What does Yea Forums think of this cat?
What does Yea Forums think of this cat?
Shit series finale
would bang
His season one incarnation is so innocent that he's sort of dull and annoying. I can't root for the guy because he's just unreasonably stupid.
Season two does him better. He's still a dumbass but he's much more aware. Does tons of stupid shit due to bad decisions but it doesn't feel entirely his fault. He's a bit of a cunt but he generally does feel bad for what he does.
Season three to four is about the same as season two, but season five made him an unreasonable selfish retard. It's almost like he has zero remorse until someone bashes his fucking skull in with some.
I really can't recall season 6 Gumball. I try to forget that season.
Ikr he's pretty cute
>he's just unreasonably stupid.
You clearly haven't met me brother
Well-written child comedy character. He's cool and clever with a good sense of humour, but still believable as a child. Whether he wins or loses, it's fun and feels good.
Definitely would befriend someone like him as a child.
Gumball wouldn't have liked being my friend and that makes me sad
Flaming homosexual
Are you Ocho?
Season 1 Gumball would like though.
Well that's why it's my favorite season
his series was one of the best cartoon in the 2010's. their main character is a piece of shit however.
his voice actor plays minecraft
How much do you think I will have to pay him to voice my incest fanfiction?
Because CN is giving it another season in the future, another studio could pick the show up
[citation needed]
>Flaming homosexual
I like that video where he finds that famous YouTube gay guy and immediately griefs him
>famous YouTube gay guy
Majira Strawberry?
I wanna bang his mom and his friend's girlfriend and his paper girl friend
>and his friend's girlfriend
If you find out please do tell me
you have to find a way to get on his server first
Carrie I'm assuming
There's something gut wrenching about this show that makes me feel deeply sad and hurt but I can't point at what it is.
I don't know everytime I see it I feel like it hates me and something in me wants to tear up like I'm a 5 year old being made fun of again.
But I like the cat.
his show stopped being watchable years before it ended so i don't really care how it ended.
I wanna sleep on his butt.
It's questioning you, how and why you think about things the way you do.
No, the other one
I think it was James Charles
wasn't that during one of Keemstar's Minecraft Mondays?
I really doubt that's what the show is going for
See I made you think.
A little I guess
I just kinda immediately thought "no" when I read your post I'm not sure I thought much
Gay and fag, like Yea Forums.
Darwin is his brother.
And friend
Siblings can't be friends.
When they are total losers, of course they can be.
They aren't total losers they have girlfriends
So did Anthony Burch
I was thinking about this since i posted it and I think I maybe got it. it's been bothering me for years
It's sort of like that Avatar effect that made people want to kill themselves because they couldn't live in Pandora. I relate so much to the main character and his relationships, and my family/parents to his that I can help but enjoy the show. But they're all happy, as much as they fight or the shenanigans they may find themselves in, he enjoys the childhood that he'll never get back, while as a kid my family just fell apart and my dad just drugged himself every day as I grew up. I think I'm jealous of the world gumball lives in even if it's a fucking cartoon
God damn it i hate liking this show
also replying with this post recognizing it as a blogpost so no one else replies with that:
>inb4 blogpost comments
I know I just had to get it off me
>I relate so much to the main character and his relationships, and my family/parents to his that I can help but enjoy the show. But they're all happy, as much as they fight or the shenanigans they may find themselves in, he enjoys the childhood that he'll never get back
user did you actually watch the show? his family is shit and never once shares a meaningful moment for more than a few seconds, his town is a poor, podunk shithole full of terrible people with no escape and no future, Gumball himself is a manic douchebag desperately trying to stave off the boredom of his inevitably mediocre life, the whole show has this coat of cynism and filth whever they go tainting it, every single fantastic, extraordinary element is just a dolled up exterior filter to the same human trash inside.
All that is what I find relatable, but it's that coat of being a happy cartoon that makes me feel like shit
It's a comedy show. Look at how popular it is and how many people its made happy. I can't handle the fact I laugh at it. It almost feels like a parody. I feel like I'm laughing at myself but not in a healthy manner you know, more like mockery
I don't know I'm not sure this is it. I'm grasping here, I think that's what makes me down about it.
>its made happy
>but it's that coat of being a happy cartoon that makes me feel like shit
But user, that isn't actually in the show. Even as far back as S1 there were nothing but downer endings, twists and gotchas just to shit on the 'message'. The show's only optimistic message is one of ongoing apathy due to the lack of consequences everything has.
Out of all the typos in my post that's the one that caught your attention?
Asshole but I still like him.
Also he's gay lol.
Wants to eliminate the middle class, loves Banjo Kazooie but also likes OneyPlays stuff, pretty alright VA.
>Asshole but I still like him.
>Also he's gay lol.
He's Bi not gay
Bis are closet gays.
the entire season has been pretty bad, had some of the lowest viewership per eppisode out of any season
I'm saying this as a bi, we really aren't
Some might lean closer to the gay then straight but we don't fake being attracted to stuff
>to the gay then straight
They really aren't
His great grandfather should have been this handsome man haved his genes the handsome factor
Someone hasn't seen that Hideo Kojima tweet, it seems.
This might be unrelated to gumball but that VA plays with CallMeCarson if u guys don't know.
The screenshot I posted earlier was in his server, his content is really stupid but it makes me laugh anyways
I certainly hope the movie gets made after watching that finale
which one? he's had like 4
He should had dated the paper bear.
The last one - Nicolas Cantu.
>Shit series
Lost its magic when Logan and David (original voices) left.
Now it became a show that ran on memes and pop culture.
The Sweaters is still my favorite.
The Sweaters was probably the most random episode. And that's why it's my all time favourite as well.
First season was good
I feel similar though my life has been really excellent in most respects. I have good friends, but no where near as deep as I'd like them to be. Moved around too much to have any long term relationships, and was too awkward by the time I settled to fit in well. As much as people wish they had an exciting childhood, I wish I'd got one living in some small middle of nowhere town living around people I'd known my whole life and actually being able to take satisfaction with the way I was living. I kind of look at Gumball's life minus the tv-bullshit as a life I'd really have liked to have.
Is there any recent gumball smutfic ?
The fucking middle class meme isn't funny stop forcing it
I don't remember this happening as far as I got. Can you give me a citation?
Who's David? Do you mean Kwesi Boakye?
I agree.
He's a qt. Definitely a solid husbando.
What makes him so fuckin cute?
I wish there were more anais abuse
Anais and Richard
t. Only child
Most siblings are assholes to each other.
I wish I had my own Gummy to take care of.
>Cat Mom washing Cat Son's dick
That's what a good mommy does.
I stopped watching after season 2, seems like I missed some serious shit the way people here go on about it.
You are supposed to put your mouth on it, not just a sponge.
The bottom right panel is an evident rape.
Not a rape. Just a motherly love.
Ben is a hack
Just putting this out there, gumball can take a rake up the ass.
Also he blows guys on the toilet.
Guys I found a clip from the gumball movie.
Belongs in the trash with every other snarky boy character.