Several insiders are teasing that Daredevil might appear in the next Spider-Man movie in the MCU. Marvel's contract with Netflix requires the character not be used for two years after cancellation, so he'd be fair game in 2021, which is when the third Spider-Man movie is expected to come out.
Several insiders are teasing that Daredevil might appear in the next Spider-Man movie in the MCU...
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Would be cool, but I doubt Feige is willing to saddle himself with Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist, who all sucked, just to canonize Daredevil and maybe Punisher into the MCU.
It'd be easier to just reboot them all.
It's a shame the Netflix MCU was a huge fuck up outside of those two characters, because Cox and Bernthal are amazing in the roles.
I mean you can technically soft reboot them but it would still be pretty weird to include a character from a show with R-rated levels of violence in a Marvel movie
dd is too good for iron boy
Never gonna happen. Feige hates Loeb's dogshit Netflixverse and would not want to to taint the films by bringing him to the films.
>ywn be on your knees sucking their cocks
Are the Insiders saying that it's Netflix Daredevil, or (more likely) a new Daredevil?
>It'd be easier to just reboot them all.
That's more or less what Feige said they'd do. They don't want those versions of the characters. They'd do their own because Feige want's nothing outside of the MCU influencing the MCU.
Cox broke himself. He doesn't look people in the eye anymore when talking to them.
Get in the fucking suit Peter
Lol, source?
If they can coexist in the comics I see no reason why they can't coexist in the movies. Not like including a good Daredevil in the third movie will save this garbage Spider-Man though. I still wouldn't put it past Marvel to make the third "solo" movie in a row for the character and still make it a team up.
>Daredevil might appear in the next Spider-Man movie in the MCU
Ok if they do this, I assume Kingpin would be the villain, but before that can they finally explain Kingpins strength?
I mean sometimes he has bodybuilder strength and other times he can give spider-man a run for his money and then other times spider-man is kicking his ass again.
Any of you Spider aficionados know whats up with that? Is Kingpin like some street fighter character that uses chi or some shit?
Matt Murdoch could represent Peter in court against the accusations the state will bring against him in relation to Jameson's leaked video, and the whole situation with "murdering" Mysterio
Spiderfag here. Kingpin has strongman fat strength to a very high level. But spidey is always holding back basically. So when kingpin gets the upper hand, its bc spidey was not trying to kill Fisk, and Fisk was trying to kill spidey. So it wears him down until hes beaten. I dont have the pages rn, but when pete puts on the black suit after may dies (IIRC) he BTFOs kingpin bad and humiliates him.
Shame, as this is what they did with Deadpool 2, where they can reference and even cameo the X-Men but not the other way around.
Safest solution. Have Matt be canon while leaving the Daredevil adventures somewhat "canon by association" without mentioning any of the R-ratedness.
He could show up in both roles, introduced as the unassuming lawyer and then busting out the suit when the trial starts to look like it's going in Peter's favor and the Spider-Slayer bots come after him as the big twist
Not him and I don't have a source either, but I recall hearing about an interview where Charlie said he keeps forgetting to look people in the eye because of his work on DD.
That would be funny for a reason. The Netflix show pretty much buried the red suit and had its appearance tarnished (by Bullseye). Appearing in the red suit or a new red suit would be contradictory and would confirm that Netflix-verse isn't canon.
Charlie auditioned for the Han Solo role for the Solo movie and he botched it because his blind guy mannerisms crept up to him and he kept acting like a total introvert in the eyes of the audition people. He told this in an interview.
or it would allow the two character's stories to thematically tie together
Spider-Man teamup is one of the longest running team up books around, it’s definitely workable to have his movies ape them
Daredevil season 1 and 3 are pretty much the best things about the MCU existing. They are fucking morons if they're not using Cox's DD and Vinny D's Kingpin because of ego.
oh fuck, that's actually perfect
Ironically Daredevil S2 was a better Punisher than the Punisher series.
Well, he dodged a bullet.
That sucks, he probably would've been a great Han.
Spider-Man humors him, and everyone else even mildly superpowered generally underestimates him before he catches them by surprise. Daredevil has issues with him because, for all of his super sensory powers, he's still just a really fit guy that has really good balance. Once the element of surprise is lost, he's nothing too impressive.
Kingpin is figuratively the Rhino but with street smarts.
A good book for sure, but a side one. The vast majority of Spider-Man's most famous stories are solo.
So what
they're gonna retcon it like they did the other Spider-Man movies
Still a bit dodgy given Feige's obsession with keeping everything family friendly these days, even with the deaths and off-screen gore.
Captain America had an on-screen death of a guy getting blended by a propeller and Thanos getting his head chopped off, not even counting Strange's various deaths or Loki getting his neck broken.
Out of all the non-MCU marvel shit, Daredevil is probably the greatest (better than at least half the MCU) and should definitely be integrated into the MCU. The show bent over backwards making itself MCU-compatible and won't contradict anything. At the very least they should keep the cast and continue it on Disney+. Maybe keep Punisher as well. The other Netflix shows can fuck off.
>hates the MCU
>wants DD in the MCU
fuck off
Anyone else get a DD vibe when Mysterio and Pete were chilling on the roof?
>Feige want's nothing outside of the MCU influencing the MCU
And yet JK Simmons is back
> And yet JK Simmons is back
Because he was the best damn portrayal of the character while Daredevil is not related to the MCU in anyway.
