Casting different race is not a problem, as long as the character didnt change much in other aspects.
Pic related
Casting different race is not a problem, as long as the character didnt change much in other aspects
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hes too little
He's still plenty big
I can see this Kingpin actually using his race as a shield at times, probably far fetched though
heh. but in this case. Color is the main part of the character T'challa. But I can see other race guy can take the mantle for story reasons.
charisma goes a long way
He was pretty good actually.
Asians make characters look more complicated
>Color is the main part of the character T'challa
No it's not
Cast a white guy and it would make no difference
Well, it would. Because white king T'challa would burn up in the African sun.
Yeah but you have to change the entire story into something like white wolf or rare condition of vitiligo .
Unless Wakanda is comprised of people from every race living in harmony hidden.
fair enough but why is aways the same race that needs to be changed?
Faggots in a skin tight black spandex the entire day burning up isnt happening.
BD Wong as Hugo Strange is another example in your favor OP
That's not how the human body works
I didn't see them give an explanation as to why nordic gods Heimdall and Valkyrye are black
That chart's out of date. Use this one.
No, it's still an inaccurate adaptation.
It's just that MCD was based as fuck.
If all racebent characters had actors as good as him, there'd be no problem.
The problem is that the actors we get are typically mediocre people the studios believe are some up and coming A-lister, and this isn't exclusive to the racebent characters either. So we get actors that look nothing like their character and don't even give a good performance to make up for it.
>wakanda is a boer enclave
There. Was that so difficult?
If that movie had been successful we would never have been allowed to see a white Fisk again, he would have even been turned black in the 616 comics for synergy. See: Nick Fury. Give SJWs an inch and they'll take a mile. Racebending always sucks, no exceptions.
Why is it okay to turn cute gingers Into negroes, but we can't have a white character play a white character with Asian skills like king Fu?
So you would agree will Smith was a terrible choice then?
>T.seething ignorant nigger
>what is sunbath
Isnt black fury started with ultimate comics?
he's a good actor, but there's little to no semblance of mordo at all.
the bottom pic is nebula right? how exactly is it gingerwashing for the actress to shave her head?
there's been like three jimmy olsens recently. one was a white girl, one was a white guy. and perry white got made black.
this chart is stupid
t. strawberry blonde
It would also solve a lot of plotholes, like why Wakandans are intelligent and have advanced technology.
It's not OK regardless, it's blackwashing, it's cultural appropriation.
Asians are white
>boers discover magic meteor instead of niggers
>why nordic gods Heimdall and Valkyrye are black
neonazis have a weird fetish for nordic mythology, they probably wanted to premptively ward them off
knowning kung fu was the least of mcu danny rand's problems
I am sure they would have accepted white guy if Danny rand is portrayed by some guy who knows kung fu and the show is not shit.
Yeah, but when the movies were successful they also sidelined white Nick Fury from the 616 comics and gave him a black son who lost the same eye and took his name in a ridiculous plot, for 'synergy'.
>appreciation for culture and folklore: fetish
Your life must be very shallow
a character's appearance is as important as their behaviour.
None of them tried to color their hair red and tried to look like the original source.
Same with domino. They never gave her makeup or hair of domino.
kek, stay mad nazi. you are literal fanbase poison and actual norwegians hate you
Yes. He looks like king pin too. costume, bald head, giant etc.
So we are going to get iron manlet in comics too?
Now now now.
Titans Starfire wore a red wig. It made her look like a tranny hooker, but she wore the wig.
It was more of a pink wig.
In this case wig is the only thing which tried to make her look like comic counterpart.
Okay. So, I got an excuse, a non-rebuttal and an even dumber excuse from a seething white boy. That's about what I expected.
Deathstroke? Did he acted like deathstroke from comics?
Kingpin is a white man though.
MCD was black
Considse this: Asian Namor.
We already have Polynesian Aquaman's.
And that is the only thing changed. Thats the point of OP's post.
probably won't happen because Disney doesn't want "news" blogs digging up the panel of Namor pretending to be a Jap.
Never understood the outrage with Starfire, she's not even human and she was modeled after a Puerto Rican model.
it's his appearance
black people don't look like white people
Stop pretending to be black you faggot
Racebending characters people don't know much about is fine for the most part. People don't have a preconceived notion of what the character should look like so they're more accepting. Because let's face it when Affleck's Daredevil came out nobody outside of nerds knew nor cared about what Kingpin looked like.
The recent casting of Ariel is more jarring cause she's VERY mainstream - everyone knows what she looks like so with this liveaction movie ppl are either going to complain she doesn't look like Ariel or just start calling her black!Ariel (Blariel?). I'll be interested to see how little girls end up reacting to it.
Young donnie yen would have been perfect. What race namor even looks like anyway.
Lets see if they even try to make her look like classic Ariel . We have only casting news. Most likely they wont.
Well, that sucks.
Every time I picture a live action Namor I always picture him as Van Darkholme.
He is half white, half BLUE Atlantean
And he looks somewhat Asian in the Golden and the Silver ages.
I don't think most people cared about the actor being black, it's that her wig looked fucking awful and her skin wasn't painted orange
like I care about some wagecucked faggot with a fetish for salmon. Or a fandom, either. I'm not talking about norse mythology, but mythology in general, and as such it demands respect, instead of being used as a tool for half learned politics. But it seems it's easier to pretend that everyone who doesn't like the obvious strumentalization of culture for money by the corps is a nazi. You are the close minded, not us. You are stirring debate, inciting unrest between races, just to enter the fray and pretend to be rightful, not us. You stay mad. Not me
Yes, that guy can't play Transylvanian nobleman for obvious reasons, they are retared.
It’s not a problem for two reasons.
Comics exist in a multiversal format.
And, as you point out, if the character is the same in every other aspect it doesn’t matter.
It isn't. The problem is when the comics try to chase synergy, forcing changes, fucking up stories or outright killing off old characters to make it look like the movies.
Most of the time they dont want a black actor to use make up or hair to change their appearance. Just to show "respect" for their natural features.
Even cosplay girls do that well.
Who other than Nick fury got dumpstered because of this?
hey retard
not all non-white people are the same
It is a problem if it isn't only done in one movie or show. EVS describes the extend of the problem here: Ginger Purge -
Also the intention counts: If it's meant to influence us to be more open to mass migration and race mixing then it's a political issue. When it comes with people attacking everyone which criticizes that, then it is even a bigger problem.
because in the movie they are aliens with different races.
I can’t. “Mantles” are the absolute dumbest thing to ever be done in comics.
That's true. Given Jasmine in Aladdin remake we can bet it'll be a more conservative look. Will especially interested to see what they do with her hair if they're going to bother making her a redhead at all.
I'll be real curious to see who they cast as Prince Eric also.
I hope prince Eric is white. Then it would be Ariel heavily lusting after a white cock which open a new can of worms.
Fuck social issues. A character's appearance should be more faithful to the source instead of pure pandering. Anyway, nobody gave a shit about gamora's green skin.
Is this a Christian Cage reference?
Or a Jeff Hardy one?
I never can tell.
Wally almost got permanently replaced by nu-Wally.
Spiderman MCU is the worst offender of this. Every side character is changed too much.
That’s not a surprise. That actor rocks.
Exactly this. You're right on the dot.
>Wakandans are super intelligent
>they refuse to share with the other blacks
>Give SJWs an inch and they'll take a mile
Your entire point was that they just want money, so "SJWs" have nothing to do with it.
Racial differences would actually give them a reason to do it. Because as it stands they are just complete assholes for no reason.
