They're all about the life of a trans/gay/lesbian person growing up and dealing with the world around them. While that in itself if not a bad concept, every one of these fucking comics make the same damn mistakes.
>The main character is a mary sue soapbox mouth piece rather than a fucking character
>Everyone around them is either a fellow mouth piece or an exaggerated strawman "antagonist"
>It's not that they have to adapt to life and the world around them while living as an lgbt person, the WORLD has to change for them
>Utterly lacking in any self awareness
I would love to read one fucking comic/webcomic centered around an lgbt character's life growing up that's a god damned character and not a mouth piece to spew their short sighted bullshit. This is such a wasted concept.
/lgbt/ themed comics
Other urls found in this thread:
Trans Girl Next Door kinda struggles with those first two points, but isn’t quite as bad as most with those last two points. It benefits from not having a real plot, though, but more being a gag a day comic, like a lot of webcomics out there.
The gag a day thing could work, if these comics just lost the whole "mouth piece" thing. I hate it when any piece of media does so.
This art style is very charming though.
It is damn near impossible to tell an edit apart from the real deal.
>I would love to read one fucking comic/webcomic centered around an lgbt character's life
Stop reading the ones by American women then.
Sophie is just a psychopath like most hardcore SJWs
As far as garbage goes there's also that Manic Pixie Trans Girl comic that sometimes borders on self-awareness when the author's self-insert realizes how insane they truly are
The only good trans comic I've ever seen is because all the jokes come down to "ha ha, I have a dick" or "spicy food gave me a butt period"
I'm sick of society on a soapbox, give me shitposting to last the ages!
i thought princess sarah was ok until they starting going on about muslims
This author focuses heavily on suicide awareness of gender non-conforming individuals.
The comics tackling this subject are usually bad but the thing is, they don't have to be.
The problem is, that the lgbt main character is almost never and character. Gay/trans/whateverthehell is almost always who the ARE and nothing else.
To crash this meal with no survivors.
>Nobody cared who I was until I put on the dress
Stop reading instagram-tier comics then.
So what you dislike is, put into more honest terms, is when
>the main character are written unrealistically
>the Antagonists are written unrealistically
>(This third point makes no sense at all)
>the writer is bad
Wow! You just described shit that applies to 95% of comics and I wonder why you specifically call out queer comics while posting a literally who webcomic.
I mean, if you're the type who wants a totally shallow comic where
>The main characters never reflect about the queer experience at all
>Nobody discriminates against the main character because that's unrealistic and makes me feel bad
>The elephant in the room, discrimination, is actually totally fine dude just act less gay lmao
Then just go read and crap where it's 300 pages of highschoolers crying and then kissing once and also never saying the L word.
OP is baiting but if you genuinely believe him then ffs look outside of /pol/ for what queer comics are out there.
I mean I get it but LGBT-themed comics are often just a way for the artists to vent about their struggles and preach about their views. Even so, you'd think after all this time you'd have more variety in LGBT comics.
The only way it'd sell is if they made it specifically to cater to the fujo audience.
This is real comics criticism; kudos OP.
Yeah, this has some humanity to it.
Why alienate the vast majority of cishet readers when you could just leave it ambiguous and queer bait for maximum profits? Don't know if anyone ever told you, but comics are not very lucrative.
No it's not, it's just
>Why is this amateur shitty poorly written webcomic shitty, amateur, and poorly written?
and strawmanning it to be all lgbt comics because of course OP doesn't read or give a shit at all
Is this supposed to be an example of "OK"? There's no payoff.
Disagree. Assigned Male is a piece of crap but it has a following, and is therefore worthy of critical reading. We're allowed to say whether a work of art is bad or not, and to explain why.
>Assigned Male
Oh that's weird I thought OP titled his thread "/lgbt/ themed comics", which is weird because everything he wrote speaks like he's talking about not just this one comic. Well, maybe he should hone his critical writing skills a bit.
The fact that they're not lucrative is why you go for niche audiences, not wide audiences who don't care.
And the niche audience want what straight comics won't give them, which is a thorough and open assessment of being gay or trans, which does not fit as well in genres like action or adventure, but instead romance, drama, or comedy.
Thanks for posting my wife
i have no idea where this is from
I want to read more of this.
This character seems like an unlikable scumbag, but at least he’s a character.
this is something I wanted so fucking badly but so few delivered. I just want a story where a person happens to be gay not being gay as a personality.
>the lgbt main character is almost never and character. Gay/trans/whateverthehell is almost always who the ARE and nothing else.
Sounds like a consequence of corralling lots of people into a monolithic bloc like "lgbt". I wonder why anyone would do such a thing. Do they have something to gain?
He literally is a freak.
Read more comics.
It is still funny-
>So what you dislike is, put into more honest terms, is when
No, what he said was what was honest, and you're trying to strawman him
>Wow! You just described shit that applies to 95% of comics and I wonder why you specifically call out queer comics while posting a literally who webcomic.
>he doesn't know about Assigned Male
OP's point was he'd like to read a comic about the male experience that didn't feel like political soapboxing. Read a comic that involves it to a degree, but doesn't feel like propaganda, which is what a lot of badly written, political strawman comics read like. Because those are comics less interested in a slice-of-life story and more interested in being manifestos that disguise themselves as stories.
>I mean, if you're the type who wants a totally shallow comic...
But that's just it, he doesn't want a shallow comic. What he described were things that make them shallow, because they make their purpose so transparent
>literally stoning gays
Was this written by a Muslim? Because those characters look white to me. What's the take away here?
Then google "top lgbt comics" and read some. If you think Assigned Male and Moon Over June represent the average or the best or even the most popular then you're just a retard.
I'm confused, if the comic is supposed to be solely about exploring being LGBT then why is this a problem?
It's not like you're reading a Midnighter comic or something, you're actively seeking out some SoL content solely and wholly centered around this subject.
Just want to ask a side question; what race do you think Muslim is?
>rock throw by alt-right shmorky
It's shit
It's not a race?
>he cares this much about good queer comics
>can't even name one
It's a journey.
Trans Girl Next Door is also heavily autobiographical and largely about her day to day life, which helps immensely by adding a layer of personal sincerity. The strip about the NC law regarding restrooms was goddamn hilarious.
The Bible also says to stone sodomites.
Alt-rights in America are basically just Muslims. They want to treat women the same way, they want to treat homos the same way, they want to limit and censor our entertainment the same way, they even commit terrorist acts the same way.
does this count?
One thing that always gets me specifically about trans webcomics is how all too often they'll make the bio women and trans women looks pretty much identical. Like in the comic you posted all the women have like the same bodies so when the brave trans women inevitably gets misgendered I'm just like 'how could they tell?'
But then you see the actual authors, the actual transwomen, and it's like 'oh that's how'.
Makes me think about the best way to depict trans people in art. You make them interchangeable with bio men and women then there's no way to tell without the character saying so but that can be clumsy or unnecessary. You make it real obvious and like draw them how a lot of them actually look like you're gonna get trans folk mad cuz that's not how they want to be seen as. Seems easier to just not include them honestly.
lesbians don't count if it's hot
The issue is that most people are shallow, vindictive and self indulgent and express these qualities in their fantasies. The LGBT community is unfortunately not much better than every other one, so the same issues apply
if anything assigned male is just good at showing off trans people with really unhealthy mindsets and attitudes.
>main character can barely interact with anyone socially without either having a mental breakdown or becoming standoffish (or both) over stupid shit since its 'transphobic' for some mental gymnastic reason.
>all of that at the age of fucking 11
This one isn't totally about LGBT issues but heavily relies on them to tell the story.
be aware, it can be pretty depressing but it's a pretty good story
System says my link is spam so just put the name into Google
>I'm just like 'how could they tell?'
Well if we go off of Yea Forums dot org, if you show a picture of a cis female to enough men, at least one of them will flip out and scream about dilating, etc.
Your best guy is now a girl. Would you cop a feel?
>sameface garbage shit made by someone who never looked up how any of this works
THhs. I dont see why Yea Forums shit on Islamist so much,you have so much in common now,you should embrace your ally.You even share the same bad facial hair
>secret asian man
If you removed the obligation to prayer 3 times a day, circumcision and prohibition of pork you'd be 90% there
I can't see this as anything other than mental illness, yet I want to read more
I can't tell if that's metahumor since the author of Assigned male absolutely does try to pose as a teenager/college student until you meet them IRL and they're a thirty-something ogreperson.
Do muslims also do circumcision? I thought only Judaism kept that out of the Abrahamic trio.
>crashing this dinner, with no survivors
unironically based.
Now here we have a man of taste.
Go read TJ and Amal, op.
>I thought only Judaism kept that out of the Abrahamic trio.
You thought wrong.
This is hilarious.
Anytime anyone references thanos I immediately feel disgust
absolute strawman
are we really going to pretend that law enforcement's problems around lgbt people are being too NICE to then?
no trans women are telling their heart surgeons they're AFAB or shit like that
What planet do you live on where cops in Western democratic countries are oppressing queers?
wasn't there recently a pregnant trans man who told the emergency docs that he was male and so they didn't run the proper tests quickly enough resulting in the fetus dying?
Like it used to be trans ppl would accept they were born male or female but want to be the other sex but it's becoming more popular to insist bio sex doesn't exist so trans women are bio women and trans men are bio men.
well here's some from a cop who's one of the leading *dem* candidates
do decades and decades of mistreatment, sodomy laws, etc. count or does it have to be stuff from the last 5 minutes?
It's a religion user
>The 32-year-old patient told the nurse he was transgender when he arrived at the emergency room
Get your facts straight, retard.
IF you indentify as a woman they put you on a women jail even if you have a dick?
