Unused designs for the Rami web shooters

Thoughts? Organic or tech?

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The wrist vagina is gross.

organic webbing was not well thought out.

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Organic glands to produce the webbing material.
Mechanical device for shooting/forming it into thick webs.

The glands don't necessarily have to be located in the wrist, since it can just be tapped and stored for later use in the web shooters.
This explains where he got this special material that no one else is able to produce, while on a shoestring budget, without actually changing anything about the character or what you can do with him.

Tech so you can get different kinds of webbing

This user is right

But that's what it is in the movie.

I've always been torn on this, mostly because I like the idea of Peter being smart enough to develop the web shooters, but on the other hand, without organic web shooters, his "spider aspect" is quite lacking, I mean technically you could just call him "bug man" and it would be just as appropriate, if not more so (climbs on walls, good strength to body size ratio, fast reflexes, none of this is exclusive to spiders)

The web shooters were in the very first teaser of the movie

Organic doesn't make any sense. Spiders shoot web from their assholes, not their fucking wrists.

Yeah, and it's gross. Which is probably why they avoided showing it as much as possible.

They also don't swing around on their webs, or have a magic 6th sense.

This is an amazing synthesis, user. I like it.

>Spiders shoot web from their assholes
No, they shoot webs from their spinnerets, underneath their assholes.
Since there isn't really any human equivalent to a spinneret, you could put it on any part of his body and it'd make just about as much sense.

what would happen if Peter would stretch his wrist pussy daily.

Would it turn into a loose gaping hole?

This, webs aren't spider shit you mongoloids.
Anyway I think works. He's spider-man. Without webbing his powerset is literally more ant than spider, though I understand why he didn't call himself ant-man.
The most iconic element of a spider is webbing. He should have it. If he just produces a webbing "base" that he uses his tech to modify and store to have different types, I think that's best.


are you trying not to read?

>doesn't make any sense.
What do you think you're reading?

The spider theme is something peter came up with to be theatrical for his variety show.

Tech all the way. His webshooters showcase his genius.

Huh. This is actually a good idea, if mildly gross

I don't want to see Peter shitting webs into a bucket and then storing those webs into pellets user.

This is a great idea, most of Spider-Man's powers could be attributed to tons of different insects.

nah,he sneezes it.

Spider-man should be able to produce natural stringy webs that he is unable to 'shoot out' from his wrists, but instead the webs are stringy and maleable that he could use to wrap people with like pic related or to rappel down structures and shit and can also be used as a lasso for him to swing.

Then Peter Parker can use his smart intellect to create a mechanism called web shooter that allows him to propel the stringy webs forward making it appear like he is 'shooting' the webs out of his wrists similar to how he is doing it now

I guess my point is, it would showcase how Peter parker have spider like powers, but it is Peter's intellect which is his greatest superpower that allowed him to make the best out of his situation, it would actually show that he is both human and spider.

I just find it difficult to swallow that Peter is smart enough to create webshooters that can shoot actual webs from scratch, similar to the TASM movies, while Raimi's movies were practically natural and in turn had no weakness to it and never really showcased Peter's smartness

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no, fuck off, just do the mechanical webshooters and stop pandering to raimifags and their nostalgia already

>”stop pandering!” the mouse shill replies as he jacks off over a poster of Iron Spider (formerly Iron Kid)

user, that guy did mention mechanical web shooter. The only difference is that the liquid that the webs are made from is produced in peters body, and not through some magically cheap science mombo jumbo.

organic web is the stupidest decision ever and it robs Peter of his status as one of the smartest heroes of Marvel.

good thing MCU came along and did him justice.

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>webshooters are an MCU invention
The fuck?


>The only difference is that the liquid that the webs are made from is produced in peters body
stop it. stop this shit. enough. just let raimi go. stop trying to compromise -- peter making webs from his body is fucking stupid.

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>one of the smartest heroes of Marvel.

Why do every hero needs to be smartest. I swear, it is like being above average is a disease to you people.