"Not be used" means they can't even put Matt Murdock's name in a script. Or write, cast and film "Dock Murmatt" only to rename him in late 2020, because that means they were using Daredevil. Any sort of trickery to get around the contract isn't worth the character, quite frankly. He worked in Netflix because he required no budget, doesn't mean he needs to be in the real MCU.
Daredevil is more related to the MCU than JK Simmons before FFH.
>Because he was the best damn portrayal of the character...
So is Charlie Cox
>...while Daredevil is not related to the MCU in anyway.
Netflix's DD has more relation with the MCU than JK before FFH
I think the MCU is entering "Do every fan service wish" phase. Like, most of Endgame, making Mysterio the villain from FFH, and JK Simmons as JJJ again convince me that they are going all out to do everything the fans have been screaming about. DD + Spidey teamup. Tobey and Garfield Spider-Men crossover. Deadpool appearing everywhere. An A-Force film. The Young Avengers. I think Marvel is just going to do all of that shit because they want the fans to stay onboard the MCU. Avengers vs. X-men also very likely.
Wow, Stan Lee's hands are photoshopped to hell.
>Charlie auditioned for the Han Solo role for the Solo movie
Sounds like he dodged a bullet by not getting the part in that mess of a movie
I can see Deadpool being the next Stan Lee waldo, Lego Marvel style.
I feel like Deadpool would break my immersion more than Stan Lee's cameos did.
You're right, he's better off cameoing in large team movies like the Avengers.
I'm fully expecting Deadpool 3 to do a gag where it Green Screen's Deadpool into Endgame's final battle. Like, at all the most pivotal moments and the all female team up.
That is a 10/10 idea for a great post credits gag. I love it.
Not even post credits. Just a scene where someone asks who Deadpool is and he uses the clips to reveal he's always been there as a joke about how he's in the MCU without rebooting everything.
>It's a Deadpool movie taking place around post-Avengers 1. Everytime he fast forwards a year or so, he gets shoddily cameo'd into one of the sequel movies or makes a thinly veiled binocular reference like "I think I just saw Natalie Portman get kidnapped by the Men in Black", leading up to Endgame and FFH
That would be a lethal dose of synergy.
Just soft-reboot them. The MCU happens in Earth-199999, just make it so the Netflix-verse happens in Earth-199998. Being neighboring universes, plenty of events that happened in the show are still canon, while plenty others aren't.
I saw one guy teasing this, were there more than him? Also, I swear I remember there being a clause in Cox's contract that let him show up in a movie, but I'd imagine that would have to get Netflix's approval and shit.
Also would probably be used to plug in plot holes.
Netflix's contract says they can't be in anything for 2 years. And 2 years from now...
Wouldn't that be 2 years from 2018 on account the final season of Daredevil was last year?
I think 2 years from when all the shows was canceled decision. So 2021
Yeah I know that much, but I remember hearing about how Daredevil might be allowed a film appearance when the shows first started. I doubt anything would come from it if it was real and I'm probably just crazy, but I feel like I remember them talking about it way back when
It was mentioned that Charlie was contractually obligated to appear in a movie if needed. I'm sure this means having to pay Netflix some cash through some contractual means.
Ah, I see, that's what I was thinking about. I wonder if they'd consider paying them, if it came to that, if only because the shows are already canned and I doubt Netflix would be so petty as to make another season of Daredevil just to prevent him from showing up in another movie or whatever would come next.
Well the main cast seem pretty eager to return if it was revived. I don't see any problem if they take Nelson, Murdock and Page to the big screen provided they add a little MCU flair to it like dealing with shapeshifters just to tie it in to courtroom drama.
they're going to use Cable's time device and probably end up traveling to the MCU-verse
My pitch is to show him in a post credit scene at the end of one of the X Men MCU movies, where he shows up at the mansion asking for Wolverine
X-Men wouldn't be around for a long time according to Feige, but the villains and supporting characters are up for grabs like what they did with Quickass and Wanda.
Spider-man is holding back most of the time with these guys, he's not Hulk strong, but he's still strong enough to the point that he could be ripping off limbs if he felt like it
Hey, season 2 was top fucking tier until the ninja plot got into full gear.
That's the thing though. The Punisher parts showed how weak the ninja aspect of Daredevil was, though this was due to the ninja shit being forcibly tied to the Defenders and Iron Fist.
>According to a production executive, Disney has been warned by lawyers not to even think about developing new content featuring the characters of Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and The Punisher until the two-year mark. The clarification is an important once, as it means Disney probably won’t be spending time during the next two years working on new material with these characters to launch new series in 2020. If Disney can’t even begin developing a new Daredevil series until 2020, then it’s going to take much longer than just two years for the character to return to the big or small screen. Another option is Disney does not revive the superheroes at all.
>“Daredevil” released its third and now final season last October on Netflix. The streaming giant canceled the series at the end of November, which came as a big shock to fans. While Netflix canceled “Iron Fist” and “Luke Cage” shortly after “Daredevil” Season 3 premiered, neither of those shows had the kind of following that “Daredevil” did. The “Daredevil” series was Netflix and Marvel’s flagship and pulling the plug (especially after a creative bump in Season 3) did not bode well for “Jessica Jones” and “The Punisher,” both of which were canceled earlier this year. The third season of “Jessica Jones” will still air on Netflix later this year. The 2019 cancellations of “Jessica Jones” and “The Punisher” means development would not begin on new series for these characters until 2021.
1) The propeller was pre-Disney MCU
2) The Thanos chop off is cut in such a weird way to get by.
>we did it boys, sexism is no more
I really don't get why companies pull this shit.