Since their are infinite possible realities, does that mean this is canon in at least one of them?
Since their are infinite possible realities, does that mean this is canon in at least one of them?
infinite of every possibility, that's what infinite is
which means infinite universes of you sucking dicks until the universe itself implodes
There exists realities where Morty and Summer have an explicit sexual relationship
Maybe. There are infinite numbers between 1 and 2, but none of them are 3. Incest could be something like universe 1.091403051920 or none of the universes could have it.
There's also a universe where I fuck your mom.
user, We are already in the Universe where OP is a Faggot.
Well I fuck yours in this one
There are universes where you are a necrophiliac scat loving pedophile furry
there's a universe where we can all suck our own dicks and nobody even uses 4channel anymore for porn
Infinite realities doesnt mean infinite possibilities
That's just one of many
seems to depend on the writer
I feel personally attacked by this relatable content.
No. Allowing for decimals, there are infinite numbers between 1 and 2. But none of them are 3. Infinite realities doesn't mean everything is happening in one of them.
Yeah, this one.
Writers also dont understand this concept, yes
Yes. According to the writers, everything is canon. There is a reality where Morty goes into Summer's dreams and has sex with her sub-conscious self. Causing her to have feelings for him in the real world. There is a reality where Summer manages to grow large breasts, without accident, and relentlessly teases Morty with them. Until she finds out that it turns her on. There is a realty where incest is normal and Summer and Morty are fuckbuddies and she allows him to call her Jessica. Until, he finally has sex with Jessica and accidentally calls her Summer.
Whatever you can up with is apparently canon.
There is only one universe and in it there is a whiny little man named Justin Roiland who worked for the mouse house too long. He started trying to convince everyone that all is meaningless because of his dissatisfaction with american cartoon company. After watching some youtube videos he decided to make a back to the future fanfic that turned into a status quo slice of life sitcom where nothing ever changes. By yelling loudly and repeating dreary things over and over again, it quickly became a hit. Be sure to buy a little rick t shirt its funny and we are laughing haha.
Here's a You for effort, user. Dear God.
There is a Universe where Popuko and Morty are lovers
Why not? Out of curiosity.
I feel personally attacked by this relatable content.
What writer did our reality get?
There's also a universe where i had a hardcore orgy with your entire family
Depressing reality.
The one that write poop jokes by the thousands.
Unfortunately, yes.
There’s also one in which Morty is his own grandfather
>mfw I've been saying this shit for years
>mfw everyone always responds with "no but it's INFINITE that means everything happens
Those are pretty decent scenarios, user.
Yes, it also means that Star Wars is canon within Rick and Morty
If this thread is still up tomorrow, maybe I'll write one of them out and post it here.
Even Rover?
My favorite is the subconscious fucking one, especially if Morty isn't aware that his escapades are altering Summer.
I want to travel to the reality where this show never existed. Rick & Morty was a mistake.
actually both is wrong, at least to the shows canon
"evil rick"(i.e. mind controlled rick by evil morty) pulled up a list of all ricks, and said that between him and protagonist-rick is one other rick.
Showing, there are no infinite ricks i.e. realities. Heck, the very fact that each universe is not full of dimension-traveling ricks already proves it can't be true.
But why would the infinite alternate timelines theory be restricted by that? I was under the impression timelines split with every made decision, so for all the possible configurations for the universe that would lead to incest, a universe with them in an incestious relationship would exist. Its possible that number would be 0, or is that what you meant?
>INFINITE possible realities
Gee, I don't know, you tell me
yes, that's quite literately what it means. if there are infinite realms with different realities, then it serves that the infinite collective of said realities have infinite probabilities, since there is no ultimate and definitive end of the meta-narrative of infinity.
>none of them are 3
that's arbitration that is both meaningless in prescription and solely reliant upon your systemic metric of valuation
If an event has a probability of 0 then even infinite occurrences won't help
So none of my alternate me ever get a girlfriend then :(
And I keep telling you retards this only applies in a situation where you know the parameters. 1 to 2 is the parameter but with all of exists ,where we have very vague grasps of what we can observed, it's pointless to even mention this statement.