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all I want is a normal joe who got his powers completely by accident
and does fucking nothing with them

In the original cut he had web-shooters

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Organic webs are cooler, I'm not coming back to this thread so dont reply to me bye :)))

>peter making webs from his body is fucking stupid.
Why? He’s SPIDER-Man and he got his powers by being bitten by a SPIDER!
Not making webs is like if a vampire had all the vampire powers and traits, including a thirst for blood, but didn’t have fangs and had to drink blood some other way, or maybe they need it to be intravenous instead of consuming it. It’s halfassing the concept for no good reason.

Garfield's Peter just stole it from Oscorp, lol.

>Why? He’s SPIDER-Man and he got his powers by being bitten by a SPIDER!
Shut up! SHUT THE FUCK UP! I hate this bullshit FUCKING justification for organic webs.

"hurr he's spider-man"

he got bitten by a FUCKING SPIDER that's why he's spider-man, he doesn't need to fucking shoot the fucking webs you fucking fuck ARGH

flawless bait

i know is not popular here but i like the organic one

There’s no reason he SHOULDN’T make webs. If he got bit by a deer and got the same powers he got from the spider, would he be Deer-Man, or would he be Spider-Man because of his powers being more like a spider’s than a deer’s? Or if he got powers that have nothing to do with spiders, but still got them from being bitten by a spider, would he have a different name, or would he still be Spider-Man because he got his powers from a spider bite?

>There’s no reason he SHOULDN’T make webs.
Give me your address, fucker. You are done for.

Now why would I do that? I’m not a fucking moron.

As has been suggested, organic web that can be manipulated with his tech.
What I'd like about that is if he wouldn't be able to instantly produce infinite amounts of it and has to use it frugally, or else he gets drained and fatigued. Has that idea has ever been used in the comics?

no, you are a fucking moron, because you're seriously advocating for WRIST PUSSIES and WEB SHITTING INTO FUCKING CANNISTERS you insidious cunt.

Give me your address so I can put you out of your misery and fucking mine. I'd promise to make it painless, but I'm not entirely sure you even feel pain you prehistoric shitlouse.

Who said the glands had to be located in the wrist or ass?

No talking you way out of this, fucker, I've already made the executive decision to fucking annihilate you

This and just have different web shooter designs for other types of webs and web structures

I’m insidious? Well clearly you don’t know me at all, I’m way too impatient to be insidious.
That wasn’t me.

Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking nigger

look like a watch mate

fuck you in the ass

That's some really bad CG.

>can't accept Raimi's idea was better

Any time someone says to combine organic and mechanical, I always think of a web shooter that can shoot directly from an opening on the wrist instead of producing the web and then loading it into the shooter.

No, I like the raimi movies as much as the next guy but organic webs were the biggest blunder to happen to Spider-Man as a character. There's a reason every other form of media has him use webshooters.

Not really, what's bad about it? I mean sure, it's not 100% believable as being real dudes, but for a shot like that which would be pretty much impossible to do practically and goes by really quickly, I'd say it looks pretty damned good.

Yeah but its some nice choreography of how Pete works. Beat them up until webbing holds them down.

One of my favorite bits of Far From Home was actually watching the bit of him designing his new suit, because it was the first time we really got to see MCU Peter thinking about stuff like that and flexing his creativity like he tends to do in the comics. I know they were also using it as a way to show parallels between him and Tony designing things, but I didn't mind that because for one I think their relationship in the movies really works how they've played it and also, it kind of builds Peter up as being Tony's equal as an engineer in a lot of ways (not necessarily on the same level with tech, but a great problem-solver).

Honestly I always liked the idea of organic more. Even if Peter was a genius (those spiders never bite dumb or average people, just geniuses) is a bit of a strentch to him to create the web.

Also, with super strenght and crawling walls as only powers he could have got his powers from a radioactive gecko. Organic web makes him more spider-like

The whole fucking thing is that he is a random kid being given superpowers by a random accident. If he's actually the greatest genius who ever lived and gave himself his own most iconic and important power, and more importantly any one of his genius enemies could easily reproduce his own most iconic and important power, then that's fucking stupid and runs contrary to the character, themes, and atmosphere.

Why can't he just have organic webbing and showcase his smartness in how he acts and handle situations?