>mythology is fetishized by certain white people, therefore let's get them blacked
this is the logic of retards who wank off to interracial porn at every waking moment they've got. talk about a fucking fetish being thrown into the entire motherfucking planet's faces at every fucking turn. what absolute horseshit
Casting a different race for an adaptation means you don't care about the source material or the legacy of the character. The franchise is simply a commodity to be produced and then disseminated. When you have no attachment to an intellectual property, that means you can arbitrarily change anything you want. Anything to suit any given agenda you might personally harbor, even when it has nothing to do with that property (diversity, abcdefg rights, etc.). The adaptation is simply a platform for you to broadcast your politics to the world.
Everything is a political issue.
The sooner society realizes this salient idea, the better off we will all be.
taking a shit into your mouth is not a political statement, it's a statement that I think you're fucking retarded and should eat shit.
>Casting different race is not a problem, as long as it doesn't feel like some forced polcorrect bullshit
That wig's yellow tho.
You can't make Black Panther white because the entire point of the character is that he is African.
You CAN make Flash Thompson or MJ Latino/whatever because their characters, are not dependent on the color of their skin. Also, given just how diverse of a place New York is, it arguably makes more sense.
Nick Fury and HIS Howling Commandos.
>blacks not allowed in the infantry during WWII
If everything can be changed because LOL ITZ FICTION GUIS, then yes, you can definitely make Black Panther white because Whites exist in Africa, as well as it being true that they had pure white areas established for a while ago in history. Wakandan's being white is far more realistic than some black tribe possessing super-power great technology, with high achievements in architecture, in weaponry, in mobility, in surveillance, and in global presence and power. There is no realism in an all black super-powered African tribe, just take a look at South Africa, in how they're forcibly trying to take away the land from White farmers because something something GIBS ME DAT.
There's a reason MJ is the way she is you shill. If you actually were invested into comics you would know that. If you can change them you can change anyone.
"it dosen't matter guys stop caring about it it's all fiction". Make the wakandans boer, it would make sense and even if it didn't it's all fiction mate you shouldn't care about it.
How would people feel if they cast a sand nigger instead?
Does anyone else think this is being done on purpose to start race wars? I remember when I was a teenage watching Family shows like That’s so Raven I didn’t give a shit they were a lot of black characters in that show but now it’s like they are purposely wanting you to see it as black=different.
I never pretended. I saw people calling me black and thought that was pretty funny.
How about Luke Cage? or Static Shock? are they ok or are their race also the "entire point of their character".
Technically that is a political issue.
It might actually be a really good example of how politics works, and why it’s so divisive desu
Africa is not one big happy brotherhood, no matter what idiots try to tell you. While there is (or was, last I heard) a Pan-Africa movement, it is by no means universally-accepted. Hutus and Tutsis, anyone? Wakanda has no duty to any other society or culture other than their own. Get your own clean running water and cancer cure, assholes. , Aaaaaand also fuck the "Outside World"; fuck America (North, South, and Central), fuck Europe, fuck Asia, fuck Australia, fuck Antarctica, and especially fuck Atlantis and that cocksucker Namor!
I mean.. sure but that kind of extremely nationalistic and xenophobic. I find it problematic to portray black people in this light, they should at least help their neighboring tribes.
Namor doesn’t exist in the MCU
>Drowns Wakanda
Namor was just proving that niggers can't swim.
>it’s problematic when minorities have faults
>it’s problematic minorities have no faults
Make up your mind
Id rather see Prince Eric trying to fuck Triton
Most interesting that Eric and Ariel tb h
I am a nazi and I think she looks decent as Starfire.
MKD was damn near perfect as the Kingpin. Not too many actors that physically could have pulled off the massive and intimidating look.
>Does anyone else think this is being done on purpose to start race wars?
It's not being done to star race wars, but race wars will be the unintended consequence.
Their priority is to create controversy. The outrage of a race swap leads to trending on social media. The trending on social media leads to free publicity. The journalists feed off of the controversy like parasites. They write their articles and opinion pieces that over-inflate the controversy, making a mountain out of a molehill. This supplements the free publicity for the movie makers. It's all an incestuous manipulation of social climate for personal gain.
What will eventually happen is we'll see the outrage coalesce and cascade into full-scale violent conflict. We will cease seeing isolated incidents of attacks, and we'll begin seeing legitimate mobilization across the country. All because the economic elites wanted to make an extra buck.
>>it’s problematic when minorities have faults
Who the hell is complaining about that? Literally where?
>tfw Namor was just solving another draught problem in Africa.
What white heroic can you not give a race a swap because being white is an important part of their character? Only one I can think of it Captain America, because he's timelocked to a specific point in history where only a white man could have gained the kind of mythic status he did. Characters like Batman who came from rich, affluent families used to need to be white, but the sliding timescale makes that less and less necessary.
Static (his name is not Static Shock) was specifically created for an imprint that was designed to push minority characters by minority writers, so, uh, yes.
who? what?, that isn't the Onion.
why is he not doing movies anymore?
He died a few years ago
I'll never forgive them for that Triss. She reawakened my fetish for Redheads.
>Black Annie
Why don't you put The Wiz on there too while you're at it? You people are insane.
I could be wrong but wasn't the Nick Fury in the MCU based off the comics nick Fury who based off Samuel L Jackson because well.... he's Samuel L jackson.
Yeah. He said they could use his likeness if he got to play him in a film if they ever did one.
Evidently they did.
I didn't really read the shock comics I only remember watching the show a long time ago when it first came out I remembered his "name form the intro. And that was a good show. But what you said has no relevance seeing MJ being based on Stan Lee's wife also doesn't matter for the race benders.
You are not answering the question. I need to know what are your standards before I can answer. Also "African" is not a race so T'Challa being black is not really something necessary as long as he is from Africa according to what you said.
He was, but then Marvel made a new black Nick Furry in 616 to replace the white one for synergy reason.
>I didn't really read the shock comics
Don't worry, I could tell.
So then Static shock can be changed. It's fictional, so the fact that it was created by minorities doesn't matter because it's fictional so therefore because it's fictional we can change almost anything we like, especially if it's just a superficial skin change where we can exchange the racial dynamics of a given race. the idea that a certain race cannot experience racism is retarded newspeak.
>MJ being based on Stan Lee's wife also doesn't matter for the race benders.
Stan Lee himself clearly didn't give a shit, so fuck knows why you do
Probably more of a sly joke here and there. I could see him use it when he flashbacks to when he was a boy growing up in the bronx.
>he clearly didn't give a shit
Not the point and d you have source for your claims?
He might as well be Static Shock.
It doesn’t add or take away anything.
There will be no race war, user.
He's in the first movie. You think he'd be in it if he cared?
there are a lot of super hero/villain movies that have been made with zero appearance of their real life creator. you are arguing that their appearance in their movie content would mean that they didn't care, while their lack of appearance means they care. what type of shit are you smoking, because it's clearly hitting loops of logic that don't connect.
You mean the one where she is played by Kirsten Dunst?
>Not the point
The entire argument against Zendaya's MJ (who is not even Mary Jane Watson, so the entire argument is moot) is that it flies in the face of the established character history
How is the character's original creator not giving a fuck not relevant
And they have a good reason for racebending, such as the difficulty in getting someone with that body type, rather than because they needed a black guy or this guy is a friend of the director.
>while their lack of appearance means they care
Not what I said. My post clearly means "it is highly unlikely Stan Lee would have appeared in Homecoming if he thought a non-white MJ was an affront to his wife".
This is not about the creator wishes but the origin and the reasons for the charter exiting. If colossus was made made to be a Russian then making him a Mexican would not be "work" even if the creator didn't give a shit.
>Stop saying Ariel can't be black because there is no sun underwater!
