Dum Dum Dum another one bites the dust

Dum Dum Dum another one bites the dust.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Get woke, go broke

oh shit it's real


I blame Trump, happened on his watch

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Reality is stranger than fiction these days.

Na print media will die.
Comics are doomed.

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Vince was on the cover.

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More like Bad Gagazine

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>Clarissa artist draws RLM

That's a weird combination I never expected

Mad sucked anyway
what did they do?

They made fun of Trump, that's why is upset

>last thread got derailed by an angry /pol/tard who thought that the US Senate only has 50 senators
Never forget.

This is a joke, right? People do not still unironically believe this nonsense... right?

Until proven false

MAD has been dead for over a decade. A friend's gf brought a couple of issues over one day back around 2002 for me to look at. Some of the old "Usual Gang Of Idiots" was still there, but there were new regular features. At the middle of the issue I stared for several minutes at what appeared to be a spoof of a SoBe ad, unable to find the joke. When the friend's gf asked why I was looking at it so long, I told her "I'm trying to figure out what the joke is." "There is no joke" she said "It's just a SoBe ad."
And MAD has been dead to me ever since.

no user, nobody believes that, now take your meds, go to sleep and when you wake up everything will be rainbows!

Who can stop our emperor?

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You mean besides Black Panther, Captain Marvel, the She-Ra reboot, Gillette, and Nike?

Isn't there already a thread for this (just surprised). EVS covered it: youtube.com/watch?v=49eXFDwfjVw

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Holy fuck, that was around 2002? I kept thinking they added ads in the mid-2000's.

Another question that came to mind I forgot to bring up in the thread, why did they switch from black-and-white to color, was there no difference in cost from printing color and printing in b&w?

Oh boo hoo, Mad was the same old social satire to the end. They relentlessly mocked celebrities, idiots and sleaziness so why shouldn't they mock Trump? Especially considering print is dying, they gotta stay relevant. They used Obama a few times in the past too. The reality is, a lot of artists are unemployed now and you're butthurt over some jokes.

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They mocked everyone

Mad in the states had ads? I'm in Australia and was a fan from '08 to '13 and there were never any ads in Mad here.

Not even surprised, print media is dead anyways

They used to not have ads. The only times they had ads were probably three points:

-EC Comic era (the ads were the usual mail-away things)
-brief period in the magazine (I forget when, but at some point in the 50's or 60's, but the Gaines changed his mind and vowed Mad would remain ad-free)
-2000's onwards

Do people read? Or just digital?

Based on Twitter I'm not sure people read very well.

audiobooks i'm afraid.

Better hope Black Label and Joker don't bomb or Disney might have a new company to purchase


meh I only liked spy vs spy, the gbc game was good

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That was the point. Magapedes are being autistic about it.


Would MAD work better if it was smaller and collected PATREON money?


Even "smaller", there are too many artists and too many writers. It wouldn't scale.

I think it's stupid for people to get upset about Trump getting mocked in Mad Magazine.

The only issue I see though is looking at the 2017 covers, five out of the six covers out that year were Trump. But half of the problem is that the magazine was now bimonthly, so there wasn't even enough variety in the covers. Still, five out of six in a year is pushing it.

Can DC do fucking anything right?

MAD dying has nothing to do with Trump, they've been making fun of him and conservatives as far back as the 1980s when both were at peek cultural relevancy and it didn't hurt them in the slightest. I'd say the only reason they're making fun of trump recently is to stay culturally relavent themselves in a politically charged demographic.
However I'd be more inclined to agree with
MAD is very old, they've been around since the early 50s. The fact they've managed to make it this far is impressive enough. But creative burnout, switching artists and print becoming obsolete all have a part to play in their destruction. They've been struggling financially since the resession in 08' and were having trouble staying afloat. They have passed on as they failed to adapt to a new generation. as well as reality becoming a parody in itself making them obsolete.

trips confirm.

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>that cover

this cover. RIP MAD

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They've been going downhill for decades, I'm surprised it took this long. Also,

>Not even surprised, print media is dead anyways
Fact. How do dead tree versions of anything still exist?


DC bought the magazine sometime in the late 90s and poured a bit more of a budget in it than it usually had. This was also when the magazine lost pretty much all of it's original soul and stopped resembling the magazine of old as they started adding new features and attempting to be more 'hip'.

