If you like MCU Iron Boy you are automatically a faggot, an SJW and you also hate Spider-Man, that is all

If you like MCU Iron Boy you are automatically a faggot, an SJW and you also hate Spider-Man, that is all

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Spider-Man in his non MCU iterations is a fag anyway. What kind of franchise worth a shit gets reboot as many times as SM did?

Says 1 (one) person with a shit opinion.

Spider-Man is shit anyway.


Bait for a bait.
A lot of kids will grow up thinking this is Spider-man and you can't do anything to stop it.

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Fuck literally all of you shitterdicking nonsense creatures

Nu-Spiderman has:
-hot aunt
-hot bod
-is a teen nerd [aka one of us]
Also mysterio adapted well

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>anyone who likes what I dislike is evil!!!!
For a boomer, you sure do act like a zoomer.

The only thing worth going back to the original movies for just became a part of the MCU, how does it feel to get BTFO by J.K. Simmons himself?

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>only thing worth going back to the original movies for
They were still great on their own, though. Why can’t we accept that the Raimi trilogy and the new movies are both good on their own merits?

>Why can’t we accept that the Raimi trilogy and the new movies are both good on their own merits?

it's already an widely shared opinion.

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How can a man be so based?

Yes I admit it, I am gay. Or as you so bluntly called if, a 'faggot'. And yes, I would indeed like to ran Tom Holland's cute twink tight ass. Nothing wrong with it, it's just who I am. What nature intended. Gay behaviour has been observed in other species which means its a completely natural for humans too. And no, I do not hate Spiderman. I've been reading his comics and watching his movies and TV shows since I was a very cool, I do overall like Holland as Peter even though I hate how he's always looking up to his Stark sugar daddy. And no, just because I like his Spiderman and I want to fuck him doesn't mean i am suddenly gay. Correlation does not equal causation, since I was gay from puberty. And no, I am no SJW either. Back to /pol/ with you.

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Tobey never felt like Pete to me. He barely feels human. Dunst was bland as fuck, Franco was utter garbage. Kinda hard to get invested when the only "main" character that could act was Aunt May.
I'll give you that Dafoe and Molina help make up for their shortcomings, and even the third one had the birth of Sandman. But I wouldn't call them good movies. They're bad movies where some actors managed to shine through. And none moreso than J.K. Simmons.

But Spider-Man loves faggots and SJWs

OP is based and redpill and Disney-Marvel shills BTFO by this simple truth.

>They're bad movies
Opinion discarded,

You can like what you like user, but I only go back to have fun roasting them.

You already made it clear you have shit taste. No need to reiterate that.

The only tolerable part of MCU Spider-Man is villains, the rest is unwatchable garbage.

>-is a teen nerd [aka one of us]

MCU Peter is easily one of the best looking people at his school though and has friends and had a gf plus another girl who likes him, which is why it's almost comical whenever he gets 'bullied' by that annoying, friendless, frog looking fuck that plays Flash. At least Tobey had that weird lispy-ness going on and his awkwardness didn't seem completely put on.

>The only tolerable part of Raimi Spider-Man is villains, the rest is unwatchable garbage.

Did Raimi kill your dog? No one brought up Raimi, you autistic shit.
And no need to "fix" my posts, I am 100 percent correct, MCU Spider-Man is trash.

Relax kid, here you are in the alternative world of the Internet. You can believe whatever you like.

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>defends MCU Spider-Man
>calls anyone else a kid
Entertaining but ultimately boring. Try something else.

desu that's about my experience, bullies aren't massive jocks, they are little troll looking people who just shit talk people who are too nervous or awkward to really be able to verbally defend themselves and aren't crazy enough to just start throwing punches.

Tobey was a really awkward Peter but holy fuck I don't know why people think his moments as Spider-Man were better. Most of his jokes or lines during fights were so awkward and not funny

I can always make hour long youtube videos kids will watch when they're bored and tell them why MCU Spidey is shit with overly detailed nitpicks.

I agree, but less aggressively. You can like him, but you can't prefer him to Toby, Comics or PS4.

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Your opinion has been noted and discarded for being that of a retard.

You definitely can't prefer him to 90s TAS or Spec, otherwise you're a king retard.

There's no need. Whatever I say, no matter how argued, it will be bullshit for you regardless.

So I skipped the part and went to the point where I genuinely tell you ... okay. Hates Mcu as much as you like. If it makes you feel better, who am I to stop you?