This is an honest question, I don't know.
it's going to vary by jurisdiction and who you're dealing with
there's been several cases of like, fully transitioned women being put in men's prisons, which is obviously way more dangerous for them
It has happened before, with predictable results.
oh man it's my favorite news site, blank white background with a title and a picture dot com, man i see this everywhere on this website on every topic it's amazing. do you not expect me to actually google this shit clickbait headline you post? because here's what I found:
she was the attorney general and she was upholding the laws of her state, your personal opinion doesn't matter and is irrelevant to performing your duty as attorney general.
kamala harris has worked with the california department of corrections and rehabilitations outside of that instance to get healthcare for trans inmates, including surgery, in another context that does not contradict the law she was upholding.
funny you would say this
all my trans friends haaaate assigned male and think it makes them sound whiny
that's the toupee fallacy. only bad toupees are noticed, so you assume all toupees look like that, when in reality you didn't notice the good ones. you know these people's birth sex, so you carefully look for it in their appearances to confirm your own biases. while in reality most transes look like average mofos and you have probably crossed one in the street without noticing.
>if you don't have the state sterilize me then you're oppressing me!
You people are genuinely insane
>while in reality most transes look like average mofos
No they don't. They really don't.
>When the man arrived at the hospital with severe abdominal pains, a nurse didn't consider it an emergency, noting that he was obese and had stopped taking blood pressure medicines.
>"He was rightly classified as a man" in the medical records and appears masculine, Stroumsa said. "But that classification threw us off from considering his actual medical needs."
Ok so it was the paperwork fucking with the staff not the trans man himself. Still pretty dumb to change your sex id to male if you're going to get pregnant.
can we talk about Yea Forums material that covers LGBT shit properly instead of just being mindless bitching for a few panels ?
Sure. We got both flavors: Korra and Adventure Time.
This shit has exactly fuck all to do with Yea Forums. Fuck off back to your own board you agendapushing doubleniggers. Saged, reported, hidden, called the cops, moot, OWCA, ATLAS, FBI, USDA and mook.
so, within two posts of each other:
>transitioning is bad because it sterilizes people
>transitioning is bad because it doesn't sterilize people
if you're just here to eat ben shapiro's pussy then go back to /pol/
So you can't be racist towards Muslims because they're not a race.
Faggots crying about racism
Its like faggotry Squared
Unbearable levels of faggotry
Tumbling from a mountain of AIDS
No, idiot. There are white, black, Asian, Arab, and even Latin Muslims all around (yes, I know Latin isn't a race either).
Nailed it ma nigga
Why does he look like an older Projared?
Which JRPG is this?
>everyone's a strawman but me, an intellectual
Aren't you doing the same thing?
every time, you post a comic and then the same 20 low effort comments calling yourself 'based' or 'actually funny' to make it seem like it has support around here
>Yea Forums is actually this retarded
That's because it's literally more important to a human brain to remember Pokemon then it is pronouns
i honestly only care about BL comics, bois doing cute stuff to each other, and that's about it
Either way it's gonna be bad, trans inmates get treated like fucking shit in prison, both by the guards and the other prisoners
>A home pregnancy test was positive and he said he had "peed himself" — a possible sign of ruptured membranes and labor. A nurse ordered a pregnancy test but considered him stable and his problems non-urgent.
>Several hours later, a doctor evaluated him and the hospital test confirmed pregnancy. An ultrasound showed unclear signs of fetal heart activity, and an exam revealed that part of the umbilical cord had slipped into the birth canal. Doctors prepared to do an emergency cesarean delivery, but in the operating room no fetal heartbeat was heard. Moments later, the man delivered a stillborn baby.
>A woman showing up with similar symptoms "would almost surely have been triaged and evaluated more urgently for pregnancy-related problems," the authors wrote.
Looking closer, it looks like he knew he was probably pregnant and suffering complications when he came in, but the staff wasn’t in a rush about it, possibly because they knew he’d previously been on hormones that made it less likely for him to be pregnant in the first place. Maybe they thought the home test was wrong?
>I have to claim samefag just to feel better about myself
Groups that are largely similar often increase focus on minor differences to maintain their separate identities. Anglicans are 90% Catholic, 95% if you consider references to Pope and King swappable, but that's still serious fucking business to a lot of people.
everytime I see this he makes me want to try harder and do things, but then i fail him
the only reason I haven't killed myself is because i can't even commit to that
>ITT: trannies who can't take criticism slide the thread into politics
Based Ben.
maybe this one? boyinpinkearmuffs
>the fag is mad
>webcomic centered around an lgbt character's life growing up that's a god damned character
Not easy. Octopus Pie's a SoL, not themed, but had this arc covering two women getting together:
>i'm perfectly normal and everyone agrees with me, all this disagreement is a few people samefagging
pokemon don't go changing their names every five minutes and you never see a charmander saying/calling itself squirtle.
idk, i'd honestly consider it far more likely they didn't rush about and ask questions because they were fucking terrified of dealing with It and opening themselves up to a lawsuit. I mean, there are trannies who in that exact same situation the instant, THE INSTANT, the nurse/doctor started implying they were not their proclaimed sex/gender, for Any Reason, would utterly explode on them.
Honestly, if I was a doctor, and some "man" came in "pregnant" I'd probably do a 360 and walk away because the only way I'm making it out of that situation is by staying four hundred yards away from it.
Can't have fetish related body modding after being incarcerated for a crime ... what an injustice.
Get that shit done on your own time and your own dime. When you commit a crime you forfeit your right to chose what to do and when.
>When Mary Gregory filled out the registration form to compete in a local weightlifting event, she checked the box that read “female” without hesitation.
>“I mean, that’s my gender,” she said. “I didn’t even think about it. That’s who I am.”
>“What a day, 9 for 9!” she posted. “Masters world squat record, open world bench record, masters world dl record, and masters world total record! Still processing …”
She's in her mid 40s and began transitioning last year.
>fetish related body modding
>gaming is a mental illness
>chopping your dick off and pretending to be a girl isn't
>Can't have fetish related body modding
not a terrible way of putting it, desu.
>gaming is a mental illness
Nobody said this, they're saying addiction to gaming is an illness, just like an addiction to anything else is. I have to assume you're being disingenuous on purpose because there's no way you could possibly be so retarded as to think people were saying that video gaming in itself is an illness.
Surprise, most gays and all trannies are insufferable faggots
That's what it is, faggot
Show me your medical degree, retard.
Most gays I've known have been alright.
Every tranny I've ever had the misfortune of having to meet was a literal chore just to be in the proximity of.
I don't need one faggot, I'm a person with common sense that doesn't have my funding and reputation in a chokehold by (((them)))
>i dont need facts i've got my FEELINGS
Based conservacuck retard.
what is up with Faggots and his shitty webcomics with unlikeable self insert main characters where they constantly victimize?.
Regardless of their opinions, being a tranny without an axe wound, silicone and fucked up hormones won't kill you ... and is no reason to kill yourself.
As long as society maintains some level of sanity and show people reasonable limits to their behaviour, there is a much bigger chance people actually behave themselves. Giving in to the whims of a pathological narcissist prisoner sends exactly the wrong message.
Sometimes there are bigger priorities than your fucking body image ... so suck it up and do your time.
There is literally 0 (zero) real research that supports trannies and infinite gender theory
>Withholding medical treatment
wow yeah that's totally going to be conducive to a inmate recovering and seamlessly integrating back into society, yep.
not only do they have to deal with the mental scarring of living in prison as well as the discrimination they'll face trying to reintegrate, they'll also have a body that got pwned by testosterone because they couldn't get their hrt for years.
you're a genius, mcmanus!
Hopefully they end up killing themselves in prison and save everyone a headache
>medical treatment
May as well start giving prisoners plastic surgery because they want to feel more attractive.
You're the only one with a headache. "eww I don't like it, please die"
I have a feeling chincels would agree with you there.
You should take a knife to your wrists too you fucking fairy. Remember, down the road, not across the street
I need those wrists so I can jerk off and beat you up IRL.
Scrub Diving
yeah, no. if the very people who insist doping yourself up with shit and chopping bits of yourself off because you "feel wrong" is perfectly normal, they had no right or room to declare what is and isn't an "addiction" when it comes to gaming. Hell, their logic for a "gaming addiction" could be applied to watching tv or reading books. "Oh no, he's addicted to book reading! he has a mental illness! we need to treat him like a dangerous addict because of this!" It's all bullshit, man. I used to spend 12 hours a day reading books, was I "addicted?" Did that make me mentally more unstable than someone who thinks "fuck, i'm a woman, but my body is male, therefor I'm a woman and I have to cut my dick, turn it inside out, shove it up my ass, and call it a pussy?"
Whatever you say faglord
It's getting real easy to recognize the tumblr refugees
Kinda this.
I realize that "mental illness" is a pretty vague concept, usually comprised of some mixture of "beliefs that differ from observed reality" and "causes harm to oneself or others".
But if it's someones professional medical opinion that "thinking you're the wrong gender and killing yourself" is not a mental illness, it comes off less like an authoritative conclusion, and more like being completely out of touch.
>medical treatment
It's a medical procedure for a non life threatening psychological abnormality. An abnormality which people for centuries have been able to live with without killing themselves when everyone refused to accommodate them.
By enabling their behaviour on society's dime and time we are training trannies to be weak faggots who'll kill themselves the moment something doesn't go their way. Telling them that surgery and meds are something they are free to get when they have earned freedom is a lesson, not just for them ... but also for kids who might otherwise grow up to be weak faggots.
Being a faggot is no excuse for being a weak faggot, or a leach on society.
The funny thing is that since it's not a medical condition anymore, it's not covered under any sort of medical plan
You realize those lists have more to do with insurance policies than anything else right?
>An abnormality which people for centuries have been able to live with without killing themselves
mmm drip feed me those 16th century abstracts about suicide statistics please god I want to know what you know
anyway your view on healthcare is very draconic, what sorry country are you from?
ITT: /pol/tards
>You realize those lists have more to do with insurance policies than anything else right?
the "why" doesn't matter. the effect on society is what matters.
So you're saying insurance companies pressured scientists into claiming gender dysphoria wasn't a medical condition so they wouldn't have to pay for it?
There needs to be an edit with the skull faces taken out. This Ruins the feel.