>all of it's original soul


I just checked, they added ads AND the reason for it was to justify it being in color, and it was back in 2001:


DC didn't buy the magazine themselves though, it was a company called Kinney Parking Company that bought MAD, and eventually also bought DC and WB. Gaines became a board member of Kinney and so was allowed to run the magazine the way he wanted. After he died that was when the magazine got more ingrained into the Time-Warner corporate, with MAD TV being made and the magazine being moved into the DC Comics offices.

Also, MAD TV wasn't the first time MAD flirted with TV and movie stuff, there was the animated special in the 70's:


And then there was that disastrous attempt to be like National Lampoon:


>using MAD for your dumbfuck zoomer identity politics warz shitposting
I'm going to end your fucking life

Here's something weird though, circulation went up in 2016 and 2017:


2018 obviously went up because of that relaunch. Which makes me wonder, how bad were 2019 sales?

>Here's something weird though, circulation went up in 2016 and 2017
It's not that weird though. As much as people like to use the excuse that "print media is dying" when sales decline, the real reason is the decline in quality. If the quality stayed the same the sales wouldn't go down. It's why comic and magazine sales keep going down but manga sales are steady.

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Don't you crossposters ever get tired?

>Nearly 4 hour zoomer podcast

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>You cannot like both Japanese and other nations comics.
>Japan, the nation which literally produces more comics than Europe and the US combined annually cannot make good comics.

You're an idiot.

>the top sellers (shonen) sell because of quality
You're an idiot.

Like it’s so difficult to maintain?
What lazy douchebag cancelled it?

Based and correct

This didn't help.

Manga sales are down in the west too.

Print and cable tv WILL die in the west.

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>This didn't help.

Ironically going by the sales chart in it did help; sales from 2017 (the year that mentioned where five out of six covers were Trump-related) were higher than 2016.

>The reality is, a lot of artists are unemployed now

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Except it’s not. It’s just as popular as regular media if not more so because it usually doesn’t get cancelled.

I’m not sure what the fuck is going on with this

All bought by cnn.

the woke commercial was a failure, nigga

Looool at this.


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t. zoomer

how did you not know that until today?

It wasnt far left.

I have a bunch of old issues laying around and scanned their Private Parts spoof earlier. I really like how this guy Sam Viviano drew people.


How do you go for decades not knowing how much words in Mad were inspired by Jewish words? Or how Harvey Kurtzman, Will Elder, Al Jaffee, Bill Gaines, and others were Jewish? The only explanation is that you're a fucking zoomer that gets his info from Youtube videos.

Bummer. Well, I was getting bored of it lately (and yes the abundance of Trump lately helped with that), so I can't say I'm too disappointed.
Eh, it's alright. Bit of same-face going on in his art, though.

Ahahahah white power wins.

>Being mad at Mad so you can larp as a Yea Forums poster pretending to be /pol/

I miss when making fun of gays was cool and acceptable.

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Ahahahah u mad.

>the A-Team parody in which someone calls Mr. T a faggot
>the Queer Eye send-up where they imply the cast exaggerate their gayness for TV

Jokes they would not get away with today indeed

Not really, I'm trying to see if you compulsively respond to every post.


And good fucking riddance

Hahaahahah u btfo.

I think this cover would be funnier if it was showing the aftermath of the action rather than the action itself.

The covers were more about weird things happening, like for instance in that cover, Alfred's face is actually looking at the guy falling down.

In this cover, he's got a black eye because of the drum beating.

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Says the guy compulsively responding to posts.

Here, have a backlog of every issue through 550, so pretty recent. If anyone has a link that has the last year, it would be appreciated.

Thank you.

I thought this magazine died years ago.

I didn't know Sid Caesar wrote for them, this was one he did with Wally Wood drawing.

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You think that's bad? Try sitting through one of Mauler's streams.

>so why shouldn't they mock Trump?

Because Trump is trying to save America. What kind of humor can you derive from that?

You can find humor through his personality, because Trump is very funny, both intentionally and unintentionally.

oh fuck, we're going now to have this shit regularly on Yea Forums? with people pretending to suddenly give a fuck about this shitty mag? dear anons, do yourselves a favor and hide and ignore MAD threads, don't reply to them

shut up tranny

>Because Trump is trying to save America.
No he isn't. That's literally not his concern at all, nor is it what he's accomplishing.



I thought they had some good stuff at least

Australian here too, I would've been reading it occasionally in the late 00s/early 10s and never remember there being any ads.


oh shit that's yungbluth? He still worked at Mad?

