This way to the SCI thread but first you have pay the toll

This way to the SCI thread but first you have pay the toll.

Attached: Witch toll.png (1559x799, 1.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:!BT4nlCDR!QZ_8FQ7B1PWY9A5xTgnW8A!RD5HBYTa!JsX0UH38rpmwKId_b-b8VQ

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 4K)

Attached: fVz06.jpg (853x640, 64K)


What anime is this?

star of the giants

There is no toll susie. Post the new episodes.

>oscar being allergic to exercise equipment
>another time where oscar says he loves hedgehog while she doesn't say it in return
>getting carried through your best female friend's fantasy room of another guy while shutting your eyes and ears
The episode wasn't as painful as I thought it was gonna be, but it still had its moments. Doesn't help that Max's VA is black.

>that Max's VA is black.

Why does this bother you?

He has a cuck fetish.

What is yer offer?

Midnight Quittance shows flashbacks and flash forwards of Oscar's life:

>Him and Hedgehog in school at a younger age
>Him getting kissed by Lucy in a cabin
>Him Riding a bike like a professional sports biker
>In a hospital with a broken leg
>In a trenchcoat addressing someone as "Honey"
>Old Hedgehog and Oscar sitting on a hill stargazing

Also, his reaction to finding out about Hedgehog's crush on Max? (That is not returned by the way.)
I can't wait to tell my mom!

This screen is an animation error because Susie's mud mask is missing and reappears after.

Ya gotta pay the witch toll if you wanna get into that bat's hole.

Attached: 1531608341029.png (1074x1500, 544K)

>Second spoiler
>Second to last spoiler
Hedgefags on suicide watch.

Attached: source-s-dude-trust-me-37765924.png (500x300, 42K)

Whoops, episodes have not been posted yet. It's not the usual source, but they are in a decent quality.

Anyway, see attached image.

Attached: lucy.png (1609x907, 1.28M)

Attached: coat.png (784x891, 1.01M)

Damn, the spoilers sounded like some fanfiction, guess i was wrong.

Post yfw Oscar gets the best ending in the long run.

Attached: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.jpg (800x800, 427K)

oscar finna boutta get his trunk wet

Attached: old.png (891x576, 546K)


Attached: 5b1.jpg (347x384, 13K)!BT4nlCDR!QZ_8FQ7B1PWY9A5xTgnW8A



>witch hat


oh shit, all 10 episodes already ?

Based leak user. Happy fourth of july

Attached: 1561004208812.jpg (1551x1436, 179K)

*huff* *huff* *huff*
Am I too late?

Attached: Fathog.png (349x549, 178K)

>susie undresses in front of oscar
>he looks away

Attached: this was your chance you silly little ding dong elephant.png (767x1293, 559K)

>Oscuck posting
B-but Suscar is e-endgame, right?

Look onto this and then accept your fate.

It still is.

Attached: god damn.jpg (1920x1080, 673K)

I expect a thread in the morning after everyone has gotten a chance to watch the new episodes.
Good night.

Is this it? They're wrapping the show up nicely in these last episodes. Do you think they know it won't get a third season? I know a second season is on the way but is it gonna be over soon?

Attached: Hedgehog Crying.png (1920x1080, 870K)

Well it has gone on for about an actual summer so yeah. Maybe.

since when were there 10 episodes of s2 out? Is there a MEGA for those?

Great episodes, too.


Attached: smugoscar.png (487x600, 156K)

Wipe that smug fucking look off your face or I'll make your death look like an accident.

Attached: image8.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

Wow, great episodes

where did you get logoless web-dl?

Where are 1-10?

Just wonderful

Attached: 6B947714-958C-40BC-A6C0-675D8D1A341D.jpg (842x997, 158K)

Showing a gay bat boi getting raped by several hedgehog clones was a bit much don't you think?

In all seriousness, I'm sad they didn't do more with Max's character despite being mentioned as the extra addition to Oscar and Hedge's friendship. Hopefully he still gets at least one normal episode in the future.

Attached: max.png (624x480, 296K)

>Oscar cucks Hedgehog.

As friends. :^)!RD5HBYTa!JsX0UH38rpmwKId_b-b8VQ

Absolutely unequivocally based

Attached: 1548549609123.png (1295x1080, 749K)


I'm surprised it's not a leak, it's on the CNs app.

Attached: 1562344128310.png (934x200, 90K)

Why was Oscar's VA different during the Spell Crush episode

Is he going to be replaced for future episodes.

Learn question marks.

>pajamas is a girl
This changes everything.

Wonder why Max wasn't into Hedgehog, she's nice enough

He only has eyes for Oscar.

Judging by what happened in the clone episode, I think max might not want a constant reminder of that.
What I wanna know is how is the Hedge Cult handling that revelation. Those shippers must be burning that museum to the fucking ground.


A jar of bottled rejection-tears will be the next item up for auction.

And creepy unsent love letters. Dont forget about those. They also have a bag of suspicious hair clippings for auction as well.

did pajamas see oscar jack off?