>your view on healthcare is very draconic
You are wrong ... my views are very liberal, in the classical sense.
Draconic is what will follow when modern liberalism collapses in on itself. The future belongs to the breeders and unfortunately for us the breeders believe neither in classical nor modern liberalism.
Fucking newfag.
Why don't they just get the chair instead?
>classical liberal
ok Carl
this, exact same reason why I can'tread Incase comics, he has a narrow idea of what it means to be "pretty"
Did you forget to dilate today?
>Literally stoning gays
No, it's a comic, with drawings, it's not real
Also, it's meant to be a joke, remember those?
Is this stone toss?
No, I think it's Dr. Garrison.
>I'm gay!
>I know I'll write an autobio novel/comic about my struggles growing up gay in a culture that doesn't accept me
>I'm sure nobody has done that before!
>comic where they are literally tossing stones
I thought Mohammad was a pedo? Why are they stoning that innocent NAMBLA member
Webcomics roughly ordered by % of lesbian/gay/bisexual content
- Trans Girl Next Door - autobio slice of life humour
- Scrub Diving - porn with character arcs
- The Boy in Pink Earmuffs - friendship basically, handholding
- Girls With Slingshots - gag comic mixed characters, a few lesbians, 1 gay, otherwise drinking/money issues
- Octopus Pie - Sol with mixed 20 something stoners: Larry is bi; Marigold and Jane in 2 chapters: see - Gunnerkrigg Court - urban fantasy long form character arcs, out of 70+ chapters: 3 on lesbians Kat and Paz; approx 2 on "males" Robot and Shadow
- Kill Six Billion Demons - fantasy, mostly action/world building but also female MC and demon relationship
- Chris Baldwin's Bruno - semi auto bio - very few scenes with girl girl, a few more girl boy, mostly other stuff very talky
- Giant Days - SoL humour university students, Daisy gets a girlfriend
Starfighter is just about porn in sci-fi setting and saving the galaxy with the power of love, but it's yaoi so I don't count as a lgbt themed comic. Yaoi is by women for women, it has nothing to do with lgbt people.
I smiled, thank you user.
>>Trannys killing themselves
I'm not seeing a problem here.
Doesn’t Les Nombrils have a lesbian in it?
Nearly every gay couple you see in media is mixed-race so people don't think they're brothers. In real life, nearly every gay couple I have ever met either start off looking like each other or end up that way. Whites are the majority of the American populace in most places, and therefor statistically make up a higher percentage of the American LGBT community. Most gay couples I have met have been two identical White guys who are practically interchangeable. People tend to prefer people who are similar to them. I am a gay White guy and most of my ex-boyfriends look and act pretty similar to me. My family had been fine with me dating guys but when I brought a Salvadoran home they all flipped out. I get it, even only experiencing it as an outsider; you'd have to be brain-dead to think racism is dead; race is practically THE BIGGEST DEAL here in America. Look at the stink casting Blacks in roles previously held by Whites causes, regardless of whether they're awesome or not. Heimdall is an alien space god barely-resembling a thousand-year-old mythology and people adore Idris Elba, and yet I still hear people complain even after they've seen him own the fuck out of the role, and before the first movie came out if you were here you know how much worse it was then.
The LGBT community gets told to make our own things, our own safe spaces, our own threads, fucking everything, but you assholes follow us into them and complain about being excluded to parody our legitimate exclusion from mainstream society. Make up your fucking minds, you assblasted hypocritical morons: If this thread and LGBT stuff makes you so upset, why are you all posting in here? Just to troll? Because all that really does is make the bad comics you rag on saying heterosexuals are mean to us look accurate.
tl;dr I MAD
Also, Mission Hill has the best gay couple in anything.
>The LGBT community gets told to make our own things, our own safe spaces, our own threads
And yet you insist on shitting up Yea Forums instead.
The fucking Steven Universe image seals it.
You have your own fucking board so you don't have to shit up this one
TiMs brag about stealing the spots of actual woman for shit like pap smears. An inverted penis can't get cervical cancer.
>no trans women are telling their heart surgeons they're AFAB or shit like that
I hope not, how fucking cringe is it to tell someone you were "ASSIGNED" a gender at birth?
Your tranny terms are fucking retarded.
And more on-topic:
Reading it right now and loving it, thank-you!
One of the best, 11/10.
I think you're over-generalizing, but I can see your point to a certain extent. The things you would be most-exposed to if you never left certain circles or you couldn't figure out where else to look would all be the most-discussed, whether positively or negatively. People complain WAY more than they talk about things that they enjoy. "Assigned Male" is as-despised on Yea Forums as B^Uckley or Blue Inflation Bear. Look at the bashers in here; they could be out partying with their friends or getting laid or reading comics they like or in a thread about something they like or literally doing anything else, but they choose to spend their lives like this. My advice? Google themes you like +webcomic until you hit something. Or go to something like comicfury and use their search filters. I don't read as much online as others so someone else probably has more ideas but it's a start.
Adam & Steve is cute.
In a thread telling you exactly what it's about on an appropriate imageboard for the topic (COMICS AND CARTOONS), we attempt to discuss things on-topic, and assholes like you invade in order to derail our conversation but if we dare to talk back we're the assholes who should've stayed over in /lgbt/ which is already crawling with you assholes too, and there are FAR too many of you to report usually, you just dogpile us until a janitor deletes our thread or we get tired of being called names and leave. Jesus Christ, humanity was a mistake. Go into a cheesecake thread if seeing gays makes you so uncomfortable you whiny faggot. I hate tumblr and twitter because I have to censor myself to speak to people on those, but I hate it here because freedom of speech is black and white and everyone's right but some days I'd rather just talk instead of argue with shitposting trolls.
Fuck off faggot
I don't believe you're a gay man.
You type exactly like a tranny.
that dude is grotesque just for the sake of it
>that dude is grotesque just for the sake of it
Yes, that's what being a tranny means.
Oh, also, relationship drama is at least somewhat-involved in 90% of all fiction, so if LGBT romance counts as the LGBT status of a character taking narrative precedence over other aspects of the narrative or characterization, you might have a harder time finding what you're looking for. The twist ending for the jock character named Mitch in "Para-Norman" put a fun spin on LGBT-related relationship drama. I know you asked for comics and I keep suggesting cartoons, I just know more cartoons than comics that are on-theme. Okay, stop-motion technically isn't cartoons. Holy shit I am all over the place tonight. Pic related is from a nineties-era Justice League comic, although I forget the exact title, but Martian Manhunter gets into complicated shapeshifting shenanigans a lot in that era involving becoming a woman for extended periods of time.
You're going to believe whatever you like no matter what I say. You got me to reply though, so shame on me.
Nobody cares you fucking flaming homo
>tell son to not be queer
>don’t take him to get a haircut and let him walk around with long sissy hair
These parents got what they deserved.
A frankly compelling argument.
Honestly you gotta be pretty blind to think that. I see a lot of trans people on my college campus, and they're always very easy to notice because tall, broad shouldered, deep voiced people stand out in a group of women, and short, baby-faced, squeaky voiced people stand out in a group of men. Even people who pass pretty decently online like Blair White have voices that sound nothing like a real woman's.
>You're going to believe whatever you like no matter what I say.
Actually, I would believe you're merely a gay man instead of a disgusting tranny, if you weren't doing spending the entire thread blogposting your most convincing tranny impersonation.
Who has the more disgusting artstyle; this guy, or the Assigned Male guy?
Oh fuck.
>not a mental illness guys!
neither are particularly ugly
assigned male looks like a cheap newspaper knock off and this one looks like shmorkyna
but neither are particularly horrendous or hard to look at
>all this text
Just make a post nigga
Actually, they're both a complete fucking eyesore.
I was just asking which one was even worse.
By art alone, I would say "Manic Pixie Nightmare Girl" or whatever, but I think "Assigned Male" might win, just because it's creepy as hell when you realize that the little obnoxious "girl" is an author self-insert for a grown-ass man.
I forgot Yea Forums's standards get lower every year.
>ur own things, our own safe spaces
why are you on this website you tranny, there is no safe space here this is not your own thing. where is the alt-right, and communists comic threads on this board?
I think the worst part of the internet is everyone playing the "my life is the worst" card. Try asking some destitute black person how much they care about a gay transsexual Mexican's issues. Probably why a person's support for this shit is inversely proportional to how hard their life actually is.
>where is the alt-right
Banned for hurt tranny janny feelings.
>and communists comic
Questionable Content.
Maybe there's more than one person posting in the thread, moron. What's with newfags thinking that literally everyone else on Yea Forums but them is some kind of hivemind?
you brilliant motherfucker. you sly bastard. you absolute dog
Why are you on Yea Forums when what you want is /pol/?
Why are you on Yea Forums when what you want is /lgbt/?
dear Yea Forums,
please keep your trannies to yourself
kek, i see what you did there.
no, fuck you /lgbt/
you're the board for them, you fucking take them.
Yea Forums seems more gay to me
Don't compliment trannies by calling them gay. They're far worse than that.
Fuck those disgusting axe wounds, you keep them
>they want to limit and censor our entertainment the same way
The only side I see pushing for censorship is the progressive left
You know how annoying trannies are here, where everyone's having a good time, and then they show up and won't shut the fuck up about the ins and outs of their insane gender theory?
It's 100x worse on Yea Forums. Take that same obnoxiousness, except the subject is being gay or lesbian, and add 100x more extra whining because nobody accepts that a man in a wig is a sexual orientation.
/lgb/*, rather
>hates gender
>is taking hormones because feels gender is incorrect
>makes multiple posts talking about how she's not just a dude in a dress because of her gender
I wish TERFs and normal people could just wipe out the tranny scourge
That's because you're already brainwashed as evidenced by you saying - in a manner which I'm sure you believe is ironic due to its redundancy - "progressive left". You're already part of the religion of the alt-right. All that's left for you to do is deny the label and pretend that others made it up for you. Or commit another mass shooting, vehicular mass murder, or a bomb threat, whatever your kind is in the mood for.