>-is a teen nerd [aka one of us]

>Hot bod
>A teen nerd like me
holy shit please be bait i'm cringing like i've never cringed before

Because that's not fucking true. The new movies aren't good at all. Fuck you, retard.

Right, but instead of JK we got Alex Jones

Im sorry you feel that way, but you might as well be an adult about it and move on with your life.

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Summerfag zoomers making bait threads I see.

Summerfags don't exist, and stop using reddit vocab, thanks.

I've met Holland, that goofy nerd thing isn't an act.
Alex Jones is true art, and bringing that into the movies is great.

To be honest, I think far from home works amazingly if you had no idea about mysterio. It'd make the "twist" so much better.

>Alex Jones is true art, and bringing that into the movies is great.
God, you're disgusting.

Well that your opinion but those movies aren't bad at all. But you probably don't like or haven't seen any other Raimi's movies.

fuck Yea Forums tourist faggots

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His villains definitely are

Nah man, the only times they come close to being legit good movies is when Raimi applies his old smaller scale horror sensibilities when the scene is right for it, like Doc Ock's arms throwing those doctors around in a gruesome act of self preservation. And his flavor of cheese does help salvage some other bits. I'm not saying nothing in them holds up, or even that Raimi is a bad director, far from it. Maybe they would've been better if he had more control and didn't get dicked around by Sony.
But the Spider-Man movies are far from his best, nor would I consider them good Spider-Man movies, even if they were the best by default for a long time. They have a ton of shortcomings we just overlooked because they were the best we had.

This movie didn't feel at all like a Spider-Man movie.

Many prefer him to Toby

There are people who literally eat shit off the street. Sorry bub, but you're not special.

>This movie didn't feel at all like movies I've already watched a dozen times.
Ok, good?

I too like him better than Toby McBitchface.

>kids listening to some fag on the internet bitch for a full hour
Oh yeah, I'm sure those kids are chomping at the bit to watch your lazy ass.

None of the other Spider-Man movies were good enough for me to watch a dozen times. I did watch Spider-Verse twice, though.

>we got Alex Jones
So what the PS4 game went with.

Yep, and it fucking sucked. The rest of the PS4 Spider-Man is excellent though. I really do wonder what the fuck they were thinking with MCU Spider-Man when a group of retards making a video-game can do a better job. More freedom I guess.

friendly reminder this is what killed Steve Ditko

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I'm gay too, I loved how Tom looked in his "Night monkey" costume in 2. The black ascentuates his jaw and body silhoeutte even more

Steve Ditko died a year after the fucking movie. The fact that you think he actively gave a shit about Spider-Man beyond the recognition is laughable since it's literally the only reason he refuses to even accept anything that Stan said unless he gave him FULL creative credit for Spider-Man.

Threadly reminder; MCU Spider-Man basically the Constantine movie. Fun for what it is, but completely off material. So yes, it is okay to enjoy FFH, just don't go saying stupid shit like "WOW this is the most accurate Peter yet!".

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Civil War was too, hell the entire reason for the break-up of the Avengers is vastly different from source material and that source material was garbage.

>Gay behaviour has been observed in other species which means its a completely natural for humans too
By that logic so is cannibalism, incest, rape and necrophilia. Not that I disagree, mind you.

I'd even argue MCU Civil War did it better in a few areas. The movie version had a better transition into the debate given the infancy of their Avengers in their world, and it didn't make Stark a supervillain like the shit he pulled in the original story. MCU Civil War suffers from a small scale hero community, no secret identity issue, and muh Bucky

Are you saying you're not only underaged, but a nerd?

not my Spider-Man, it's just a cheap fusion of Peter Parker and Miles Morales without the personality of both.

This is based and 100% I support it.

>a hot bod
>a teen [like one of us]
HOL' UP, are you saying that you are attracted to teenagers?
are you even 18?

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You like the actor because you take dicks to the teeth, but the character is Spider-Man in name only.

Don't fret, user. We still get the best version already here

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That's classic boomer, what are you talking about? Remember the Satanic Panic? Tipper Gore? Pokemon brainwashing kids?

But I hate it because they erase the subtextual class-conflict that underlies Peter Parker's stories, and replaces with the idealisation of a benevolent billionare CEO under the guise of giving the audience more "fun".

I don't think you get more classic social justice than that.

Also it would have worked better as a Miles film.

I feel personally attacked by this relatable content.