>There is a Universe where Popuko and Morty are lovers
would be a fun universe, especially if it was this version of Popuko
It's a demonstration that infinities can be limited hence it's not necessarily true that all conceivable possibilities are real in a many-worlds scenario.
There’s a universe where Morty takes it up the ass from every boy in school
>it's a flawed demonstration
the numbers are pointless and carry no actual weight behind your own limiting hypothesis. you cannot put a number on infinity, that thinking is redundant.
I'm honestly surprised Harmon hasn't shown that universe yet considering his self confessed incest fetish.
>infinite possibilities
>we're stuck in this boring one
I always thought self-inflicted misery was Harmon's fetish. But I'm guessing the piss fetish is Roiland's then.
What events have a possibility of zero?
Chuck Norris being Darth Vader?
There's also a universe where OP fucked his mom. Come to think of it, in that universe anything that isn't incest is illegal and taboo
Someone definitely has a piss fetish. There was literally a canon scene where someone asks, "You ever been peed on?", lol.
It's not a serious depiction of multi-universe theory or they wouldn't do gags like the universe where people eat shit.
You dumbasses.
>people eat shit in our reality
>what is scat
>people wouldn't eat shit in another reality
come the fuck on, there are probably realities where people eat shit they just shat in a constant cycle because it energizes them or something, people do it here because of sexual energy so altering the variable to another form of energetic collection or release isn't improbable at all.
>"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing, kid?"
>"O-oh, jeez, officer, I was j-just buying a soda-"
>"Well, where's your designated blood relative? I don't see nobody sucking your dick!"
>"I just, oh man. I was tired, and I needed some sugar so I left my s-sister outside, and-"
>"I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses! The police department doesn't have time to run around checking to make sure every little snot-nose like you is fucking his family! Now you go get your sister and mount her ass like an American or I'm going to give you a citation, you understand?"
>"O-oh jeez! O-oh, man!"
>"Go on now, git! And I'll be watching, so keep your dick wet!"
ITT: idiots who never got beyond high school math and don't really know what "infinity" really means.
The infinite series 1/9 = 0.1111... contains no digit except 1.
The infinite series 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + ... cannot ever become greater than one.
Consider an event e with probability of occurrence P(e) = 0. The infinite sum P(e) + P(e) + P(e) + ... = 0.
infinite means endless, limitless
muh random limiters is just bullshit jargon that doesn't apply to an endless system of realities. If there are endless realms that go on forever, the idea that all realities share constant congruent sets of limiters denies the full meaning of the word "infinity". Don't use a word that transcends barriers if you believe such a word is actually limited by barriers, that's a circular position that is torn down by its own admissions of reducing "infinity" to "non-infinite", no matter how many formulas and numbers you shove in front of it to convolute the full meaning of something being unlimited.
Does nobody remember when Justin Roiland confirmed Rickmorty is canon in several realities on Twitter?
>not knowing the difference between infinite and transfinite
>not knowing the difference between infinite, transinfinite, subinfinite, postinfinite, and neo-infinite
>not knowing the different between neopostsub-infinite and postneotransinfinite
>Theres a universe where Fem Rick is voiced by Jane Lynch
>Theres a universe where I stop forgetting to add the picture to my posts
No. That is impossible.
There aren't infinite possible realities. there's a bunch of realities, the number of which is 'infinity' but there's also a large number of realities that DON'T exist.
Infinity is a difficult concept to a lot of people.
We live in an universe where Van Damme was the Predator, so no, you gotta go higher
I don’t care. I wasn’t answering my own post.
ewww scat
Yes. And yes, the otherside of the spectrum with Morty and Rick is also canon.
It’s the most disgusting fetish there is.
I can’t understand why anyone would like it
You cannot have logically inconsistent situations, such as granting everyone's wish, even if the wishes contradict each other.