So skin color is important for all the black character, the ones mentioned included, for whatever reason ( you haven't given one) but not for white characters because....fuck whites?
Why is it ok to make Norse gods black but making black panter white isn't?
God why couldn't starfire look like this in that shitty show, might have made it watchable
MJ exists to be a love interest for Spider-Man. MCU MJ fills the the same role.
>I'll never forgive them for that Triss. She reawakened my fetish for Redheads.
Which is a little funny, since the show is based on the books and Triss was only ever a redhead in the games. They literally tried to wipe away a ginger where there never was one to begin with.
I hate when our bodies fail to maintain homeostasis.
Fucking shitty ass biology
Luke cage exists to be the sidekick of the iron fist, him being white can be done without taking away his main reason for being.
black panther is one of the first black superheroes in american comic books, a medium dominated by white characters, and debuted at a time when the civil rights movement was in full swing
you're a fuckin child dude
Luke Cage predates Iron Fist. You don't read comics.
So what, faggot? It's fiction™, so real life creators don't actually matter in the land of make-believe and fantasy, you stupid fucking child.
still isn't an excuse to make norse gods black
Yeah you mentioned how badly you wanted to fuck Fred and George Weasley
Norse mythology is an actual religion that still has adherents and every single of of the player in the mythos has a theological and cultural reason for being the way they are. Changing their color is a incredible outrageous offense.
Doesn't change the fact that was his role in the since the late 80's onwards.
MJ was based on a living person that predates all of Stan Lee's creations.
I assume the million and one things they've done in comics for the past few decades are of equal offense as well?
Why do white people allow themselves to get culturally fucked in the ass?
>Doesn't change the fact that was his role in the since the late 80's onwards.
It wasn't. You don't read comics.
because "Muh Politcal Corectness"
Hollywood Liberals do it to score points with each other
>since the late 80's onwards
So despite what you claim, the actual origin doesn't matter, so you have no real point.
Yeah, if pagans were as easily offended as black folk.
Thing is, there's a clear doubled standard in play here.
Black children need positive repruhzentayshins so they won't be drug dealing thug coons.
Whoops too late.
they do it to themselves
(((they))) do it to "themselves".
what is white guilt?
Americans have no culture.
Neither do the chinese after the great leap forward pooh.
It's comic book fantasy you little baby. The people talking about race changing ancient pagan Norse gods have an actual point, you don't. It is a religious and cultural offense. Imagine if they took a traditional pagan African god and made him a Norwegian or Chinese in the movie. Quite silly and a bit offensive, no?
why is this ok?
Superheroes are the modern gods, user
Why don't blacks write their own comics if they want black characters? Oh right they are illiterate chimps.
>Pleez missa Jewish man pleez rite me in ya comics sir
It was perfect casting and anyone who says otherwise is a genuine racist.
Why don’t you put Michael jacksons this is it on there too you fucking leprechaun
Again, this point sidesteps answering why the comic book adaption of these gods is not offensive to begin with. Various Asgardians have been portrayed in various negative ways for decades. Why is that ok, but Idris Elba as Heimdall is not? Surely Thor as a fat man getting into vrebal slapfights with children on Fortnite is a huge affront?
Nobody here said the contrary, but saying disagreeing is racist is just plain bigoted.
The Wiz was its own thing. A different production based upon Wizard of Oz.
That version of Annie was a bizarre thing that changed just about everything that was Annie, cept her name.
Like what Mulan sounds it'll be.
I don't know if you think that's just some obscure troupe's take on it, but that's an actual movie that was made? I don't see what makes that any more of an invalid example compared to the others.
People don't believe superheroes are real beings, so no. People don't believe that sacrificing people to Superman will give them an edge in their football match.
mean to quote
>A different production based upon
Mich like comic book adaptations
Raceswapping is never okay
t. pic related
South Africans are white. Egypt is in North Africa, a land populated mostly by sandmonkeys, not blacks.
Okay? Nothing to do with what I said.
I like how you said that being black is "being portrayed in a negative way" lmfao. But yeah having a character go through a trial or depression isn't the same as changing who it is at a fundamental level, like his very race or gender. Not sure why you'd even think such a thing was comparable.
Be ready to pick a side, friend.
>whites have never lived in Africa
I really don't see a race war, but a civil war is clearly brewing.
>I like how you said that being black is "being portrayed in a negative way" lmfao.
No, you just can't read.
Thor's "trial or depression" in Endgame is explicitly played for comedy in the majority of scenes. You're supposed to laugh at him getting into pathetic arguments with children over videogames. Again, why is that not offensive? A major deity in a religion is being made into a figure of ridicule by seculars. Do you think this should not be allowed?
lot ofcasuals outing themselves as having never read supergods. moz would be aghast
>It's a anons complaining about race thread
user, that panel might be exactly what compels them to cast Namor as Japanese. They can spin it as writing a wrong.
She was one of the best parts of the movie desu
>I didn't see them give an explanation as to why nordic gods Heimdall and Valkyrye are black
They literally explain this in the first Thor movie, fag
Considering Shades in Luke Cage was a white guy and not a single person cared, id say so, yeah.
>No, you just can't read.
No, that's literally what you said.
And if I were a pagan I'm sure I wouldn't like that. But I'm not and no actual pagans exist. That's the only reason they can get away with it.
Thank the Chinese for that. For some reason news outlets didn't give a fuck probably because they would get censored by china.
>as if anyone besides Chinese government wanted that old bald jewess the only reason they can get away with it is that there's no-one to offend? In which case, what's the problem?
It didn’t even take place in Tibet so now that the movie came out this argument makes zero sense.
Actually pagans do still exist, but they don’t tend to care about this stuff and are super open to different races. It’s the fake odinists who care about white supremacy. But senpai, they ain’t even really Nordic.
It's not the endless racism that annoys me really it's the cowardice of everyone refusing to just own that they're racist. be who you are, anons
Well of course the movie didn't take place in tibet.
Changing the race doesn't do much if the place is still "problematic".
There are some criticisms of how racebending is treated that you can believe without being racist. Like this one:
Not the guy you are talking to but this is a cop out.
You are basically saying we should bow down to the loudest screeches out there.
In which case changing the color of MJ is a big issue
But anons here litterally get mad at fanart as well
>You are basically saying we should bow down to the loudest screeches out there.
>In which case changing the color of MJ is a big issue
So does this mean we should or shouldn't?
Pagans don't exist. Just LARPers. There are people who genuinely believe in the Abrahamic God, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Hindu gods, and other lesser known ones. But no one believes norse pagan gods actually exist - it's just playing around. Also, yes, they are typically left wing/"cucked" and wouldn't care regardless, or would even applaud it.
Unless the character's race is integral to the story (like with Static in that other thread) I don't see a problem with casting based on the actor. OP's example is one of the best I can remember.
They are obviously separate characters
I'm relatively new to this shit-show. But i think MJ being a different race is not an issue. The issue is the same people who are arguing for her chance are also complaining about "whitewashing" and other nonsense.
I don't like the hypocrisy and the double standard.
This but unironically
>only the people who believe in gods that i like or believe in are genuine, everyone else is pretending
t. naive mouth-breathing brainlet
The abrahamics all nearly hold animosity towards their own religious adherents, whereas buddhists and islamists are combating and have combated and are fucking around over in Myanmar, for the last 50+ years for example. "lLsser known ones" are often considered pagan by the abrahamics, for instance. The idea that only your preferred set of religious beliefs have valid participants is pure retardation.
engage in straight intercourse. step outside and away from your basement and prayer booth where you're busy sucking off your favorite priests. It's very unhealthy
The problem is that there are very obvious cultural, societal and historical reasons why minority representation at the expense of overwhelmingly more widespread white representation is encouraged whilst "whitewashing'" is not, but manchildren on Yea Forums refuse to contextualize anything
You’re moving the goal post
>black people
>cOnTeXt matters
>white people
>iTz fIcTion, tho
you're fucking stupid and no amount of mental gymnastics can ever wave away the clear hypocrisy and bullshit of your social justice faggotry. You are quite literately championing Black Privilege and Minority Privilege as a thing to exist as some sort of existential societal compensation to the poor blackies, despite the fact that all races have had terrible atrocities and genocides in their histories. Fuck off, you total paint-sniffing retard
STFU! You don't know shit.