That's a whole lot of
over simply noticing the modern left's obsession with censoring everything.
What if I just want to read comics and jerk off to tranny porn?
Remind me again who is upset over women showing skin in video games, the depiction of anything they deem nazis in most media, actively tries to revise history, will ruin a person's career over a word they said a decade ago?
The guy has certain standard, but it's better than many others with no discernible style
I actually find stonetoss funny. Come at me.
Happened to me. No because although I respect their choice to live however they want, they will always be my bro and that would be gay.
>court ordered gender reassignment surgery
uh, those are some scary fuckin words put in a scary fuckin order. I'm with Kamela on this one, it's a no from me senpai.
>we don't have a problem with gays, we just hate trannies
>gays or black people appear in a cartoon
>race is practically THE BIGGEST DEAL here in America.
It's interesting that people think race is less of a big deal elsewhere.
Must be all the pozzing in your boipussy making you mad. That and the child-fucking you're still trying to rationalize as being noble, even brave for your group. Hard to spin sodomizing children, but you guys sure do try! Such a small portion of the population fucking so many children. Wow, so brave.
Homosexuals and transsexuals aren’t human beings so I don’t see what wasted potential you’re talking about.
There’s no such things as being “basically Muslims”. Islam is about belief in Allah, his revelation, his plan for salvation, and his prophets. The “altright” has a singular unifying desire for white majority countries to remain white majority. Beyond that there’s a range of opinions about specific political ideas. There’s no connection between that and Islam.
He’s not even close to right
Because Islamists aren’t an ally? They aren’t interested in traditional western culture, or maintaining white demographics, nor do I believe in Muhammad and the Quran. Islam doesn’t offer me anything.
You have your own containment tank called /lgbt/, and nobody is following you there. Keep your trash out of Yea Forums.
Jesus fucking Christ I hate men.
>teehee I want to have sex with
>do women have a problem with touching their boobs all the time
No, we do not.
>naming his Silence of the Lambs esque sissy persona dressed in fetish gear and lets his friends fondle after the woman he supposedly loves
Jesus fucking Christ, why don't you just start calling her "fuckhole"? It's clear she's an object to you.
The only good thing this has is the art. I can't believe this person lives near me. Yuck. Not surprised though.
And here is where, despite my post being about a comic, the tranny jannys ban me. Wouldn't be the first time.
Yeah, and there's also been cases where trans"""women""" have raped women in their own prisons.
But oh no! Men are getting hurt! And that automatically takes priority.
You glorious bastard.
Cry moar, faggot.
>>tl;dr I MAD
Good. That's what your deserve for being a sexual perversion and deviant.
This one was actually kind of good.
At least the dad had the redeeming characteristic of hating queers.
I would legitimately like to read more to gain a better insight into his mindset
There you go.
Stone Toss is too blunt. Yea Forums of course thinks that the problem is that he is evil, but the problem is that he doesn't write jokes around how funny they are, but to translate snippets of facts and memes into 2-4 panel comics.
Oh shit I totally forgot about this one. Time to re-read!
lmao the right loses their mind every time trump is mocked on SNL or when a fucking gay rat gets married on Arthur.
But why is it always the ugly men and chinlets why do they think they pass why do they gain the fetish?
Is it a lifetime of being ignored for being ugly so any attention is good? is it from putting pussy on a pedestal? There isn't a good way to ask this so seeing a journal of sorts is a good way to try and pinpoint where it started
Thanks I hate transsexuals now.
The madman did it again
So you’re a manhating dyke, right?
trannies don't deserve exposure, acceptance or even to be left in peace.
That guy has been shitposting the same shit with the same few images for a while now. Like always, just don't reply.
OK Putin whatever you say.
My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness
Our Dreams at Dusk
Bokura no Hentai
>My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness
it's excellent, and the sequel My Solo Exchange Diary is pretty wild too
>why do they think they pass
Because they are so far removed from their own masculinity that they feel they must be a woman by default. See the comic itself. He talks about how he isn't the macho type.
>is it a lifetime of being ignored
Oh, hell yeah. A lot trans identified males (TIMs) were complete losers growing up. Lots of video games, computer access, nerdy hobbies, etc. They sexistly assume that women live life on "easy mode" because the only women they pay attention to are the women they want to fuck (and to be fair, very attractive women do live life on easy mode, see Belle Delphine). Of course, women like Belle are extreme outliers and even they have to fear for their lives (I'm legitimately surprised no one has doxxed her yet. Or maybe they have. I don't know). They see attractive women being showered with gifts, assume this is representative of all women, and see it as a path to attention and love. Some troons have outright admitted that getting sexual attention was fundamental to their transition.
>putting pussy on a pedastal
Quite the opposite. They hate women more than anything in the world. See
There's no pedastal here at all. They're very dick centric - which, again, proves my point. Ever hear if troons and their amours discussing "feminine penis"? Well, what IS a feminine penis? It's a penis that, because of the action of their hormone treatments, is now nonfunctioning (cannot cum or become fully erect), limp, weak, etc. That's how they see women. Nonfunctoning. Disabled. Weak. Pathetic. Limp.
Unfortunately most academic papers refuse to publish this stuff because troons and other authoritarian leftists dominate academia. Most philosophers are men and they hate women standing up for themselves and demanding real representation - not men in the gender equivalent of blackface. See the Hypatia controversy. The author was pro-trans, but because she made an argument that might open transexualism to greater scrutiny, she was devoured. Some free speech advocates within thise ivory towers defended hee, but the hullabaloo demonstates what a dearth of serious academic research there is. TIM philosphers have outright demanded the removal of women from academia with different opinions and will throw tantrums and emotionally blackmail others (and obscure their own academic failures) in order to acheive it.
Best of luck, user. Hopefully I won't be banned, lol.
Women are only good for sex. This is a scientific fact.
Some alt righters are horndogs who get buttmad when a female character is shown to showing little to no skin that they have riots on social media. Every dumb thing progressives do we can see a few examples on the other side.
Jesus Christ. Yikes.
Read manga.
What about cooking? Going on dates? Talking about your day? Or fucking headpats? Or anything that doesn't have to do with sex?!
I'm honestly convinced half of Yea Forums are aromantic heterosexuals that fucking hate romance.
>Thanks I hate transsexuals now.
It took you this long?
Romance just leads to her getting comfortable enough to start constantly bitching. Miss me with that mess.
But segueing to sex is gonna fuck her up. If you wanna get laid you gotta know the person first unless you wanna waste ten years of your life fucking hoes.
>unless you wanna waste ten years of your life fucking hoes
That's the plan, I wasted the last ten in relationships with blood sucking harpies, so why not?
Yeah sorry i like bacon too much
At least it can satisfied The incel ducks from fucking up my day.
I love TERFs. "Smash the Patriarchy". Without thinking too hard about the fact that the patriarchy was always as much about controlling the behaviour of men as it was women. But they can't understand that because 2nd wave feminism is "Marxism with 'worker' crossed out and replaced with woman". Congratulations on finding a way to make Marxism even dumber and less realistic by the way.
Those old school 2nd wavers may not have smashed the Patriarchy entirely, but they punched a big ol' hole in it. And guess what started to leak out? All the horny crazy men that it was fucking designed to turn into actual humans.
I feel bad for your blue collar lesbians. They're being prescribed hormones at an alarming rate. But your 2nd wave feminist dykes? You and your fellow-travellers made this mess of screeching trannies. You fucking live with it.
We're on the third wave, m8. First wave was sufferage, second wave was the 80s girl power. Now girl power is bad because it's sexy and everything's just gone crazy.
TERFs are largely unreconstructed 2nd wave feminists. They hate 3rd wave "lib-fems" as much as they hate men, trannies, and themselves.
I’ve seen twitter trannies post pictures of the gender checkbox at their doctor and freak out about how oppressed it makes them feel. I feel like this is mostly from teens who don’t understand the biological difference between genders and how different treatment can be.
Settle down, hon.
>without thinking...was women
Congratulations on outing yourself as a brainlet with zero familarity with feminist literature. I've literally read so many articles that discusses how male gender nonconformity is more tightly regulated and thus explains both the disproportionate slaughter of male homosexuals (in comparison to lesbians) during the Holocaust and alleged anti-trans "hate crimes".
But hey, you don't need to, you know, actually check what women say. You can totally deduce what women are thinking in the fly because nothing they say will ever be illuminating to you. And with your gross assumptio- oh I'm sorry, totally valid criticism, you can ramble at some random woman and completely ignore the central thesis post because there's something you have something totally unrelated to say.
I stopped reading at the third sentence. And for the sake of myself and every other woman forced to humour you with agreeableness, try not to be so vapid, uneducated, and thoroughly boring.
Came to post this, won't be coming back.
That would be more a problem for non-binary people who identify as nothing.
Dude, the 2nd wave hated trannies and porn. You blaming 2nd wave for trannies is factually incorrect.
> also you gotta love how even men wearing dresses is somehow women's fault
> is there anything you people don't blame on women lol
>kira yoshikage wants a quiet life
Yeah it's not like the left today is just as bad as the religious tracons who wanted to ban all sexuality... Oh wait they are!
>tight regulation of male gender nonconformity
This is interesting and I want to add something to it. You always hear trannys talk about how they're harassed just like real women despite the fact that many of them enjoy it but also as if being harassed isn't proof that they're seen as men. No one gets mad at a woman in a suit. Everyone gets mad at a man in a dress.
This thread is already over
Yes, you certainly showed us transsexuality is a sham using the very real powers of telepathy.
I check /r/GenderCritical every morning. I've never posted there because it's not my place. I read what women say about this regularly.
I honestly agree with TERFs on the fact that gender self-id is a horrible idea. I think that they're absolutely right in that implicit in the deconstruction of gender is homosexuality being invalid, and the use of social pressure to try and coerce people into sleeping with tyrannies is gross and rapey.
That doesn't change the fact that it's funny as hell that the Trannies have turned your own weapons on you: "Excluding me from a space is horrible oppression!"; "Saying something I don't like is assault!"; "You should sleep with me because of politics" (political lesbianism is just as rapey as the cotton ceiling).
