What's the most fucked up comic?
What's the most fucked up comic?
>Raping the dad and killing the loli
>not doing the reverse order
suspension of disbelief can only go so far
>confusing edgy with fucked up
Tsk tsk. Amateur thinking. Lots of gore and questionable content may help, but are ultimately just tools to embellish a work. Crossed ain't nothing but a resettled zombie invasion drama. You need real madness to make something fucked up. Something you don't expect that boom, blows your mind whenever less you expect it, and leaves a strange taste in your mouth. So much that either you choose not to read it anymore or continue to see how far you can go.
Well it's the crossed we're talking about.
All logic is out the window.
This in't it because it's shock for shocks sake, it has not actual substance to make you think about after you read it just like seeing a mangle pigeon in the street right. Heck even The Long Halloween is more "fucked up" than this.
Oh, what was that graphic novel where it told you to kill yourself at the end and it was legit pro-suicide? I can't remember off the top of my head now, but it was made in the mid 2000s. It wasn't even edgy or violent or anything, just glorified your own death.
I was about to say, the fact that they're literally eviscerated should have caused them to pass out from the pain.
Ennis is good at writing fucked-up shit, but Crossed isn't a good example. It's all shock horror with no real bite to it and it doesn't really take itself seriously enough to be genuinely unsettling.
Look up Hidden, one of his Punisher stories. Now THAT'S fucked up.
now I wanna read it
I predict someone will say that Sandman issue with Dr Destiny, but it never really seemed that scary for me. Only muricans seem to be extremely creeped out by it for some reason.
Would fuck
>Fucked up
>Edgy shock value
yea, nah
The only time I've ever been genuinely unnerved by a comic was the one-off Hellblazer issue where John is washing his clothes in a laundromat and he realizes all the people in it are dead. I'm not sure if it was the little girl drawing a picture of the car wreck she died in or the fact that it ends with John just going outside and vomiting with no further resolution, but for whatever reason it was just really unsettling.
What was that one with the Nuns and the "consecrated cocks" that purged the demons out of them
Neonomicon is probably the most fucked up comic I've read (also drawn by Burrows). I never got into Crossed because it's basicaly just death metal album covers - the comic.
But yeah, Neonomicon is a critique and tribute to H.P Lovecraft, so there's some substance.
I don't read enough fucked up comics. There's dark moments in famous comics (like 24 Hours or Halo of Flies) and there's dumb fucked up shit like Preacher where it's all for comic effect.
There's a great Hellblazer comic where there's a demon bathing in putrefying corpses... always found that image fucked up.
There's the entirety of Bomb Queen that was not only fucked up but also not very good or entertaining
Some of the one off Hellblazer stuff is incredibly creative and scary. Not fucked up, but Hold Me has that full page image by McKean that's seared into my brain.
Jesus Christ I think that image of the hobo's ghost was the only time I've ever been legit jumpscared by a comic. That issue was definitely more sad than scary, but the art was fucking surreal.
Oh thanks, gonna buy Necronomicon.
Oh thanks, I liked the Constantine movie with Keanu Reeves. Can you tell me if the 300 parted issue from DC is woke towards the end or even before?
>There's a great Hellblazer comic where there's a demon bathing in putrefying corpses
I wanna see that
Crossed +100 is crossed at its best, the intelligent ones and the culture they've made add a lot compared pointlessly edgy mainline entries and some of the awful shit in Badlands. Wish You Were Here is also excellent and is atmospheric and dreadful without overdoing it.
Anyone know this one comic where a young black girl kills her little brother with a baseball bat? It scared the shit outta me as a kid
So? how does it end? humanity is fucked?
I'm curious too, did humanity survived or everyone turned crossed?
Did they even explained what caused the disease
In +100 Mimic, both societies reach a deal through coexistence, with the crossed acting as enforcers by killing human undesirables and humans helping teach them empathy to the limited extent they can understand it. They then travel the country spreading their ways through force.