Ok so people can't change black character to white because that would ignore the historical context and cultural relevance of said characters.
I'm fine with both of those lines of thinking if that is what you are Arguing for. What botters me is blatant hypocrisy.
Ah yes, the eternal cry of the weak bigot, "It's okay when we do it because we have reasons." Every asshole from today to antiquity had their reasons. Reasons they were convinced were good reasons, moral reasons, acceptable reasons to treat others as different, separate, even lesser. Your bullshit may smell different but it's no better.
OK so you are saying we should ignore the majority whist propping out the minorities. Can you argue the same for Bollywood? whites are horribly under represented there and have been for a long time. Surely you are all for more whites in Indian films right?
Yeah, and for some reason they threw OG wally into the trash despite nu wally being nothing like him, they only brought him back because people complained
>Only 12% of the global population
Whites are overrepresented.
cringed hard
Well obviously.
That’s why comics never gets rid of characters permanently.
It’s just stupid, pointless, and not worth it
ON WHAT? Hollywood movies made in a white majority country? No they aren't.
If you don't consume "foreign" media its your fault for not seeing enough "POCs".
Nice cope. Any story set on earth with more than 12% is pandering.
Stupis redneck.
Yikes. Lol. I said those other religions are valid in my post, buddy boy. Just that norse paganism isn't. Because no one believes that Odin, Thor, and the rest of the gang are real - because they don't. They're atheists who want to be a little edgier and more special. Straight from the mouths of their leaders, I might add.
>there is no sun underwater!
that's exactly what they want you to think big sun is controlling your mind
Michael Clark Duncan was just plane awesome.
He could have been Captain America for all I care.
>those other religions are valid
The abrahmics are a collection of religions fashioned after dead rabbis flying into the sky and telling every non-believer he will kill them at the end of times, riff with jewish supremacy with a jewish patriarch as their religious leader, with mohammadism focused upon Messianist end-time cullings of oppositional believers. I am not sure what counts as to a valid to a non-valid in your opinion, but it's retarded and naive in every way.
>it's valid when I want it to be and believers are non-believers when I say they are
that's not the way religious systems work at all to any capacity, you complete fucking idiot. You're a complete mouth-breather.
Because there's far more white characters than every other race combined, so there's more to choose from?
Do you change the race of one of ten thousand white characters or one of ten Polynesian characters.
>“I don’t believe anyone believes in a one-eyed man who is riding about on a horse with eight feet,” Hilmar Orn Hilmarsson, a high priest of the Norse god religious church, Asatruarfelagio, told Reuters. “We see the stories as poetic metaphors and a manifestation of the forces of nature and human psychology.”
>Many atheists took solace in the traditions of the Norse gods, though they didn’t necessarily believe in them. “I believe in nothing,” one member told Strmiska. The academic wrote: “What he did not ‘believe’ in was the literal reality of the gods or other such beings, accepting them only as metaphors and guiding figures in cautionary tales.”
Makes you think.
>this one article by this one guy disqualifies centuries of actual worship
so you're saying that this article that I'm posting with my picture likewise disqualifies your preferred religions, given that a major reason for Jewish, and subsequently Abrahamic, hostility against paganism is that it perceives it to be an existential threat against itself.
>centuries of worship
You mean the past couple decades of people reading old books (written by Christians) about pre-Christian practices, and extrapolating and making shit up based on that? While the "priests" claim that the gods "don't actually exist"? Lmfaooooo.....
The entire thing is just seething at Christianity and saying it's too Jewish-influenced now (which is true to be fair). The entire point of it is being butthurt and antagonistic toward Christianity, and you've exemplified that wonderfully.
Hey you do realize you can care about nature and not pretend to believe in any deities... don't you user? Like, most normal people care about the environment but don't believe a Marvel superhero is real.
Regardless all you’re doing is arguing in favor of blackwashing these characters (which is fine with me honestly) because actual Norse pagans ser them as fictional and don’t really care what color they are.
there are less gingers than niggers in the world
why are they a persecuted minority
I'm not in favor of blackwashing these characters at all. Don't know where you got that from. They're still white characters from an ancient white religion, even if the modern "followers" are retarded LARPers and cuckholds who don't actually believe in it. Doesn't change the cultural implications.
>nuh huh decades!
You fucking brainlet, Norse mythology is hundreds of years old. Holy shit, you are truly an idiot.
>muh christfaggotry
All of the abrahamics are complete garbage, you stupid naive retard. For all three mainstream Abrahamic religions, the end-times signals the death of all non-believers. Islam's end-game cannot occur without their Messiah conquering all nations. Judaism cannot finish its mission without the total submission of all goyim and the removal of all resistance to their Messiah's kingdom. Christianity cannot complete its purpose without destroying all non-believers and resetting our planet and rebirthing the entirety of humanity in order to pave way for the eternal residence of their Messiah. Read their fucking books, you meme-spitting stupid faggot
>this is real but not the shit i don't like
Typical mouth-breather
>that whole post is anti-christian
Bullshit, it isn't. The article in the page I've posted is directly from Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs where it discusses the logic for hating paganism and reinforcing such in the social matrix.
Here's a direct link:
Your argument is that this article you've posted about this guy who doesn't believe in their existence as explained by the legends disqualifies all paganism because lol he doesn't believe therefore nobody truly believed. It's stupid and I can't believe anyone would sincerely think they are capable of passing on their genes while sincerely articulating that one guy = the entirety of the faith.
Therefore, since one guy = the whole faith throughout all time and space, this article dismisses your anti-paganism as mere jewish supremacy, being mere empty virtue-signaling garbage.
you do realize that you can respect nature and worship deities, right? like, there are people who believe in deities of all sorts and types of elements. It doesn't matter whether you think they don't exist, there are certainly people who do.
>a marvel superhero
>this comic book existed before norse mythology
>ancient white religion
>past couple of decades
make up your mind, dumbass
>You fucking brainlet, Norse mythology is hundreds of years old. Holy shit, you are truly an idiot.
Lol, so mad... Alright, so are you talking about when the religions were actually practiced? Or the modern LARP form (You)? Because the actual religion is ancient - it goes back tens of thousands of years, not "centuries." But the modern LARP form is less than 50 years old; almost every neopagan organization started in the 70s and 80s and is made of entirely newly fabricated practices. If you think these religions are only centuries old, or that they have been continuously practiced, or that the modern reinvention LARP is the same as the old religion, you're wrong. None of this is true.
tl;dr to the rest of it, I can't be bothered to keep going.
And yet these supposedly inferior Christians destroyed the pagan Norse religion so thoroughly that the pagan Norse "gods" are now comic book characters. Makes you think.
once again, black and white wally arent the same character
>hey look we murdered the people who disagreed with us, wow, we are so epic
>our entire book is stuffed with the idea that disbelievers should be killed!
Really does make you think, user. It truly does.
I'll try to spell it out as simply for you to understand, k?
