How do you celebrate the Fourth of July with Kamala?

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>inb4 deport her

Kosher hot dogs

Many haram things.

Don't forget the fireworks.

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C'mon Kamala-user, you do everything with her.

I'd get her drunk

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Fatten her up with kosher hot dogs wrapped in turkey bacon.

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nothing wrong with being Muslim

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is this edited?

>Fattened Kamala

This is the proper road to go. Big Kamala is best Kamala.

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I’d get her pregnant while she’s drunk

That is one well-fed Kamala. Winning. Now open the fridge and get more food for her.

why does a muslim who tries not to be a violent savage and move on trigger people so hard?
Isn't it a bit counterproductive to discourage the progress and possible reformation of a primitive religion?

Depoering her back to Shitholistan

Imagine her fridge raids.

So, apparently this is the only good thing Magstroon has written. Having bore witness to some of Mags prior works, I can only applaud him for hopping over one of the lowest bars known to man.

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Because it deprives them of a socially acceptable "other" to insult, belittle and blame for their ills. Some folks just need an enemy.

Burning a Quran. The only religious book she gonna read now is the bible!!!

why not blame jews or women?

Way to be progressive there, sport. You're everything America shouldn't be.

>Implying im a burger

It’s just a bit unrealistic

but a thing worth wanting

doesnt change that some try

until they get shanked for apostasy

They're not as socially acceptable these days.

not in america

change doesnt come without obstacles

By setting of explosives, something that Kamala's people enjoy very much.

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wrong!the only book she will need from now on is the constitution of the uniated states of america!

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Stop bickering and post more Fat Kamala.

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>Ex-/fit/ fat Kamala

All my yes!!!!

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>Well, I need to pay the mortgage on my castle...
Jeremy Irons motivation for appearing in that film is probably one of the greatest justifications for appearing in a shit film.

He knew what dreck he was in and cranked the bass up to 11.

All of the Haram things

This is Germany. It is Thursday here.
Maybe I'll get her a nice beer.

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good thing it's a superhero comicbook then

Kamala is a glorious couch-potato.

I forget, have they ever interacted before? I could have sworn they have.

That issue had the cutest kamala

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In a Champions issue with a racist sherrif

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By doing things to her. Halal things.

The warnings really are right though. Soda can have 70+ grams of soda in a single bottle. I've seen her.

Kamala drinks that, she'll get fat.

Seen it, correction.

>nothing wrong with being Muslim

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what do you define as ''halal'' user-kun?

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Watching an adult version of her from the future get knocked up by Steve Rogers in loving married sex.

By splashing beer on her head and telling her she's not invited to my BBQ. And calling her an ugly loser. She's not even ugly, I just want her to feel ugly.

I'm really surprised marriage pics of Kamala and Steve don't exist yet. Yea Forums clearly ships them.

Yeah, it’s weird

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Hassssssss - Jeremy Irons

I don't ship them. I ship older Kamala with him.

full pic pls



Freedom day is now celebrated all around the world.

I totally agree that Older Kamala should be with Steve. I'm really surprised by the lack of wedding pics.

Shame on you!

>Children of immigrants
>Niche interests
>Both are adorable

Kamala just needs to go back in time, fight in WW2 alongside him and settle down and plop out 8 or more kids after the wars end.

I cancel her book and her cartoons plus all her upcoming MCU plans

She needs a bun in her oven

With Steve's powers? She'll have eight babies in her belly on the first try. Big sphere.

And they'll be trying for batch number 2 after they get born.

Steve is stunned by her fertility. She's off-the-charts.

Bacon wrapped hotdogs and drunken pre marital sex.

Go to an all pork restaurant, and when she tells me it's haram reminder her that women don't have souls according to Islam so it really makes no difference if she sins or not.

Also eating haram stuff is sanctioned if your life would be threatened if you refuse it.
So you could easily construct a backdoor for her if you falsely claim that she will be murdered if she does not slay that bacon right now.
Not the weirdest meal time tradition I ever heard of.

She probably puts meat in rooms on purpose so she can get saturated in the scent.

