Why is it so overrated? I mean it's pretty good for a kids show but there's not really much there for anyone over 16

Why is it so overrated? I mean it's pretty good for a kids show but there's not really much there for anyone over 16.

Attached: batmantas.jpg (1200x675, 108K)

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>It doesn't have quips, so it sucks

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projection and cope

Admittedly, it is overrated, but still a remarkable series worth noting. BTAS has GREAT episodes, but there are a few in-between those not as great. It helped define Batman for a generation, kickstarted the DCAU, and has certainly left it's mark on Batman lore in general since. Not to mention it had arguably the best Batman movie ever made.

Attached: Batman Mask of the Phantasm.jpg (797x1084, 134K)

>It isn't live action and doesn't have gratuitous and unessecary sex scenes once an episode, so it must be bad!
I mean, I also think the DCAU is overrated, but at least I don't dismiss it as a kid's show.

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It is literally a show made for children, the target demographic was children

It's the best Batman show. Maybe the best capeshit show.

>there's not really much there for anyone over 16.

It's the only Batman-related media I would recommend to somebody who's over 16.

This right here. The show is great because it manages to have a sense of maturity and deals with adult themes without coming off as too tryhard (as is usually the case with the comic books and the films).

There are only two pieces of capeshit media that managed to transcend their own source material. One is Enter the Spider-Verse. The 1992 Batman series is the other.

>le reddit everything is overrated maymay

go fall asleep on the railroad tracks

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dumb drone

>Adult themes

Such as?

So you'd rather watch a show that stuffs a shitload of cursing, violence, and sex and ends up being immature as a result than watch a show whose target demographic restricts it and therefore allows it to tackle certain subjects in a mature and subtle way.
Yeah, you definitely have shit taste.

How can it be overrated when it's one of the only legitimately good animated tv series ever made?

IIRC the Mr.Freeze episode in that series singlehandedly made him popular

It did because it completely rewrote his character from scratch. Heart of Ice even won an Emmy

>there isnt much in this childrens cartoon for non children

Unironically how old are you?

Robots doing the spider walk from The Exorcist Director's Cut.


missing your decimal point mac

He doesn't need to include it. The kid wasn't even alive when Batman was airing on television. He probably grew up with Pokemon or some such shit.

t.Someone who hasn't watched the show

>show is relatively mature for a kid's super hero cartoon
>Yea Forums acts like it's fucking Dostoevsky

every fucking time

Gray morality, dealing with rejection, dealing with loss of a loved one, the way SOCIETY helps shape a criminal, (im)possibility of redemption, responsibility of having committed a murder, and a lot more probably.

To be fair, OP is not over the age of 16 so he wouldn't get it.

You don't get villains like the ones in BTAS in any other cartoon. They aren't bad for the sake of being bad. They always have a reason that makes them do the bad things they do. That is something you almost never see in cartoons back in the day. Cartoons now try to copy it's formula and fail miserably.


Crime and Punishment is not much more complex than BTAS though. I say that not to compliment BTAS, but to criticize Dostoevsky.

>um these cynical ideas that young people keep spreading around are fake and gay mmkay
>cause you see, ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE who believes these ideas is actually a neurotic wreck that, upon committing a murder, will guilt trip themselves into suicide or finding God
>I don't know what sociopathy/psycjopathy is because I live 60 years before these are even discovered as conditions, I cannot possibly fathom an idea of a man killing somebody and not filling any sort of regret and sorrow, even though this is a much more realistic scenario than my wet fantasy about how religion solves all your problems in life

Though I guess Batman in BTAS does consistently think in terms similar to Dostoevsky, i.e. if you commit a murder you take upon yourself a sin that you won't be able to carry.

Is this suppose to justify your retardation?

Yeah it gets pretty boring, and since batman had to have the no kill rule it made him a bad super hero
Now beyond, that was a show

You do get villains like this in the majority of cartoon since the 90s, but not because it's a "formula", it's because having your villain display at least hints of depth in their motives is often intergal to having a compelling story. BTAS didn't invent this, it just stood out because it tried telling compelling stories instead of making glorified toy commercials like nearly all of its cape cartoon predeccessors.

