilities, and you can make him black...he could be spider man in everything (including name in the case of miles, for example) but he's not THE SPIDER MAN. He's not peter parker. But (real or not) its held that minorities (or people in general) cannot identify with a character that's different from them (bullshit, I know, but that's the foundation of a lot of this). So a black man can never, "truly" identify with Superman the way a white person can because Superman is white. Therefore, for the sake of "diversity" (reflecting how the nation/world isn't one race) and "inclusion" (making non-white people feel like they belong/own shit) Superman has to be made into a black man to show that a) blacks are a part of things, b) blacks can be powerful, and c) that superman is FOR black people.
It is, in a roundabout way, basically saying blacks (or any minority) are so stupid they can't identify with anything that isn't black, so since they are attached to these things, these things must be made Black so that blacks can fully invest themselves and be happy without suffering from things like cognitive dissonance by being black but identifying with something white (and evil).

wow, you have been sheltered.
i'm honestly jealous, desu...

ambiguous brown != not black
delicious brown != not black
user, you sound as if we weren't jerking off to black waifus back then

I mean, there ARE black latinos so that'd be fine but you'd get ppl calling Static a Miles knock off which would be awful.

He wasn't because he's a newfag .

Yes, I already touched on this in an earlier post. I agree with you, it really treats your audience as emotionally immature, which they aren't for the most part.

I'm not sheltered, I just don't go on any websites that I can't post anonymously (which is pretty much only this one) and don't autistically talk about movies and diversity with every damn person I meet. Like, I talk this stuff on here, with my friends, and a my comic shop, and that's it. The screeching like that you're describing is probably coming form twitter or facebook, which are a cancer upon our society and should be boycotted, or you're talking IRL to autistic meat bags that know nothing about comics and movies.

>pretending to be oldfags

Being an oldfag doesn't matter to the latest generation of zoomers who can legally post now
The only time to bring up being around before 2013 (which apparently is the new standard) is to actually talk about what Yea Forums was

But that's what Yea Forums was, not what Yea Forums is
Yea Forums changed so being an oldfag doesn't mean much when everything is different, you've grown used to using captchas, sage is dead, and people are using wojak/pepe in the same way that kym and icanhascheeseburger were using rageface spinoffs

>It is, in a roundabout way, basically saying blacks (or any minority) are so stupid they can't identify with anything that isn't black, so since they are attached to these things, these things must be made Black so that blacks can fully invest themselves and be happy without suffering from things like cognitive dissonance by being black but identifying with something white (and evil).

How come this argument is always used against minorities but not whites when they bitch about minority characters and casting?

because black people/minorities generally aren't here to defend themselves/take place in this nonsense
using that argument doesn't make a lot of sense regardless because it's a bad argument

>minorities generally aren't here to defend themselves
Yea Forums is filled with latinos. Damn, I beat they are the majority.

Actually, it's really because every time we identify ourselves, everyone here just thinks we're also white boys, and says we're faking.

Because generally casting changes white people to black, and the problem isn't that there's black people in the movie, it's that they're fucking with an existing character for insulting reasons. like, I'd be just as upset about a black Bruce Wayne as I would be about a white T'Challa or if Storm from the X-Men was played by a white chick. Storm is supposed to be black, I'd be upset if she was played by literally anyone who wasn't.

This is a really ironic get considering the argument

Who cares what race the person is as long as they dp a good job? If the persons race isn't a huge part of their Identity then who gives a shit? also if they're an alien or not even human in the first place who gives a shit what human plays them? It's like getting mad that a white man played an ape in Planet of the Apes or that a black women played a green alien in Guardians of the Galaxy.

So is Yea Forums, they start most if not all FUCKKIN NIGGERS threads

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White Dominicans don't count.

When /vint/ was a thing it showed that it was mostly Brazilians now that I think about it

>It's like getting mad that a white man played an ape in Planet of the Apes
So apes are inherently black huh?

No, since it's a racist term for blacks I used that as an example of people gwttimg mad that a director had the audacity to hire a white man to play the role of an ape isntead of a superior animal like the Hen or Bola Spider.

Is Yea Forums getting raided by /pol/?