If Peter Parker is the greatest genius who ever lived like you fags want then why does he waste time busting heads on the street when he could do infinitely more good by inventing new forms of desalination or curing cancer? You don't see Tony Stark or Reed Richards pulling that shit, and Batman is completely insane so he doesn't count.

Peter works better as a working class smarter-than-average hero and not other stupid fucking ultra-genius Ayn Rand wet dream, and organic webbing works with that.

Because then he would handle situations instead of getting his ass kicked, so there wouldn't be heroic comebacks

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>There's a reason every other form of media has him use webshooters
Yeah, for cheap drama and easy suspense when the writer can't think of a decent way for an antagonist to have an advantage over Peter.

>You don't see Tony Stark or Reed Richards pulling that shit
Haha what? With all the shit that comes out of Stark Industries R&D or the Baxter Building through the years the entire world, or at very least the United States, should be a post-scarcity utopia.

The best design was Spiderman The Animated Series version.

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This is an idiot's opinion.

This has all the flaws of both, is gross, and harder/stupider to explain.

>Watch Spider-Man The Animated Series
>Peter doesn't go for a walk to clear his head he swings all over and loses himself in his thoughts until something catches his attention or trouble finds him
>Finally gets into a skirmish
>"Oh no out of webbing lmao"

Always hated that. I know it's done to build suspense and drama but Peter couldn't punch of kick anyone on the show so Spider-Man would become this brightly pajamed anemic loser when he'd lose his webs, as if his strength and reflexes were suddenly not as important to highlight. That's what made me hate non-organic webbing.

I'd also prefer Peter to instead use shooters to alter the trajectory or composition of his webbing like it does not, only not using synthetic webbing. But then again Peter is a genius and having him specifically develop different compounds/strains of his webbing to adapt to different rogues and scenarios [which he has been doing for a long fucking while now] is just as good.

I'd rather have it one way, even if it's flawed. Organic webbing makes him feel more like a spider than just a guy with really great reflexes and metahuman strength/endurance. Both add similar elements of drama to the narrative where Peter's webbing is compromised so he has to adapt to the escalating situation.

I think it just comes down to personal preference.

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Of course the brainlet manchildren on Yea Forums would be seething about superior organic webbing. It was better and you've had 20 years to get over it.

>B-but muh comics!

Kill yourself

you got erased from history and nobody cares

Listen, chucklefucks, organic webbing is a way better concept than web shooters.
I'm sick of genius superheroes, and Peter being one of them is a seriously retarded choice considering he was supposed to be the average joe, the relatable one amidst what Marvel outputted before. Having him be a super genius to rival Stark or Richards defeats that purpose the same way retconning the bite to be chosen one trash does.
On top of that, Spider-Man was supposed to be street-level, and he's at his best when at that level, you don't really need mighty intellect for that.

And on the topic of organic webbing being "gross", why is that a reason to discard it? Spider-Man being a bit gross/creepy is good, I mean, his motif is Spiders, how more creepy can you get? You don't think Spider Man's nightmare fuel? Guy's got that semi lanky build but hits like a truck and can weave around fights like nothing, crawls around with a power set made for stealth, imagine turning around and seeing the guy, wide eyes from the costume looking right at you while he's and just there sticking to the ceiling corner in a really flexible manner.

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what kind of nothing?
nothing in that he doesnt care, or doesnt awnt to get hurt. there are many flavors of nothing.

spider-mans power is not spider based it never was,he gets super powers via a spider and themes himself after the spider

Then why does the themesong say that he does whatever a spider can?

because his powers and theme it make it so
his powers are
super strength
super agility to the point of almost being precognitive
thats it everything else is gadgets and his costume and people think oh yeah he does what ever a spider can

citation needed

You forgot sticking to walls, even before the movies, he’s been seen doing that without a costume, before he even started making any of his stuff to be a hero in fact.

My favorite hero is Spider-Man, the guy who gets around by cumming all over NY.

One of the only real highlights of Amazing Spider-Man. I loved the web-work in this scene.

How does he stop his suit from covering the holes on his wrist that shoot the webbing?

Based and organicpilled


Web shooters are better.
Web shooters can for the most part do anything organic can do. But you can attach cool tech to them