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Happy Independence Day, Yea Forums!!
Blake Murphy
Jackson Ortiz
Oh man i love this flag, i sure will die for it
Ian Reyes
Don’t embarrass yourself
Parker Morales
id's beaudiful :'DDD
Eli Gonzalez
Nathaniel Ross
Get that oppressive slave owning tyranny symbol of this board. Makes me ashamed to have been born in the US.
Isaac Thomas
America is the only country with toddler beauty pageant right?
Angel Powell
Ian Gomez
To my knowledge, yes.
Dylan Jenkins
Nathan Diaz
Grayson Murphy
Justin James
Tyler Campbell
Then GTFO. And consider yourself lucky you live in a moderately free country, there's lots of places in the world where you get racked up in a pile of tires and set on fire just for that idiotic statement of yours
David Kelly
>paul revere and the raiders
>all millenials
> throwing out a random psychology word
>overt exageration of patriotic/nationalist symbols
can it be any more boomer tailored, co?
Thomas Phillips
Why do old people hate cellphones so much?
Juan Rogers
> *moderately* free
so, not free. it's okay user. you can say it.
Hunter Wood
They're the first to use them and post their cringy smut. They're just a bunch of hypocrites only there to lecture people about muh times. Also if they were better parents they wouldn't have let their kids touch a phone until they were smart enough to use them
Luke Gonzalez
There's no free country. Nobody is allowed to do whatever they want, unless you're in a board of directors of an oil trust. And besides, men doesn't want to be free, they want to be safe
Josiah Ortiz
Boomers fear two things in life: phones and Pokemon
Mason Allen
Asher Brooks
this is a good one
Dylan Lopez
Russia has them too but they call it auctioning
Jose Ross
I dunno, depending on the model and the battery, a phone might explode.
Thomas Johnson
People like you are why I hope Israel becomes the actual 51st state. And then Liberia.
Lincoln Kelly
Happy birthday America. Best damn country on Earth.