There's also a reality where a cartoon series having nihilistic gore will bother to make a stripper topless.
Are they granted all at once or in a row? Cause you could grant them but then have the others undo the original there by granting all the wishes.
>infinite of every possibility, that's what infinite is
That's not what infinite is. But it's what Dan Harmon seems to think infinite is.
That's this universe baby
>implying anyone on nu/co/ will understand exploding knees
They understand it all too well actually.
That is actually what it is retard
>There's a universe where I can draw red lines with green ink
>There's a universe where I can draw seven lines all perpendicular to each other in 2D space
>There's a universe where one of those seven lines is a picture of a cat
Now do you people understand why "infinite" cannot mean "everything?"
The version of you with the ugly gf is the one eyed man that rules the land of the blind.
>not adopting metroinfinity, pedoinfinity and afinity as possible infinities
There are still a few of us old enough to remember desu-posting.
to be honest
>There's a universe where I can draw red lines with green ink
You can do that in our universe actually
>There's a universe where I can draw seven lines all perpendicular to each other in 2D space
Don't see why not
>There's a universe where one of those seven lines is a picture of a cat
Easy, in that universe, cats are straight lines
If our universe is infinite, then somewhere out there is another Earth, with another You, only genderswapped.
You'll never be able to meet, but you can at least fantasize about each other and know it's reciprocated.
>>There's a universe where I can draw seven lines all perpendicular to each other in 2D space
>Don't see why not
Go see a geometry class then, dumdum.
A curved non-euclidian 2D surface makes this trivial bro
A female me would horrify and disgust me. And vice versa.
Then it's no longer a 2d space you absolute brainlet.
... nu/co/ is shit.
I refuse to believe there's a universe where OP is not a faggot.
there are no Summers on the Citadel
probably because of that kid who wished for incest porn to be mainstream
I remember when they skip universes after turning mankind into bug monsters Rick says they can only do this a few more times, suggesting the universes AREN'T infinite. So what's going on there?
There are infinite numbers between 1 and 2, and 3 is not one of them. "Infinite numbers" doesn't mean "every possible number" and "infinite universes" doesn't mean "every possible universe".
He's being meta. They can't keep doing that or the audience will get sick of it.
I think in the first Council of Rick episode, they mention something about a central curve, so I assumed it's something about that. There are infinite universes, but not infinite universes close enough to yours.
Stop it user, my penis can only get so hard.
No, they aren't brainlet.
They very deliberately mentioned something about a "central finite curve" in an episode. Even if their are infinite universes there is clearly a limiting factor preventing them from accessing all of them.
Fucking retard.
Except you're putting things on the range to quantify it, which they never did.
Sit the fuck down moron, you're out of you're league.
It is canon, just not for our morty.
>Except you're putting things on the range to quantify it, which they never did.
It doesn't matter. You can have two different infinite sets with different contents, even if the range is the same, or if there is no range. If they both included everything then they'd be identical.
>you're league
Z is the set of all integers. It is infinite.
Q is the set of all integers that are divisible by seven. It is also infinite. It doesn't include all the integers that Z includes, only some of them. But it's still just as infinite.
You can say "there are infinite integers in Q", but that doesn't imply "Q contains every possible integer". Likewise, "there are infinite universes in the multiverse" doesn't mean "the multiverse contains every possible universe".
user the magical thing about fictional universes is that you can literally “just make shit up”, now I know you’re gonna apply as much real world logic as you want, but you’ve already lost.
We both know your level of mathematical skill is nothing more than a google away, and that any amount of trying to convince us otherwise is just gonna be waved away as “lying bullshit”. No amount of linked YouTube videos or posts or whatever is gonna make a difference here- okay?
We know you’re uncomfortable with the idea of infinite universes. Of infinite possibility- I’ve seen it. I’ve seen people immediately start spouting about Jesus when I talk about time travel- for some weird ass reason it just makes them uncomfortable. And that’s okay, because I never have to see them again. But user. Please. PLEASE just stop biting your own bait for five fucking seconds.