>Crime and Punishment is not much more complex than BTAS though

What in the fuck are you on

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>I cannot possibly fathom an idea of a man killing somebody and not filling any sort of regret and sorrow

he actually can, it's Napoleon, he mentions him in the book for that reason, you would know if you've read the book instead of relying on sparknotes

I just more or less described the entire thematic premise of C&P. It's taught in schools. It's not THAT complex.

Yeah, he does, once or twice. And then he forgets about it completely and it's very conveniently never brough up during any of Raskolnikov's late catharses. Because it's a part of Raskolnikov's theory, and at this point Dostoevsky thinks he has "debunked" that theory, even though he never actually does.

>C&P is complex
Brainlet detected

>but there's not really much there for anyone over 16.
BTAS played at prime time. A lot of adult were watching it

>if you commit a murder you take upon yourself a sin that you won't be able to carry.
this is true though, whether or not you eventually develop the foresight to realize it.

So you admit that the only way to find the show good is to have nostalgic feelings of having watched it as a kid growing up ?

That sounds like every show

What the hell are you talking about. It's the premise of the whole book, how Napoleon can send thousands to their death and sleep well late at night and how Rasolnikov tried to do it and failed. Not bringing something up later in the book doesn't mean it's not there. The book is the context and things do not magically disappear if you don't mention them anymore, even though, it's brought up at the most convenient moment, during the interrogation. What the hell do you expect.

And the rest, whatever you've written in this thread, pure garbage.

I shudder to imagine being this much of a brain rotten pleb

No. I saw it for the first time four years ago. It was great.


>what is emphasis
Themes need to be developed in order to work properly, not just thrown in briefly and then forgotten about. At the end, all the emphasis is on what Raskolnikov can't do, not on what Napoleon can do. If you educate yourself on the background of C&P, you'll find out Raskolnikov's views are supposed to reflect the cynical ideas being vastly spread among the youth of the time, something Dostoevsky was vocally unhappy with. Yet in C&P, he ends up doing nothing but confirming these ideas, either intentionally or not. And if intentionally, the ending is basically Raskolnikov being overjoyed about accepting himself as a subhuman in his own theory's eyes, which might be pitiful or laughable, but certainly not nearly as inspiring as Dostoevsky describes it. As I've mentioned, it heavily relies on the religious theme of humility, which makes the entire book dated and very much a product of its time.
And you're not even refuting me.

The absolute state of atheists

I do not refute you because you are, as Pauli said, not even wrong; I cannot even think of where to start on your poor onions-ridden brain

I always thought that STAS was better.

It's the best superhero cartoon.

BTAS was full of feels

Now THIS is projecting

>thinks this is projection
>even though I actually hate those kinds of adult-oriented entertainment
Now this is being an idiot from Yea Forums. You have to go back there.

sex bad violence good

this but unironically

>mfw I didn't mean to


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I'm not saying that too much violence to the point of showing gore is good, either. If both of these things are in a TV series, live-action or animated, it's showing the viewer that it's trying way too hard to be adult.
That's a fact.

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Now that, is Batman.

None of these are adult themes

This is unironically the greatest western cartoon series of all time. It's nowhere near overrated. The fact that you're saying it is makes me question your taste.

OP, what are your top 5 cartoons of all time?

Not Including anime:

The Cameraman's Revenge (1912)
Duck Amuck (1953)
The Hand (1965)
Pas de Deux (1968)
Fantastic Planet (1973)
Coonskin (1975)
Tale of Tales (1979)
The Wrong Trousers (1993)
The Incredibles (2004)
It's Such a Beautiul Day (2012)

>theatrical features

I don't watch western cartoon series because they're all plebshit for literal children though. Aeon Flux was decent and The Simpsons had it's moments I guess.

>had it's moments


Because when it WAS good it knocked it out of the park.

Mr. Freeze and baby doll's "I didn't mean to" being key examples


Not as Overrated as Nolan's Batman, bitch ass nigga.

Sex good. Violence good.

Attached: angel-cop.jpg (438x542, 54K)

Spicy City.
Aeon Flux
The Maxx.

you're getting made fun of on Yea Forums

Based Yea Forums