Television Cartoons losing many viewers

I've just been looking over the average viewer count for every show and I'm surprised to see not one nor two but at least over 5 shows being below 1 million views. I mean just look at the image I posted. Even the lastest airing show on Disney Amphibia is just barely making it past 500k viewers. I made sure to list at least some of the most recent episodes for each show.

I'd think with how well known they are that they'd be getting more. It's just been going downhill though and I believe for multiple reason too.

I think watching TV is starting to become a thing of the past. We're going into an age where we can watch whatever online now and don't have to wait for shows to air again.

Also, There's no real big shows to keep anybody really hooked on a network. Sure, All the ones I listed are decent to great but they aren't the most attention grabbing shows that need to be seen.

Anyway, I'm intrigued to hear everyone's thoughts on this.

Attached: Viewership Info for each network.png (7452x3012, 3.24M)

Now note, Spongebob's average is in the 1 million viewer margin but it was doing way better for itself 2 years ago. With at least 2 mil tuning in.

>CN and Disney
>caring about Nielsen ratings anymore
They already know they're shit, that's why they release from the app first.

Yeah, I kinda figured it was a Television issue as well.

Still though. Star Vs. was obviously not doing well in the ratings too and Disney thought it had to go. It was obviously rushed. So I think ratings aren't anything to laugh at.

Isn't 4 seasons usually the max for any Disney animated series?

It wasn't really because of ratings, that's more of Disney not allowing any show of theirs to get past more than 4 seasons. Phineas and Ferb lasted for nearly 8 years and it only had 4 seasons.

Well I've dled every single CN show, and don't have access to Nick, but as for Disney, their broadcast dates for new episodes are a complete shit show, I'm sure there's a method to their madness but it's over my head.

I mean, they rush an entire season of 1 show out as fast as possible by airing 2 episodes weekly, while another show sporadically gets 1 ep a month while airing reruns for the rest, then completely cut off another show mid season for no reason at all even though the remaining episodes are finished being produced.

Hmm. Noted. How about Wander Over Yonder though? It only had 2 seasons and had to leave.

That was Disney's own fault. They didn't give it a chance and canceled the show before the second season aired. Moving both Gravity Falls and WOY to Disney XD was a retarded idea since Disney knew both shows did well in ratings on Disney Channel, but since it wasn't a live action tweencom like everything else, they gave both the boot from the channel. Plus, Gravity Falls managed to regularly premiere and air on Disney XD in order to keep its fanbase while Wander was put into a year hiatus with no reruns or premieres until season two aired. Disney just really hated WOY and wanted it gone.

>I think watching TV is starting to become a thing of the past

You're at least 5 years late mate

Dang. I always thought it was the ratings being bad but I do remember it had bad hiatus too.

XD Yeah, I'll agree with you on that.

So wait. Do the ratings even matter anymore? If not, Why do people keep track of them?

Even better question to my question: If ratings don't matter anymore, what does matter for a show to be success and stay along time.


>Big City Sneeds have more viewers than Amphibia
And here I see anons pretending it's the next Gravity Falls.

CN and Disney don't give a shit about TV Ratings at this point
CN cares way more about the CN App, plus, Warner has a streaming service coming. Same with Disney

Nick cares because they still get 1 million+ viewers

TV has a use. You use it to watch stuff from a distance so you don't burn the heck out of your eyes.

You know what is weird? CN shows still get around 1 million (or more) views in other countries.

You have to keep in mind that Big City Greens is currently on hiatus and the last ep it aired was in March while Amphibia is getting consistent updates even as of today.

old school TV schedule is a doomed format people wants to watch their shows any time, any place.
eveeryone is tarting their streming service now,
netflix is the future

I'm actually not surprised since most shows cater to them first sometimes.

Who fucking watches TV anymore? Kids just watches on streaming services or Apps.

Attached: SEdmZpC.jpg (600x315, 21K)

Oh Right. Like T-Shirts and Toys sells. I do remember hearing about that. That makes since.

>So wait. Do the ratings even matter anymore? If not, Why do people keep track of them?

To promote ad space. If a show has bad ratings, advertisers wouldn’t want to promote their products during that time, and that’s when the show gets cancelled.

No one really seemed to care about the show until Lord Dominator showed up in the second season. But by then the show was already cancelled.

Aside from merch, they just check to see how well it does on the app or onDemand. They also look at how well the show does internationally. Many countries still have TV as a main viewing destination.

In the U.S, Nick is the most popular kids channel. But in other counties Disney Channel or CN is more popular. It’s come to the point where these companies monitor their performance globally to determine how well a show does.

Also, buying DVDs or digital copies of episodes still helps some shows. That’s what saved Avatar: TLA.

It's now a miracle when a show consistently gets more than 600k viewers. It looks like Disney shows have the worst ratings while Nickelodeon has the best ones, especially their preschool series. TV is now a medium for toddlers and grandparents.