Ever wondered what would happen if Loki finally beat Thor and became king of Asgard?
Read along folks
Ever wondered what would happen if Loki finally beat Thor and became king of Asgard?
Read along folks
I saw that movie, it was called Thor: Ragnarok.
I love Thor Ragnarok. Whatever the fuck this is looks fucking blending tho
Don't mean to rain on your parade user but this was storytimed like a week ago.
Keep going if you want to, though.
Meh, I’ll just do the first issue and gauge the interest then. If nobody cares I’ll stop.
>letting other people boss you around
>when youre the king
Damn, this nigga really cant catch a break, can he?
What the fuck are with those teeth? Does Asgard not have dentistry?
Turns out conquering is easier than ruling I guess
Combination of evil corruption and having his face hit by Mjölnir every week
So ...is it rape time?
I care thanks for the storytime!
>Turns out conquering is easier than ruling I guess
Everyone can tear down walls and stab skulls with crowns on them. Very few know how to make a functioning city wide plumbing system.
Onto issue 2 then!
Loki’s issue IMO is he’s great at short term manipulation to get what he wants, but not long term benefiic relationships after the fact
Rodi is the best Thor writer
Dude, just incinerate Asgard. No one's gonna repent for their asshole-lishness in the past.
Just kill em all.
Fun fact: asgardians are like Saiyans, they can’t regrow their hair once it’s cut
Again, really like how the old myths get weaved in with the marvel characters. Balder and Karnilla's are my favorite parts in this.
But then who will be around to see Loki proved right?
Is the guard fapping in the corner? Kek
Aiiya. This is gonna turn out to be just a dream, or somesuch isnt it?
Mistletoe. Not even once.
>believing prisoners under duress
What is the point of Loki? He never really presents a threat to anyone- even when he wins he loses.
Balder is pure, he never lies.
Taking a short shower break, lemme know if you want to read more and your thoughts so far
It’s four parts btw
I'll be here if you continue this, OP.
Thanks for the upload.
Loki is adopted, dental doesn't cover adopted kids
>Balder is pure, he never lies.
this is true, Balder is supposed to be one of the best of Asgardians, he is pure and bright and hence his death is what is supposed to start Ragnarok. A shame he is treated so terribly in the comics since Simonson's run
I’m back
Let’s finish this
Kind of silly that Asgard has trouble making a wooden platform in half a day but I’ll accept it
Man, looks like the calvary is coming by bridge.
This is gonna end in flames.
MCU Loki incoming!!
Is this Sigyn?
It’s sigyn in the myths, might be someone else for alternate Loki’s though
Pffft. Now thats just silly.
It was a simpler time...
A short break, then the final issue
Yay or nay so far?
Keep going.
Anthony Hopkins really been hitting the gym lately.
Still here, OP. Lay it on me.
The end is near
>"yore mother"
What did she mean by this?
Yore is a perfectly cromulent word
Yes, but they've used it incorrectly.
Aww shit, this nigga finna marry his mom. Oedipus Rex in full effect.
We've come full circle.
Nobody said Loki’s mother was a smart woman...
Being king has its perks
great art
>has been having sex since child
>with an entire guild
>and then Loki got AIDS
He had a good run. RIP
Thor's going to interrupt the one time Loki had sex in 3...
It begins....!
Real talk: Does Hela just want to have sex with Thor? Is that what shes really after?
Do souls even have a penis?
Shes wayy too persistent for just one soldier.
Fuck shit hell.
Again with this brotherly pap?
Time is a flat circle.
Jesus Fuck.
Alan Moore was right.
Welp, I cant say it was less than what I expected.
Thanks, OP!
Enjoyed it.
>even when he wins he loses.
That's why this works so well as a tragedy.
Its so depressing, though... It makes the hero's triumphs seem kinda dull by comparison.
Can you really say that Thor is strong if the universe is rigged so that he'll win no matter what happens?
Norns are a trip.
I was wondering, why does Loki looks older than everybody else when in the flashbacks, he was younger?
Shitty jotunheim genes
Did you see his mother? Yikes
Confused me too, desu
So why do people like Loki if he's just gonna lose all the time
He can occasionally make Asagard shit itself.
For a time...
My real introduction was Kid Loki through young avengers. All the tragic weight of the original package, with some meta-textual jacknapery that gave the god of mischief a happy ending.