Another weird thing to note: this board game I own! Well, that picture isn't mine, but I have it sitting in my closet after I found it at at thrift store. No idea on how to play it.

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I’ll really miss it, honestly. I actually got to meet Sergio Arjones at a guest speaking gig/live cartooning thing he did at UGA back in 2007 or so, since he was obviously affiliated with and a friend of Jack Davis - my parents' neighbor down on Saint Simons Island until he died just a few years ago. For me, MAD was something I only ever got to buy when we were on long car trips - and usually my mom would have a backlog of 4-5 issues waiting for me, in order to make the round trip from Georgia to DC tolerable each year when we had to visit relatives.

Was it a work?

A lot of people contribute stuff, Evan Dorkin, Peter Kuper, Amanda Conner, Bill Wray, Ted Rall, lots of em.

Nigga it went broke because it couldn't compete with the internet for edgy humor.

That was its main leverage, had been from the start. Furthermore, after it went quarterly, it couldn't even do it's usual topical humor anymore. No more parodying the latest movie or shitty tv show.

Literally everybody outside of this board hates you bastards. If you were to go out in public and express your beliefs, the nearest person would start beating you senseless and everyone else would be cheering them on.

this guy gets it

> Because Trump is trying to save America
I can find humor in that statement alone

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>What kind of humor can you derive from that?

Well just the other day the entire world had a pretty good laugh at France trolling Ivanka being at the G20 summit. Got pretty good laughs a the revelation that a porn star spanked Trump in the ass with a magazine with his own picture on it. It was also pretty hilarious when people asked him about western liberalism and the Biden busing thing and he clearly didn't understand at all what the question was about so he started rambling about California.

Dude also thinks we had airports during the revolutionary war

> everything I don't like is fabricated by the MSM
Sure thing, buddy. And every dissenting post in this thread was written by Jews.

First issue of MAD I ever read.

Fuck right off with your bullshit.

A lot of people don't know that we had airports way back then.

MAD's been dumping on Trump since he was an idiotic star of an equally idiotic reality TV show; and that's just within my lifetime.


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Man, did you ever meet Jack? He seemed like such a nice and polite old man in that Stan Lee video with him and Harvey Kurtzman, how was he?


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wtf I love tired old trump jokes now

better than pretending he's anything more than a dumpster fire of a human and "leader"

The jester's job is to speak truth to power.

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A lot of people are saying that we had airports during the revolutionary war. Everybody is saying it. I'm hearing it from a lot of people. We have the best people saying it, the smartest people saying it. You probably didn't know it but we have it.


nigga, you took pics of it with your phone. you didnt scan shit.

Is he a blowhard and a jackass? Absolutely. But sometimes America needs a blowhard jackass.

>Well achtually, what the POTUS meant was that we had these land areas that those airports now reside on all this time, so this is totally fake news, typical liberal bias to claim that our dear leader made any type of goof or sounded stupid. You just have to go out of your way to interpret what he says and translate it to mean something else that is actually factual, duh. He's talking directly to the people, not the elites!

He's also incompetent, corrupt, stupid, senile and/or syphilitic. We don't need that or any combination with blowhard jackass

more like trying to save israel and corporate jews

Examples of each point please?

making his son in law senior advisor to the president

Trump Steaks

he and his family have been barred from managing a charity for gross misapproriation

"Climate change is a chinese hoax"

"The sentence about the nuclear"

That's just one of each and you know there's so much more out there

I appear to have you'd myself instead of you

I don't see any points here
He's actually 100% right about the Chinese
You don't get that so-called environmentalism has done nothing but cripple the West while foreign powers beholden to no laws profit from our hands off approach and rape the Earth in our stead?

I don't think even Trump gave this much of a shit about the comics making fun of him
Hell he fucking insulted Pete Buttigieg by comparing him to Alfred E Neuman

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Oh wow, you're retarded. how very shocking

Right, sure, like the opinion of anyone who believes the nonsense you do actually matters
You're just fake news because your fee fees got hurt

He cares. Years later he still sends photos of his hands to the first guy that made fun of their size. And probably because of the dementia but he has no frame of reference for anything newer than Mad's heyday

>You're just fake news because your fee fees got hurt

go to bed little twoll mommy will have your tendies when you get up

>wah wah wah


>Years later he still sends photos of his hands to the first guy that made fun of their size
The fuck are you talking about?


>The fuck are you talking about?
He has Trump Derangement Syndome

Honestly haven't read MAD since the early 00s. It was a product of a by-gone era.