Your reply is exactly what I'm talking about. You have an intellectual framwork where men don't listen to women and only exist to oppress them. So you can't actually understand men or how they think, while thinking that you have perfect understanding. And then you're shocked that things don't ever work out like you expect.
I know they hate it. I'm saying that by working to break down the social enforcement of gender roles and norms, which they absolutely did do, they inadvertently enabled it.
You're right, they don't.
Oh were you being sarcastic because you don't have a real argument? What a shame.
I don't care at this point, faggots already destroyed most stuff I liked. Now I just want to laugh at people who didn't think they would come for them next. Like the Man children who care about ariel's race.
>That doesn't change the fact that it's funny as hell that the Trannies have turned your own weapons on you
I personally find MMA trannies funnier; it's literally just dudes beating the shit out of women and winning 100% of the time.
>he thinks that second wave feminists invented all those things
>he thinks those arguments which are traceable to the second wave are equivalent to how trannies and third wavers bastardise them
A woman wanting access to previously male institutions like the university or politics is reasonable because those instiutions govern their lives as much as any other person. A tranny saying that they need access to a woman's change room, on the other hand, puts women at discomfort and in danger while only benefitting a single man as an individual. These aren't our tools being "used against us" this is you having an incredibly rudimentary of concepts like "exclusion" and "space". It's akin to me saying that tigers are edible because they're the same colour as clementines. Troons impersonate us badly in every respect, why would our discourse be exempt? And how is that "TERFs" (yeah, still not buying it) fault?
I'll concede this was a touch more interesting than your previous post, at least.
> the same people who thought gender roles are bad are responsible for the people who think ladybrainz are real and that liking dresses and cock make you a woman
??????????????? That's like saying:
> black people who argue they're the same as white people are responsible for Rachel Dolezal, a woman who thinks liking Fanon and soul food makes her black
>thinks it's funny when a woman gets her skull broken
Have sex.
The T is for tumor.
I always wondered what the LGBT or trans people thought of assigned male.
Surely it's only liked by Sophie's circle jerk of friends right?
Attention whores gotta whore for attention.
>thinks it's funny when a woman gets her skull broken
Yes, in the context of an MMA fight of woman(man) vs. woman
It's absolutely fucking hilarious.
Have sex.
I unironically side with the mom. Was the author trying to come as sympathetic in this because >she sounds like a whiny shit
is that an offer?
Thanks for the insight user if you ain't banned
I'm curious if you have personal experience with this due to the anger and intimate knowledge?
Also from your description these men are just like other misogynistic incels or MRA or any other woman hating group I'm curious to what you think makes one cross the line form standard misogyny to becoming a tranny is it just sexual deviancy or some other factor that makes them transition instead of killing themselves or continuing a crusade against women
I used to be okay with trannies being a very live and let live guy but these comics and other outbursts from trannies have made me hate them and find them as vile mentally ill people
And therein lies the problem.
they are closeted homosexuals
Get punched. :^)
no, having a horrible home life messed you up in the head
You fags continue to try and make every single character lgbt for some reason, at this point you reap what you sow the shoe is on the other foot.
There is unironically nothing wrong with throwing rocks at flamboyant gay men.
Gay men who are normal are acceptable and do not deserve to have rocks thrown at them.
>I'm curious to what you think makes one cross the line form standard misogyny to becoming a tranny
Anime, it's anime.
If it was it would be the first time.
>personal experience
>guy I dated but then dumped
>friend of a friend
The thing is I don't really hate trannies or want anything bad to happen to them. I don't think it's okay or good when they're abused and think TERFs outing gender confused children is repugnant. I am, however, very fucking tired and angry.
My issue is that the rights of women are not secondary to the comfort, amusement, or sexual arousal of men. Men can wear whatever they want, but the idea that they're "oppressed" because, say, a woman doesn't want to share a house with them is outrageous. No joke. I was harassed and banned from a Facebook housing group because I didn't want a biological male sleeping across from me. This isn't the same as housing discrimination against black people. This is me not wanting to feel terrified by someone in my own goddamn home who could easily overpower and impregnate me and who is statistically more likely to do so than any woman.
>what differentiates troons, MRAs, incels, etc.
Well, there's already considerable overlap. Half of /r9k/ are eggs. Check our /lgbt/ and see the Manosphere lingo being thrown around. See notable troon conservatives like Blaire White and (formerly) Theryn Meyer.n the distinctions are very slight.
As for what makes the difference, well, that's hard. I believe body integrity disorder can apply to genitals. I think pornography is incredibly dangerous for children. There's nothing wrong with masturbating, but Internet porn exposes children to frightening concepts. Either they go down the violently abusive route and watch stuff like Ghetto Gaggera, Casting Couch, Facial Abuse, Crackwhore Confessions or they go for the hyponosis / bimboification / sissification / BLACKED / tranny route. I also think MRAs tend to be middle aged divorced men, trannys are more computer science students who watch too much anime, incels are NEETs, etc.
No we don't, you're just obsessed with fujos on Tumblr.
The lgbt mainstream is a fucking cancer, look at the recent push to make Spider-man gay
you iz late to the party bro
>What about cooking? Going on dates? Talking about your day? Or fucking headpats? Or anything that doesn't have to do with sex?!
user...women don't do those things anymore. i'm not even sure women know how to do those things. Frankly, I'm not even sure women know those things even exist.
and honestly they're not that good at sex anymore, desu...
>I'm honestly convinced half of Yea Forums are aromantic heterosexuals that fucking hate romance.
you want the truth, user? romance was created by men, it was felt by men, but women were never romantic. In the end, we all learned that romance was something beautiful we created in our hearts and minds, but it was never real to begin with.
But it's not a mental illness!
I adore the art of manic pixie
Holy shit kek
>boohoo romance is dead bc wimmin dont replicate
A bit samefacey, but it's the characters that really shine. You end up more interested in the vanilla lives than their kink lives.
Moon over june
I’m gay and laughed. Fags deserve a purge for ruining the homosexuality acceptance
It's only stealing when you hurt the common man. Taking from the rich is not stealing, as they can afford to lose things.
I dont like it at all and I'm gay. Perhaps a trans person's thoughts would be more interesting to you
But I thought libertarians wanted to let people do the shit they want to do, whether that's tax evasion, reefer smoking, weapons hoarding, or fisting men's buttholes.
this one speaks to me
>Implying headpats aren't sexual
>But I thought libertarians wanted to let people do the shit they want to do
Dabbing on trannies is something every area of the political spectrum can get behind, except for extreme radical leftist authoritarians.
TERFs are 2nd wave, that's why it isn't cool to be one anymore
Poor mom can't even eat breakfast without listening to a tirade.
Imagine having to constantly walk on eggshells around your psychotic daughter. The dad is not in these comics so I assume he killed himself out of shame.
Fuck me this comic was good. Didn’t go into it knowing it was gay, it just kinda flowed into it. Shit was good, and made me want to road trip bad.
Wrong, it's not mainstream left to hate trannies anymore. You're just desperate to normalize your transphobia (watch how the very phrase "transphobia" - a phrase that is normal in the mainstream - triggers and upsets you which will prove my point).
ugh. the comenter who advises him to find a safe, sane and consensual outlet for his urges is basically encouraging him to find a submissive woman to abuse.
>Wrong, it's not mainstream left to hate trannies anymore.
Yeah, it is.
Just because the government and (((a certain group of people))) keep pumping out propaganda to normalize it doesn't mean that trannies don't disgust the overwhelming majority of people. Hell, not even the LGB movement likes them.
>"transphobia" - a phrase that is normal in the mainstream
So is "Islamophobia", and that's dumb as shit too.
I hate worthless dykes
Yikes what faggot?
RIght? Fuck this shit.
Good thing I'm not a dyke and that no dyke is worthless.
>Just don't be a queer, son
You had one job.
Was really enjoying your honesty until you started playing the victim about the Facebook group. You knew that would happen, you were being intentionally inflammatory. If you don't want to room with a trans woman then don't reply to them, or make up some other reason. Their star sign clashes with yours. Whatever. It's polite and practical. I really doubt your reasons came from a place of genuine fear of 'impregnation' (which is really some second-wave Greer-ass way to word it.)
And yes, I'm a biological woman who doesn't live in fear for her life because some depressed redditors take pills to be anime girls. Fear and anger and body trauma are just not hot ways to define ur politics anymore, don't you know that girls rule? xoxo
>you were intentionally being inflammatory
>implying I put it in the original post
Assumptions. They make an ass of you and me. And even if I did (which I wouldn't because I'm in academia and being a "TERF" would get me fired), why would it be morally wrong for a woman to say she doesn't want to be around an unknown male in her own home? Why do you think it's okay for women to have to be tactful, quiet, polite, or agreeable about our legitimate concerns? Wjy do you expect female silence for male comfort? I concede I keep my mouth shut because I'm scared of not getting tenure, but I shouldn't be such a coward.
>women aren't scared of men
You ever avoid walking somewhere alone? You ever be harassed? Because when I was in college a girl went home drunk to her dormroom suite and was raped because she left the door open by mistake. So don't fucking tell me I'm being paranoid. And if you don't believe me, google cases of assualt occuring in women's spaces.
>biological woman
>dismissing legitimate concerns about women's safety with "hurr durr dont u know liberal feminist cartoon platitudes"
Sure, hon.
> knows about greer
> has an entry level understanding of feminism
> doesn't get why women find trannys scary
>>>>>>>>>> claims to be biological
>more transphobic than the original
Wait what? Are they talking about Him?
>If you don't want to room with a trans woman then don't reply to them, or make up some other reason. Their star sign clashes with yours. Whatever. It's polite and practical.
>Bullshitting about legitimate concerns just to be "polite"
Fuck that noise
Uh user, listen, women should be sweet, and agreeable and never say what they think because men might get sad! Just saying "women only" is hate speech!