Each of these responses and replies makes us do that fucking “find the car or crosswalk” for like every other submission.
So just chill, man. Just chill.
You’re probably thinking of all those naked Mortys
Not enough people grasp this. Just because you can imagine something doesn't make it real. I can imagine a universe in which there is a button that destroys all other universes, and it was just pressed. That doesn't make it real. I can imagine a universe in which everything is the same as our's, except a blade of grass outside is a thousand kilometers tall despite still using the same amount of energy. That can't happen, as that duplicate universe has the same laws as our universe, and that violates its own laws.
Infinite zero is still zero.
>a universe where all other universes are destroyed
>implying that there wasn't a universe where all other universes were able to be brought back from the death in the instance of destruction by the push of a single button
in the realm of infinity, nothing is limited.
>There is a realty where incest is normal
And we're stuck with this shit show?
Life is not fair.
Are we talking a seventh dimensional point or just a bunch of aimless infinite universes?
Dan Harmon or someone tweeted that there is a reality where Morty and Rick are in a loving and healthy incestual pedophilic relationship.
There was also a double-infinite universe that erases all erasing-negating universes so that all universes could be erased, and created a all-dimensional protection shield that prevents retcon powers, and it also invoked no whammies. Wow, bad news for us, huh?
That was Justin Roiland.
Theoretically, why would we never meet
Nice, you took the bait. Thanks for clarifying that you're a retard and not worth debating with.
I won :)
Just proving me right more and more, I love it :)
The one constant in the multiverse, is that OP is a faggot.
There was also a universe created that can negate all negating powers and disable shields and ignored no whammie laws.
Checkmate retard.
link me some good Summorty stories.
Too bad it got erased before it could exist. Double checkmate, you drooling retard. : )
Are there literal autists in here claiming infinite universes doesn't mean everything doesn't eventual happen because they call it the multiverse and not the everyverse? Even Rick claims everything has been done.
So does that mean there are universes where OP is never a faggot?
Actually in a multiverse all rules of reality are the same so a thing that would break the rules of physicals is still impossible.
Yea Forums similar-age Incest is probably one of my biggest collective porn folder subjects but all the Zucest posting in TLA threads and Bwenposting and whatnot probably get a bit obnoxious
Where should I go to discuss such matters so as to not be a cunt
To bad a universe protecting from erasing powers negated it before it could exist incel
there's only so many universes that are both close enough to their original universe AND have both a dead Rick and a dead Morty for them to replace
personally I feel Rick Potion #9 was a mistake of an episode
He was the head of the orgy
>there's only so many
Not if there is infinite universes. Then there is literally an infinite amount of versions that meet these requirements.
none of you attempting to parse what the fuck a "central finite curve" might mean
there are infinite universes but finite universe that either are 'close' enough to be accessable to Rick's technology or are similar enough to C137 for him to be willing to risk visiting
summer wants morty's dick dimension exists, i'm sure, but it might be an antimatter dimension, or everything might be on a cob, who fucking knows.
If there are an infinite number of universes then there are an infinite number of similar universes where this could happen you fucking idiot
I do love that phrase though, central finite curve, and yeah I figured it was the limit to how far they could travel. Maybe where the rules stopped applying or wasn't survivable anymore.
Summorty>Morty/Beth/Summer>Beth/Summer>SumRick>Brick>Any paring with Jerry.
how the fuck can infinity be limited? it’s literally infinity. infinite realities means infinite possibilities
He's arguing semantics, that they said infinite and not complete or something. Like 1, 2, 3, 4; that may not cover 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, according to his fucked up little head.
This. Without knowing the parameters for universal creation all talk of the multiverse is basically entertainment. When regarding "all possible realities", apply what we know about our own reality's origin. If all universes are created in an identical Big Bang event then does the law of physics keep them all the same? Or if a universe is somehow created from the middle of another universe via a reasonably sophisticated simulation of its own origin, then all possible realities would just be a loop of realities in which the requirements for self-propagation are met.
