He never forgave Steve or Bucky before he died...
He never forgave Steve or Bucky before he died
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who cares he's dead lol
They did nothing wrong
He kind of did with Steve by giving him the shield back.
Also that scene where he gets mad at Steve for not being there for him originally was suppose to have Tony breaking down and having guilt for not calling Steve. Even going as far as apologizing for not calling him. But RDJ did an improv and flipped it to Tony blaming Steve.
Why the fuck did the Russos let RDJ get away with raping the script
Because it's RDJ. They don't want him walking out.
And neither should have.
I mean he pretty clearly did, he was willing to sit down and eat lunch with them when they came to talk about the time travel thing.
>i have the stones in my hand and i'm seconds away from killing my mortal enemy and saving millions of lives
>hold up lemme apologize to my pals first before doing that
that's the way RDJ has operated since the first movie (ignoring the script and ad libbing all his lines). why complain about it now?
Not that user but because it has worked up to this point.
I'm glad his character got killed off.
I had no fucking clue who Iron Man was but was happy for RDJ for getting the role, since I thought he deserved a second chance and I'm fine with him profiting so handsomely from Marbles and Disney money, but now he can go back to making decent, watchable films and I can go back to enjoying him instead of this shit factory
>originally was suppose to have Tony breaking down and having guilt for not calling Steve. Even going as far as apologizing for not calling him
Where did you read this?
Tony would be the one to twist his own guilt into calling out Steve.
It's pretty much implicitly shown that he reconciled with Steve
Tony had nothing to apologize for, Steve was in the wrong the whole time.
Should you be here, Robert?
Why would he need to forgive Bucky?
The guy brutally murdered his parents, I think a man has earned the right to carry such an offense with him to the grave.
Thing is Bucky wasn't himself and was brainwashed and controlled as Winter Soldier. If Tony shouldn't forgive someone, then the people who used Bucky as a remote tool.
Yeah, let's just ignore the whole brainwashing thing and that with from the footage we and him were shown you shouldn't be realistically be able to even tell it was him.
I figured they hashed things out in the five year timeskip. When the world was dealing with a catastrophic event, they had to hash things out because more important things were happening.
>I figured they hashed things out in the five year timeskip
Nah, it's implied when they visit Tony's cabin to ask for his help with the time machine that they hadn't spoken to him in years, and his response indicates that he had previously left off on poor terms and was just now meeting them halfway as a form of apology.
>Raping the script
>Implying MCU Tony would, in ANY WAY, admit any of it was his fault.
The only time in the entire MCU when he admitted he fucked up big time was in Civil War, and STILL he blamed it on the entire team not only him.
Since Iron Man 1 he's been making excuses for everything, and you expect him to go "abloo bloo bloo you were right Steve"?
The Russos fucked up Endgame, it was boring, filled with nonsense scenes, and the "I'm Iron Man" moment was so out of character that made me cringe hard.
They fucked up a lot of characters, they made their own version of things, contradicting the writers.
So tell me who got away with raping the script.
This. There's a reason why Tony Stark has so many archenemies. It's just that he's so rich and powerful that none of them could break his stride until Thanos backhanded him with a moon.
The "Do you trust me?" "I do." was suppose to be that.
The improv is true but that feeling guilt for not calling and apologizing was shit you pulled out of your ass.
why would he
Yeah, because Tony is an asshole
I don’t mind ablibbing quip scenes but completely changing character defining moments because RDJ is a diva is ridiculous
Because Tony tried to murder him for his crime of being a brainwashed tortured slave
He needs to apologize for that, not forgive. Steve never apologized for withholding the truth the entire time either.
when the beyonder revives him he'll be able to do it.
>Finds out Bucky murdered his parents
>Also finds out Steve was knew about this and never told him
He was kinda right to be pissed
>the "I'm Iron Man" moment was so out of character that made me cringe hard.
Explain yourself, I thought it was fine aside from the weird pauses.
>why didn't they subvert my expectations and have character not act like character always had
Did you miss the entire damn conversation with them before the time heist? He says he's over it and just wants to work together again and he hands him back the fucking shield. "My father made that shield" to "My father made it for you"
Adults usually carry grudges to the grave in my experience
Bucky would never get forgiven, i wonder how he'd feel about him at the funeral
Good. Fuck Bucky
>ok, I've seen almost EVERY stark dead... just got to wait til people aren't looking at the little one
Because if Bucky is to be held responsible for his actions while brainwashed then it's beyond hypocritical for him to be bffs with Hulk who's unintentionally killed numerous innocents or to not also hold Hawkeye responsible for all the Sheild agents he killed in the first movie.
>Steve never apologized for withholding the truth the entire time either
>I know I hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you, but I can see now that I was really sparing myself, and I'm sorry
Did you even fuckin watch civil war? Or are you just to set on making Tony the victim that you completely memory-holed the letter cap sent at the end?
>Steve is wholly in the right for his behavior and could be justified flipping off everyone who helped Tony
>Still decides to take all the blame, not for morality's sake, but for the sake of trying to help his friend get past the horrible things he'd learned
Based Cap
While I get that sending a letter was his only option of contacting Tony apologizing through it is like telling your girlfriend of several years that you've gone through a lot of shit with that you wan't to break up through text. It's a sensitive subject that needs to be hashed out face to face. While apologizing in the letter is better than nothing it should've been talked through again, this time in a proper setting.
Not an option, because the first time Steve tried Tony went full tard rage and tried to kill him. The second time they were in the middle of a slapdash desperate plan to unfuck the universe.
Way to move the goalpost. And it's more than Tony ever did for all the shitstorms he caused.
>I... AM...
>Thanos punches him mid-speech & takes the stones back
He has the time stone to acomplish that,tho.
Endgame was a shit movie,filled with nonsense fanservice, awful script (Dude,OP gems and time travel, Lmao) lots of character butchering and even more RDJ/Ironmanlet wanking muddling every scene
>Steve fucking the Carters
>Bucky killing the Starks
They like to keep it in the family, I see