Skeletor shows up in the Marvel Universe. What happens?

Skeletor shows up in the Marvel Universe. What happens?

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I'd honest to god would rather see Skeletor show up in the shitshow that is /nu/-She Ra

Fuck Hordak he's fucking awful

Dies within minutes, unfortunately.

No. There saving him for the He Man reboot and live action movie.


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Reminder that Skeletor's beaten the shit out of Superman every single time they've met.

Thanos joins him once he becomes death incarnate.

>He-Man reboot
Excuse me?

Not injustice Superman

>Treating Injustice as being worth anyone's time

Eh. I prefer the Justice Lords myself.

He beat supes effortlessly.
Just living in eternia means you're one of the most powerful anything in the multiverse.
He'd be pretty high on the scale in just about any setting.

Have you even read He-Man/Injustice?
It's got some pretty good moments.
>He-Man's cute little speech to the suicidal girl
>Zatanna's ladyboner
>Darkseid attacking Eternia

It wasn't as good as He-Man/Thundercats, but it delivered, imo

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Skeletor bonds with the venom symbiote and then he forms his own little army of cloned symbiotes and he then thinks up a way to get He-Man using Spider Man.

>Skeletor shows up in the Marvel Universe
>Gets confused with Taskmaster

Honestly, now that I think about it, Skeletor would make a great Spider-Man villain.

Everyone is screwed. Until the uber-mouse decides he's not down with it.

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Isn't Skeletor a little bit out of Spider-Man's league? Like, I could only see it in the same way that Doctor Doom is a Spider-Man villain.
Doom, fights Spider-Man on occasion, but he's primarily a more global threat, and treated as a villain for bigger name superheroes like the Fantastic Four.
That's the niche I see Skeletor having. He might fight Spider-Man if he's ever in New York, but he'd be more of a villain for Thor or Dr. Strange.

So is he just a space vampire in that? What's his deal?

Steroid ripped high level magic user, he would be a pretty big problem for a lot of heroes.They would pretty much have to call Dr Strange most of the time.

He might make for a great Thor villain too.

He is actually decently powered. One of the better magic users of the setting and a low degree of superstrength.

It's his minions that would be bullshit level street-tier useless and get beat up by Daredevil. Beastman's telepathic control over animals is cool for a barbarian fantasy, not great in modern day New York. The other guys with the amazing powers of being a fish, being a lizard, being furry, being a crab, smelling real bad are not great in the Marvel U. They are a little bit above normal humans being large animal mutants but not bulletproof and no real high level strength or endurance for it.

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Beast Man can also control SOME types of sentient animal-people (ie, Goat Man). It would be a stretch to have him be able to control something like the Ani-Men, or maybe some High Evolutionary creations. Hell, he might even be able to control shit like Tricephalous or Xemnu. I'd say that would make him a pretty highly sought after minion.

Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops seem kind of similar to Iron Man villains to me, so they could go either way...they might be useless, but they might also be highly sought after by guys looking to build quality supervillain teams.

Mer-Man is actually king of the sea in his world and can control all sea life. He'd be like an evil Aquaman (so I guess whether or not you consider him low-tier and worthless depends on how you view Aquaman as a superhero)

Evil-Lyn and Scareglow are both pretty powerful magical beings, so I'd say they'd fair pretty well.

The live action movie is on hiatus.

Again? Jesus Christ, either make it or cancel it, ffs

Motherfucker beat Superman in 2 out of the 3 times they gone up against each other. He'll do fine.

Basically he was exiled by Horde Prime (presumably for insubordination) and ended up in Etheria.

The only way for him to lose is if He-Man comes with him. It's destiny across every single timeline. If there's no He-Man, Skeletor wins. That's the entire point.

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Doctor Strange fucks him up, then Doom brings him back even stronger.

Skeletor is the only being Doom admits inferiority to.

>bootleg toy skeletor

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>Lord Fisto