It's fine to discuss it on Yea Forums, it's the best after all. Cartoons and comics in particular are well-suited to portray these sorts of relationships, especially when the characters are drawn similarly to each other.
This thread is fucking stupid.
My cock is stupid huge and yours is stupid small
How does that work?
He sniffs it you fuck it?
There is a universe where a "Morty" gets locked in a Dimension and has to build his confidence level up in order to escape, meaning he has to seduce every single girl he knows including a genderbent version of himself.
That's why multiuniverse concept is unscientific bullshit
And you morons clearly don't know how it works.
By definition that would also include a gender bent Jerry, Rick, and Mr Poopy Butthole
What about Jerry and femJerry?
They both scream out for Sleepy Gary when they cum.
this thread needs some Morticias
>there are infinite possibilities
>that means anything is possible
I hate this meme so much.
Nearby universes have small changes to ours, but at some point those small changes accumulate and the not-so-nearby universes stop being parallel to ours. Which means there are some impossibilities with zero chance. BUT, go far enough until the alien parallel universes start changing their probabilities into ours, you'll have "our" universe with the zero chance changed to possible.
Y'all need to read Thorsby's transdimensional brain chip
Literally confirmed by the creator you autist.
>Infinite realities means anything can happen
Uh... no. Since the universe is deterministic on a macroscale, that just means infinite copies of the same universe.
Everything possible=/=everything you can imagine.
She wouldn't be me. She'd have a different genetic makeup. It's like a sister I don't have.
God imagine Jessica's teen titties getting fucked by a black man
one of these days Beth's mom is going to step through a portal and call Rick on all of his bullshit, including his bad infinities math.
while he's been circle-jerking in a citadel, she's been hopping around killing all her alts like that movie The One.
You wouldn't enjoy a hot qtpi releasing a fat load on a plate, and both of you devour it for dinner?
I don't even know why I keep coming back to it.
It's limited by entropy
Just like there are possible worlds where Morty gets fucked and bred savagely by Summer's bfs instead; just like there are possible worlds where MortyxRick is canon, just like there are possible worlds where stuff like or MortyXDipper happens, just like there's a possible world where everyone is genderbent and things like I posted can still happen.
So who knows, shit's weird, now someone post more Morty lewds.
Why are some of them randomly african
That's exactly what it means. You idiots think infinite is a number slightly over a billion and isn't endless. Infinite is forever, user. It doesn't end -- it can't end.
and i fuck you
this thread is stupide
Because the multi-universe theory hinges on the fact that quantum mechanics are weird not understood AND things might have gone differently if any small thing changed.
So when scientists first started to get to the current smallest unit of matter, they made a shocking discovery. Going to skip the surrounding science, but light when isolated down to one single photon sometimes still acted like it was surrounded by other photons. Their are many interpretations attempting to decipher how that would happen and ones of those was “the light is being affected by photons layered in time from a different universe”. So in that interpretation light has an unquantified 4th dimensional interaction. Disclaimer here, this is now mostly a rejected possibility.
So under the multiverse theory that particle of light had several sister universes sitting next to it running the same experiment with those particles of light in slightly different positions, in all positions. And each of those sister universes have a once more removed sister universe. And that happens until all possible photon combinations are filled. But then you factor in the fact that time exists, so now we have more universes moving forward as the photons in the original universe have moved into new configurations, but moving backwards there is a single universe that spawned all those universes.
So, to sum things up with a stupid example, there is a multiverse where I am born. Following the splitting universes, there are many where I die from complications before age 3. There are a lesser many where I grow past age 3 but die before age 12, there are a lesser many where I don’t make it to adulthood. Of those that make it to adulthood of that lesser lesser lesser many a very small amount have followed the approximate path that leads to me writing this post with all of “my” universes exact events. Infinite Hitlers, but finite amount of our Hitler.