>ancient prehistoric religion practiced by the Germanic people
>depending on the region, between 1000 years ago and 2000 years ago, Germans were Christianized
>in the past couple of decades, atheists and neo-nazis decided it would be cool to revive the religion
>came up with a bunch of fabricated LARP rituals based on what ancient Christian sources wrote about pagans, but conveniently leave out stuff like human sacrifice
I can't possibly write this any simpler for you. If you still don't get it, there's nothing I can do.
Ok, who would be a good replacement for him?
How convenient, you now splitting up the faith between "real" and "non-real" when prior it was LARPING and not genuine.
>only in the past was it real, not nowadays
Truly, moronic in every way.
>t-this one article means everyone today
>b-but not your article
you must've been dropped on your forehead a couple of times because you sure are fucking stupid.
>it's fake in modern times because atheists and nazis
>it was meaningful in the past tho
that's stupid, you're completely alienating all genuine believers because there are wrongthinkers who are attracted to a similar ideology. it's truly stupid.
Lmao yes yes, as we all know the pagans were very peaceful. The way they sailed around England raping and killing Christian people, and sacrificing captured children to the gods was a wonderful example of how nonviolent they are.
Also, that's the Old Testament, mostly a document detailing the pre-Christian days and old Jewish laws. Christians follow the New Testament. You don't even know what you're talking about.
Maybe if you get even more angry and say I'm stupid a couple hundred more times, it will make up for your lack of knowledge and ignorance of history.
Probably not though. Lol! Keep seething
>y-you're ignorant of history
>there are no genuine modern believers, the only true believers were in the past
You don't know anything about paganism or esotericism or eclecticism or anything about anything non-traditional, do you, you absolute retard?
Yeah, he was great
Shocker from Homecoming
>this assmad pagan ITT
Christ, you vargniggers really have to ruin everything don't you? Wasn't that guy banned? Why do they still shit up threads?
>all pagans were violent rapists and killers
t. the church
tt. also if nobody believes us, we'll burn and drown and kill you
ttt. also please ignore the Codex Theodasianus, where we've outlawed paganism while protecting judaism and made it okay to murder if you do not recant
I know about all religions. Pagans and their "priests" all say they don't actually believe in the gods literally. Go ask them yourself. And it makes sense since the religion wasn't practiced for so long and they have no idea what the actual practices are and just make shit up.
Lol these idiots are so sad, they don't have a clue about anything. So glad that moron varg got banned, been seeing less of them but a stray one comes through sometimes. Fun to laugh at.
I don't usually say this, but go back to /pol/ my man.
>immolation of victims and pagan sacrifices are forbidden
Oh noooo!! Not the human sacrifices!!!
You do realize this was after centuries of persecution of Christians right? Like burning them and feeding them to lions in the colosseum and shit?
>don't question my narratives
>all say that they don't believe
maybe the ones which you encounter, not every single one does. Some might but this doesn't disqualify those who do believe otherwise as non-genuine. And simply because one doesn't believe in the exact parameters established by a historical religious decree doesn't mean that the exact specifics of, say animal/human sacrifice, must be accomplished in order to achieve a sense of genuine worship. This denies any sense of progression to all religious adherents, not simply pagans, that the social standards and practices of all religions must be consistent throughout the entirety of its existence. Do you think that violent purges should still occur by the adherents of mainstream religions? The totality of historical practices does not reflect a modern necessity.
>country subjugated by white brits
come on sport this was an easy one
Arresting every single attention whoring clickbait journalist is the only way to stabilise political situation.
So because there's a lot of generic white people that means mythology of specific cultures can be shat on? Last time I checked nordic gods weren't white Americans.
Guys OP here. What is going on with this relegious history lessons.
Last time I checked. Nobody cared but pol/
Why don't win irl before trying to preach yoursupremacist bs online. It would be less pathetic.
Pol/ infestation
Kingpin is the embodiment of the corrupt fat rich white man.
Making him black misses the point of the stereotype.
How would that work exactly?
There is an organization who supplies white girls and actors for Bollywood in India. Most of girls are used as eye candy in dance numbers and party scenes.
They are Russia and Slavic countries.
Some LARPagan got asshurt and chimped out. In return some Christcuck trolled him.
What is so supremacist about Nordic Gods? There are many religions that say their god is the only real god and all others are big meanie fakes.
AND as long as it doesn't interfere in their backstory.
Kingpin's whole thing is he's the son of a petty crook who lives in new york city. that works fine. Same for black johnny storm, he's a cocky piece of shit kid from new york. both of those can be black easily, or pretty much anything. kingpin would have trouble being asian, that's about it
superman was raised by a couple in kansas as ostensibly their kid, he needs to be white
john henry irons is named after a famous black guy who's famous for being black, and lives in chicago, so he's pretty much gotta be black.
this only works if you move wakanda, and honestly it has to be in the pigmented part of the world. south america, polynesia, oceania, somewhere like that.
Yes. But they didn't remove fat rich man aspect of him . Unlike many recent castings which change every aspect of the character.
the characters in the thor movies aren't norse gods they're the movie versions of comic book adaptions of norse gods
they have as much relevance to actual nordic mythology as south park's jesus does to christianity
>American mutts think all africans are the same
Actually look cage was a blacksploitation character so that wouldn't work
Actually it kinad does matter that he's black
And making Jesus' disciples black would be just as retarded as making Heimdall black, if not more so.
Thors father was from sudan so ah......
Zendaya would have worked if they made an attempt to make her look like comics Mary Jane. They changed every fucking thing about her from hair ,dress and character.
They do that all the time in Cuba also african gods like Shango and obatala were based of actual people
That would have been dumb considering she isn't Mary Jane.
god, can you imagine the outrage if they'd made black panther a white guy? I can hear the SJW vitriol now
They do you still angry reguardless
Most south africans aren't White
God damn was he fantastic a Kingpin. Every scene with him was a goddamn delight.
>himedal is a major diety
Yikes this level of asshurt
that post is talking about thor
Vastly more non whites than whites so......
>more minorities than non-minorities
>Looks up the definition of minority
Something seems off...
No, because the main reason that they're doing it is to replace white people and western culture.
Nothing stands in the way of socialism more than the western tradition with its stoic understanding of freedom, which is the real key to the west's success. The core statement of stoicism is "if you're unhappy, it's your own fault". So long as western culture remains strong, they cannot make other people responsible for their positive life outcomes. That's why it needs to be replaced.
Yeah they changed her name fearing inevitable backlash. So whenever someone complains about her, they can always say it's not MJ guys. Guys like you will defend it .
They could have give her red hair and called her Mary Jane and make her act like Mary Jane .Nope. have to maintain the black aesthetics.
Except thor wasn't raced swamped
no-one said he was?
If they're the majority they aren't minorities cartman
Kingpin from Daredevil didn't feel like that.
>context matters for fictional black characters, but not for white ones.
yikes and oof, big cringe
Adopted son of Wakanda?
Just some guy that took on Black Panther suit?
But what if they purposely re-making their backstory?
If there is Superman rised in kolhoz why there not to be superman rised in black family?
I miss him guys
Funny because I detest /pol/ yet I'm bothered by it. The most sjw person I know is bothered by it. It seems like your definition of it is "everyone who doesn't say what I want" rather than people who are actually /pol/.
Why would they adopted the colonizers kid the specifical drove out the colonial invasion force so that doesn't work at all boers only settle in South Africa
Yeah it actually does given how the vast majority are white
I hope they nix her and bring in gwen. But then we'd get people raging about them ditching the black love interest.
>king is a mass murder, seller of drugs,uses weapons, criminal.
um, he was always a nigger. most criminals are.
Wait he is dead?
