Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Attached: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 095-021 jenny mutates.jpg (1988x3056, 1.96M)

That's actually more horrifying in reverse.

So you can turn into a ninja turtle if you get a blood transfusion from any of the turtles? Wow.

in the next issue mikey suggest she go by venus de milo, then donnie suggest a female renaissance artist name, then jenny just decides to go by jenny

just in case anyone wanted spoilers on the next issue

Fuck Tranny Campbell

That kind of makes sense.
Isn't the mutagen still active in their blood?

yes its stated its why they heal so well

That's pretty retarded

how is it retarded when they have characters like bepop and rocksteady using a more powerful version of the mutagen being able to survive being shot

What if I wanna be a horse or something?

This right here signifies the comic went off the rails and is just fucking insane now
Shame, cause I don’t think they got to ch’rell yet
And their interpretation of Krang was based

This makes complete sense though.
>Mutagen has a high chance of killing you, although if it works it generally does what you wanted it to and turn you into a half-animal hybrid of the DNA you used.
>The mutagen in the turtle's blood has had a decade and a half to change and adapt, to dilute if you will
>Chunin doesn't die because the Mutagen is already stable.
Fuck it's basically She-Hulk.
Also she probably have a turtle vagina now.

dont use turtle blood use straight mutagen with horse semen in it, thats how it works what ever is mixed with the mutagen is what you become if nothing is mixed with it you just become a captain america type human

how long until she gets clobbered by Bebop and Rocksteady?

I'd clobber her if you know what I mean

To be fair making it to 95 issues before jumping the shark is great

Seriously though did they get to ch’rell yet?


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i misread dilute as dilate cause of that earlier reply



same thing happened to me but with gay blood transfusion. now i have aids

Aren't homos still banned from blood donation in most places?

Yeah. It's pretty funny.

but teenaged mutant ninja turtles aren't?

Isn't the first time to happen.

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Waltz is a fucking hack, and that tranny Ross ruins everything he touches