>user admited he's Hitler
Infinity is also a mathematical construct. It doesn't exist in real life. The set that contains every possibility is still a finite set. There are only so many different things that can happen. In reality the universe does have limits. There is only so much energy and matter, we can only travel so fast, we have only so much time until heat death.
Think of it like this. I hand you a bag, this bag contains an infinite number of fruit. You will never run out of fruit, but no matter how long you try you will never pull a carrot out the bag. Just because a set is infinite doesn't mean you'll find the result you're looking for.
That doesn't mean every possibility has to be different. An infinite string of ones is still infinite even if every point is exactly the same. There's nothing stopping an infinite multiverse from just being the exact same universe or set of universes repeated forever.
Alright, so I said I'd write out one of the scenarios. If the thread was still up. Well, the thread's still up and this means that I'm writing a short story for you guys. I should be done in a few hours.
Okay. I've finished. I hope you enjoy.
They've confirmed there's a universe where Rick and Morty are in a consensual romantic relationship, so it stands to reason there's probably one for every family member.
>I support free speech
>Blocks somebody for disagreeing with him
I think Roiland pulled a Dave Rubin there.
Supporting free speech doesn't mean you have to sit there and listen to someone say something stupid.
Holy shit this man is more based than I originally considered.
Yeah. I know. But it was two fucking posts later. He really didn't believe what any of what he posted, he was just being a sensitive Justin.
No. It doesn't necessitate that. But just imagine that it's real. What's the fucking difference?
Even if every possibility is different that doesn't mean that any given definable thing is in it.
Infinity is a very narrow concept, really. There are several different magnitudes of infinity and within any magnitude of infinity, you can easily construct strict subsets which are the same magnitude of infinity (just take away finitely many elements).
The concept of infinity itself doesn't imply shit other than magnitude.
damn that was good, do more please
You can't score with my mom in THIS universe? Jeez, how pathetic are you?
I miss seeing anonymous and boatlights together.
All my Morty lewds are /y/ material, and I don't think he's allowed on /y/ because underage.
There’s an alternate you that fucks a lot of twinks.
Does that make you feel better?
Does porn count?
>many a very small amount have followed the approximate path that leads to me writing this post with all of “my” universes exact events.
Nope. All of them lead to you writing that post. Our lives are predetermined by causality and determinism. If it could have gone differently then it would have.
>ywn use quantum immortality to isekai to a universe where you have a sister who wants cock
>Always stuck in this disgusting timeline where you're an only child
there is even a continuity where you like a better show like this one
Wow, your ignorance is really amazing especially since you're pretending you know anything about it.
Also we believe we can prove it now and are taking steps toward that. But you go on pretending you understand any of this because of something you saw online, bucko.
No, retard, see Because you don't seem to understand it.
I understand scat a lot more than I understand feet,
Honestly, if you have bad reading comprehension,. don't call other people retarded. It comes off as hypocritical.
Are you stupid on purpose?
Father daughter incest is also viable.
If that's all you have to say, don't say anything.
You're willfully stupid.
I need this explained.
.....this sounds like something else.
Are you sure not getting it confused with bukkake?
My man, your take on what I said was stupid. Now all you're doing is making empty vapid posts, because you have nothing else to say.
this is the least interesting conversation you can have about anything.
>there's infinite timelines so X wacky thing is canon lmao!!!
people made this joke a lot about bioshock infinite.
>this bag contains an infinite number of fruit.
Once a fucking again with a limitation you can define. Were talking about the sexual preference of a boy in America. Already the number of events you could shift that could alter his life spiral out.
Says the stupid moron. Don't even bother replying.
Literally canon that this timeline exists.
Are you stupid? He doesn't have to put up with people that don't listen to what he has to say on the subject and ignore him completely.
Mate. You don't spout that you believe in free speech and then ban somebody. Ban all the people you like. Just don't be a chud about it.
I don't get all the:
>It's not mathematics! Those examples of infinity don't apply to THIS case of infinity!
posters here.
The claim is:
>"Infinite" NECESSARILY means "all."