Why would their be Afrikaans in Wakanda? Why would their be a bady with an colonial invasion force? Plus boers only settle south africa specifically
Dude's been dead for like 7 years
There were black people in the Region we would consider Egypt the nile Valley stretches deep in Sudan Blymmes were actually a sudanese tribe
have you not seen any cape shit? if he was alive he would be in capeshit.
Why because whites are racist or have power and other races do not? Isn't that racist and xenophobic too, okaying the replacement of whites while giving special privileges to the existence of another race by reason of their skin color?
>removing whites is okay while protecting the blacks is necessary
Unnecessary self-flagellation fashioned in the manner of original sin. Just more social justice bullshit trying not to masquerade as a religion and horribly failing.
I hate it when they use question marks like that? As if they are asking instead of telling? It's retarded?
They aren't protecting blacks vast majority of media characters are still white you're extremely emotional over this
>Why because whites are racist
Going to break it to you straight buddy, a good portion of the far left does believe, legitimately, that its impossible for non-whites to be racist.
Or more specifically, alot handwave it away as "it doesn't matter when non-whites are racist, because of "PRIVILEDGE", because you have to balance the scales"."
How are they giving blacks special privileges? Because they casted black actors in roles of random character in specific adaptations?
Thats a straw the argument is that racism from white people in the U.s. is of far greater consequence
as someone else in the thread said you have to give context
in a vacuum, changing black panther to a white guy is fine
however the actual reality is that black panther is a character created for the american comic book market to be a prominent black hero character at a time when there were very little of those, and this was done at a time when the country was still in the middle of a movement to end racial discrimination against black people by whites
there are still people alive who can remember what this country was like before the end of segregation
meanwhile no-one living in america actually seriously gives a fuck about cartoon versions of norse gods
>How are they giving blacks special privileges
Because they will not/CANNOT cast a white actor as a black character without an outrage, while they CAN cast blacks as white characters.
This inherently stacks the odds in favor of minorities auditioning for roles since it doubles the number of roles available compared to white actors.
The jew has an incredible hatred for white people, and gingers are the rarest characteristic amongst them, and something they can never be. They take a perverse pleasure in eradicating them from medias.
>This inherently stacks the odds in favor of minorities auditioning for roles since it doubles the number of roles available compared to white actors.
Compare how many white characters there are in 99% of Marvel movies to black, please.
>they aren't protecting blacks
arguing that there is contextual justification for the removal of one race while advocating for the preservation of another is a form of racism, a privileging and favoring of one color over another.
>whitewashing black characters bad
>blackwashing white characters good
it's circular nonsense.
Ready for a redpill? The left doesn't actually believe in postmodernism or anything derived from it. Just put a black libertarian in front of a bunch of crazy cat lady white college administrators and see how much they believe that they can't understand the perspective of a black man or tell him what he ought to believe. It's pure emotional manipulation.
If every black person became a libertarian tonight, all of those leftists screaming about muh bigotry would be in klan robes by this time next week. It was always about creating voter stock for socialism using race warfare.
>that image
rorschach from doomsday clock is literally the second rorschach he's not walter kovacs
You have a slight point there, in a warped way.
The only way to overthrow the rich 1% has historically been to unite all of the Underclass together in a "eat the rich" kind of message.
The problem is that the oppressed/masses are vaster and more varied than the upper echelons of the rich.
As such, the left has to juggle a massive number of things aimed at specific demographics to get everyone to stay on board, and minorities have been demanding more and more to come out and vote.
>ethnicities in Europe were genocided, starved, shot en masse, forced into labor camps, subjugated, forcibly assimilated, forced into emigration, partially culturally erased, countries were taken over, merged, moved, governments were replaced, people were put through propaganda to work to death and fought for the right to live or have a country
>majority of the countries involved never even took part in colonisation
>you're pale so you're privileged and responsible for slavery in America!
America needs some nazis and soviets to take over for a decade.
Infintiy Warps scenario.
Black Panther warped with Iron First.
And film actors don't look like comic book characters, they don't have the same proportions or black lines everywhere
And people always complain when a casting choice is inaccurate or has wrong hair color. Isn't demanding that black actors be exempt from it racist?
He was a horrible Kingpin
The current "nazis" and "soviets" in America are all fucking retarded incel losers, so no.
>I didn't see them give an explanation as to why nordic gods Heimdall and Valkyrye are black
Because they were only nordic because they were aliens that visited Norway and then the Norwegians wrote legends about them. The Asgardians are not from Norway themselves. Asgard is an empire that conquered other lands to expand. That generally leads to ethnic diversity unlike isolationist nations such as Wakanda. But whatever, you're just looking for false equivalencies.
Nazis and soviets user, not edgy American wannabes. They'd get over their pol and sjw rethorics as fast as people drop in mass unnamed graves.
Wow you’re literally just spouting odinist bullshit now.
The Germans have very little Nordic lineage. That’s literally Nazi propaganda you’re spreading.
Scandinavians aren't blind. If they describe a character snow white it's not because that character was black. Gamora can be painted why not Heimdall?
According to the Christians who won the propaganda war. The Vikings that reached America treated the natives pretty well.
An Asian kid who’s dad was a petty thief in New York is extremely realistic. That’s like the only part of the US where that story could reasonably happen outside LA.
>According to the Christians who won the propaganda war
yeah I'm sure jesus was white too user
Yeah go on believing the largest most dominant religion on the planet has been perpetually victimized somehow.
>middle eastern historical person who started a religion is comparable to a cultural creation of a specifoc group of people
You are legitimately retarded.
Like how the Romans weren’t blind and totally kept Hannibal the conqueror a black guy in their statues and monuments.
Another vargnigger lol gtfo to /pol/
How the fuck are they at all different?? Especially in the marvel universe when the Nordic gods actually we’re real historical figures who started their religions?
The definitive, accepted portrayal of Jesus is also a cultural creation, dingus.
Most people actually don't care
Hannibal was a berber not black you dumb fuck. Sick of Americans thinking Africa = black. KYS
I ain’t no odinist, I just think that the Christians aren’t as innocent as they let on, cause well... they weren’t.
>I'm not /pol/ but here's some pol/ talking points
Listen you dumb cousin fuker, whining about being treated equally after centuries of privilege only makes normaL people less sympathetic to your retarded clames of being discriminated against.
Nobody but backwater hillbillies gives a dam about your white genocide leftist conspiracy nonsense.
So STFU and go back to pol/ or whatever dark echo-chamber you scumbags crawl out from.
His earliest depictions were pretty damn black, senpai.
>christKANGS are good bois
how about you fuck off on that bag of circumcised dicks you love to ride upon
Black people get sunburnt, too,
holy cringe
Go back to tumblr kiddo
>All dark skins look the same
Bugger off
> t. cousin fuker
Well, I wasn’t making that point, but that’s true too. Islam can’t be the victim in any country where it’s the dominant religion, yet they constantly sell a message of victimization in those countries while they fuck over everyone else.
Please tell me about these 1%ers who are free market capitalists, the free market politicians that they've put in office, and the overwhelmingly positive reception that they've had towards having an actual deregulator and tax cutter in office.
Silicon Valley?
The news media, who never goes any further in favpr of free markets than Bush (totally a free market guy there, right)?
Soros? The Kochs? Goldman Sachs?
Socialists and crony capitalists are the same breed of person. Both of you are very uncomfortable with the idea of people being able to opt out of economically associating with you. How do socialist countries always turn out, regardless of factors like IQ or cultural tradition? And when you think of your socialist utopia, what job are you taking there? Are you the guy who's breaking his back on the group farm for a crummy little apartment and POSSIBLY a small bundle of wheat with no hopes of saving up and investing in something better for yourself? How is that different from what you're scared of, again? That's a society of slaves, controlled by the violent coercion of either a tyrannical state or a tyrannical pitchfork mob that will soon become a tyrannical state. It also collapses without economic support from nations that are built on volunteerism and positive sum games, BTW.