>"Steve, put as much bacon in the room as you can. I need to breathe in the aroma."

that premarital sex would be anal sex right?
if you are going to be haram better be absolutely haram

(Seriously, by her own admission she loves the smell of animal meat even though she isn't allowed to eat it)

Breakfast is just a huge aphrodisiac to her

What lewd and patriotic outfits should Kamala wear for her public celebration on the 4th of July? Standard American Flag bikini?

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Absolutely. Also Statue of Liberty lingerie?

>why does a klansmen who tries not to be a violent savage and move on trigger people so hard?

She should be a playful slut about it. She is in public, after all.

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Pretty much. She insists on Steve always having his bacon and other such meat meals close to her, so she can inhale.

>Statue of Liberty lingerie
Honestly, it's more slut-dress that lingerie, and even then, they're kind of boring.
Best one is a Second Life one, but that's not hype enough to make me post it. Sorry.

Kamala isn't American though

Please, Uncle Sam, requesting!

ICE, please come get this guy.

Nah, she's an american citizen and a decent one at that.
Keep an eye on her brother though.

A PR team would put her in one of these outfits, and make her stand next to Steve at all times.
Making the skirt shorter, though.

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This is when Steve first met Kamala, and subsequently impregnated her with a ton of offspring.

>killing whores and traitors
>putting women in their place
how are these a bad thing?

Ship her with Steve Rogers

Flag print, mesh one piece?

Well, any see-through, fishnet, sheer, slut-outfit is MUH FETISH, but still.

She would wear a minutemen outfit and pose all cute with a replica musket.

If she's next to Steve all the time, she needs to have the deluxe version of the outfit, with gold trim and more exposed sides. Get a little bit of side boob going is what I'm saying.

>cover all that meat
fuck off, prude

Sooooooooo do we have any artists ITT?
I'm starting to sweat profusely.

Well, you go tell Washington his troops need to dress sluttier so we can have girls pose in their outfits better.

because kamala is for hug and fugs but only when she wants to sate her lust


>"Steve, I need breakfast in bed."

Seated in a picnic chair with her in my lap with a blanket to stay warm, so no one notices that I'm balls deep. She rises during the explosions, and cums during the climax.

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By pumping load after load of warm cum into her asshole all day.

don't stop

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always use the best resolution user

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>being the anchor baby of people fresh off the boat from Pakistan makes you American

b-but I do not even do what Islam says,also I'll marry a Catholic white

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Have barbecued lamb instead of pork.

The fuck is going on in here?!

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we're just thinking how to continue loving kamala

Kamhalal is for halal things only

well,being honest, she does not help

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we can agree that Peter was the first man to see Kamala naked and the first dick that she saw was from Peter?

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Orthodox white for maximum fuckery.
>Reenacting the reconquest of Constantinople in bed

>ywn have sex with Kamala
>ywn have kinky roleplay sessions with Kamala
>ywn be a young American Soldier kidnapped, blind folded, and handcuffed
>ywn let Kamala harvest your Infidel sperm for a free ride to America
>ywn be completely blind as Kamala's parents walk in
>ywn be forgotten as Kamala gets into an argument with her parents in the next room

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Not that she remembers anymore, but yes.

well, give them time, also, at the end of the comic, they're supposed to have memories of each other's lives
just let sometime kamala feel hot and while she is masturbating (I'm sure she does) she will have flashback of Peter's penis

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All my life i never understand why people make weight gain art to jerk off to. I cant get a boner from this. At best it just makes her seem more relatable and venerable

Daredevil: The Red Knight Returns

Catholic Kamala is the Way and the Light!

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we all know she spent hours jacking off with her new dick during the body swap

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Nope, they lost ALL memory of the body-swap because Status-Quo is God for both of them.

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But Peter has a tiny micropenis

nah its normal, it just gives his loved ones cancer


>Kamala wore a pleated knee length skirt that could be pulled up at the back without being evident in the front, and panties that had been stretched by a minor transformation, snug enough to stay on her pert ass, but loose enough to be easily pulled aside when the time came. I suggested she go without them, but she refused, scared of flashing people if there was a good breeze.

