This is pretty damn good.
This is pretty damn good
Don't talk to me.
Why does Bendis have so much clout?
DC got rid of the red underpants and spent years redesigning his costume to look good without it, stubbornly refusing to bring them back.
Then Bendis comes along, says he wants them back, and presto they're back.
I don't read comics so I don't care.
>Tomasi is on the book
>Yea Forums bitches that it’s fucking shit and mocks comfyfags
>Bendis is on the book
>Yea Forums suddenly does a complete 180 and jerks off to Le comfiness
Frankly I like Bendis more than Tomasi and Jurgens. Red Cloud is better than garbage ass Hank Henshaw any day.
I concur. I like that it didn't drag out plot points like who Red Cloud was or when Lois would return.
It's as good as The Unity Saga has been awful.
What's wrong with it? Sincerely. Try answering without saying Bendis.
The only Bendis I consider reading is his creator owned stuff. Even that I haven't read in a while.
Bendis, I thought you stopped coming here.
>Why does Bendis have so much clout?
So you admit you don't actually know if it's good and the only reason you hate it is because of the writer.
I admit, I came into it with 90% of my knowledge about Bendis being "he has a lot of short back-and-forth word balloon conversations," and that's definitely a thing to an extent here, but overall I found the idea interesting, the pace good, the villain pretty unique, and all the characters including Clark himself to be compelling.
Nobody cares, Bendis.
Yeah his Superman has been spotty but Bendis has been really good on Action Comics and it's mindblowing
Okay, Tom King.
>DC got rid of the red underpants and spent years redesigning his costume to look good without it,
And never succeeded
People hate his Superman for what he did to Jon
Fuck shotafags. Jon is about as appealing as pre-Spiderverse Miles.
>It never succeeded
You're full of bullshit. It was fine. It was a modernized look and the people who complained werent giving Nu52 a shot anyway.
The New 52 suit was terrible. The Rebirth (after the merge) was pretty good, though.
No, fuck you. Most people hated the armor high color look of the New 52. The closest DC came to a modern look that worked was in Rebirth