That's not hannibal. Reverse google image search turns up a bunch of afrocentrist WEWUZKANGZ shit, so send me something credible. Berbers aren't black and never were.
Do you know why they’re called the Punic wars? Because Punici is Latin for Phoenician. Do you know what Phoenicians are? Asiatic Semites. Do you know why Carthaginians were called Punici? Because it was a fucking settlement of people from Tyre. That coin is guaranteed not Hannibal. Find me a credible scholarly source which would suggest it is. Not niggerfantasies blogspots.
Which religion would that be?
>big flat nose
>big lips
>tight curls
>not black
This guy is blacker than Obama, senpai.
lmao, yikes ...
Yeah, it's time to leave, bucko.
>Socialist are the same as crony capitalists
How can American education be so trash ?
Please provide some proof that the Vikings didn’t raid Christian monasteries for gold.
Nothing but insults, as is the norm with the intellectual wing of politics.
Provide proof that they did.
>recording a bunch of vikingniggers raping and killing people is claiming to be perpetually victimized
Lol, fucking moron.
The conversation is about Marvel selectively enforcing or shitting on cultures. Jesus is commonly portrayed as white, black, hispanic and arabic depending on the culture that worships him. Nordic gods are nordic not shared worldwide, and Heimdall is white, not white person white, pure white.
Wow I should let my next door neighbour know their nose shape means their skin colour is irrelevant.
Dumb tosser.
Every history book ever written, and every written account from the time?
>t. Cousin fuker
Kill yourself American shitstain. Posting bait on purpose makes you just as worthless as if you were serious.
>People who know better than you will mock your retardation.
Get educated if you want to be taken seriously by the intelligentsia
>neonazis have a weird fetish for nordic mythology
>how dare you attach yourself to an exclusively white culture! Toxic!
You desperately need to expand your insult repertoire. Is this your first time venturing out of your hugbox?
The fucking Danelaw existed. The existence of Normandy came out of the siege of Paris by Vikings.
>t. Cousin fuker
Dude the word Viking is Old Norse for raider/pirate.
You think they were hiding that they were raiders? Germanic paganism was known for encouraging things like that as far back as the Romans.
It's a bait.
It's funny that, even online, these people get so enraged they can only stammer the same thing over and over. They do it on videos I've seen on them too. What's up with that? Can't just be low IQ? Something else is at play. It's a sort of brain bug or something.
And that guy isn’t Hannibal
If a person has all those traits at once, they’re probably black. Or are you saying this dude is white just cause his skin is?
*yawn* come up with something fresh if you want more (You)s.
I sure hope so.
Every culture raided every other culture then. Why do you think Greeks lost most of their culture and got replaced with turkish one? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't because of peaceful immigration.
His hair looks like snow when I write my name in it.
>What white heroic can you not give a race a swap because being white is an important part of their character?
Iron Fist.
Leftists, blacks, and KKK types all do it. It's just low IQ pure and simple.
The modern "intelligentsia" is little more than a cabal of socialists who explicitly reject objectivity and abuse the authority accumulated by their predecessors to push their tyrannical political agenda. If you're one of those people, know that it's not that people trust you because you have authority, it's that you have authority because people trust you. You're losing your authority because people can't trust in your objectivity anymore, because you don't have any. You will lose.
Im not saying the Vikings did nothing wrong, only that the one sided portrayal of their culture is highly suspect. The actual facts of their history is actually heavily in dispute, and considering that Christians killed norse and Germanic pagans in masse and then outlawed their religion, it’s hard to say for sure Vikings were always the aggressors.
>Every culture raided every other culture then.
That’s just not true. The English and the French were hardly known for being notorious raiders. The word vikingr, what we call viking now, literally meant raider and it was a part of their pagan culture.
>Only albino can have light skin
Stereotypes are annoying.
Socialist conspiracy bunk.
I'd rather stick to reality, please.
>*goalpost shifting*
Ah yes, the eternal viKANG vargchimp does it again!
Mins telling me about all that evidence for the English sailing to Scandinavia to initiate conflict with them?
Go back to tumblr.
Any character based on European mythology.
Yeah light skinned black people exist, no one is saying otherwise. I’m just saying there are other phenotypes that we recognize as “black” other than skin. Dark skinned Indians aren’t thought of as black even though they get just as dark as black Africans, and it’s cause they still look very different. Or are you one of those people who doesn’t “see” race?
You literally demanded proof that Vikings, vikingr is a word that means raider, raided monasteries for gold. Now you’re trying to act like you just wanted to say the Vikings weren’t all raiders! Which btw yes they fucking were because Viking means raider. Not every Norseman was a Viking you nonce.
>Ginger is a race
Faggot channer
What even are you arguing now? Just baiting for (You)s? Fuck off already.
Maybe niggers should fuck off to countries that weren’t established by whites with white majorities if they don’t want to experience predominantly white heroes in the culture of that society.
In hindsight why was like every He-Man side male character a ginger?
It's ethnicity. African American isn't a separate race either.
To be fair, the niggers were forcibly brought here. They have a right to be here, as much I dislike them and am annoyed by them. You can't argue that fact.
They are. They're Celtic as opposed to Germanic. It's like comparing Chinese to Tibetans. Similar yes, both asian, but not the same.
Ginger is not a race or an ethnicity,faggot channer
Nobody is keeping them here, and they don’t have a special right to getting their pet characters in white cultural stories just because we gave them a better standard of living as farm equipment than Africa ever had. If it’s so trying not getting to see black superheroes they can leave and not force the rest of us to put up with their chimpery.
An air color is not an ezthnie, Faggot channer
Barbarossa means redbeard my guy and he was a emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
Like I said, they annoy me too and I wish they'd fuck off. But their ancestors were brought here against their will, which arguably gives them a better "moral" claim than anyone besides the natives.
I still wish they were rounded up and shipped back in the mid-late 1800s, though. That would have been ideal for everyone.
Of course I see race, I live in South Africa but I'm far less bigoted then your average American and don't trust anything anons say about my continent on 4chin.
The Frankish empire didn’t have any significant number of black people in it, and that was an empire.
Did you have a stroke?
Celtic genes. Germanics were mostly blonde and Celts were mostly red haired.
Shipped off to where why would my continent accept random Americans?
Your continent accepted whatever Europeans or Americans decided. That's why Liberia was a thing. Unfortunately they only shipped back some and not the lot.
Finally people are starting to drop the pretense of not being racist. Thank god, I thought this thread would go on forever.
As always, we never had a real choice in the matter.
If Americans want to genocide each other then keep us out of it. We're an ocean away and have our own problems to deal with, literally no one here care what you do to each other.
>Celtic genes
Or he was one of the Germans with red hair.
Who asked for your irrelevant opinion? If Americans decided to ship millions of niggers back over there you'd just have to deal with it.
We literally created Liberia to send former black slaves there so they could have their own country. It wouldn’t have been a matter of you accepting them. If the US had decided to do it your irrelevant coast tribes would have had to deal. Liberia might actually be somewhat stable today if an Americo-Liberian majority had been established.
Which one of them is Kid Flash?
Take your commie propaganda word back to tumblr
>Not just blowing you stupid Americas out of the water or flattening whatever land you stole.
Just keep your civil war to yourself, please.
Blacks aren’t American
They need positive what?
That's a political problem for you to have a shootout over, amongst yourselves. They're certainly not African and it's not our business.
What about her. Did they do everything correct other than her race and gender?
Fuck mantles
Get your own super hero name
>Adopted son of Wakanda?
