Touch her lekku

>touch her lekku
>"s-stop it"
what you do?

Attached: aayla-chan.jpg (390x394, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Start touching her blue titties.

Wait if those are some kind of erogenous and/or taboo areas, why are they in full display?

>Wait if those are some kind of erogenous and/or taboo areas
they are
>why are they in full display?
what do you think, why do twi'lek women wear those head-bras?

stroke them faster

Still bang chromedome like I said yesterday

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Brienne is truly best girl

>touch the other lekku instead

Big Woman ftw!

why do you assume I'd touch her brain tentcles?
I start stroking it

>what do you think, why do twi'lek women wear those head-bras?
Because they're actually bonds that prevent communication between female Twi'lek slaves, and even free Twi'lek have taken to wearing them as part of their culture. Slavery is an accepted part of life for Twi'leks.

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I draw in defense
Lek is the singular

Attached: Aayla4.jpg (662x905, 346K)

Ask if she wanted to go on a date with me.

Plagiarized Garmi.... um, Pantorans are superior!

Attached: Pantoran_duo.jpg (632x831, 107K)

>A-a date...b-but I'm your master...a-a-and you are my padawan...t-this is just wrong...

You need to change things up, how many threads now has it been where it's this same fucking picture and basic bitch greentext

B-but... If he changes it, how are we gonna recognise our comfy SW threads?

>literally just humans with blue skin

>touch lekku
>"That is inappropriate, how dare you touch my lekku without my consent?"
>touch tits
>"This is fine, just don't touch the lekku without asking"

with literally any other SW pic? are you seriously placing your own intelligence so low you can't recognize a star wars thread without lol boobz

>lol boobz
>it's clearly about lekku in the OP

Confirmed by George choosing to play a Pantoran.

Attached: Baron_Papanoida.jpg (825x1200, 218K)

>Anakin didn’t so much drop Aayla as topple onto the mattress with her. Her hands moved down to start to pull open his tunic, while her lekku twined around his neck, caressing the back of his head that her hands had abandoned. Anakin himself pushed his hands under her halter top, finding, unsurprisingly, there was no bra beneath. He pulled the leather halter up over her breasts, distending the firm sapphire globes topped with their dark blue aureoles. Anakin lowered his mouth to suck on them, as Aayla’s hands moved about his now-bare chest.

>being based enough to fuck aayla

As far as I can tell, his top 3 hetero partners in erotica are Padme, Ahsoka, and Aayla, in that order, and often at least 2 of that trio.

How about homo partners?

>creature with blue skin
>blushing pink, implying red blood
You're retarded. Like, there's science fiction and then there's taking the fucking piss.

>skin pigment controls blood chemistry
do negroes bleed brown you mongoloid?

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Requesting a good fapfic involving Dooku luring Anakin into his Sith sex dungeon on Serenno

I start touching her forehead-butt

user only the men have those
If you'd rather have a male Twi'lek you can tell us
we don't judge your degeneracy here

Attached: BibFortunaHS-ROTJ.png (816x816, 1.21M)

Do pantorans get red balls instead of blue balls?

Hold her down and rape her viciously

That is not the Jedi way

Bluer balls

>tfw you are a slut for head massages
>tfw anytime anyone touches or rubs your head you wanna nut.

its a glorious feeling.

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I am no Jedi

Attached: sullustan grin.jpg (367x350, 46K)


Pull out my cokku and have her touch it

Double down and grab both.Big lekku>Big tits.

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Tell her she's a bad slave talking back to her master

>shock collar.

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is rebels a good show? i enjoyed clone wars. also i hear there's a half twi'lek in it but its a dude, lame.

>dude you inherited green hair lmao

I think it kinda sucks. None of the cast are as good as Anakin, Ahsoka, or Obi-Wan; the animation gets a nasty downgrade; the violence has less kick

he mom and the dad of the team stay basically static, while the cranky uncle gets like 15 minutes of development. The brother is supposed to be the Main Character and thus grow the most, but he doesn't really change from the second episode to the last - there are whole seasons where he's meant to flirt with the dark side, but he has to be essentially right and unpunished every fucking time so it never goes anywhere. The sister gets the most actual development, but the feudal feeling Mando shit kind of drags.The dog bites ankles and at times actively fucks them over and should have been put down years ago.

However, I did find it worth watching for the side characters and villains. Kallus gets more development than all of the main cast combined, for example. They run across a lot of interesting stories even if the mains themselves aren't all that interesting. And it was enjoyable as something that was bring a lot of the EU to a higher level of canon, ignoring Disney fucking everything up.

The wizard shit is pretty shit, and there's a lot of it in the last season. The Bendu is boss, though. The half twilek shows up for 3 seconds in the last episode.

Tua did NOT deserve that shit. She was a pure spiceroll

>implying it wouldn't be the Obi-Wan "Gigachad" Kenobi, official pussy slayer of the galaxy

Sorry ma'am

I prefer togruta montrals. They make excellent reins for when you're riding your beast.

Only fags bang Twi'lek .True bros bang/get banged by Togruta and Zabrak .

There was a greentext with Ahsoka raping user and saying that .Does anybody remember ? .

>I prefer Togruta
fellow gentlemen of culture, I see

>no Zeltron

Literally what is the point of Zeltrons
>Hurt durr pheromones lol
Gimme a break

Bumping for this

Sequel trilogy would have been so much better if Rey and Phasma had switched actors. Gwendoline Christie would have been so good as an unexcepted jedi, and whoever played Rey could have been very frightening as gleam-eyed stormtrooper.

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