Reminder that this whole mess started when dumb speshul snoflake retards started whining that yaoi was not realistic enough and didn't focus on lgbt issues instead of just letting chicks fucking masturbate. It's done nothing but snowball into the whinefest avalanche we have now. You didn't listen.
I didn't realize that's when the tranny meme started.
The "This comic does not represent me! I DEMAND comics that represent me! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" entitled attitude started from there, from sjws whining how dare women write for their own pleasure and not for lgbt sjw shit. Japan thankfully hd the common sense to tell sjws to fuck off as porn for women is for women, but america being a bunch of retarded idiots bought into sjw whining and look where we are now.
>SJWs sperging out over nothing
Just another day in the grand old USA.
Amazing. Truly amazing
You're right, I don't know the circumstances. But if it wasn't in your original post, then you responded to a trans woman looking for a room with 'no thanks, you're a man'? How did you think people would respond to that? Maybe you did get a disproportionate response - you probably did, a lot of these people are psychos - but that was a private Facebook group, a space where tactfulness is usually valued pretty highly regardless of the circumstance. You're equating a response within a private, specialised community to a total silencing. I hope one day you can be honest about your opinions in your work. If things go the way of the UK, where terf talking points get national attention, a more open dialogue might be possible
>You ever be harassed?
No, I'm the one biological woman in the world who has never been harassed or been afraid to walk alone. Thank you for opening my eyes to the plight that women face, I never would have guessed :(
Every woman knows that our lives suck shit and we live under constant threat of physical violence and domination! You're not being paranoid, you're just being an asshole to whatever hypothetical harmless socially awkward tranny wants to come to your book club. Or whatever. I don't really know what a woman's space is supposed to be, I'm a current undergrad and we don't have them, they sound boring
>Sure, hon
You're an academic, surely you know there's a whole generation of biological women in education who have nuanced opinions on trans women. Being a woman isn't, like, a special gift of enlightenment which could never be feigned
>you responded to a trans woman looking for a room with 'no thanks, you're a man'
What's wrong with that? Trannies are men.
>What's wrong with that? Trannies are men.
There's nothing wrong with it, if that's what you believe. But people can respond to it with the things THEY believe, which might include 'you're a bigot' and 'you should be banned from this Facebook group'
>you're a bigot for stating the truth
The West, 2019
I'm pretty sure only a tranny would say shit like that. Women don't want men in their women's spaces.
Yes, people are allowed to call you a bigot for a subjective statement
I'm sorry things are so oppressive
Man, I'm gay and women can jack off to yaoi but that shit is fucked up to hell and back. I don't want it to be realistic but yaoi is actively fucked up. Still not as bad as shojo somehow but japanese women are fucking crazy is what I've learned.
>This person born male who has the mental delusion of being a woman even though his body is not that of a woman, is a man
>subjective statement
Nigger what?
Japanese gay men, being Japanese and therefore not dumb and retarded like americans, have pulled this simple trick: make their own genre of comics by gay men for gay men. It's called bara/geicomi. If you don't like a genre not aimed at you, don't read that genre, read another genre aimed at you or make your own like Japanese gay men did. Simple as that.
Why are americans incapable of doing something so simple and logical?
Do you talk to women in real life or just on the internet. The terf claim to represent the repressed voice of all women is hilariously off-base and insecure
Yes, subjective, that's exactly right
I know but half the time I hate the artstyle.
There's nothing subjective here tranny, not even the fact your mental illness is getting dangerous for everyone else.
Suck it up homo. That's what your fellow gays like.
>Yes, subjective, that's exactly right
I'm not that guy, but there's nothing subjective about the fact that it is physically impossible to change from a man into a woman.
Everyone knows that, but people have different opinions of what a 'man' or a 'woman' is. Biology has clear meaning but words don't, sorry, the world is confusing
Why is your first response to any variation of opinion to accuse people of not being women? Is it inconceivable that a woman disagrees with you? Is it because your worldview can't allow a hint of ambiguity or it starts to collapse?
It's not an opinion. You may believe differently, but your belief is objectively wrong. It's not confusing at all, unless you're a mentally ill tranny.
> Everyone knows that, but people have different opinions of what 'adult' and 'child' is. Biology has clear meaning but words don't, sorry, the world is confusing
You know, when your argument can be used for pedophilia apology, it's a bad argument.
Thanks for posting desu
>you're a man
Assumptions, dear user.
>total silencing
Then why do you not want me to be open with my preferences? Why do I fear for my job?
>whatever a woman's space is supposed to be
Change rooms? Sports? Anyway, I'm glad the bubbly undergrad is so shektered by privilege she has no clue what's going on. Or at least, she would be. If I believe you are who you say you are. Which I don't. You're quite determined to have me take you seriously!
I'm in STEM. I rarely have these discussions with my students.
>could never be feigned
Oh, do tell.
>"Guys I'm totally a woman. A woman who is a cute perky university student and I never get mad at men because I've never been harassed also I know who Germaine Greer is, am weirdly invested in trans rights, think women should should shut up to protect men's feelings, and dismiss legitimate concerns women have as wanting a book club...something I won't acknowledge other transwo- I mean, uh, some trannies have tried to shut down"
> TERFs don't represent women!
> even though most women report being harassed
> even though most women are uncomforrable with trannies
> but uh TERFs are just paranoid
> even though men have raped them in their prisons, injured them in their own sports, stolen their scholarships, preyed upon their children, tried to force them to shave their balls, etc.
> but TERFs don't represent women
> I, someone LARPing as one, does!
Pretty sure when it comes to trans stuff, terfs have the same opinions soccer moms, normie women, and southern women have dude.
> people have different definitions of what man and woman are
So people who are wrong? All women are equal, but some are more equal than others.
> getting THIS mad over the fact that he got clocked
Sure, because women just relish feminists being BTFO by their own tactics, as you previously stated. I think we’d all be more willing to talk to you if you were honest.
TERFs have the same opinion as everyone else when it comes to trannies.
user you’re not being silenced. Just know that if you ever said a man couldn’t show his dick to you in a change room your entire career would be cancelled. So stop complaining about well documented violence against women because this man never experienced it LOL
Bitch, that episode of Arthur being censored was celebrated by your side.
I literally know which segment that first panel is from.
Conservacucks have so little sense of history they can't remember what happened a week ago, all they do is react to others with pre-programmed statements.
Not really. It's really a small subsection but it feels like people treat it as the only "valid" gay only genre.
I don't know who was "celebrating" it.
It was more funny how much asshurt it caused that kids were missing out on watching two faggot cartoon animals get married, like this is somehow the new civil rights movement.
I guess that's a thing the USA and Iran have in common.
LMAO that is some impressive denial
>comics made by women are not valid because they're not homos like me
>comics made by homos are not valid because they're not me
Have you tried paying someone to cater exactly to your specific individual tastes or are you such a snowflake you think people should slave for you for free?
Denial about what, you sperg?
I don't watch Arthur. The only reason I even heard about it was SJWs faggots flipping their shit over it.
Not that user but that's the same for me but with every anti-SJW controversy
So then why are you pretending like right wing retards werent celebrating it being censored you dipshit?
>You have an intellectual framwork where men don't listen to women and only exist to oppress them.
But, unironically, that's how society progresses as a whole.
>You're quite determined to have me take you seriously!
No it's okay when you patronise me, it's the closest I'll ever get to being treated like a real woman if you were honest
Like, what do you want? Proof? Should I send nudes? Is this the harassment I was warned about
>So then why are you pretending like right wing retards werent celebrating it being censored you dipshit?
Well, for starters, I didn't hear about it from "rightwing retards celebrating it being censored", I only heard about it from SJW faggots sperging out over it.
So you're just a biased retard who is pretending something doesn't exist because it would go against your narrative, gotcha. And you're pro censorshp too, hilarious. The right is so based and redpilled!
Chrck out OneAngryGamer sometime (although you may already go there, considering how retarded you are).
See, posts like this is why I find the whole thing hilarious.
Is there any particular reason you're so obsessively upset over it? Do you even live in whatever state they skipped over the episode? Were you crying into your tendies because you were looking forward to watching faggot cartoon animals on a children's show get married -that- much?
You're too young to remember this but this is the second time Arthur was censored, and both times rightwing retards lile yourself viewed it as a great thing.
I think you have an extremely delusional view of other people.
This is clearly very upsetting to you, and many other faggot SJWs, but for the life of me I have no idea why.
It's even more ridiculous than the gay cake shit.
So the episode being censored is a good thing, gotcha.
Also nice feminist anime cap you've got there, user. How assblasted did the dub make you?
You're still seething.
Not only are you still seething, you're seething like it's something that just happened. Wasn't this months ago? Exactly how long are you going to continue to seethe about having to watch the episode online instead of your TV, if you happened to live in that one state?
LOL election tourists and their stunted vocabulary
Go reread through your posts as if they were written by some other user. I mean, is there any better word to describe your behavior?
Is censorship good or bad? You've pussied around that question, user.
>baseline respect
Ah, so your real face finally emerges. For all your cutesy attempts at dialogue, at the end of the day you are perfectly happy with people being fired (which, in a capitalist society, is often tantamount to a loss of health care, dental, etc.) for not agreeing with your dogma. And now simply saying men aren’t women is tantamount to a lack of respect. This just goes to show that all your previous remarks about politeness and respectability (“ugh y couldn’t u just say it was a star sign”) are just gateways for you to trample over anyone who opposes your dogmatic view of the world.
Here’s the difference between you and me: You think I should be fired for my thought crime. Meanwhile, my best friend, a female computer scientist and fellow radical feminist nominated a trans student for a graduate scholarship even if she disagrees with his assertion that he’s woman because of the quality of his work. And we’re the bigots? Because I clocked you? Go pull some clumps of hair out of your fuckhole and dilate as if that makes you one of us, Ed Gein.
>use the term "interwebs".
Faggot shit.
>Because I clocked you?
Clocking isn't a thought crime, dipshit. You can believe what you want about transpeople, but if you treat them differently by doing shit like clocking, yes, you deserve to be fired because you can't be trusted to be civil.