Attached: 1562353115848.png (745x709, 567K)

More than once.

Boku no Pico

I only know this image from the Moon Horse of it. Anons from the Horse Thread ruined the image for me though.

Luckily there is no shit on the wall for this one.

>was memed on for being the biggest cuck ever
>will eventually get someone even better while his friend got friendzoned hard
How did he do it mates? Against all odds he fuckin wins.

I wonder if Julia had a near death experience after the pilot and God told her to rewrite that shit or else

Who could that be on the right?

Attached: Who.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

It looks like Lucy. The skin colour is the same.

Why does she have her fist clenched like that?

this shot feels like a reference to something

I'm pretty sure Hedgehog was always planned to be rejected, even during the pilot.

>oscar is always inside pajamas
so they knew right?

Just watched the episode where Hedgehog became a witch.

That ending I at least thought Susie would encourage her that one day she would be ready

>oscar constantly rubbing against pajamas
>has boners constantly against pajamas

Ok lets break this one down.
>Ramona and Past Susie (or some other character) are on a beach giving sea monsters(?) some sort of tap dancing massage
>Susie crying while Jim Jams comforts
>Susie swallowing and spitting some sort of ingredient to a cauldron
>Susie having a noodle in her nose, then processes to swallow it (the fuck Julia)
>Past Susie and Ramona are doing some sort of gymnastics while Alice watches
Either this episode takes place as some sort of flashback/flashforward thing where Susie is watching old home movies of her time with Ramona or something completely different. What's your guy's take on these?
Also may I ask user, how did you get these?

They also forgot to put an actual joke on the shirt

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-07-06-01h11m47s527.png (1920x1080, 591K)

Attached: spook'd.jpg (1920x1080, 613K)

Susie confirmed alcoholic.
this sounds awfully specific.

>This along with Recently Divorced Aries
Im guessing the story boarders and writers play a game to see what kind if shit they can get the VAs to say/ what they can sneak into the show without getting noticed.

What's your favorite thing about this show and why do you like it? I'm having trouble putting into words why exactly I enjoy it but I do.

Attached: hedgehog cringe.png (961x649, 406K)

Attached: deathhog.png (1920x1080, 1.16M)

I really like the character's facial expressions

Attached: enough.png (355x297, 96K)

no idea desu, Hedgehog and Susie are cute, but it's just interesting to see how they write and design this show. Since some things are references to really niche concepts. Also how the morals aren't spoon fed. Like hedgehogs want to be a witch, when being a witch is basically a placeholder for responsibility. Probably just because I think it's cute.

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i can't believe there's a pentagram on my christian broadcasting network
won't somebody think of the children?

Attached: witch hut.png (1920x1080, 2.27M)

The episodes tend to always give you a sort of "wham" moment you know?
Like in almost every episode something happens or something is revealed that makes you do a sort of double take at what you just saw.
Another thing I like about this show is that its deeper on-going plot isn't shoved down your face, and instead is like a reward for those who watched the show and paid attention.

Attached: South Park 1-05 An Elephant Makes Love to A Giraffe.png (1920x1080, 954K)

That's surprising, since cartoons usually try to censor pentagrams or 666.

The last episode was completely off model.

Blame jesse moynihan. You can tell it's him boarding if everything is slightly off model

It reminds me of Adventure Time in the best ways.

This is a great batch of episodes. Season 2 has been pretty darn good.

Attached: STEWART, IM CIA.png (1151x649, 475K)

Probably some breakup, like he did something Oscar-y and she had enough.

>susie is 15 forever
she's been dealing with those teenage hormones for decades. How many young boys have been sullied by this witch

How long has the camp been running? Now multiply that 10.
Thats how many campers she's sullied.
>implying she limited herself to just guys.

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: 235678436.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

Asshole was trying to read a dictionary like an actual book.
Of course he was in the wrong.

How come none of the characters have shadows?

Mad about the pentagram but no comment on the dick rock?

Attached: BOI.png (1155x637, 447K)

did hedgehog become the main character or something

the style of this episode is disgusting

Lucy's painting looks the maze from Hellraiser 2


Attached: 2526090 - GentlemanPaux Max Oscar_Peltzer Pajamas Summer_Camp_Island hedgehog.png (1280x720, 563K)

me irl

Attached: except that last part.png (1920x1080, 761K)

Hey, at least he had a wife.

Midnight Quittance was a fucking trip. I like how abstract the show can be at times.

since i know there's at least one other autistic lorefag itt, here's my theory

>Susie banished Ramona to the seconds of the clock to gain immortality
>Susie feels bad enough to answer Ramona's call, but Ramona doesn't understand why, implying Susie either didn't tell her or mind-wiped her in some way
>Hedgehog learning to become a witch is eventually going to lead to a rift between her and Oscar, fulfilling that "growing apart" metaphor
>Oscar becomes depressed and Susie eventually realizes that friendship is a good thing and tries to patch them up while also freeing Ramona


>ywn give Susie back rubs hoping to catch her moan in delight

why live...

Attached: magic fingers.jpg (1920x1080, 292K)