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Brazilians like to shitpost in the gaming community

Honestly a latino who got his powers during a gang war is more realistic than a black kid

No, the raid by tumblr has just lasted so long it's become the new norm

This, to be honest.

I read arab as crab.

Any race can be latino

everyone from tumblr is an oldfag and /pol/ is just a bunch of newfags trying to take over

Black or white, he’s cool. No big deal.

Yikes: the post

>tumblrcunts flood the board
>oldfags either leave or weather it
>/pol/ newfags come back and change it a little closer to how it was but not exactly
Meh. Wish you'd all fuck off. Other boards have been complaining for years about the tumblr-like qualities of Yea Forums. /pol/'s not gonna make it any worse by coming here.

No one says that its more like why do we need to justify having black or non straight white male characters in media?

Because pandering is only bad when its someone other than them.

Most of what they call forced diversity is littleraly she like there being a gay or black or female character look at all the fucking asshurt when tracer was shown to be a lesbian in a comic about people getting Christmas gifts for their loved ones or their being non white playable characters in Battlefield one despite their being many Black And Indian soldiers from various colonies that fought in both world wars.

You need to justify turning white characters into black people

You need to justify turning white characters white

2013 is the new standards.
I remember when summer 07 was considered the end of Yea Forums.

Fuck my actual life. I need to leave.

You need to justify white people existing.

>How come this argument is always used against minorities but not whites when they bitch about minority characters and casting?
because a) it's been well established for centuries that whites can and do empathize and related to non-white characters in fiction/media and b) as a general rule, minority characters generally do not get "whitewash" where as lots of white characters get "colored."

>or that a black women played a green alien in Guardians of the Galaxy.
sure, that's not a problem. but if they'd had a black woman play gamora but instead of green she was black...
look, like it or not a character's "race" does have some foundation in who they are as a character. especially in this day and age were Race is so much a part of people's identity. I get it, we were all supposed to live in a post-racial society by this point, but congrats, we now live in a racial society with nothing post about it. So as long as that is the case, and people insist that race is a valid foundation and form of identification, then changing the race of a character fundamentally changes that character to the point is is arguably no longer that character.

that's an "oof" from me user

>Put a white guy in the lead and it becomes just another white kid saving people.
i'm fine with this


whatever the race if we could just get more static.

The world needed diversity so one region become pale with colourful hair
These people then proceeded to fuck everything up proving that diversity doesn't work.

Equally as realistic as a black kid in a crime-riddled area like Dakota, where the 2 dominant ethnic minorities (spanish, black) are the majority. Do you even READ Milestone comics? They were all about black and latino superpowered characters.



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This, desu.

No one read the comics. People only know the cartoon.

Latino could work given that they also face many of the same prejudices and problems just because of their race.

White not so much. Even whites from a shit part of town are going to get treated differently assuming they don't act ghetto tier (Virgil doesn't).

I don't think you lads know what "over representation" means.

Virgil's character depends on him being black, so no.
>inb4 b-b-b-b-but they made a white comic character black!!! WAHHHH
Not the same thing since race didn't matter to their characters

>Virgil's character depends on him being black
It doesn't.

>and thats a good thing

t.knows nothing about virgil

Do you honestly believe that white people are just the default for human behaviour and everywhere else is affected by culture?
That, somehow, white people are removed from culture and everyone would act like white people if their respective cultures didn't make them foreign?
That's messed up, user.

t. Thinks anything outside the cartoon is relevant

No. Virgil is black or nothing.

No. Any time you guys try to race change a black super hero, it’s always because of sour grapes.

>White representation in media is so common, it’s an afterthought
>White character is changed black
>White people get understandably butthurt, but miss the bigger picture (Disney being jews)

Name one reason why you’d change Static’s race other than racism or ass pain.

Imagine being such a racist

why do we need to justify having latino or non-black characters in media?

>If you need more black characters, why not just add new ones? You don't need to change existing ones. Like, as cool as Idris Elba is, he doesn't look like Heimdall
Silly user, thinking rationally! You need to read more Salon and Verge articles, you fucking Uncle Tom piece of shit.

Racism and ass pain are good, understandable reasons these days.