How do they call him in your country?

how do they call him in your country?
They call him Coringa in mine

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Other urls found in this thread:

El Guasón.

Do rapeo de las clowno



Stop forcing this meme.

"yn weladwy" which is Welsh for "laughing man".

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I thought what I would do was pretend I was one of those deaf mutes.


im from America


boyo rhyfeddod

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Do they still call him that? I just kinda stopped with all translated media around 2010 so I wouldn't know.

>el risitas

There is no reason to hear the Joker after Ruben León stopped voicing hi.

"benis in anus :::DDDD"

They tried to change it a couple of years ago when they opted to keep all original names in dub translations. Didn't work, latinormies still know him as Guasón.
It looks like he's going to be Joker on the new movie tho

>It looks like he's going to be Joker on the new movie tho
Nope. Guasón. Official sub trailer from the official warner youtube page.

they call him "the joker" because i live in a country with running water

it's like pottery, it rhymes

usa? Because if it is, last time I heard, you guys had a huge water scarcity problem lol

you heard wrong, "ese"

Well, at least Guasón isn't too bad and it still technically means Joker anyways.
That said, please tell me Batman isn't called Bruno Díaz anymore.

Ricardo Tapia.

D-does that mean... Damian Dias?

More Daniel

I actually like "Guasón" but I understand if the new generations hates it because I only like it cuz that's the name I knew him since I was a kid.
>Batman isn't called Bruno Díaz anymore
They stopped calling him that years ago.

what the fuck were they thinking

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The Giggler

>Ricardio Tapía
>Jasiel Todorovio
>Tomás Mondragon
>Estefanía Moreno
>Daniel Díaz
>Casandra Canelo
>Catalina Canelo Díaz

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>every country other than the US is Mexico
What the fuck.

Every country south of the US might as well be the same.

Spoken like a true pleb.

El Payasón.

I'm sorry I dont distinguish between your different cultures of poverty and drug cartels.


We were Incans and all that shit.

they call him... the gagman



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here they mistakenly called him ''Joseph Wayne : the killer Joker!'' they made that mistake ONCE in the 1940s and since then every normie just thinks he's Batman's half brother

Where is that?

The Joker.

El Guason

"Gonna fuck Batman's Aunt"

Le joker




They call him The Joker in mine

El Maricon

Attached: Joker arrested virginia.jpg (876x493, 45K)

Where I am from we call it rape bait

Jokeri. Yeah, we were too lazy to actually translate the word so we put an extra letter at the end.

Joker because it's an established character name. Some crusty conservatives tried to introduce legislation a few years ago that would force theaters and such to provide translation for foreign titles, but the idea that there would be billboards reading "Man of Bats" and the like was so absurd it got laughed out of the parliament.

Jole Kerum

I think you mean Coringatron

Dajoka Baybe

The Gamer

Joker. Weirdly one of the few names that never had a botched Italian translation

underrated post. i laughed.

De Joker

Joe Curr

Got a solid chuckle from me

>They stopped calling him that years ago
They used Bruno Diaz in Arkham Knight (that game had an amazing dub if you ignore that though). What did they use in BVS/JL?

O Coringa, o Palhaço, o Bobo, o Jóker...

shoulda been chucklecunt m8

In the earliest Italian translations he was called the Jolly

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I still have PTSD from hearing the new voice actor they got for him in Batman Ninja. What were they thinking.

El Gamer

Mister society

Der Joker

Da Jokah, baybee!

Usa is at the north pole. You heard it here first.

Le Blageur



mon mauvais

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What did you expect?

in spain it used to be el arlequín back in the adam west days

now it's just plain old el joker

Some places have called him El Comodín.

The conservative politicians was 100% correct

What country tried to do this?

Joker (I'm from a human country).

Man of Spiders

Joker. Except in Mask of the Phantasm where he was The Clown.

from where I come from they call him A GAMER because he is always trying to RISE UP

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El basura de peyaso

el yoker


The Blackest Man Alive in Gotham.

El arlequin locochon de las bromitas malvadas.

I'm from spain btw.

I was trying to remember what they called Wolverine. Leopardo?