And all you need to do to show that isn't the case is produce one example where "infinite" doesn't mean "all." Which you definitely can do. Meaning there isn't a reason to automatically assume just because there are infinite universes that this means all possibilities are actualized.
If it is the case that all possibilities are actualized that has to be further specified or else you're just assuming something you don't have a reason to assume.
But he didn’t ban him because of what he said, he banned him for being an annoying asshole.
He banned her because he was being sensitive. She was being annoying. But that's probably not why he banned her. He's the creator of Rick and Morty, he gets annoying people all the time. He only bans the ones that "have no sense of humour" meaning put the slightest bit of pressure on him.
You should read
No, what she was doing constitutes harassment under the law.
You've only got one argument and you're really upset that I don't think it's a good argument.
Bro, I just want to be in the reality where youre pounding the fuck out of bullies in the bathroom
Nobody is upset but you, you're the one trolling and behaving like an asshat.
Now this, this post right here, this is actual legitimate stupidity. Under the parameters of which article of the law does that post constitute as harassment? Go on, give me an article number.
That's not a rebuttal and you're projecting.
>criminal laws addressing online harassment state that it is illegal to use an electronic communication device to make repeated contact with another person with the intent to harass or annoy, or to make a single intentionally harassing contact if it includes any obscene or threatening language
You are embarrassingly stupid.
It’s infinite. That means everything happens.
Why are you so deranged and angry about Rick and Morty? Do you hate it for being successful? Did your shitty cartoon premise get rejected for it instead?
>It’s infinite. That means everything happens.
Infinite can be a case where everything happens. It isn't automatically that case though. There's more than one kind of infinite.
Infinite worlds means anything you can think of happens. It's the simple math of it. Every possible outcome will happen.
When did pointing out that a guy is being sensitive become the same as saying that you don't like Rick and Morty? Is it because Roiland is meant to be a infallible figure?
Very good user, now you have to actually answer my question and explain how the woman was being obscene/threatening.
Didn't read, hidden. Stay mad, troll.
I was making a joke, lol.
But seriously, until we have any evidence of a real multiverse all we have to go off of is science fiction and theory as to what's plausible. To determine what kind of multiversal plane we're talking about, we would have to set some parameters and use what we already know to be true.
In the case of Rick and Morty, we've already seen Hammer Morty and Cowboy Morty, and Pocket Mortys gives us a whole slew of others. I feel pretty safe in saying that R&M subscribes to the infinite has everything happening kind of thing.
But I agree. Any given multiverse can have different laws and rules than any other.
>Infinite universes
>No universe where each year is 0.0457972698 seconds slower so it's 20 years in the past relatively and Morty can fulfill his McFly expy destiny and bone his teenage mom
>teenage dad.
Your repeated instances of projection is unhealthy and you should see a doctor about it.
I think yes.
Hidden, didn't read. Stay mad.
Yes there is a defined limitation, but the bag still has infinite objects in it. That's the point, it's possible for an infinite set to still have an impossible outcome. This isn't creating arbitrary restrictions, this is part of the literal mathematical definition. Infinite doesn't mean "all" it just means "more than can be counted".
>Infinite worlds means anything you can think of happens. It's the simple math of it. Every possible outcome will happen.
No, infinite means "without end."
There are many different sorts of "infinite." You have no reason to assume "every possible outcome will happen." That could be the case, but it isn't necessarily the case.
The problem is context. If we give limitations then yes infinite has a limite but in OP's question he's implying the universe which we have no know limitations to yet or hard limitations like a bag of fruit or 1 to 2. In that level with no boundaries you can say infinite means all in its context. I'm more annoyed with the using limited contexts like singular bags of fruit or basic number lines to dismiss the entire question when calling him a faggot would suffice.
You say that as of OP's mom is hard to get into bed in any universe.
