Does anyone else realize that anime is having negative effect on showrunners?
It seems as though so many animated Western shows are just trying desperately to be anime ripoffs and end up not being their own thing.
Does anyone else realize that anime is having negative effect on showrunners?
It seems as though so many animated Western shows are just trying desperately to be anime ripoffs and end up not being their own thing.
i think its more that show runners now are low iq tumblr women
It's just one's that intentionally wanna be "In-the-joke" as possible
>"Look guys, I watched Neon Shinji get in the fucking robot too!"
I think only steven universe ever made tasteless weeb shit references to that degree where something like Teen Titans just made reaction faces which ultimately didn't hurt the show the same way wanting to be as weeb as possible hurts Steven Universe
That doesnt mean anime itself is having a bad effect on people, more like those show runners would have copied off of something anyway. The real problem is that they can't utilize their love of anime sources in a less heavy-handed and obvious way. It becomes a crutch almost, a quick homage or a direct rip-off rather than something that would inform and expand on the themes or imagery of whatever you're watching.
It wouldn’t be as bad if they at least paid homage to more niche series. Instead it’s always babby’s first anime like Sailor Moon, FLCL, DBZ, Akira, Eva, and Utena, which have all been referenced hundreds of times already. It’s stale. Watch some other shit, you guys.
That's your excuse for everything you don't like. Last time I checked tumbrl was putting pineapple to your pizza.
Fake right?
>cartoons do flinstones and star wars parody for decades
>suddenly some new shows do the same but with anime
>suddenly this is bad
They really arent parodying anime, the way i see it they are just taking from pop culture like they always have done. There are also way more vidya shit too but no obe comolains about those.
but i like pineapple on pizza. im sorry you dont like the answer to why something is bad, but that wont change it
The storytiming of Captain Underpants was pretty based.
My favorite one. And it was back when everyone wasn't doing anime parodies.
Basically this. I don't see what the big deal is.
Wait. This was actually in an ep. I thought it was just a shoop.
>a quick homage or a direct rip-off rather than something that would inform and expand on the themes or imagery of whatever you're watching
Who's got two thumbs and fails to see the problem here?
What episode is this
Trapper Keeper 2000
Trapper Keeper (S04E12)
If I was a network executive, I wouldn’t greenlight any cartoons that tried to be “anime.” Only western-style designs.
It's an actual episode
Steven has the ability to go into people's dreams and swap bodies, these two abilities never really getting brought up again or explained why PD would even have them and he helps one of the pizza girls with their problems
The dream had something to do with Pizza and that's how we ended up with one of the most referenced pieces from anime and Eva
That's not anime's fault. It's the fault of people who watch it and have no idea what to take from it. So they try to do these half-assed tributes that just looks like an inferior skin over said anime so everyone can say "oh haha just like that one show!"
I like Princess Kenny the most because the song is based on actual harem series opening and Cartman couldn't understand the appeal of moeshit
>"I don't wanna waaaait..."
Doesn't help, either, that it's a reference to a reference.
I don't get it; as much as anime is self-referential now, the anime they like to refer to drew more inspiration from real life and literature than other anime series. Eva referred a lot to Ideon and Devilman, but it also referenced a ton of Western science fiction authors like Cordwainer Smith and Harlan Ellison. Shouldn't cartoon creators be broadening their horizons and not just be cartoons referring to other cartoons?
Steven universe is a reference of houseki no kuni
Eva has a negative impact on anyone who watches it. I am literally finishing the movie after going through the series and I totally get how an entire generation of kids watching this turned into such retards.
references are fine but using anime-tropes isn't
Go back to watching SAO or Boku no Pico Academia then, zoomer.
Yeah, this serves no other purpose than “remember this thing I think is cool”. It comes off very superficial.
trying to copy anime without understanding what made them good is a detriment to showrunners.
East vs West threads are against the rules.
Yea. How dare people like something I don't.
It isn't a East vs West thread. It is a thread talking about anime influence on western cartoons.
Maybe they should just merge Yea Forums and Yea Forums so we have one big board for animation, regardless of region, and comics/manga. It seems inevitable for discussion of one to be brought up in the context of the other, so...
