*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

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Hello there.

Attached: yWEfSmT.gif (335x185, 1.63M)

clocks your cock

Attached: skywalkerleia.png (1433x1444, 1.02M)

Never forget how much Lucas butchered him

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Fuck the jedi and fuck the republic



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Genny wars isn't canon. DUURRR
>proceeds to finish snoy bottle

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Hello there.

Attached: hello there.png (578x548, 598K)

*earns your respect and love*

Attached: carolina-cortez-shaaktiwip-copy2.jpg (1000x1564, 353K)

I assume that they couldn't kill her off because anakin kills her later.

is that the star wars universe name for a type of all-purpose edible beans originating from outer rim Aesia planet?

My first crackship.
Used to write some godawful fanfiction about the two.

Or just make the movie a tad more watchable by ditching a nonsensical scene adding nothing to the narrative.

Imagine being George Lucas and approving some cartoonist to make a prequel to the big finale to your new trilogy of movies and not bothering to tell him this character is supposed to be a fraud and buffoon.

Or imagine being so jealous of how appealing that cartoonist made the character you change him him into a buffoon so that cartoon becomes "non-canon".

>openly exposes his chest, where all his unprotected organs are
For what purpose

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To asssert dominance.
This way he can T-pose and still use his arms.

Holy shit could he assert dominance.
It's like a giant particularly angry bird.

Because they're bitchass motherfuckers who can't even touch him, he could strap his lungs to his forehead and come out fine.

I can STILL remember the music that plays as he fucks them up. What an amazing chapter and character. The movie was such a letdown.

Fuck the Republic.

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*unzips dick*

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Shakti is dead, user.

Dead tired from all the kinky cyborg sex, yeah.
I know; I just think the two look cute together.

It took me a while to releaze what the fuck is that and then I fucking cringed pretty hard.


I would hug him. I'm a big fan.

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>Tartakovsky Grievous
Nigh-unstoppable, Jedi-killing warmachine of a cyborg that had his flawless kill-streak interrupted only when Windu suprise partially force-crushed his chest. Before that he did some really ridiculous, badass shit and being a very big danger. Especially if you were a Jedi. Uses four arms only when he's in a real pickle.

>Clone Wars Grievous
Much less of a threat than the Tartakovsky one. Constantly uses four arms and still doesn't get the needed results.

>Revenge of The Sith Grievous

My headcanon is that the two latter Grievouses are actually degrading clones while the original one got frozen in carbonite because he accidentally stumbled upon info that the Banking Clans were behind the explosion of his ship and that his mind was altered by the Separatists. They managed to catch him and freeze him (because killing him off would've been a horrible waste), then used his genetic materials (and some stolen Caminoan tech Sidious got his hands on) to create clones that were implanted his altered memories. This however caused the clone Grievouses to have erratic minds and degrading combat capabilities. Thus the original Grievous is still stuck somewhere in carbonite because everyone forgot about him.

>he could strap his lungs to his forehead and come out fine.
Um, I think they still need to do lung stuff, and the forehead isn’t a very good place for that to happen, even if they don’t get hit by any attack.

Fuck I miss the Grieve-Tan drawthreads

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To be fair to Lucas Episode 3 Grievous serves a purpose to that story; he's a shallow phony who Palpatine used as a puppet to control the other side of the war while controlling the Republic via his role as Chancellor. He's not the real threat and the heroes' efforts are wasted treating him like he is.

Well I'm gonna be the bigger man and hang up firs... OH DAMMIT.

Not true, he's a coward but he's a fairly heroic robot. I think both sides of the character can exist, the killer and the guy who runs. He's wily! The opening bridge scene is also completely crazy i wish it was 3 hours long and the entire movie.

>He's not the real threat and the heroes' efforts are wasted treating him like he is.
But there is no reason for him not to be a legit threat while also acting as a diversion.

Just making him a bit complexer (maybe he legit believes in the Seperatists' cause) or just a bigger challenge as a duelist would make the movie legit better.

Cute ship!
Haven't you ever played star wars the force unleashed, she survives