Good Webcomic Recs?

Good Webcomic Recs?

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HOMESTUCK but use Firefox because it's messed up on Chrome

Don't listen to this advice.
The entire last two thirds are straight up trash, and you'll be tricked into reading it due to sunk cost fallacy.

Too late, just started Act 5 Act 2.

Oglaf (Sundays, NSFW, fantasy gag-of-the-week)
Stand Still Stay Silent (4x weekly, SFW, Scandinavian post-apoc slice of life)
Kill Six Billion Demons (2x weekly, mostly SFW, James Stokoe-wannabe with a boner for Kirkbride)
Unsounded (3x weekly, SFW, fantasy shenanigans with strong plot)

Lackadaisy just updated.

>in b4 swords guy shows up and posts 15 comics

And don't use Firefox or Chrome.


latchkey kingdom is pretty good.
endtown is good at least up until the lizard city arc ending/epilogue and the author's other comic 'the tale of jasper gold' seems quite promising (though i haven't read through it completely yet)


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Look, even as a guy who keeps following it out of nostalgia/sunk cost it is very debatable that anyone would call it 'good'.
The best thing I could say about it is the absurd Largo bits, and that after literally years working on it he is finally 'consistent' enough to put out at least a comic a month now.

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>last two thirds
Wait, the first third supposed to be good? I couldn't get past the first 20 pages before being bored to death. I was told it was supposed to get better but never got around to it.

I read the whole thing except the epilogue that supposedly came out recently.
The first fifth is OK but slow. Middle has some high points. End was... disappointing with maybe one good thing that came out of it.
If you want something fun from Hussie you are better off with Problem Sleuth
Reminder that this started before MGS3 came out, and ended before MGS4 came out.
So don’t rage about every inaccuracy that comes from not having the modern information we have now.
And the other liberties you can deal with because they aren’t that big.
>inb4 Octopus doesn’t work that way
>inb4 Dead Cell doesn’t work that way
>inb4 *insert supernatural phenomenon here* doesn’t work that way

Unironically "It's Walky!"
Willis may have become a meme for being a pathetic example of a human being with a shit comic due to all the Dumbing of age threads. but before that he was a pathetic example of a human being with a decent comic.
Also Shortpacked to a lesser extent but that's where it started going to shit.

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Oglaf (Sundays, NSFW, "Lel dicks are funny, with occasional attempts at actual humor)
Stand Still Stay Silent (4x weekly, SFW, plodding and dull, with androgynous "look I learned how to draw anime!" characters)
Kill Six Billion Demons (2x weekly, mostly SFW, a guy who can barely draw people fellates his own DEEPEST LORE and lesbian fetish.)
Unsounded (3x weekly, SFW, future spinster uses elaborate story to kill children, schlicks to her own Yaoi fanart)

Old Sinfest

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It's sad that back in the day Megatokyo used to be a M-W-F comic. Somebody really needed to tell that motherfucker that adding moar sketchlines does not instantly make your art better.

>that 2nd panel

Cassiopeia Quinn

Future thievery shenanigans with a lupin 3rd style crew (and less pants). Written and drawn by a couple of Yea Forums draw/write-friends.

The Last Days of Foxhound was pretty good, if I remember. The art was ALWAYS shit though. My favorite bit was when Big Boss returns and Mantis begs Big Boss not to kill him. He's such an arrogant, sadistic, murderous fuckwit and to see him reduce to blubbering for his life at his mere appearance amused me. Also loved how Big Boss always treated Solid as the superior clone, much to Liquid's chagrin.

I started reading shortly after the comic started, and stopped maybe a year after they split up.

I can't believe out of all the comics I read back then, this is one of the few that's still on going

Hark, a vagrant is a lot of fun if you like history and or old literature.
It's a lot of fun even if you have a very superficial knowledge of these things, but a lot of things are going to fly over your head.

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Man. Its been so long I forgot it ever was a weekly comic. Though I can't blame the guy TOO much for how it eventually fell off if half of the stuff he said was happening in his life was true (wife with cancer, putting parents into a home, having heart surgery).
But even back in the day he took off days at the drop of a hat, but back then he had guest art or sketches to at least pretend he was active.

Yep. Though if the way he managed to instantly raise thousands for a VN kick starter says anything about it, he is probably being kept afloat by a small cult of fans.

Yeah, even back before he had all those reasons he'd still dropped off to an "expect it when you see it" schedule around like 2k5 or so.

>future spinster uses elaborate story to kill children
you say that like it’s a bad thing

Scurry is pretty good. It’s about a mouse society trying to survive in the post apocalypse

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Isn't the entire thing just worldbuilding?

Scoob And Shag is basically TGT but with art that actually starts good and a story that rips off anime even harder
Never read it myself but doesn’t Hussie have an autistic hatred for worldbuilding?

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He also drew a bit of nip on his last comic. That's something

There’s next to no world building, it’s all about the relationship between characters
Inb4 trolls