The cause is only addressed in a couple of badlands issues and it's inconsistent due to multiple writers. One variant had several patient zeros show up spontaneously all over the world after being overloaded with visions of atrocities committed throughout history. Another one has it as a biological phenomenon that occurs once every couple millennia or so to thin out the population.
Whats that one comic where it shows a guy stretched out and orange and theres a bunch of dead babies in the background?
I don't think ive seen children get rapped in the crossed, its the one thing they won't show
What issue or arc(?) is that from? Is it from Crossed: Badlands?
I think its from the first issue. Definitely the first arc cause thats all I read.
The Divided States of Hysteria. I get he was going for total crazy how bad the US is going for but both the left and the right hate this. And objectively, it is a bad comic. But holy shit does it go for it....whatever it is.
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac?
Oh, I think you're talking about the original 2008 Crossed comics.
Ennis isn’t good at anything.
Sensible people hate it because of the quality of the writing and art
Brainlets hate it because of their politics
Good at war comics. My Wars Gone By and Sara are excellent. And his Hellblazer is a bit over rated but still great
Oh totally. But i would say it is the craziest mainstream comic i saw in a while
Closest they've come is a toddler raping his own mother
Beautiful Darkness if you want to feel like shit
I remember one where a guy gets kidnapped by giant flies, gets super mutated and has to live in a fucked up "cronenberg" place with his cat.
>still conscious while his entrails are being pulled out and is getting buttfucked at the same time
This is one of the more fucked up comics i ever read. Sure not as explicit as Crossed but way more dynamic and crazy
dont dare
Thanks, user.
That truly was a spoiler image.
Dad is gutted and he is still holding himself upright and looking around.
Neither of the parents are crossed. Despite bodily fluid contact.
Thankfully the art is too terrible for me to be offended.
I hope the Buddhists are wrong.
I hope I never come back.
Comic name?
>Sorry we couldn't play pirates.
Blast and it’s truly a fucking read. Fuck you up till the end.
young witches is probably top 3 most fucked up comics I’ve ever read
Thanks amigos.
My word
If the ending is any indication, they aren’t.
The time loop part is what made it weird for me
read as much of this as was on the first google result. No answers, just running, shooting survival nonsense and a go-nowhere ending.
10/10 IGN for waste of my time
Not only did he lose his place in directon
But he lost his place in the comic he was reading
The Unfunnies?
You know, in all these years of "fucked up comic" thread I'm surprised nobody talks about Tim Vigil's Faust comics.
It was Spawn before Spawn. Except with penises and vaginas.
You scribbled out the boobs but not the penis, OP.
That shit wasn’t fucked up. It’s just pathetically edgy, like a kid with daddy issues trying to be different and ended up failing miserably.
One of Millar worst works.
This is one of those things that you have to wonder if the writer understood the implications.
Hidden is shit due to 'Homeless=Crazy sick fucko thus safe to kill." Plus mocking the social worker by showing her to be ignorant at best and torching everything as showing how she 'wakes up'
The deaths in Beautiful Darkness are totally fucked and leave you kind of nauseated the way Crossed and The Walking Dead doesn't.
The clips from the movie I've seen are utterly bizarre. I'm guessing the comic is even more extreme.
Writers never can deal with the concept of "eternal torment". It's simply beyond our comprehension.
It's not The Most Fucked Up but Warren Ellis's Black Gas is worth a mention. A black cloud escapes from the ground and anyone that comes in to contact turns in to a contagious rapid murderer cannibal rapist.
It came out a little bit before Crossed but I don't know if there was any cross pollination between the two stories. There's six issues total telling two connected stories and it's not bad.
Doesn't surprise me. Ellis and Ennis are both awful edgy writers that think they're as good as Moore or Morrison
This one? I love the monster designs in it, so cool!
But Moore and Morrison are both really overrated and Moore is also edgy too? But I see your point, Ellis and Ennis think they're hot shit but they're not.
Black Gas is really simple in terms of narrative and only has a couple of characters which is nice. It keeps things grounded to contrast the absurd levels of gore and violence.
>Crossed is literally human but this time more savage/insane
Then what is the fucking point?
No. There was a kid who got raped by her father.