I found that one state's decision to ban the faggot animal cartoon episode from airing on television to be strange.
I find people like (You)'s response to it to be hilariously and pathologically insane. I don't even remember exactly how long ago it happened, but even giving you the benefit of the doubt that there were "celebrations" over it, I'm pretty sure the festivities have died down by now.
Yet you're still screaming at the top of your lungs about it after all this time.
This is cute. But also makes me kind of sad.
> send nudes
I know you’re obsessed with showing women your girl cock or whatever but can you please keep it limited to public change rooms and off Yea Forums
> literally advocating for people being fired for calling you a man
> Go pull some clumps of hair out of your fuckhole and dilate as if that makes you one of us, Ed Gein.
Holy fuck I had to lay down after I read that Jesus user he’s already dead
>you deserve to be fired because your brain and instantly tell the difference between men and women
>but it's not thought crime
Cute how you dropped the undergrad label, hon.
>can't be trusted to be civil
Yep, I'm so uncivil, what with having a trans identified colleague I mentioned previously (and co authored a paper with), a friend who got a trans student several grand for his research, etc. I should be posting on Twitter about punching lesbians who don't like dick or telling the few women in STEM they deserve to be unemployed because a group of men who make up a tiny minority of the overall population have a hard time masturbating when she points out they're men in manner totally unrelated to her career as a scientist. Okay buddy.
So youre pro censorship, lmao. You're a total cliche, retard.
OP would probably like pic related
Exactly, thank you.
I personally don't have an opinion on whether you should be fired. I don't know you, or how you treat students. But you clearly have a visceral disgust and hatred of certain people, which probably makes you less qualified to be in a position of authority over them. Does your best friend want to be congratulated for literally just doing her job?
I DID look up Ed Gein and that is a really good burn on a trans person, so you definitely would win, if I were
Ok this comic is actually funny
>she doesn’t feel her own boobs all the time
I have a hand on my own titty right now, just feeling how warm, soft and perky it is. You’re missing out, silly terf.
This one spends a weird amount of time talking about penises but this artist at least seems grounded in reality. She accepts she's male and copes with humor, as opposed to some of the nasty cluster b fuckos out there who will pretend to have a panic attack if you notice their Y chromosome at all.
> u-uh m-maybe you shouldn’t be fired but uh, you’re less qualified....
Dude, you straight up said that women being scared of living with strange men or walking home alone at night was just paranoid feminist stuff and then made jokes about book clubs.
So let me get this straight: You think half of the population is just fucking lying about being threatened, beaten, raped, antagonized, intimidated, and killed, but that’s fine, civil, and totally doesn’t affect your capacity to work.
But being angry that less than 1% of men are stealing our scholarships, invading our sports, raping us, and reinforcing every nasty gender essentialist notion about womanhood after a lifetime of male privilege makes one less qualified for work???
So not adhering to every dogmatic notion a group produces is only bad when that group consists of mentally ill men??? And you’re trying to act as if you don’t hate women????
>if you dislike people whose behaviour and beliefs hurt you, you can't be a teacher
Guess any leftwing professor in the humanities department who hates conservatives can't be trusted to teach! I guess half of the professors in my department (geology) can't be trusted because they're often pro-capitalist and pro-O&G and they hate socialists and environmentalists. Yep. That's a totally rational way to run an education system. Determine what scientists get funding based on their unrelated personal lives. I guess Newton is #cancelled because he's a misogynist.
>if you have feelings in your heart that means you will act on them in totally unrelated contexts
>does your friend want a...job?
No, but it definitely pokes a hole (ha!) in your argument that we're apparently evil monsters abusing our power.
I also find it real fucking funny that you winge and complain about abuses I may inflict upon a tiny minority while simultaneously denying that women face oppression. Yes, I'm clearly paranoid (your words) that men are gonna get me (despite a litany of scholarship demonstrating my reservations are justified) but you're not being paranoid about the evil TERF chemistry professor!
I play with my tits when I masturbate because they're erogenous. Key phrase being "when I masturbate". This dude and his friends are doing it to fake felt tits in public and would likely deny it's not a fetish. Bit of a worthwhile distinction.
I thought geologists loved getting their rocks off.
Oh, we do. I see some gneiss cleavage or a pair of Japanese penetrated twins and it rocks my world and makes my molybdenite. Makes me want to pull out my geologists hammer and drill bit and shove one up my realgar and the other up what used to be my vadose zone.
Okay I did crtl+f and my words were 'you're not being paranoid', after you said 'don't fucking tell me I'm being paranoid', so I feel okay about that
>hole (ha!)
Oh my god you are on FIRE tonight
You're accusing me of being dogmatic for making the mildest points, and I'm way more terf adjacent than a lot of women in my circles. I agreed with your earlier points! I think male violence has to be addressed, and autogynephilia exists (I have friends who would be furious at me for saying that), and there are discussions that could be had about these things if you didn't insist that anyone who respects trans women's identities is personally advocating for violence against women
See, you can actually be fun when you're not being a huge tardraging bitch.
LGBT people have no point in life; they can't reproduce or advance the species, so all they can be is a mouthpiece.
>You think half of the population is just fucking lying about being threatened, beaten, raped, antagonized, intimidated, and killed,
In the US, more men than than women are beaten, raped, and killed.
>more men are raped then women
Gonna need a source on that
Well that's mostly the US army and the police
Waiy wait wait
Trannies are raping women? Are you retarded?
>If you think the most commonly posted and discussed LGBT comics are popular, you're wrong
>No I can't name any I'd actually recommend, why do you ask?
Those are shitpost comics, my dude.
What, you don’t just hold them whilst you’re sitting around? Weird, it’s nice. Kinda comforting. Anyway, not who you were responding to, but I feel like you’re putting way too much effort and energy into paragraphs defending yourself on Yea Forums and you’re kinda going off topic from anons criticising you by comparing abuses committed on two separate minority groups as if that justifies your possible abuse of members of one, when both sets of abuse should probably be equally unacceptable to you. Especially as somebody whose prejudices might affect how they treat somebody under their care.
Anyway, you’re a geologist, you should know not to take your job for granite. Maybe you should sit in a rocking chair and relax a bit.
You see, there are sexual deviants on Reddit, and we have screencaps of them, therefore trannies are the most vicious threat to women in the whole modern world
No, he is not feminine at all.
>I have proof, it’s some posts on the internet
The thing that bugs me is when the narrative is
>trans women ARE women they literally look identical and they have no physical differences from cis women
But then when a female character is designed to look even remotely unconventional it's
>she's CLEARLY a trans woman, look how WEIRD she looks! Her chin is the size of an anvil, that means she DEFINITELY has a penis, why else would they make her look like a MAN??
Not that user, but I find retarded that just caring for your own segurity is being a bigot now.
Am who she was responding to
God your words are like a gentle lullaby
the dialogue in the second panel has me fucking wheezing every time
>feel okay about that
Well, let's go back, shall we?
>"No, I'm the one biological woman in the world who has never been harassed or been afraid to walk alone. Thank you for opening my eyes to the plight that women face, I never would have guessed :("
>"Every woman knows that our lives suck shit and we live under constant threat of physical violence and domination! You're not being paranoid, you're just being an asshole to whatever hypothetical harmless socially awkward tranny wants to come to your book club."
You told me I was wrong to be apprehensive about sharing a room with a man or walking alone, minimized the threat TIMs pose to real women (because they never attacked us in prisons or change rooms!) etc. But hey, you didn't technically call me paranoid. You just completely denied everything I said as being valid while placing premium on the possible hurt feelings of a group of men. If you are actually a woman, I highly recommend working through your intense internalized misogyny, because this is just sad.
>male violence
If you thought that then maybe you would have taken me seriously when I said I didn't want to sleep nearby a man instead of dismissing me.
>respects trans identities
Except it's not about respect. If it were just a matter of dress and pronouns I'd give zero fucks. But it's not. It's about men getting away with destroying every institution made to protect women from female only prisons to scholarships to sports. If you choose male feelings over female rights and dignity you are a misogynist.
Yeah, having my gender parodied for the sake of someone's orgasm does make me rather fridgid. I'm sorry that inconveniences you. I should limit my conversation to jokes about my genitals.
That's not the point. The point is women are abused primarily by men, and so if makes sense that women would not want to be around men - even if that man wears a dress.
Male prison rape is why that's true.
>tranny Snoopie punching Charlie Brown
That was a wild ride user, not OP but thanks for telling me about this.
I’d like to sing you a sweet lesbian lullaby, user.
Try Googling sometime.
>Transwomen are 6 times more likely to commit a crime and 18 times more likely to commit a violent crime compared to female controls.
No one believes troons are the greatest threat to women, but they're definitely not good for us.
>two separate minority groups
I've been talking about men and women.
>all this cutesy "just calm down and be nice" trash
Spare me.
>justifies your possible abuse
I love how you have zero evidence of this and yet you felt the need to comment.
>y u postin so much
And why do you say this only to me and not the other person I've been consistently speaking with? Because they fit your agenda? Anyway, I'm taking a Greyound home. I got plenty of time to shitpost. I enjoy arguing with people.
>can't read based Seijic because he draws hot girls as hot girls
>Look at the stink casting Blacks in roles previously held by Whites causes, regardless of whether they're awesome or not.
Right? Imagine someone being upset if they cast a white person as Black Panther or Mulan, race doesn't fucking matter but these idiots keep it alive.
>It's not wrong to trick a man into having sex with you under false pretenses
Wonder if they'd be singing the same tune if it was about a lesbian killing a man who pretended to be a woman
>men getting away with destroying every institution made to protect women
Well, now I'm going to call you paranoid.
>internalised misogyny
Yeah actually, I know :( I'm working on it, like how I really wanted to also call you hysterical and bitchy just now, but I didn't
>and not the other person I've been consistently speaking with? Because they fit your agenda?