>The chairs were perfect, one on its last legs to give her a solid excuse for sitting in my lap, the other padded with a high back that would hide the bobbing of her shoulders, and a bucket seat that would prevent any side eye.

>As planned, she switched to my lap 5 minutes before the fireworks, to give us time to get settled before the show began. The first order of business was removing the vibrator I had been fiddling with the remote for during the last 2 hours, then wiggling my sweats down enough to free myself and slide it home. There we sat in the park, surrounded by friends, family, and a thousand strangers, ready for our show. She pulsed and squeezed as we waited, wanting to keep me hard though I didn't need the help. The far greater concern was resisting the urge to thrust into her and burst before the first rocket had its shot.

Killing infidels

Filling kin, Fidel?

>Kamala (older) marries Steve
>Starts to put on weight from increased appetite and pregnancy pounds
>Grows bigger still when she discovers Steve likes it

she blows herself up to have 40 virgins

Well she does love fast food and discovered a lot of guys are into big women.

But in the end, Steve was the one for her bigness.

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Not in France.

Strange how your chart forget most of the occident world, such as USA, Western Europe, Canada... Not like they are important.

Splattering her face with acid.


Well okay that got me hard, bravo

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Fat lovers should be stoned after public shaming

I just want to cuddle fat Kamala and rub her belly

>Catholic Kamala wanting comfort and cuddles after an argument with her parents


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>All those self-inseters bringing Steve x Kamala
Can you do a favor and kill yourselves? This is the same shit you're screeching all the time from Tumblr

Thomas Edison stories aka "Shit this crazy bastard actually said."

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No wonder his clone was a crazy bird man.

kek do you take this in serious?

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>the same answer Tumblr gave at the start

I’m willing to go Thor X Kamala


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>no hijab
Does her imam know about this?

Can someone Photoshop that pen as a pregnancy test?

No way, fag. Breeding is a disgusting fetish.

I can see why you'd think that, since it resulted in you.

I'll have you know I attained like through spontaneous generation.

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they had in the christmas special

Was this guy a visionary or what?

Steve associates fatness with prosperity and fertility. When he sees big Kamala, he's drawn to her.

Would love this

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He was a crook, stole most of his ideas from his workers

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Why would i celebrate my birthday with Kamala?

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By helping her make an brand new American. If you catch my drift.

Yes, but featuring an extremely historically accurate miniskirt.

This is before she knew about Steve's interest.

The same way I would spend every day with her Pinky

Just in case you really are this daft, and not just a defenceforce member on autopilot, I'll point out what everyone else already knew. Those numbers about islam are from islamic countries.

Perverted drunkard


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Deport her.

>ywn fuck Kamala's ear
>ywn hear your cock pushing in and out of her ear
>ywn watch her seize and convulse with pleasure as you push against her bouncy brain
>ywn watch her babble incoherently as you literally mind fuck her
>ywn dump a load into her warm and inviting ear
>ywn watch Kamala listen to the cum swirling around in her head
>ywn watch her slowly heal and stretch everything back into place
>ywn consensually grope and fuck her body as her mind recovers
>ywn bask in the afterglow and listen to her cheesy jokes about "having sex on the brain," or how she "can hear the ocean now"
>ywn watch her enjoy being basically deaf in one ear, because of your cum
>ywn watch her spend as much time as possible with your cum dripping slowly out of her ear

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As a man who is suffering from an ear blockage as of now, I would like to say (and I can't stress this enough)FUCK THIS POST.

Like I said.
Ahead of his time.

Because talk-no-jutsu is whack.

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>Yea Forums suddenly likes middle-eastern girls

What happened?

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>Yea Forums suddenly likes Kamala
Hello summer

What is the meaning of this? Are you saying it happened this summer?

user, she's cute. I don't care what a female character's race is, if she's a pass, she's getting it up the ass.

One middle eastern girl.
Just one.

Too obvious now, famalan

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Carol had a good time with her biggest fan

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>fell for suit thing
rookie mistake

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user pls

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