Class-conflict Peter Parker is kind of BS anyway.
It was super contrived how a kid smart enough to do what he did, and skilled enough to be part of the avengers, could still constantly be too broke to live a halfway decent life. That's why they have to always rely on the 'Parker Luck' as an excuse. Superior Spider-man was a perfect lampshade of that. It would take a week of time for Peter to be independently wealthy and have his own business.

>is a teen nerd [aka one of us]
>[aka one of us]
That's 10 years in the isocubes, perp.

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I mean the whole idea was that fulfilling the responsibilities of Spider-man came at the cost of balancing and progressing his ordinary life. And any attempts to prioritise his own happiness would either backfire, or just clashed to strongly with his morality.
A morality SpOck lacked.

What if I told you that having any opinion of any kind automatically makes you a faggot.

Yeah but that's bullshit. Especially when you consider how much good he could bring into the world with some of the patents and technology he could invent, and then fund. It is the same problem as looking at surface level Batman. Someone going out and scaring criminals all day doesn't do nearly as much work as community investment from a rich benefactor. He could remove the very need for a lot of the petty criminals he stops, which in the end would probably leave him a lot more free time.

I'd call you a jaded teenager, aka a faggot.

Would inventing have saved Uncle Ben though?

>if you like something I don't like, then you're clearly a cocksucking sjw who hates Spider-Man
>Calling anyone a faggot


Not OP, but you do kinda sound like a faggot.

Just saying.

If the criminal that killed uncle Ben lived in better economic conditions, they wouldn't have turned to crime, and Uncle Ben would still be alive. So yes.

Not him, but you do kinda sound like a faggot too.

Just saying.


Well now we're just back to class conflict.

Boomerman-Stein is not my Spider-Man.

Another Amazing choice that "could" be your Spider-Man.

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>I'll do it, aunt May! I won't fail you!
You literally can't make this shit up.


Tobey is still way better than Iron boy, faggot

Nah, zoomers think consumer outrage is a new phenomenon because they don't remember DOOM, pokemon, and Harry Potter being supposedly anti-christian.

I really hate the direction they're taking the character. I started to make this a week ago when I found out his secret identity was going to be reveald . I then finished it after watching the movie.

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Whoever decided to plot MCU Spidey (I'm assuming it's all Feige's doing until proven otherwise) has made every effort to distance the property from past iterations.

>no Uncle Ben
>no "With great power" motto
>no Gwen Stacey
>no Mary Jane Watson
>no Harry
>no Norman
>all those OCs and Netflix-tier adaptated cast

And yet they bent over backwards to get JK Simmons back as JJ Jameson. I just dont get it.

Yeah, it's like they're trying to make Spidey fresh and new but failing at it. Considering how many movies there's going to be, they could've had Harry around for multiple movies before having him become the Green Goblin.

Why the hell can't they just call it Spider Sense and not "Peter Tingle"? The fuck?

That was so cringey, that joke was made for Kindergartners I swear.

While I mostly agree with you, I thought the latest movie was somewhat getting back to roots, although it's still far from it. But at least we got Pete coming up with his own plan and tech (albeit using Tony's resources), a better struggle with his secret identity / personal life. I did think it weird how he went from demanding to be in the Avengers and go to space to "pleaaase don't make me do anything", even if the in-head explanation is that he's messed up after Tony's death and dying himself.


I liked it so much I'm seeing it again tomorrow.

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You do realize that companies have to make different interactions right? If it was just the same thing, it would be boring

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>it is called the spider sense its just a one off jkoke

That gets repeated over and over again.

You may have done it previously, but what are your specific concerns if you don't mind me asking?

Pic related is a version I wasn't expecting to like after watching Ultimate Spider-Man but boy was I fucking wrong. So glad to be wrong.

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If you get mad (again) that Spider-fuccboi isn't like your Raimi-movies or like the 60's comics, despite the fact that even the Raimiverse had straight up changed plenty of things from the comics, same with the ASM movies, and you're especially bitchy because of the MCU, then you're just a salty bitch nerd that is upset at the fact that Spider-Man is now a franchise for EVERYONE. So fuck off.

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MCU spidey needs to cool down a few years. Not that it isn't fun, but kid Peter needs to grow up a little to make the stuff he's had to endure really stick, and to make the sinister six not feel rushed into

I'm going to try my best to outline the major characteristics of Spider-Man. Would love criticism.

This is context dependent. If you want a "younger" Peter he needs to be early twenties college aged. High-School presents limited opportunities beyond casual drama which Peter really wouldn't involve himself in. the other is adult Peter which I feel works well in his early-mid 30s. He's fully established in his life and is probably the most effective he is going to get. He also has a job that he can utilize his skills in (like teaching...)