Yea Forums would completely drown out Yea Forums like they did to Yea Forums during /spa/
Yeah, that's always been an issue. Miyazaki famously said that anime was a mistake, in that a lot of people who go on to produce anime have done nothing but watch other anime. They have no greater context to put it in so they regurtitate what they've seen before. To him, if you want to make good anime you have to draw from life and real experiences.
Sci-do/fantasy writer Michael Moorcock said the same thing about sci-fi/fantasy. According to him, those genres are inherently incestuous and just repeat themselves, because most of the genre writers simply read other genre writers, repeat the same ideas, and in turn repeat the cycle. Moorcocks advice is that if youre going to write sci-fi/fantasy, stop reading it immediately and instead read classic lit.
Basically the longer a field is around the more likely people will just repeat what they've seen before. Just to spitball a reason, it could be because the people who first create these fields didn't have anything to draw from but other fields of art and literature, but as it goes on eventually there's enough material for someone to _just_ watch or read things in that field.
It's because all the cool kids prefer anime these days. Go ahead, name a noteworthy cartoon from the last 20 years.
Anime isn't the problem with western shows, western producers being cheap fucks is the problem with western shows. They just borrow anime's cheap shortcuts because, well, they're cheap. That's not on anime, that's on the producers.
Steven Universe
All cookiecutter thrash without a hint of originality.
Courage the cowardly dog
edd ed and eddy
samurai jack
name a noteworthy anime from the last 20 years.
How many teenagers do you know that say: "Oh boy, I can wait to go home and watch Courage the cowardly dog?"
It's zero, right?
To put a stupidly popular example: Naruto. I didn't say it was good btw.
That should be "can't" obviously.
If only the hard work and talent of anime production would rub off on them instead of this crap. Imagine if they actually did something like Dirty Pair or Ideon.
Moorcock also said Tokien was fascist without ever actually reading LoTR, so there's that to consider.
It is a good point, however. A lot of the great shows of the 70s, 80s and 90s were informed by a wide array of stuff.
Turn A Gundam, 1999.
You guys are being retarded and are looking way to deep into things. It's just showrunners who watched 80s/90s anime as a kid and like to pay homage to shows the enjoyed when they were younger.
And does including a 2 second reference to a popular anime in an eleven minute episode really constitute as a rip off?
Either way, this "problem" was way more rampant in the early-mid 2000's. Back then i felt like every cartoon was obligated to have a DBZ/Pokemon episode.
Daasu anyrone else lealise that Amelican animation is havingu negative effect on grorious Nipponese animation?
It seems as though ah so many animated Nipponese shows just tlying despelatery to be Disney lipoffs and end up not being own thing.
The advent of the internet also made a ton of work (from classic lit to 80s anime) more widely accessible. Ideally it would have led to a synthesis of cool influences and new takes by fresh creative talents, but instead it's made people very insular, with their tastes governed by the algorithm/whatever's easier to watch, like Netflix.'s been more rewarding to look through than any other catalog, for me.
Diamonds all have a mind space thing, did you skip Reunited?
i thought he was gonna go into the brains of the corrupted gems and help them solve their inner demons, thus uncorrupting them. like that teen titans episode where they go into raven's mind
referring to other cultures cartoons is a step up to only looking at your own culture at least
Yeah that's what I was hoping for at first, but that would have required big time skips and a lot of backstory written for literal who gems if Steven had to fix their trauma one by one.
Luckily this site has people like you who expand past the source material the creator was referencing. That's why this places cynism is actually a plus compared to other websites
Amphibia muh nigga
Not him, but I really liked the healing montage and hopefully we'll see more of the healed gems next season or perhaps after. The ones who've been named at least like Snowflake Obsidian, Serpentine etc.
Adventure Time
The Simpsons
Both were massive forces in our popular culture, surely they count?
The real problem is shitty writers not being able to pull off series-long arcs and good character development. If you can't do that then just go back to making episodic shit until you learn how to plan out a story.
They did anime styles when it was rare to see in western cartoons
>western producers being cheap fucks is the problem with western shows.
Actually no, those shows appeared during the peak
Nowadays, cartoons don't look like stereotypical anime, they are just heavily influenced by it