That's already adding contrivances to the backstory in order to make it work.
-sent from my mud hut
Jean Grey in the MCU is next
Stories themselves are 100% contrivances
They should make Xavier a black guy with a cock so big he can walk on it like a third leg and have him sleep with Jean grey
Jean Grey is fucking worthless so who cares.
no, wait, I take it back
Jean will be white
Scott will be white
Logan will be black and they'll go for the cuck audience
I just don't understand. I you Americans hate each other so much then why not dissolve that union thing and finish up your civil war instead of going on about it to indifferent parties online.
Like seriously, just stop being so halfhearted and expecting others to help you kill each other.
You will be our foederati Shaka
Will he have claws that come from his BBC?
If it's purpose is to change the race of a character than I guess it would be acceptable, but not in line with OP.
She acted just like ancient one I think. I haven't read classic doctor strange stories.
I really enjoyed that casting. Problem is, that’s the only time I can remember a villain being race-swapped in a film. There for a long while in Marvel, you had almost every non-jokey Avenger being black and/or a woman, but EVERY villain stayed a white male because you don’t get upcummies for swapping bad guys. Reminds of that weird 80s throwback Hasbro crossover comic where every villain was a ridiculous evil white cliche (including GI Joe Colton for some reason) and all those 80s property heroes were now black Matt Tracker or black humanoid Transformers or black female GI Joes. God, I’m glad that’s dead.
Shocker in MCU is one right?
im only okay with niggers being casted for villians
If a black character was made white people would go insane. It really is just a big ploy to get as few white people in pop culture as possible.
Ancient One generally is not a very well-known major character in Marvel's franchise like Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Stephen Strange and Peter Parker. The major public normally do not care the change the settings of those minor characters from comics to MCU. Also Marvel has multi-verse concept so the characters in MCU usually don't have to follow the comics settings completely.
It's a good thing that there wasn't much synergy.
>It really is just a big ploy to get as few white people in pop culture as possible.
The MCU Avengers roster has two (2) non-white people
Here's your (you). Was it worth it?
>an irredeemable criminal
>played by a black person instead of white
>enemy of a white superhero
gee, I wonder shy white people would like this
It's funny because my wife's black lesbian friend didn't want to watch Dr. Strange because of this casting choice.
Because Hollywood openly hates and sneers at white people.
Once you accept this you'll be...well, not happier but less prone to self-delusion.
>Because Hollywood openly hates and sneers at white people.
Possibly the dumbest thing I've seen all week.
How is race "integral to the story" in Static? You can make the same story with other races.
White Panther is pretty cute DESU.
Now imagine him playing Barracuda, instead.
He is black panther. White panther means white suit.
Why did he left so soon :\
You guys are trying incredibly hard to justify your foolishness. You don't need a white guy as Black Panther because the majority of MCU are white people. I turn on my TV and still see white people in the majority of shows and commercials. You're being a Jeremy Creek right now except you never learn anything or become a better person.
You have the absolute most already. Ariel being played by a black girl isn't going to kill you, I promise.
>extremely nationalistic and xenophobic
Practical and traditional.
>they should at least help their neighboring tribes
"Neighboring tribes" could be their worst enemies (aside from fishpeople)
>Namor doesn’t exist in the MCU
He will eventually.
Stop being a bigot and consume not made in america.
>ummmmmm race is a social construct sweaty
>it doesnt matter if your dumb fictonal cartoon is white or black get over it
>exclusively white culture
And a bunch of none humans
Why does this bother you so much?
>Nordic culture is not exclusively white
People would use the 'being black is essential to his character because Africa' argument. But that could just as easily be countered with the 'this is a fictional setting and thus can have white people in it for no reason' argument people always use the opposite of to try and shove black people into european settings.
Yes, such as Vision, who is played by a white guy, Nebula, who is played by a white woman, Rocket Raccoon, who is voiced by a white guy.....
They should called this guy... he's basically a RL Kingpin, at least in the looks
Oh, poor, put-upon white people. How ever will they get by?
What? No, seriously, what is this supposed to be?
It was whitewashing because of China. It's invalid on that point. Fucking China needs to get its yellow claw out of Tibet.
Batman. Supposedly Iron Fist, but you could make him black or some other race; the point is he's a foreigner who becomes the best at Kung Fu. Batman really has a point as a rich WASP who has this ancestry and history, using his power both physical and otherwise to fight crime.
I don’t think filmmakers should concern themselves with demographics. That would be like applying affirmative action to every single thing rather than just college.
ass mad minority detected
show everyone on the little toy doll where the white man hurt you
Bitch, I'm so fucking white I glow in the dark. I could shave my head, go naked, and trick-or-treat as Casper. Don't have to be a minority hate white supremacy. Your day is coming, Heinrich.
Hey Ill give you respect when you do the casper cosplay and upload photos.
I think Blade can be played by any other race. His character is not associated with being black like Luke cage or black panther.
Well, it is, because only Wesley Snipes can be him. Sticky Fingaz doesn't count.
That...that's actually *kinda* true. He's also British (does anyone remember that?), which could feed into him being played by an actor any race. Probably take another 20-30 years for that, tho.
Downey Jr.
>Jewish father
>Jewish mother
>Jewish family
>Jewish family
>Jewish mother
>Jewish mother, wife
>Jewish family
>Jewish grandparents
Stan (as in Sebastian)
>Jewish family
>Jewish father
>Jewish family
Then the next most common group are blacks. But please tell me more about how Marvel's live action cast is majority white, retard
Bitch, you glow in the dark because you suck so much dick and drink so much cum from your pet minorities that its literately changed your insides, Casper. You are a walking semen dumpster for virtue signaling about the poor brownies and blackies and all of the other colors of the rainbow for which you bend over and kiss their ass.
t. virtue signaling fuckwad
kill yourself on those cocks which you eagerly shove into your mouth, faggot
Because fuck the ginger ?
Is there a case where they replaced colored character with different colored race? I wonder how would people react to Hispanic War Machine or Asian Blade.
totally unrelated question user: how do you feel about white supremacy
t. fat white crybaby
oh jesus I am laughing at you so hard
His costume is white. It just looks yellow there because of the yellow light source from the gun flash.
Does making mexican actor play indian count?
I wish they will cast a punjab as Blade!
Can't think of one off the top of my head, but as an almost-but-not-quite example just look at the nationality of 99% of Asian characters in movies and then look at the nationality of the person playing the role
Hey, the Asian acting community in America is just happy to get work.
He killed that role.
War machine is more of a mantle. Blade is an individual’s identity but there’s nothing stopping it from being a mantle as well.
maybe but if anyone other than Snipes plays him would anybody even care?
Well, Star Trek 2009 got a Korean guy to play a Japanese actor.
I mean character. They got a Korean guy to p,ay a Japanese character...
MCU will make shit play ice cream and it will make 1 billion. They are on momentum now.
Im guessing there just aren't any gingers trying out for roles in showbiz. Maybe their skin and eyes cant handle all the stage lights. Vampire rules. I dunno.
Yeah but why would you want Blade to be anything other than a black guy with a fresh haircut and a wise mouth?
I dont want it. But I am OK with it if the new actor acts like blade .
I'd be fine with a new actor but they have to be black because I can't imagine Blade as anything else. Just like how at this point I can't see live action Nick Fury as anyone but Samuel L. Jackson.
Wakanda is in an untouched part of Africa by the rest of the world, therefore, this would not work period.
>i'm white, bro
>fuck you, your time will come, Heinrich
>you fat whitey!
you're a walking parody
lmfao @ your life
Then you will get used to the new actor just like you got used to new nick fury
That’s because parody and satire are based in reality