Because we're in love
In two sentences you were more lucid than anyone's been on this subject in years, I'm not worthy
>"Man I'm so sick of hearing about gender"
>"Yeah me too dude"
>I just wanna be a victim so bad
I can't stand this
>Transwomen are 6 times more likely to commit a crime and 18 times more likely to commit a violent crime compared to female controls.
Okay, now link me to the the statistics showing that transwomen are raping women.
Because you wrote:
>But being angry that less than 1% of men are stealing our scholarships, invading our sports, raping us, and reinforcing every nasty gender essentialist notion about womanhood after a lifetime of male privilege makes one less qualified for work???
>raping us
Are you actually fucking retarded or are you just roleplaying as a woman to rant about trannies?
>"Halloween costumes mock and emulate literally every group, but that also includes ME. UNACCEPTABLE."
>"Son please I just want to eat my eggs. Considering how horribly you portrayed us earlier it's kind of a miracle I'm even being this pleasant to your face."
>Halloween costumes mock and emulate literally every group
White straight men?
>Have sex.
I don't understand this as a comeback; it's not like anyone can just go out and have sex at any time. Even if one is willing to use a money-for-sex transaction, it's not as if one can do it instantaneously. You need to locate a service, make an appointment, make sure you have the money, etc.
Maybe if you live outside the US and use a Homer Simpson costume
You've had 11 hours, though.
Good advice in general.
Best gay centered book I've read was a wholesome slice of life series written by a hardcore gay porn artist from japan.
>Can't advance the species
What the fuck are you talking about?
I dunno, trans men and women are pretty much two separate minority groups. That’s what you were talking about, right? Talking about abuses you might potentially inflict as lesser in the face of misogyny? That’s really what sounded concerning.
Also, you’re perfectly calm. Stone cold, even. I’m just not gonna take this shit 100% seriously because it’s Yea Forums shitposting. Plus, y’know, I thought it was specifically weird you never just honk your own tits, and i’m not here to mediate your argument with somebody else.
They would, they hate TERFs more than "cis dudebros"
Gays aren't sterile, user
Go back.
user, he uses statistics and, as the saying goes, there are lies, damn lies and statistics.
What is this?
It’s a meme. Have sex.
Does this represent a nervous bi curious couple walking into a BDSM club? Because that’s the sexy vibe i’m getting, with them watching all those other shapes pork.
Yup he's a real fact based dude
Its about how straight couples are under attack by the (((globalist))) agenda.
I think my interpretation is better, honestly.
Underrated post
I agree
You were arguing with me this morning before I went to work. And while I disagree with the intellectual framework of radical feminism, I must commend you for being willing to stand and shitpost with the best of 'em.
I agree that combining self-identification with access to changing rooms is a terrible terrible idea. Groups should have the right to define their membership and have their own space. All groups mind.
I will stop using the term "TERFs"; I tend to think it's an accurate descriptor. But I recognize that in common usage it's become a slur that the woke use to justify violence.
Yep. Because I totally made up the male MMA fighters, weightlighters, and track runners in women's sports. Or the men in women's shelters. Or prisons. Hell, here's what five seconds of Googling brought me:
Am I wrong?
Considering the context of which that word has been applied to women - thank you. And goodnight, as throwing shade with an undergraduate is a touch beneath me.
>I dunno, trans men and women are pretty much two separate minority groups.
>a minority
Pick one.
>trans men
Pick one because it makes no difference.
>Talking about abuses you might potentially inflict as lesser in the face of misogyny?
What? No. That other user said I should be fired (and then backtracked and said I was "less qualified") because I think men are men regardless of surgeries or clothes. They justified this by baselessly saying that I would clearly abuse my students.
>never honk your own tits
Only when there's comedic timing.
Of course they do - we're women. And since most TERFs are frumlu, dowdy, middel aged lesbians, they are easy targets. TERFs are also the ones that disrupt the troon fantasy the hardest. Men will fuck anything. But to be denied their girlish fantasies of yuri love or whatever actually strikes a chord.
None of them look like this. If you have ever seen a trans person in real life it is internally revolting. I'm not trying to be an asshole. They are just very repulsive to be around.
>It's not fair for women to fight a biological male
How sexist, women can do anything men can. Maybe these women who keep getting beaten by MtFs in sports need to GET GOOD.
>some prison rape story
lmao are you fucking kidding me? I can find 10 stories about men raping women this month, can you find 10 trannies raping women from this year?
How fucking retarded are you? You're actually roleplaying as a woman aren't you?
Don't listen to these guys user. They're fuckin losers.
/pol/ hates ben shaprio. At least know your enemies' tastes, idiot.
>/pol/ hates ben shaprio.
Yeah now they do. Just like how now they hate Milo, but before he was based and /our gay/. Ben used to be /our jew/ and his sister had fat Israeli milkers but I guess he offended the hivemind.
>As a woman, literally the most protected class in America, the oppression and hardships of men and minorities are NOTHING compared to what I have to deal with. Sometimes I have to be NEAR men! I could be raped at literally any second!
For as much as women mock men for not understanding a feminine perspective, there's few things wilder than what angry femcels unironically believe about how the opposite sex works.
Not that user but I don't think most males will be comfortable sleeping in the same room with gay dudes.
Do you have any statistics to back that up? Or is it going to be that maggot article that gets posted in every thread?
Wait I thought you trying to legitimize role playing as a woman started this whole mess
>Women deserve their own spaces sweaty don't be a misogynist
That statistics exist?. Certain topics are not investigated at all.
I'm just a gay dude, not a tranny. I'm just laughing my ass off that some dumbass thinks trannies raping women is some big issue.
>Ben used to be /our jew/
Lying fuck, Ben was anti-Trump from the primaries and only turned around later on like the little weasel he is
Liking his sister's fat cow tits is irrelevant, if anything annoying to him
>before I went to work
No one does office hours so I get paid to shitpost. I am truly powerful.
>all groups
Definitely. I have no issue with that.
>the term TERF
Thing is, I don't mind TERF. I don't think it's a slur, either. I usually call myself one. Although I agree it's become a catch all boogeyman buzzword.
Well, you guys are pretty violent.
Never said that.
>Ican find 10 stories about men raping women this month, can you find 10 trannies raping women from this year?
You say this as if trannies aren't men and have different crime rates. Which they don't.
Well why you don't just begin a "penis competition club"?
You're retarded.
>Women are strong and men are pathetic and weak
>Also women need to be protected from men because they're inherently stronger and better
Which is it?
Kylie is really cute IRL, and her art is also cute and funny, so it’s all good.
Exactly, they were cool with Ben until he shittalked Meme Daddy, you fucking retard. /pol/ is a dickslurping hivemind.
>You say this as if trannies aren't men and have different crime rates. Which they don't.
Wait wait wait
So when men rape women, you can use that as evidence for trannies raping women?
Are you fucking retarded?
Not that user but men just have more strenght on the arms (and consume much more calories for that little advantage) and most of the time the first attack is wath matters. If a 1.50 thin woman can surprise a 2 meters dude and make him fall and restrain his arms on his back he will be doomed.
>it doesn't count if they die while doing something useful
>Buttcrack plumber
>Football player
>Construction worker
>Buttcrack plumber
>Football player
>Construction worker
those are straight white male things? Especially the football one, lmao dude.
You got me on redneck though.
Stonetoss is shitposting in comic form. He draws stuff that's *just* obscure enough so that some chucklefuck comes along and goes "I don't get this comic" so that some other poltard in the same thread can come along and tell him all about trans suicide statistics, without ever talking about WHY those statistics are the way they are.
Is Sunstone actually gay, though? I thought the whole point was the kink, and at least the main sub chick is clearly straight
>all these redditors sucking off their angry misandrist trad queen for dunking on imaginary trannies on a Peruvian basket weaving forum
>Even though "she" is most likely just a dude stirring the pot to make all the Tumblr refugees start to seethe
I was joking about raped men
>Yea Forums - Comics and Cartoons
>Start a thread about LGBT comics
>Have LGBT person comment on said comics
>Bitch to them about their safe spaces, and tell them to stop coming here IN THE SAME FUCKING BREATH
>See no irony in that fact whatsoever
It's funny how little self awareness you people have some times.
well everyone, it's been terrible as usual. But I found some nice comics to read, so, same time next week?
Fair enough. If I'm being honest I was picturing like the Spirit Halloween images for those kinds of costumes, and more often than not it's some white guy.
Usually if a costume like plumber or fat guy or whatever comes with a fake ass or gut or tiddies it's Caucasian in color, is what I meant.
But yeah there's basically a Halloween costume for literally every group or type of person.
Yea Forums has been a gay website for ages, I have no idea how homophobes deal with the nonstop gayness. Did you fags forget April Fools day last year?
>"Women are frequently victims of rape, it's NOT irrational for us to assume all men are rapists"
>"I was joking about male rape"
This is why no one takes you dizzy broads seriously
>Ha ha, look at those gays and trannies so pre-occupied with labels and taking themselves too seriously
>and off Yea Forums
do you even know where you are??
You're a fucking cliche, my man
>Harmony was 9 goddamned years ago
Jesus I'm old.
The joke is in "the most powerful army of history" being incapable of protecting it's owns soldiers in their bases.
We heard you the first time.
If you can't even pass on Yea Forums, what hope do you have in real life?
I only now truly understood the meaning of "Yea Forumsmblr".
Transidjits, faggots, dykes, tumblr refugees -
Well, until some woke student decides that they're unsafe because there's a fascist racist 4Channer in the faculty. But best of luck to you until then.
I work for the government, and I'm pretty sure I'd get my thumbs cut off for posting on Yea Forums from a work computer. Or loose my pension. Honestly the thumbs would be slightly preferable, score some disabled points. At any rate, cannot shitpost at work. You keep on making Yea Forums great again.
At any rate. Have fun, and enjoy a lesbian addressing the Heritage Foundation panel on trans issues:
>Yea Forums has been a gay website for ages
gays are alright
trannies are not
You're retarded rigth? I'm a ESL shitposting and watching anime on the TV.
Yup you're retarded
Kaito Shuno