There’s also a universe where you have a threesome with my dad and my brother, though
It wouldn't be pedophilic jsuk
>In that level with no boundaries you can say infinite means all in its context
No you can't because we don't know what kind of infinite is being talked about when they say "infinite realities". Just because they don't tell us what the limits are doesn't mean there aren't any. And since there are infinities that don't contain all possible outcomes and since none of the characters bother to define what sort of infinity they're talking about there's no way to tell whether the multiverse actually contains all possible outcomes.
>I'm more annoyed with the using limited contexts like singular bags of fruit or basic number lines to dismiss the entire question when calling him a faggot would suffice.
I'm not dismissing the question, I'm answering it. OP wanted to know if in an infinite multiverse there was at least one universe where Morty and Summer engaged in hot incestual sexytimes, and the answer is "not necessarily, and here's why". I suppose I could call him a faggot too but that seems hypocritical since I'm spending my time arguing about mathematics on an online Filipino calligraphy board.
>If we give limitations then yes infinite has a limite but in OP's question he's implying the universe which we have no know limitations
If you ask "would infinite worlds mean [whichever bizarre scenario you're asking about] canonically exists?" The answer is "no," because "infinite" doesn't necessarily mean exhausting all possible happenstances.
You don't need to assume the given instance of "infinite" either does or doesn't include all possible happenstances to recognize the word "infinite" on its own doesn't confer exhaustion of all possible happenstances. All you need is one case where something's infinite and not inclusive of all possible happenstances to say "no" in response to a question about whether "infinite" would *mean* [whichever bizarre scenario you're asking about] canonically exists. It doesn't mean that just because you prefer that or see infinite scenarios not inclusive of that as "limited."
I don't know that I'd even agree with calling an infinity that doesn't include every possible scenario "limited" for that matter. The "set of all sets" would have its own power set as a subset, but Cantor's theorem proves power sets are strictly greater than the sets they are constructed from, meaning the set of all sets would contain a set greater than itself.
But we want to be in the universe where phones are ordering pizzas, that’s the one true plaza
Would rick and morty work in 1-2 minute long shorts?
The Citadel of Ricks is the only interesting part of the Rick and Morty canon
I'll say yes and no, can works for bits but you're probably going to end up feeling like "I wish this lasted longer"
Ewww necro.
I'm making a thing inspired by that actually, the whole concept was really interesting to me as well.
Really? Not the Devil selling cursed objects? Or hungry for Apples?
Come on. Clearly a skunk.
Neither of those things are interesting. Cursed objects are found in hundreds of novels and the Devil is obviously just a one-off bit character for the show. The Simulation episode is nothing new.
You're right, it's everything everyone can imagine but also everything nobody has imagined yet.
It depends on what you consider interesting.
Interesting and original are not synonymous.
>go to universe where banging a horse is socially acceptable
>people in your home universe will still judge
it just taint fair
By your logic the citadel isn't interesting either. Angstrom Levi from invincible has straight up the same powers as rick green inter dimensional portals and all. The council of Ricks is straight up ripped from the council of reeds.
>by your logic
I never stated any "logic", retard. These are just my opinions.
Your opinions are shit.
more please
I’ve actually thought of this before, we usually focus on “Hurr durr there’s an universe where I’m a chad and another where I’m a beta loser (this one)”
But scientifically speaking is there an universe, for example, where the laws of physics do not apply? As in there’s a whole different type of science that we can’t even imagine because our basic concepts revolve around these absolute rules. Like is “infinite” limited by these absolute laws or is it reall balls to the walls infinite possibilities?
Specifically to make my dick harder of course.
Most of, if not all my favorite episodes, revolve around the Citadel. The only ones I really like that don't is the one with Toxic Rick and Morty, the season 2 starting episode and season 2 and 3's finale. There are a few others, but I can't recall them at the moment.
Well, technically you come to your opinions by your own form of reasoning, ie logic. It isn’t bad or wrong or anything. It’s just only referenced when the tone of the conversation would really help
I read that guy's doujins and I'm not the slightest bit surprised that he made a universe where red head man had an actual little sister.
Also source