>Telling the truth = "tRuMp DeRaNgEmEnT sYnDrOme"
Literally seething, wow.

So he said that Trump had short fingers and then Trump sent him a picture showing they weren't short? Then kept sending them because he kept saying they were short
What does this have to do with Mad?

stop avoiding reality Neo, your Emperor is a narcississtic retard

>spongebob text memes
Ah I see, I recognize you Antifa-shill shitter from the other thread
By the way, that's a dead meme
Does the Left just not understand memes at all, or is it just normal for them to be behind the times at this point?

>double (You)s
Be honest, were you shaking in anger when you posted that?

user said he didn't think Trump cared about the things making fun of him. He said this because he doesn't even have a passing knowledge of his personality

>Ah look he used the wRoNg MeMe
Right, of course, I forgot you don't know actual English. What fresh hot new forced meme are you on today, fellow memer? Are we still on 'dilate' or is it time to revisit the epic 'NPC' meme?

Have you tried following the conversation?
Honestly, it's fascinating to see you try so hard to defend a man who would hate your guts the moment he saw you and then forget you exist.
Trump supporters are the only people I've seen who cheered for the fact that they pay MORE taxes, in exchange for nothing. At least liberals expect healthcare and shit.

why would I be angry? This is starting to get boring, I respond to someone and they automatically start REEEing instead of making a point

Do the Trumpets do "Clown World" here or was that only that particular Reddit safespace?

>MAD magazine will not be completely closing down, as previously reported – although most of its new content will cease, and availability for the iconic humor magazine will be reduced. Earlier tonight, the news broke that MAD was set to cease publication after two more issues of new content, with the magazine using archival content to fulfill its obligation to existing subscribers. This is a little true, and a little not, and ComicBook.com has heard from a source with knowledge of the situation who clarified what is going on.

>MAD will be leaving the newsstand after issue #9, which will land on newsstands in early August with all-new content. MAD #10 will also contain new content, but will be available only via direct market comic book retailers and subscriptions. Rather than closing up shop, the plan at present is to continue publishing issues that will feature reprinted classic MAD pieces, wrapped with new covers art. Further, MAD will continue to publish its end of year specials, as well as books and special collections, capitalizing on the value of the MAD brand in spite of the loss of new content in the magazine.


This is more Warner's fault

No one needs to like him. But he is the destroyer of faulty taboos and ideas: archive.fo/fnbl4
Of course the taxes could be higher if someone else was president. Claiming that Liberals are Democrats and Republicans or Trump voters have to be conservatives might also something which is highly questionable. A lot of thing go wrong because people have wrong ideas in their heads.

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>why would I be angry?
Because you're a retarded shill getting owned left and right so you're hands were shaking while you were clicking my post causing you to click it multiple times?
Like, I can literally feel your impotent rage


The problem was not making fun of Trump. The problem was doing it ad nauseam in lazy and unoriginal ways, to the point where they even had to advertise a Trump-free issue.

Let's be honest here, Mad Magazine never was particularly notable for the originality and creativeness of its satire. People will accept that up to a point so long as the content is well-presented, but I think it's entirely fair to say to lazy, poorly-made, poorly-illustrated gags based on Trump, internet memes, pop culture that's already been done to death (i.e. Star Wars), and so on are probably a contributing factor in the demise here. Telling a bad joke is one thing, when the bad joke is a diluted version of a bad joke you've already heard twenty other people make a month previously, that's another entirely.

ah yes, getting owned by people that aren't actually saying anything relevant to the conversation. go back to your nap

>you're not relevant
Yeah no nigga you mad

You still haven't said anything but you keep responding. Why are you so angry?

It's most likely that you're just pretending to be retarded thinking you "got'em"

There's also a small chance you're a true believer and this is the strongest argument you can make with your little brain

I think Pol created Clown world

oh reddit, can you make anything original?

Welp I'ma go to bed. Let's see what you can shit out once you calm down

I predict the next big things to kick the bucket will be Heavy Metal and Frank Miller

>literally obsessed

u mad bro?

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>Let's be honest here, Mad Magazine never was particularly notable for the originality and creativeness of its satire.

How far back did you read? I seriously hope your only read of MAD was from the 90's at the earliest.


>No idea on how to play it.
maybe that´s the joke


>complain about X going out of business
>hasn't been a consumer of X in over two decades
erry time

Not even close to the truth

>casual dining is being ruined by millennials