Peter is a genius. He designed his own web fluid, his costume, and all of his later gadgets. No need for Stark. Warer Solidifying web (Hydro-Man) is a particular favorite

Peter is a loner and generally does not try and ingratiate himself into the popular group. He only really started hanging out with Flash by proxy with Harry/MJ. He's a true loner, just private. His relationship with Gwen caused him to grow out of is shell and immediately more confident. Peter is genuinely funny, idealistic, yet has a small amount of ruthlessness he keeps in check. Also his banter serves a deliberate purpose of keeping his enemies off balance. Highschool Peter is a deliberate dweeb. Adult Peter is a chad in sheeps clothing.

>MJ Relationship
MJ is everything Peter isn't. He's the nerd, she's the popular kid. He's a bookworm, she's a model. He thinks she's too cool for school, and she is one of the most caring people he has ever met. She adores everything Peter sets out to due, knowing the stress it would put her under. She distances herself from Peter worrying she is holding him back, and he reassures her he's only capable of doing the things he does because she believes in him. She is so much more than the party girl facade (which is in and of itself a mask for childhood abuse). Something tells me Far From Home MJ isn't this.

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Forgot one more super important aspect.

>Parker Lucker
For most of his life (I'd like to think he eventually conquers it), Peter is gonna be the world's punching bag. Until he truly get's his life together, the worst is his reality. His relationships fail. His jobs disintegrate. His living situation is garbage. He unintentionally sabotages most areas of his life. In spite of all of this Peter tries his hardest to do what's right and to be frank it's kinda tragic. If Peter would just get over himself his life would be so much better but I feel like self-inflicted suffering is perfectly in line with his character so what are you gonna do?
>I know this panel is played for laughs but there is a tiny amount of truth behind it.

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I liked Far From Home and there’s nothing you seething nerds can do about it. Best live action Spider-Man in a long time, best ever imo

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Their Flash Thompson was such a mistake, they had to make a new character (Brad) to take his proper place.

Every time he tried to bring Peter down I audibly laughed. The entire idea of someone like him even attempting to assert dominance is just hysterical. 16 year old me was a dweeb but even this is just sad.

I could go with this if I didn't also know you fuckers put Tobey Maguire on a pedestal. You all forgot how much criticism he got back then.

What made it so much better than homecoming?

Classic Spiderman is an individualist who believes in personal responsibility. In other words, he doesn't love or hate people based on qualities that are unrelated to the quality of their character (such as sexual orientation), and wouldn't agree with thugs and domestic terrorists blaming society for their ills when they're so lacking in evidence that they have to start ranting about microaggressions and unconscious bias. SJWs are classic self-righteous villains. He would have voted for Trump.

>Spider-man voting for a blatant con man

This is essentially how I felt about it. It was enjoyable but I wouldn't call it a "Spider-Man" movie.

What makes it worst is that, objectively, they're well-done, well-paced, and overall good movies.
It's just that every creative descicion behind them are the absolute wrong ones

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You didn't mention his secret identity, which is what is really the key to what makes him relatable. Take that away, he's just another quippy young superhero.

You don't make the rules lol

But what if we LIKED old ass aunt may?

I like the new movies, but I still prefer old ass aunt. she's not for hotness, shes for being old.

I think this aspect of Spider-Man as a concept is the most important to me. Spider-Man doesn't need to be a genius, have a lover that balances him out, and his age can be anything, but this aspect of him must be. That element of growth, change, personal responsibility and being stronger than yourself in the face of adversity is essential to Spider-Man and why Into the Spider-Verse, Raimi Spider-Man and even ASM1 resonated with me while the MCU movies didn't.

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Nice catch. You are absolutely correct. Peter maintaining his identity to save others is absolutely justified considering the absolutely horrible circumstances he finds himself in. I mean jesus christ, just being a supporting cast for Peter is just a death sentence waiting to happen.

Glad you agree. Also you bring up some good points yourself.

Not to sound pretentious, but I feel like if Yea Forums collectively came together and outlined all the things they would want in a "new" MCU Spider-Man the resulting creation would be absolutely baller.

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Agreed. I think your original post is a good outline of surface level qualities that would make for a comics-faithful adaptation, whereas the two posts you just replied to are the core of the character, what really makes any version of Spider-Man Spider-Man.
And it's honestly impressive how the MCU has failed to deliver and follow through on every single one of them


But well, you know how MCU fans are... they think all the MCU characters are the most accurate versions of the characters.