Guilty Pleasures

post your guilty pleasures
mine is JL8. Been reading it for years and I can't stop

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Scooby Doo Monsters Unleashed.

Ang Lee's Hulk.

does geoff johns GL run count as a guilty pleasure

nothing guilty about kino8

I liked Little League a lot, but the update schedule is just too glacial for me.
just like Nedroid. RIP

I have a lot of power girl comics.....and pics.

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JL8 would be literally 10/10 without the forced drama/romance elements. I just want Peanuts in tights. Please reboot the book, Yale.

What's to be guilty about?

I wish brainlets like thee would just stop posting

the romance arcs were extremely well written and emotional

it was 100000 times better handled than dc ever could

there's literally nothing wrong with liking little girls in leotards

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Nothing beats gym teacher Darkseid.

i miss PG so much


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I love these old Archie-esque teen comics.

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>I just want Peanuts in tights
i dont know man, peanuts was really sad sometimes,that shit sure does depress me sometimes

>yale actually believes this
Stop writing them as teenagers and write them as the kids they are. Plus the schedule does not allow for such drawn out arcs.

i sometimes watch jelly jam,or others cartoon like that that are really,really for kids

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the nightmare panel with jonn and bruce was kino


Honestly? TwoKinds.
I've been reading that shit since the beginning and I don't plan to ever stop.

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I'm sorry.

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How is this a guilty pleasure? Everybody loves jl8

his comics are shit, but I unironically like dobson's art style. makes me wish he wasn't such a jackass so I wouldn't have to consider that a guilty pleasure

Exactly this.

When I was growing up, my guilty pleasures were shows geared toward younger kids, like Higglytown Heroes and Oswald

Are you a closet furfag?

I don't think I have the image but he apparently has pretty good line art but scans his work in a really shitty way that makes it look way worse or something.
I watched a lot of pbs cartoons I was way to old for. In my defense fetch with ruff ruffman and wordgirl were pretty good in a time when a lot of shows were moving to flash and hadn't even had a chance to get good with it yet.

>I was way to old for

The pace is glacial, on top of a host of other issues.
Yet I still check back once a week to see if Fred has bothered to make a comic this month or if his heart has given out again or something.

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Might as well post the rest OP

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>snart is bald

How does this guy sidestep the copyright issue?

Thanks user

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He sucks a mean dick.

Just see how far it'll fall.

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>or if his heart has given out again

He had a stroke once?

>Cheetah didn't land on her feet.